Hlfrfl J iIJIBMii i, f iMi'i "S 1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V I y i "f i : U irnVEifiromffi . ,t,t,0JIGHT AT 816 HENRIETTA CltOSMAN "IN 'ASH AM." ' Prfce-if.50 $1.00r75c, 50c ' i r r -i - r f(., sat; a, sat. mat; ocrr 29-30 LVM. X.WIINS N "THE PRIZEWINNERS." Mat., 50c and 25c; Night, $1.00 to 25c LYR1 THEATRE " Week starting monday night, october 25 T ' X dr"amaTic TRIUMPH nn The Crisis WflF-Bfr Presented b'y the LYRIC STOCK COMPANY Matinee Wed., 8at.J 2Be'and 25c' Evenlngs----16, 25c and-35c; ... Next. Week , .. "A BACHELOR'8 ROMANCE" -, ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAMJDEVILL.E -r- , . WEEK 8TARTING. OCTOBER 25 SEE FRANLYK UNDJERWOOD ' AND FRANCES SLOSSON - N "DOBB'S DILEMMA" -MAT. (EXCEPT MQN), 2:30 15c, 25c EVE. AT 8;30 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c Phones; Bell 936, Auto 1628.' ',. M i ! aiTj ns LvSBBBBBSKSri L. J. Heirzog Tht University Man's Tailor Tho Finest Work Dgmo and Pricoa Right Call at Our New Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln fTYPFWPITEPsli I. An-makos'rdntedMwithr.fltaBd 3( I per Month. Bargains in I s Robuilt MaohTnos I Lincoln Tyatwrltar Exihanf V Aut6 1155. Bell 1181. 122 No. tlth Underwood Typewriter Go. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND ' RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto 585 SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. 142 SOUTH TWELFTH "' v '& M,Mw:Uv.&Kl'T t r 4- Quality founts FRANKLIN'S We make a specialty of fan- i ana pnhoh for Frat & Sorori' ' ty.t)artios.WKipplng Cream .always on hand.. Bell 205. i Anto8181. . 1810 N St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER fc OPTICIAN' C. A. Tucker JEWELER . S. S. Shean - ' OPTICIAN t 1123 0 STREET, . YELLOW FRONT 'Your Fatroufe Sallcitci tf i - i BH H - "ll ' I H f 4 i . r..iirJ.:..jiajiiii- iftfG'a mpu s-yj) H Gleanings jjff ' FrovV. iFrev - ( Tho Coronhusker staff 'will moot at 7f30 this evening in U106. ' ? i ( Dr, J. R. Davis. DenUst.-il23j O St f t i ' m - -The. aealor 'prom, -.committee .will meet-at 7:30. this evening in UJ02. ' . Chapln Bros., florists. 127 Sol3th. Thp senior play, commijeo will meet today at jil o'cloqk In U106. Green's Banitary Barber Shop." 120 N. 11th. Instruction in conversational . Gor man. .V. Hlllor, Telephone 7262. t Get your dance programs at Gfcorgo Bros., 13th and N stB. : ' - Tho freshman class will meet ' at 11:30 this morning in 'Memorial' Hall to complete tho election of officers. i Remember. Don- Cameron, , Ha is Issuing .coupon books af. a discount this year, and has fitted up an ad joining ' "room with' tabTos. 116-ii'D So. 12th". a-.. y OlgUlil pu JUDIVIUU tlllllYJUMVfWU ,U1U plqdglng of ,F. E. Dinsmorq,, 1911, of Lincoln., Try a lunch at the Y.' M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. " . .- FULK 1325 O Street Jtst The Pershing Rifles will hold regu lar drill and business meeting in the Armory at 7 o'cloqk tonight. A new matting has" beon laid over tho floor of tho botanical library in Nebraska .Hall. i . Froy & Froy, choice, powers. 1338 O St., north side. All sophomor'6 'candidates for1 the class football team are requested to moet south of tho library at 11 a. m. today. H.'B. Poar'sd, fagr. : v .. Scalding gymnasium and basket-ball shoes, Swedish gymnasium shoes. Beckman Bros.-, 1107. O .St, The Swedish Club .will meet at, 8 o'clock' tonight in the, music rpom of theTdmple. A program -will bo. rend ered and several business matters considered. i Russell ?Iarks, who played on. the Yale football team. In 1895, was a, cam pus, visitor, yesterday. Ho roferoed tha South pak.ot-Nebraska game af Lincoln flyo years xgov t ' t tt . ' in: Try Thornburg'B Orchestra,. lor your annual party,' Second ,to none. Violin and wind instrument lessons given. Stutllo 416 SO, 17$. Auto 6877. v"' ,4J ' -.( ' NotIco---A"lf students who dl'd not leave' their city faddross''ht'tho" regis trar's office aPtho 'time 'of registra tion, or have since changed, 'are re quested to do' so at once. "' Try George Bros; for you'rnext order of engraved -cards. - '' . ' The" tnembers of the fatuity of the school of agriculture mefyestordayat ltf a. m., Wednesday Oclober 27; in room 20G,'lln Agricultural Hall. THE OLD BOOK STdRE. Now located at 208 South 12th. 'Caft and examine the 'slightly used- text books,. Save you money. - The Olympic commltteos of the senior. .andjuniorclasBes ,wlll ,mee,t in TJ7 at 11 tfclock Tuesday. Tho meeting' ;b .Important, .as preliminary arrangements for the freshman-sophomore contest, must bo , made immedi ately. - ' , t ' Am I straining my eyes? , Don't guess---It'B tlsky." My business is; to tell you.' G.cW, Hpwe, .optician,. 319 No. 12th. . - 23.-3t w. , . . . . . ijs -yow 8lthog.i.g flAat Webora Sultorlum, 12th and O. The' members' of tho Kappa Alpha Thota sorority cntortalncd tho ..mom b'ors of the Phi Gamma Delta frater nity at a houso party at tho loqaj chap tor houso Saturday ovoning. r - . Tho old book storo is now at 208 Bouth 12th. . .11 i ' t - WANT ADft Advertisements for the Want ad col. umn should be left at -the business off flee, basement Administration build Ing., between 11 a. m. and 12 m., oc between 2 p. m. and 5 p. rh. Want ads will positively not be In serted unless paid In advance," at the rate of 10 ceita1 per Insertion for very fifteen Words or fraction 'there of ..for the first insertion; three lnserr tlons 26. cents; fivcjnsortlons 40 cpns. WANTEDow B6ngs and yolls for tho ' -Minnesota, Iowa -and Kansas gamos. ... t"t ' -.?. , WANTED Somebody--to. mako up football BongB to popular muBic. Hand, all son$8 to S. A. Mihood or R.' B. Mosclby.' .' .' liost Peary watch charm, with Masonic emblem on it. Roturn 4o' Nobraskan ofllco. 20-3t Wanted Engineering studonts who' have tnkon. M. E. 1 to volunteor theirV services td do lathe work during the industrial oxhibit which Is to bo hold, im. tho city Auditorium during tho meeting of tho State Teachers Asso ciation, November 3, 4, 5. Any student who is willing to give ono, two or" threo hours, for his university -please notify Professor Bunting, or George R. Chatbum, Chairman Committee on Ex hlbit. fif-v'f, i't- ' t-. NEW ARRIVALS IN HATS & CAPS the New TJiings You Want Found Season athlotlc. ticket signed E. E. Murphy, Jr. Owner may have same by calling at Nebraskan ofllco and paying for this ad. 23-3t Lost Gold' cuff-link. Please roturn to Olga Strastlng. 123G Q,. and r.epolvo reward. ' 23-3t Lost Franklin and Williamson Al ternating Currents Roturn to Daily NobrASkan... It DELINQUENT 8TUDENT8 TAKE NOTICE. Notices to appear before the Secre tary of tho Committee on Delinquent Studonts, as before any other admin istrative officer, niust forthwith bo complied with either in person or, In case of sickness or unavoidable ab sence frohi tho city, by otherwise giv ing Information for non-appearance. Studonts not reporting within rea sonable time (say three dayB) after recolvlng notice will be suspended from the University. Rul'ol23 of tho "Rules and'Rogula tions Governing Students,' copies of which may bo obtained from the' Reg istrar, reads, "Whenever' a student Is dropped from tho University on ac count of vicious or wanton delinquency bis name Is publlshe'd." "' GEO.-R.'CHATBURN,' Chairman Com. on Del. Students ' Approved: " S. AVERY, Chancollor. ii VIOLIN RECITAL AT CONVOCATION : '" M Mrs. 8llehce ' Dales-Knapp to' 'Enter' 'tain Students Today. At convocation this 'morning Mrs. Silence Dalos-Knapp will give 'a violid recital, assisted by MIsb LouIbo Zum wlnkel as accompanist. The.program will consist of Mozart's 'concerto in' E flat, allegro moderatd, adalgo, and allofrotta. . ' MORE BOTANY SPECIMENS. ' The University Herbarium .WIN. Be In , , creased by New 8outh Pacific Ocean Plants, ; , , ' Thora havo been arrangements made by tho botanical department for tho shipment of several groups of the plants, of tho Bouth Pacific These plants are to be native plants of New Zealand and Australia, and' are fur nished to tho botanical department for use in the herbarium. The plants that-cnave been ordered are of two groups Trom this section oi me giooe ana are classed as boutn Pacific algae and flowering, plants-and ferns from Australia. andb;few Zealand. i u. . t i riWIMMIMllAMU'rillLr mm nuM nuaninDLr 4n - j- ROOTERS ARE PLEASED w JOWA MEN APPRECIATED ATTEN TION OF CORNHUSKER8. LIKE THE ENTERTAINMENT OFFERED , . . Dally lowan Comments on the Man ne'r In Which Nebraska Enter tained Her Visitor Last Saturday. . In a recent Ibbuo of tho Dally lowan, the student daily of tho University of Iowa, thoro appears a story Bignod VD. At," wherein tho Iowa mon ox J press thoir appreciation of tho treat ment accorded thorn by Nebraska. The fltory in part-follows: "Studonts, managers, coaches, ath-, lotos and citlzons of Lincoln united' in boing' hospitablo to tho Iowa team. Friday and Saturday. "King" .Oolo.i tho conch of tho Nobraska team-, Man-i agcr Bagor, and others all co-operated with the Haw,kyQ dolpKaIpn in. nrrangomoijffjpijjho gamoityloludlntf annolnl anntlnna fxin Thn fiir1nna vbe;iilfy disposed ard'.ho vis- uura uiiu uiuuy oi tuu rouiuru wuru shown through tho university Satur day' 'foronooni " ' f . w-,' "Tho Jowft colonk of playorp, rooters and alumni was quartered at the Ho tol Royal owing to tho fact that tho larger nrid'''betteltik'hdwnf'lidst6rrrio'l''iid Lincoln havo a strict rulo that no athlctlq teams shall over bo their guests. Ho'ro the Hawkeyo' Interests centered' and 'hero tho silent' littlo band of"' Hawkoyo sympathizer's gath ered on Saturday morning to discuss tho chances in the afternoon. The Iownns woro ultra-conservative. In talking to' tho Lincoln residents', but among themsolvoB thoy woro saying, 'Iowa can show them if tho men will only fight.' ' "Seven hours later that samo hotel lobby was filled with hoarso rooters smiling and tumbling over each other to grasp tho hands of tho tired and Btill exhausted players as they came out of tho' elovator. Tho team dressed at tho hotel owing to tho limited gym nasium accbmmodatlons. After ih6 gdmo as quickly 'as thoir clothes weVe changed they came downstairs for dinner. Then tho students who had yelled fqr the team from tho north Btands greeted tho members of tho eleven. The Unexpected had hap pened and everybody was happy, " '.Blondy (A- R. Goroll pf New ton, la., half bapk on tho first, team that Iowa over hud, 'was tho'ro." He played in 1888. "Joe" Brown of Clear field, Ia. William Larrabeo, Jr., and other alumni wero in tho lobby meet ing , tho dozen or fifteen rooters that arrived Saturday in Lincoln. Former studonts now attending- Nebraska or Omaha schools rooted for Iowa and wero In and about tho hotql.most.pt tho day." CLUB TO CH008E NEW MEMBER8 A""r-i""'tta,'ffl-ff--,s' the A number of candidates, more than over before, will Hry' but for tho' Dra matio Club this year. ThoBo tryouts will bo held jn the. Temple theater NoVombor 11. Tho ,appllpantsv.doslr ing to try out must' register with the secretary of the club, Mlsa Margaret Guthrie; at which tlme they receive a number which, denotes- tho - time of their . annearan'ce. . This obviates the necessity of tho candidates waiting th'ntU Itim rtfiwxiifyli 'a '1nn''llallHr 6il dldates. The'-pieooB given for ;tho try-outs may .bo either monologuo,,, or several parts taken by ono perspn, qif three or four or moro may take parts of some scene and give It together! All of the pieces chosen, however, must be. from some play, . ( i PICK IOWA TO, GET BEATEN.' , -J. - Freshmen Laws Don't' Look With Favor on Hawkeye Eleven. ' wmwwrwmwmu I . v An. enterprising member -pf tho freshman law cIbbs yesterday took a straw' vote of 'the 'first" year students In that college to determine their sentiment in regard to the .Iowa-Missouri game 'JL6 bo played npxt .Satur day. The opinion wa practjcally unanimous In favor of the Mia'sourianfe and the guessts as 'to the' probable score ran all thq,way froja baro vic tory to an overwhelming score. 1 1 From the indication thus offered it would seem that Nebraska students do not consider Iowa of prime importance Jn the western football sltuatloa, de spite her .holding. Nebraska to a tie last week. The' confidence In Missouri is1 interesting tod, considering thai that team-is being especially pointed to defeat Kansas on. Thanksgiving ry , t - , j I --rrHTHIATJMt ' . - , . "The QrliWYcHft Lyric." A dramatization of WlnBton Churqb ill's jjroat novo), "Tho CrlBk" Vtho.. bill, at tho Lyric this week:; "''Mr Crisis" dopicts thoxflfe of oid'sfc' ; Louis boforo and diTrlng th6 Varin a manner which old rosldonta of 'fiat " city havo pronounced to bo wonder- fully truo (o life. Tho courteous, hot tempered' southern gontlemonr 4are shown in strong contrast to the, quiet but determined northornors WhoJjmJ migrated Into tho city during tha"' twonty years boforo secession broke stilt In ilt. mm.1. &.. I At . f A Ja it - uuw lit uiu BUUUi. VIIU 111 U10 II11UBC 0 tho story of strifo and hnrdshlnV'MK Churchill has woven a tnlb'b'f intonrfe '-' human Interest about characters kof great boauty and strongth. '-' In tho dramatization, soraothlng.of tho flnor dopths of Mr. Churchill's' vis ual picturo Is lost, but on thewholo tho play 1b a worthy production, For ono who has not road tho b.qpji anOU tnoroby had a chanco to pptp,(lIr. Churchill's own carofiul)ochnipnj5tojza tlons, tho drama Is oxcellont.'. Al though Miss Cartor stars' 'In the. oast as Virginia Carvel, Mlsa Mackaygas Aunt Nancy has drawn a good nab aTo of tho applnuso. Mr. Bollalro asEHt phot Hoppor proves to bo an injrosi ing villain and Mr. Murdock dopU as Colonel Carvol. Mr, Klrlandas Silas Whipple Is, not so good, but nYs' . is duo moro to tho hardness of 'tho part than to tho faUlt of tho actor.' " .'AM-A.: The Da.y Nebfaskan $2.00 Pe? Yeaf HOT DRINKS ' In connexion with our de licious cold sodas, we are serving Hot Drinks fromv an Electric Urn. Come and try "Tommy V'gdeji cious hot chocolatel ytfe? assorted wafers. It's oijt , or. eigne. ,...' I Kv ( WtYL,tajTT UTUftt,. The "ARA-NOXCH". J ma1ra tftA "WfTirnWTti ... UV J-XYVA-V- M mn COLLAR sit perfectly v r 5c, 2 for 25c 2 wMmwxuwLci rnt,m Ti vitls7lro w S. ' 1 I. I 1 1 iIn nH I I 1 Jj! . VHHIHBBSmHBBssbHBsVi Arrow .'-. mU '- Cle, PtMedy Jc Co., MiVtra ;. . ' - ARROW CKFFS, U 'timta ' 7; r ;l I y - "II f h T ,1 mkvm(mf'tsvm!7i f" jT