vv" j0 v,tvwTj'T 1. V,:,?J&'MUM. '' TT"7 Tf.WA M r ,s c-x r A. fc.K'& . tf ftAfj' ; ' avAIMU, c-'J'.1 t. t us Awj ,- iu wt yi. -rifi.cVv f. , ,- , . te .4 I ft - 4. kM.' . J S?WWir:Aj'liw?'t3frAi?r.i,irf;'.V-'1 - t .n- j- u.i...,i.i,K' !., ,.. ....uju. ..,. ., ("Vv V r i,v -.-,-.-'-"""; v" ,f ' -- '7"'-"r'J"'rV'2T'Vrr"lf,VWfWVf- 1 ,' , jj , .; 6 &. ' Ul . iuWf V I V.mi wi :, f 2 w j - . k . a. .i. m -. 1 " f -i rffWlipPp'"wAl(fMW & . sBvsrBsrBm. w mm . bm LPS JibbV .s ibw bjbjbjfi 1 b?b r bbj " v? BrBM.Bsv bbh bh r r i' j .i ' i bjjj - ' w , m I BM BBj BBM mmw wmm - Bm JL. jbw A. ,sw BH w sw a. a ' -..tl .BBA . . ..Btw-. ... . a BB1 .A. .Bw BBB1 BBBr BBBM Sav BBa BV .Bk Bk .k i . . H .k. . t . . t . & .k. i BiiE iiv iitte Drag r mi iUUI " r 7- I j kjr .v. H "v v r . - a p v r i' VoL IX. No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF NBRASKAMNCOLKvTHURSDAYr OCTOBER 28 1M9.. Price's' Cthi. r t i t- I SECRET PRACTICE NOW ORDER OF GOACH COLE aTARTsWond bU special plays AGAINST KANSAS. SOME MOVEl fORMATIQIlS ARE USED Cole Plans Special Features to Tax '' Defense of Jayhawkers and Lays Foundation for Nebras - r '-""-a'eVensr, : " . - , V W- -m 9 . M. . Mk' Secrot praqtlcp In propyatloa for the Kansas gamo waa.rb'e'guh IhBt oven ing. Tho gates wcro closed and all suspicious looking characters, removed from ttfe incipsure. From noW bn'tl'U theyWg- -pqnte8irU: vl"ltpr -will -be- closoly ' scrutinized and every effort" will be made to Keep Kansas spies from .getting ajllno on ttfe Cornhiisli ors. v a t thin on norm Pnnoll C(( hnfl ot been compelled to'show his hand. The new plays ho ,has up his sleeve hftvpjjeon jBareiuujr guaraea anu w-f held from curious eyes. Tho Idea up permost In mind all year has been to beat KansaB, and to this end tho team hasi)eett 1doveloped. fao gtea.t Is this desire" -thht CoacV Cole' Vas' 'content With a tip In last Saturday's contest and even took a chance of losing the game when,, .had ho discovered his hand, nnd'usbd som6 ot'his open Held totftlcS, 'a 'vlJW'WJtiia alnlbBl Uttvo been certain. "" , Cole has a variety of trick plays and forward .passes- that will koqp the.- Jay Jjawkers guesslhg at all tlnferi Some of. thee hayoeeen developed In the practice moro or Icsb all season, but have pot been, used In any of the con tests.' "thtffs. Vlflrb6 tried out and de VeIGtrartHt6tf8eK: ' "n' New Line Attack. iBcFwItmell Cole promises something startling In u line bucks. An entirely now and rather novel lino ot? attack Is bejng planned at bids fair to tear the .Ifayhawkor ijfle to' pieces. vCple lsfabt indifferent ' the fact that ho has ono of the most pawattm-.nd" dependable, jines that ever wore the Scarlet and Cream. On defense 'work the ljno has shown that It cannot bo excelled by anything in the west. But may not this great defensive machine bo put to some use aS an offenBlvo one and beat the Jay h'awkera at telr o.wn game? ' Saturday's contest with Iowa re vealed the latent powers of.-this great bffensive mabhlno, and then Colo's scheme was only partly perfected. Tho way the Nebraskans plowed through tho, Jow.a Jlne .lat&ieqqpffl Uen-to-rtweAty yards, at .ati.PAR.Jppke,we.U, for; .ho suq-. cess of the machine When It Is per- fected, and whea It is, look out, you Jayhawkers.i". . In yesterday's scrimmage tho .fresh men tried out some of the Kansas plays against the varsity. Tho pjlayj was rathor ragged pn sotrn sides. -At times tho varslt'shoWed groat form and again they ajftStoed tP 'Blutifp.'iDri defensive work' tho varsity waB .strong, Tho'fireshttien'wore glyene ball on the one-yard, lino and failed fb put It over. . . During tho contest, however, the freshman' backs -and ends broke through arid spoiled plays severaV times5; On one of these Warnor troko through,-caused HaacalMp fumblpand then ran oveV fifty yards for a touch down. Again when the varsity had thexball on the freshman live-yard line he backs broke through and. secured the ball on a fumble and carried It half way down flielleid',''iefoVev,hoyT. , Svere finally stopped by'theva'ralty.' ti-ff.He8pltah8quad-'Growln9.J." 'Another 'addltlotrc to the-hospltaH list was madp last night. , Cbauner, ' Bevere kick In th6 JaW during one of the scrimmages. He lost ono tooth "We "Biat Kahtat." The shades of night were falling fast, When through a western City past A dog, whose name was Cyanide, . A button to his collar tlod "Beat Kansas." fie saw through windows all alight 7 '. Jho hoVsplj&lOfV&eam .Warm rand bright, But rushing onward through tho dark He-ofiiy gaVoa' BTLVagb'barK, .-j , "Beat Kansas." M6h, stay," tho maiden said, '"and rost," And clutched him wlldjy.to her br6ABt. He 'slriiggle from her tonder clasp And fiercely answered, with a gasp, -.: -.:- ..vBeafKansas." r?v and "Had several 'otKb'rs iarred looVo. 1Whn'e"'iho 3aw"waTnot tirolceh'lt was a ory"BeeT6,otrand,'ho,,,'Wa8r taUen to the-, sanitarium for treatment "last .evening..- .: 1K VAR8ITY TEAM TO ATTEND SHOW Nebraska Football Team Guests - - Hortorat-"The Sham" Tonight. of , rV ) - t- 4f-r- . .In, rospohBO to a, porsbmil Invitation malde'thbebraBka'football team lay a friend of- Goach -"King". Cole who 1b1 playing In tho cast of "The Sham,' the varsity squad will attend that' production at the Oliver tonight. -Tnt3' 1vltatlbn"sonTes, tttdactr Cole andthe-Nobraska-iroytr'from -one -of tne lormer iuicnigan ena wno is now rounding the Cornhusker eleven Into shape for the Kansas gome and for this reason' he extends tho treat to thbj bunch. TJio,men will attend in h, body and will be gtyen seats In thtf lower part of. the house. It 1b presumed that university stii- dents will take advantage of the occa sion offered to hold a -rouBlng Im promptu celebration between acts. lb all probability the gallery gods will do Borne yelling stunts for tho Ne braska team that wll cause past Oliver efforts to"" pale Into' insignificance. TRY-OUTS WILL BE HELD SOON. Cornhusker Cross Country Squad to .:a,Go;toXhlege,leVs'lnlirV'it': i , ., , . -Twentieth; - r, f. bamllm iV-.. T " Try-puts will soon be 'held for the members of the cross country squact Which ls 'to take part In tho intercol legiate meet In Chicago on November SirthT .TJiCmeeFwill beheld in Jabk- Bon Pa'rk.-and fs to' he held on the day of- the vylsconsln-Chlcago footbafl- game. This .holding of tle meet' on the day bf I Chicago; lastvblg game fi an 6ldcuBt6m4 arid will" fro 'adhered to this year, Dr. blapp expects to put out a win- nine teahi? 'fo'rNeb'raskar this year. This' wrir'no-be'd new" thing foro Cornhuskers, however, as the-winning streak ,ln crpssf country has shown ifa Nebraska's represeritatlvei1 to 'tho nVbpt for the paBt few years. This year two try-puts will be hold for 'the cross, country men, Instead of one as in cfprmef years. The exact datp of ,UjeseyjduS hftqt as yet been aij poin;odrbutas the meet itself Bomea Ion NQvembor 20th, they will of neces- suy nave to come soon. Bk)d beaiWdl rieif iritis indsCrvcdh6fwllb? dettcfoiisHron broad, 10c, at Tho Boston Lunch. , Must Beat Kansas" 1 the? following 1b a fair oxnmplo of tho "now Missouri Bplrlt," KaoBas. is. In for an awful bad ttmo'fthankaglvlri&'iiay. ThlBSwarrofctecJvolt at a maBB mdbting "of tho students of Columbia, Mo.t last Week. Dn J. A. Qlbson is the perpetrator and tho UnlvofBlty "Mlaaourlan, printed It: HIb tall curled up, his oars hung down, H3s coat was trimmed in golden brown, HIb oyos glowed llko a living spark; At every leap ho gave a bark, ' "Beat Kansas." Hope-not-to-wia, tho. o)d man said, "Our Tigers can't come.out aTioadt Too hiany times In vain they've tried."-. But still that savage bark replied, "Beat Kansas." "Beware tho P&bb, tho onBtdo kick, "Beware of ovbry Jayhawk trick;" This was tho coach's last romark, A growl replied, afar, In tho dak, "Qoat .Kansas." The Jayhawk pig mot Cyanide, tBUt Cy rushed on, with tho pig Inside. Ho swallowed the pig at a slnglo bite And yolped again, In wild delight, "Beat Kansas." 55E ANNUAL SENIOR FEED -TO BE HELD SATURDAY UPPER "CLA88MEN 'HOLDrSt1 ANNUAL SOCIAL FUNCTION. AN MM TO BETTW CLASS SPIRIT Seniors to Gather at Grove South of C61legVle'w..fr.'GeneraTGood 'i . ' Tim sHf) Rttttr. Ar. ' A , i . qualntancc, 4 r'honU'alle'dMf h)M .Seniorv'class. will bo held next Saturday morning, being In the nature of a, breakfast. The breakfasts which, tho members of die senior class hold annually are for various purposes. Tho main ono of theset purposes id to lncreksV in' the class's,' spirit df-friondllne'and hf- class to become' "better acqunirited witi .eaqh other. ' m ' LaBt'year thbmpbWstof'.fthos'ehio clftsa o.uAeyeji'V0 the asylum and these spent the morn ing In games and also partook of a big feed cooked In old-fashioned camp- flro style. First Senior Affair. The annual reakfast which will be held Saturday morning will be the first senior affair of the present school year, and it is urged upon every mem ber of "tho class to be jjrpfljmt. ;Itils nlso urged by the members 'of "tho committee in charge ot the Btunt that all the members of the class take an interest in affairs ot this kjnd which the class may hold in the future. Tho breakfast affords 'an excellent oppor tunity for the members of the class to beepme acquainted with each' other, early In tho school year and In this way all the other affairs that the Class may hold wilf be mofe enjoyed i by everyone. The breakfast 'Saturday mornlag-i will be held at College View in the crovo about one mile south of .lhe town. Special cars will leave Eley enth and O streets at 7 o'clock for the Accommodation of, those' who WIbIi to' attend, this affair, The committee, in charge promises -those who come that there will- be- plenty to eat for every body, and that various .amusements Have be'pff arranged' for Uie morning1 entertainment., Trie pickets .for this occasion' may be purchase; of any of the members of the committee. Th prjce'6f the ticket's, is SB cehtjj which does not ihcludo car faro. The mem-t mers of tho committee are L. B. Mor gan, cbalrmanjrMarle Von Goetz, Ber thar Neilj kHarry Vlllars, 'Don Smith; Grace iClmmelf'AitLtf Chappeirahd K n rrr " ' " ' ' ' P, Warner. ' 'i -., B H B 1 I II ' II Moire Class Spirit. ' It has been urgod In the past that tho tnombors of the'senfor cIsbb meet oach other more often and get bettor acquainted, thuS bdcourSging and strengthening tho'ol&Bi .shjrlt.. ,ThP only poBBibffi way for this to bo ac complished is tot tho members of tho class to meet each othor at social functions of this sort. All tho students of the university look to tho Increasing .ofahp clfess plrlt In the. junior ctaes as an example, and If for no othor roason than this the mbmbors 6f thp class of 1910 ard urged to' bo present at the senior breakfast. Saturday morn ing. It has boen 'rumored that the mem bers of tho Junior class will attempt to hold a Similar stunt in the near future, the nature ot which is yet un decided by tho members of the social committee. This plan If it is success ful will go one stop further in increas ing the class spirit in tho university. The members of the freshmen and sophomoro classes haVo their annual Olympics, but only in social functions of tho nature ot tho senior hreakfast .oan tbis-spirlt.'be continued among tho members of the two upper classes. FRESHMAN CLASS MEETSTODAY. Minor Officers to Be Elected and Other Business Transacted. The freshman clas.8 will meet at 11:36 this morning in Memorial riail tb complete the class organization by the election of officers Other than the president. President fyherry, who was elected at tho meeting held last week, Will preside. ' It is understood that so'mo committee announcements are likely. 'Tho officers tb bo elected this riidfn- ing. .'are "vicepteslderit, secretary, treasurer, and serge'ant-at'arms. Ow ing ib'lhe fact of the lato announce ment of 'the election, It is especially urged that each freshman make an ef fort to attend the meeting, ii f i ii nebrasKA Writes pamphXet, Former Student of the ttate Urtlver Uy Writes on Subject f ?ntV ' esc to ins uovcrnmvru. A pamphlet hal been recently issued by tho' United BtaUB doparttnent of agriculture, written by . U Harter,' who graduated from tho university in 1903, and ha's slncTr employed by the gbverrihienli Jn ti'e 'department of Berlr,;ih,. Mr. 'Hr'f 'at nresVnt'oc- ' t r i. ' ,r. "tii'' J")iWalLl2iV cupies me posiuon oi asBiBiaau pam ologist of UeSkrtmekY AW meet Inr with excellent Bu'ccesB. ThV tmb- ject wh'lch he dlBCUBfies'lnhispampli-. Ifet, though a'Very'pcMllar bse, Is' of &' gfekb'deal of interest' to tke ebld storage concerns, The subject, which' Mr, .Hatter discusses is "The Decay of Cabbage in Storage; and Its CaU'se and Prevention:" "Y '' ': PEBH TEACHERS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING EDUCATORS FROM OVER STATE COME TO LINCOLN. UNIVERSITY WILL RUN EXCURSWftS ooker T. Washington and Many Other Prominent Speakers Will Address Meetlno To Be StronQMt Session Ever Held. Tho Nebraska State Teachers' Asso ciation will hold its annual mooting In Lincoln, November's, 4 and 6 The meeting will be tho ' forty-four th ' an nual session of tho association. - Tho program for this year's Bossiqn is of bettor quality and more' in llnb with tho Ideas of progressive educa tion than any oyer boforo hold. Sov oral new linos of work are being In cluded in this year's program, ono of theso being the introduction of a de partment of physical culturo or gym nasium work. . . Tho university, as tho stato's .largest Institution of oducatlon, naturally playB an Important part In tho annual sessions of tho toachors' association. A largo part of tho high school leach ing force bf tho stale is .composed of graduates from Nebraska, and 'every effort will bo made by tho unlvorslty to entertain the visitors while In tho city. Among tho special Movlcos which Wilt b6 employed foV. this' purpose the university will run excursions to .any part of tho university campus or tho university farm at times convenient to tho visitors. Besides this many of tho meetings of thp association will ho hold in tho buildings of the cam pus. . Spsolal Attractions'. Tho( two special attractions of tho BCBBlon will bo the, art exhibit of tho Nebraska Art Association in tho art rooms ot the library building and an industrial exhibit at tho city Audi torium. The industrial oxhlblt will bo open at all times during tho meeting of tho association and will consist of "work done in tho schools of tho state. A liberal premium list has been pro vided tor this exhibit. Four banquets covering' tho entire membership of tho association wlil bo held at 6:30 o'clock on tho evening ot November 9, The ono which will particularly interest university peo- plols the collego banquet This ban quet is for state university and col lege, graduates, and Chancellor Avery will preside as toastmaster. Chancel lor W. J. Davldspn and Professor P. H. Grummann will act as masters ot cere monies. . There will also be two normal ban quets and one normal training ban quet. One of' the normal banquets will be for Peru and Wayne graduates and' the other for Kearney and Fre mont graduates. The normal training banquet is for; graduates and senior classes from normal- training high schools. and Junior normal schools. These banquets will open the session, tho regular meetings of the associa tion commencing on the following day.: , - . ..." The general sessions bf 'the 4ssocia- ' tlon will be held in St, Paul's and the. Christian churches. 'The' special' sec tioB Will meet 'in St, vPaul's vchurch, the 'Christian .church; the Presbyterian church tho Congregational church, tho Temple building and various univer sity buildings, . -The sectional sessions include at the present time everything Included in the work; .of 'thV schools of the state. A. remarkably excellent, roll of speak ers has been secured for this seslon, men with experience in varloUs' lines ofwork and With ntloal"reputatlon ContlnntdonPage4 -l v f M