The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1909, Image 1

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"' '' UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, XN6dLMTUkSX$, bbtdBiM 26, i4'09.
VoL IX. No'. 21.
Price '5. tCenti.(l
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IflWA AND tfURtt' FiT
, l j
In a desperate conflict Nebraska
and Iowa fbught to a tie on the new
athletic field Saturday.
Iowa showed a complete reversal of
form since She played Minnesota two
weeks ago an'd gave the Cerhhuskers
quite a'fiold goals
in the Initial hair, while at the same
time she held Nebraska scoreless, The
Cornhuskers took a brace in the sec
ond haft, however, and by .a magnifi
cent burst of speed carried the ball
straight down the field for a touch
down. The tie Bcore, however, is not a fair
criterion of the merits ofthe two
teams. In alindst 'every department of
the game the Cornhuskers otitplayed
their opponents. At no time could
Iowa do anything with Nebraska's line
and had.itmot been for, some unfortu
nate fiMbilng In;tho handing ofpunts
tne HawKeyes wouia 'nave oeen neiu
Went Through the Line.
On the other hand, Nebraska pierced
the Iowa Une for long gains almost at
will, the heavy Nebraska linesmen
opening great holes in their opponents'
defense. Nebraska's gains were prac
tically all made on straight football.
The Cornhuskers found Iowa's left
guard andaokle. exceptionally weak,
and repeatedly sent' tackles anfd backs
thrpugh for long galnB.
In the heglhnlng the Cornhuskers
weyo sadly handicapped by the loss of
Bentley. their regular Quarter. To this
fact inore than '.to anything else can
be attributed the two chances Iowa
Had to score. "Stub" Hascall, who has
had little experience in running the
teanV"Was-put in .atr.-quartort'4I;hi8'
waHascall's first appearance In big
company, and evidently the ordeal was
a little trying on his nerve, He .start
ed o.ut in good shape and was tunning
the; team well until in trying to re
cover an onside kick by Iow4 ho was
knqed by Hyland and caused to fumble
the. ball. This, seemed to unnerve Has
calj,, and over aftej- that he was un
fortunate handling punts, two
tumbles giving Hyland Tjdth chanceB
tor fteld goals.
In- other respects Hascall put up a
plucky game at quarter. He Was In
every play and made several galnB
fbr&ls team, one .of which was on a,
forward ,pas$ from JPeltzpr which he
pulled down in. ftte style,, ', .'
Beltzer's Good Work.
Captain Beltzer played brilliant ball
and .had it ndl,beeti fpr'"hiB speed and
accurate .tackling Nebraska would
hay lost Twice he saved the Corn
husker goal line, once when Hyland
got waywithia-,sforwaiaa8indttAh:
to Nebraska's twenty-yard line. uno
second brilliant feat was when Qiiar
ter,ba5k.Eeo,.ajaed byalmoBt IjXWWS;
nable intejie.i:qnc,ef g0t,-..way with a,
pUht jaBdorant&NebraBkafr ,vtwejve
ya'ri CiBaM' Qton, Wi . ?nd
it seemed that ,. only' V'mlracle could
preventlhttf 8CpTlngr.bUCB,bUz'or, 'com
ing ujirfropi bQhina:il9dTilm6niithe
twelyje-yard lin ;b-aljbrlllattt:. .laying
tackle. ..Thls'v'aBiauring! the;.last.three
inlnuteB f. play,, ah.d., .had. b 'scored
ndthlnrf, could'haye; savedVtho day foj-i
iNeDRBBlUJ. j " , ,
Franck Docs Well al.Quarte - ,
Franck replacedHascall, at. quarter
in th'q scoria ,'h,lf and'.rnin the, tiian
In fjno stylo. His work on the. offense
was , brilliant. The Iowa team :tne
-ago.. Then it
. was green and; crippled. Saturday, it
was' fresh and strong. Coaqh, Or filth
said it playe.d,the best ball hohaaseeri
a HaVkee 'eleven 'put lip ,J?i yqhrfl.; ,
Tlie game was a" clean." one and
;neitli6r sldd ' had-a .manygeriouf ly jln
fjufed.N ipi'Brlen,- con ter;,fdr; Iowa, "wad
badly ,bri8ed,vbqt,su:staihednb 4fijury
that will lay him up.
DeBplter,he fact that Nebraska wis
hard, presafed, the Cottihuskerfr. did not
sow tip:any',bf thfeIrplayB. phly'two
formations of the fprward pass were
tried. In the second half . straight
football worked sq.-weU, tnatj CoU did.
$bi leth a jfrfpllH Ucby&r' their hands'
ror me anxious eyes oi uuhm. iu
other plays than .those used against
Minnesota were attempted, precaution
being taken to guard the dew tricks
from Kansas scouts, who were in, the
bleachors. Tho absence of Bentley.
regular quarterback; from the game,.
undoubtedly cost Nebraska the con
test. He was Injured at Omaha, but
could have played Saturday. Cole,
however, thought he would be .hurt
more, and kept him out &6 he will be
In shape for Kansas. With Bentley in
at quarter,, the costly fumbleB would
hot have been made.
Great Work of the Line.
Too much credit cannot bo given
Nebraska's line in Saturday's contest.
Whenever there was necessity for it
puntod 'and Iowa returned, to tholr
forty-yard lino. Iowa gainod flvo
yards in two downs, and thon puntod
o Boltzor, who was down on tho No
jraska forty-yard Jino. On tho Corn
luskqrs! first down Franck carried tho
mil and made a sensational run, but
OBt thp bal in the , tackle, ando
iraska was also pohalizod fit toon yards
or hurdllpg. Iowa mado an onsldo
tick and secured the hall, on JSTobras
id's thirty-yard lino. They then punt
ed to HaBcall, who made a pasB to
Franck. Boltzor puntod and Iowa re
turned the ball to Nebraska's thirty-
RIghthalf Ilyor fulled to gain. Iowa
gained oho yard around tho left ohd.
A mint to Franck. followed and. ho whs
dqwnod. pwR tyobraska's twelye-yard
!mo. ,lBoltz'or mttuo a ' ttiroq-yar.4' $bn
and thon pun,t6d. Iowa roturhed to
the f6Ky-threc-yrard lino, but on the
first down Gross .lost one yard, A
punt followed and Hascall fumbled.
Iowa got the Dall on Nebraska's fifteen
yard llpo., A line buck was attempted,
but for rid gain, Temple breaking
through their line and downing their
onan. A 'second time a lino buck. was
tried, with the smo roBult, Templo
again getting nls man. Hyland; tho
ijavrkoyp right end, then klckpd .for a
fjeld goal .frorn, the pightpqn-yard lino
and waB successful, making the scoro
three to nothing.
Shonka Made Good Tackle.
Franck kicked, off to lowa)s ttybryard
lino and tho Mil was Returned tp. tho
thirty-yard lino. Iowa jjiitite'd to Has
call, who returned seven, yarjds. Bolt
zer made threb yards in two downs
i,j . I- if
,lfo bHAftbE, 6Y UlAplNG Tb STAV STAY IN
by c. c. kttlbTT.
The proximate result of Saturday's
gariio with Iowa Was anticipated by
many as, tho day of tho strugglo drew
noarariid, it bocapaeiappar,ont that No
braska wohld bo )ifindicttppod by an
iriexDorloncod man at qhartor. Yet
few who have conceded that tho Hawk-
oycB had an excollont chtfhcq pf de
feating .or eypn tyng thp Cornhusk
ers; it Was expected Nebraska would
win and the scoro would 1)6 small, tho
margin of victory -being vory slim.
it was tho comparative showings of
Nebraska and. Iowa. against tho power
ful .Minnesota team, that causod tt)0
wawKoyeB to do xroaiea as a non- ;-f V""' h12 T '':,7Xri; Z .ZZkZll -
. ' I Hu-f(T"- Mu TTf9 V-vfruluJ .oqaiuoi. .c
" rinnrlncrnnmr flint rrtlecVif hiivn tlii-rtMt
.. ,
L MS&&
. From tho Kunsaa,City Star i 1
and Btill raakl'hg a mesB ofsonio plays.
Critlolirn 'of Cole.
"Whoh Colp saw Hascall was fall
ing' thOBO critics sarcastically ques
tion, "why didn't ho tako him out and .
put Franck at quartor as bo did in
ho middle of the second half? Dldn,'t
tho team play great bail then, though?
Boo, they mado a touchdown and wore
outplaying Iowa after that change."
Of course Colo knew Franck could
run tho team at quartor and ho know
Magor, whon shifted. from end to half
could play this Jfittqr tppatfpn. r,But
ho did not know, vyhon tho gamo start
ed, that Franck, Boltzor and Rathbono
wcro going to bo able to: play., through
Dotn naives, ana, in Keeping jascau at
quartor lo was providing against a
contlhgoncy that might nave thrown
tne gamo 10 lowa.
Tho lineup as ho had It In tho first
half was playing good enough ball to
ld,lowa oven and bad thero boon no
umblps other than Hasc'iUrs, Iebras
ca's shard would h'avb been moro than
naught at tho end of tho opener, Thero
was a fumblo on Jowl's ten-yard line
which Hascall did not make that un
doubtedly donlrid Nebraska a touch
down. No dufaltljiiite'lJieKi.;
At the oponing pjttke gamoha'd Colo,
allowod tho men ivhd finished it to
havo gone in and had two of tho backs
b'eon injured (it must ha rembmbored
Franck was;in poor shape) what .could
ho havo done? He had no substitutes
for, tho back-flold atjid. Nobraska.B
chancos of scoring, would hayo been
killed. - '
"King!' cole was figuring all this
out. when he allowed Hascall to stay
In tho gamo. and tho result of tho
gamo proved hlsJUdgmorit to bo good.
He know juBt about what tho back
field could do with Franck at quarter
and Magor at right .half. Ho know
thpy, would boablo to plp.w through
Iowa for, a touchdown, but that tho
driving attack would wear thorn out.
Had ho permitted this change in tho
opening half tho lohances aro mighty
gopd thajt Nebraska oijld havo.cj
almost pIploBSi so far as. Its Offense
was cdhcerned in (ho secfaHil session.
As it weho, with the ew chankb, the
back-field .was worn out .af tor it made
that Jtouchdqwn m tho .last hair, and
it 'aq Imposslblp tqj'Jt to "drive on for
tuwuuu luuwuunu.' iuvu uu iuu
UornnusKers met was an, enrey. a
f iarerit brie' from that which ', Dlay
- ' ,T- T-7 .. .1 r J .- .. ' -
Minnesota three weeks
they held like a stone wall and at hp
time could Iowa make tho'Ir downs
through it. Once .in the fir at half Iowa
had the ball on (he onq-yardaine with
one down to put it over, but tho No
bra8kansword a Btono-wall ,'and-Belt-zer
booted tho ball but of danger di
rectly over the cross-bar. Again in
the last fqw minutes of play Iowa had
the balloon the twelve-ord llne,.but.
falled'tb'makb thor ddwmj and Hyland
was compelled to try a drop kick".
Templo and Harte at tackles ana
Ewing and Walcott at guards were
slthply. Invincible, while 8honka, th
big ;coter, was. every.wjhqre. Tlmg ahd
again Iowa tried their " shift', putting
thelc whole strengtn against tne nig
Bohemian, but 'He 'mowed them down
lko I'grpss 'heforp .the scythe. This
was Iowa's fate everywhere along the
line. Shonka also showed "his versa
tility by stopping end runB and getting
down the field on punts. .,
Magbf , ahtf Johnson were .especially
stronkr at" the1, ends. Chaun'er. who
took "Magor's place when Magor werit
In at half, was a "w.hlrlyrlnd In getting
down on punts and in tackling. Rath:
bono at full put up one. of the gamest
fights seen oh a Nebraska gridiron.
On the defense ho was In .under every
play, and some of his plungOB were
good for oyer ten yards. Once Juqt at
the close of 'the first half he plowed
thrpugh ,.Iowa,'s Une,: aided by, almost'
me wnoie uornnuHiiur luuui, iur uvur
twenty yards. " , i. r , ;-
ansdh "ter'MqV mm, of, to
Franck, who returned tho ball to th
thirty-yard Une :On a forwa?fL8
tt, Johhson :NobaBkAV,ginMfe8n
j3;d i ToenirthalT
roHr' a gain ! pf ftyiPyanli. Mtxer thei
and was forced to punt, Shonka down
ing the Iowa man after he had got by
a number of Cornhuskers, niaking a
fjno tackle amid tho cheers- of the-
crowd. Iowa was next penalized in
toon yards for holding, and Iowa puht Hasqall, who fumbled.
After making pno yftrd. by Franck,
Nebraska, made a good forward pass,
Boltzor passing to Magor for a gain
pf eighty,ardB, but a fif teen:yard pen
alty fqllpwpd, plaqng the, ball on tho
Iowa , jlfty-yard. 'lin. Nqbraska thon
foBt twelve yards ph an .attempted for
ward pass. Beltzer, punted , and the
ball was. rpturnpd to the Nebraska
nTty:y,ara, line, jpwa jpBt;ny.o yaras on
aii attomp'ted forward pass,,,bilt fol
lowed thlswltb a t9ri,iyardjgalh,bef9t0,
thbahvwaVdowhe,dfby Beltei Han
Bon puntod, to Hascall, but tho. .latter
had no ipt, .was downed
within a coupjp , of, .yards. Franck
njadp a tpn-yayd ,run (an N9brks,ka
again punted. Iowa r.e,tujrjied ,P, tnelr
fjfty-thrkee:yard Hue, wherip tholr ,mn
"was "downed by TempAp d , 8,honka.
Within Yard of Touchdpwfi;
.preps carried the ball ifor w.p ddwns
makmg 'oniy twa.yaras ano Deing
(qrcod ,tb put, Qrpss dropping Rranck
In his tracks. Beltzer returned ; tho
punt and the play was. In the middle
of tho field, j A, forward-pasB to Mur
phy galned.iow.ttien, yirds. Murphy
W JhWfa; ylthlh "Pho yard of 'a
tpuchdown. Iowa bupkod' the .Nebras
ka, lino with, pnjy ,pne td tfl -iin
but were heW arid .the: Cornhuskers got
tho. ballpnVdftwns. Bejtwr.then
kicked from behind the gHf posts,
placing tho ball privth thirty-yard llnej
Hyld ,th k.lPkoia.itother JW& gol,
this frm Jtte, thlrtyMy$nTyrtl line,
ConWniiW o Paffp 3
entity In tho Missouri Valley cham
pionship race and ;to bo Jooked .upon
asno.njateh for..Colp;srmen, , Such a
conclusion. was arrived at' withput tak
ing Into consideration thecon'dltloha
under which the Hawkeyes mot 'the
Gophers and tho changes that jhlght
be wrought Jn the. fowa elpyen during
thq Intervening 'three ' weeks' bof,oro
Coach Griffith cdmo to Llticqln with
his players. ' ' '
Ibwi'i Good Cbndltlbri. '
Iowa "Went agalhBt Mlnhekota with
new cpacbos and a bunch of green
material,, and .was dpfpated 41 t.
It Jpurneyd. rbapk, tpjfJtpa, knowing
its weak Bp'ots,' and jrehi to work lb
mediately1 to Hriiody the'sb for tup
game-with Nebraska. It had one easy
game bpfpro playing, .Npbraslyi an.d
thon rested two jweeks. When the
team camo to Nebraska every, player
was In ttio -tfrlrtio of ttohdltWn aha, as
Coach Griffith, said,, playJBd one of the
best, games any lpwa ;eleven In recent
ypars as pui un.
... i;ne tiawKeyej
eleven tHbit had
Ymef's" tb U 14 to
recovered from .the effects of previous
Saturday's gruelng and. without a
trlpd qHarteriiand, Jn
the. Cornhuer machine cost Cole's
mn yipj:ory,
' rrhero arelmahy, keen critics around
tho university Katfd city,, bowevfer, -whs
will not admit thfc rallure to detoKt
Iowa Tvas due. ttf the, UMarterlWck situ-
ation: tnev lav an oiame airecnv at
the... Of, NetttaHa,'rcach.,M, $'
tuat taey coniese toeir. ignorance oi
the conditions which Ted "Klttg,' Cole
to keep Hasctll at quarter wliwi tMt
Utile fellow was doing his level best
defense it was hilghty weak. When
Fee made his sensational run ,that
noarly: gave Iowa, a winning scoro $o
gp.t.away simpiy pocause certain piay-,
ers were too weak to tackle him. Oho
df the backs was -within three feet of
the Iowa man and yet jacked .the power
po -nuri mmsqjriorwara ana stop tne
runner's havanco,
An Earlier Change.
' fiM W$ $$Mb hRd tho.qhkrter
back change beei inkde M the early
moments of the "first naif that the
Comusrs ,woJlld haye found them
solves weakqnlpg r many minutes be
for6 the. came ehde'd.
Wouldn't thfire liaVe been oxcellont
chances that the xeault of :the Mlnne-
i game in, t,ne second nair wouia
e been ropeated." Iowa was In fine
dltlo'n, andlgal'n a weaker 'dfe-
fe'nse they wbtitd. have run up a few
inorejipoinu jn.xnejas,i.a4i. .
see both sides of the gamethe .spec-tfltor-B
and the coach's tHev would
8i met.weprsKa, an
Old the .strong Gp
Score: hdt e'htirbly
have more prilse aha less condemna
tion. .TJiitik it over, yoyi pen'-piiahers
Rnd whoj)ny see 0thev team
iWhen the facts -mrp learned It mnst
be, admitted -that Nebraska was ,lUQky,
cena)derlngKthe pond tlon of, the . teiro.
W'iet off with a'tl4 atid that 'kinj"
tjple deserves praise for staving oK
.i, If, M ;li?ilcatjve.
. 'The, owjnin faturay'j.garof s
Indicative f jipthlng thepphuakers
Will do' against ICknsas,. tfl& jta
that the Jayhawkers will ittaoc'tk'e
laofit peWertnl )def,enie In fcaVtalley,
.MiabAaaij4A Mi&&i6lill&toiu -.w ty...Jlu.AA.?H :wa.&, ''j. d&i&itriAe&Vii:K i . jhmVX u ,-M-..:.t 41 ''v'r. ; "Civfa