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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1909)
mi&miiF3 r, r..)'i.i.'i r Tr.fni'.n iT.ii ''"'j.ffo . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nefcraskan ? , Lincoln, Nebraska. , g BY l.TH13-'STUDtetyT PUD. DO.ARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Victor D. 8mlth Manaalno .Editor K. P. -Flck AMOcTata Editor ;;cr' J Associate Editor., v ...... T. M. Edgecombe ' . BUSINES8 STAFF. Mananer WVA'k?hh Assistant Manaoor .0. C. Klddoo Circulator V. C. Haiea" Assistant Circulator...,.:.., P. T. StUrflls t . Editorial and Business Otflco: SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Pnyablo In Advance. Slnoje Copies, B Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto -1888; Auto 2683. 00OffiO00000000000000000000000000 a ' w w a v . 3- Tl y m : y ... CONVOCATION T . c. j.i Mir- j i" ' v-v. a- V If Y ' L '"i , If How to Use VP J& JL ' BLsr Wrf J fcBsjfc 5 -P.M. FRIDAY DR. JEWETT 8 QQ03&Qozas&2& , INDIVIDUAL NOTIPE8 will bo charged for at tho rnt6 of 10 cents per Insertion for every flftcon words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bul letins will bladly bo published free. Entered at tho pontofflco at Lincoln. NobraBka, an socond-class mail mutter under tho Act of ConBToss of March 3. 1870. Advertisements for tho want ad column should bo left at tho buslncso office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ado, at the rate of ten cents for each flfteon words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; threo Inser tions twenty-five cents; five Inser tions forty cents. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1909. Two hundred students are needed to clear the new ath letic field of bits of glads and stone In preparation for the Iowa gamo tomorrow. A little work on the part of each stu dent may prevent serious in Jury to the football players who are upholding the 8carlet and the Cream. Be loyal and do your part. Report at the ath letic field at 5 p. m. today lng tho nood of un organized class ruBh thoy nro well doslgnod and do sorvo tho support of nil freshmen nntl sophomores. In tho past there hnve frequently been disastrous conflicts between tho two classes. It was great fun for the Becond year men to break up a freshman meeting, but It sometimes took another turn when tho sophomores lind to dig up rundB to pay for damaged pipe organs and broken wlndown. Tho members of last year's lower classes folt tho need of an organized competition, and, for 'that reason the Olympics were organized. They suc cessfully filled tho need last year and will undoubtedly do so again. Mem bers of the committee in charge should at once begin the work of arranging tho contests and gotting out the ma terial for the dlfferont events. Tho moot Ib scheduled for November G, and thero Is no time to lose. A UNIVERSITY MASQUERADE. Tho suggestion made by cortnin seniors that some all-unlvorBity func tion bo arrnngod for faculty and stu donts 1b a good one. The university la greatly in need of some social ovont at which class lines, social prejudices, and other differences niny be dropped In favor of a true Nebrns- tho university. Both nro men 'of high poraonal worth, of excellent business ability, and of strict honesty. Their work oh tho board of regents in the paBt domands that they bo roturned at the coming election. For tho place made vacant by Mr. Abbott's resignation, Harvey New branch, editor of the Omaha World- Herald, and Frank L. Hallor or On,i uhn are the loading candidates, Mr. Nowb'ranch is already a member of tho bonrd, hnvlng boon nppointed by Governor Shallenbergor to fill the Ab bott vnenncy until tho election. Mr. Hnller has riot seen service as n re gent in the past. The desire Of ninny voters for a non-partisan board of re gents favors the election of Mr. New branch, a democrat, in order that the republican monopoly may bo some- whnt broken. Supporters of Mr. Hallo claim for him that ho has greater business ability thnn hiB opponent. Both nre pronounced to bo men eager to servo the best Interests of the uni versity and either will undoubtedly well servo the stato. itUJi1. .. .aw 7" 4 .7 'h&& Men's Suits and OvmoaiS Frank A. Burnham, '09, has been do ing entomologlcnl work nt the State Farm the past summer. Ho Is continu ing his. studies in the University Med ical College, Omaha, Neb. WHAT'S THE USE IN A FELLOW Running around with his toes sticking out of his shoes when Budd is in town with shoes so cheap it would make your head swim my $3.50 shoes are the $4.00 and $4.50 kind my $2.50 shoes are the $3.50 kind. DOLLAR OFF BUDD. ALL BUDD HATS $2.50 WHY PAY MORE? Tho chicken pot-pie suppor to bo given by tho Y. M. C. A. tomorrow night at St. Paul's church Bhould bo well nttended. Tho nssocintion socinl ovonts nro at lonst one series of ovents where all university men may meet in common and enjoy oach other's com panionship. Thoy should nil be well pntronjzod. Tho pot-plo Buppors hnve been especially popular in the past and thero 1b no reason to Biippose that tho coming dinner will be nt vnrlnnco with tho rule. There was some surprises in the llBt of wlnnors in tho debating try outs Wednosdny. Several favorites woro loft behind in tho race for places on tho squad and at least three llrst year mon were among tho sixteen chosen ones. Making the squad In tho freshman yoar Is an ospecial dis tinction, nnd those three froBhmen nro to bo congrntulnted. University class mootlngs are cer tainly having hard luck this week. Be tween dodging football rallies and spe cial convocations, they can scarcely find any plnco loft for them. All of which emphasizes the need of some set time each week when such meet ings might bo held. Threo or four class meetings can well bo held at tho samo time, for therp are plqnty of halls of sufficient size to accom modate them. Further, holding nil nt once might prevent the difficulty ex perienced recently in preventing men from voting in hnlf n dozen clnsses. kn spirit. At the present time most of tho socinl ovents of the school yenr nro given by particular cUisbos or organizations. Although in tho caBo of tho class hops members from all classes attend, thero Is still a spirit of clasB loyalty as distinguished from university loyalty. In tho vari ous affnlrs given by special student so cieties this spirit of loyalty to tho par ticular organization Is more pro nounced. Thoro is at present practi cally no traditional event which brings all students together amid a "Nebras ka spirit." Whether or not tho suggested mas querade is the correct form of activ ity to bo adopted in Keeking to fill tho need Is n question to be decided Inter. Tho thing to do now Is to tnko defi nite nction looking townrds the cron tlon of some Boclnl nffnlr which will ombody the nll-unlverslty iden. Either tho senior class should at once give tho movement the necessary initlntivo by nppointlng a committee to confer with other classes nnd organizations, or some other nuthority should mnko tho beginning. It would seem, how over, thnt the seniors nre host (lttod to mnko the stnrt. If thoy will lend, others will undoubtedly follow. Joe, The Tailor Specialist on Refitting and all Kinds of Altering . Particular attention given to Ladies work and uniforms. . . . Cleaning :: Pressing UPSTAIRS 1328 O St. Once more we say BE EXCLUSIVE in the clothes you weaxt If you select your suit or overcoat here you can be absolutely sure that its riew and correct and that there isn't a lot of other men wearing the same thing. . FARQUHAR E2cclt4sie Men's OlotHier LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY UnconVs "Select Dancing School" "thiIdfloor1 C. E. BULLARD, U. of N. '02, Mnnngor Ask your friends, they know. We have the best crowd, the best music and best floor in the city. We are not open to the public but cater to ladies and gentlemen only, UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wednesdays nnd Snturdays 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lessons by Appointment Socials Mondnys and 'Fridays 8:0Q tp 13:00 BELL A1311 Bell Phone, F2823 JUST RING UP Auto Phone, 7929 JWI WIHU3I Vf The Goodyear Raincoat Co!s Tailors 1140 O Street $2.00 Worth of Cleaning and Pressing $1,00 Thoy -will got your suit nnd bring it bnck in flno sbnpo for only 50c; or will Bend you n Club Ticket good for four suits inono month for 1.00. Wo hnvo n Now Dry Clenning Plnnt to do tho work with. LADIES' FINE CLOTHES A SPECIALTY . University Bulletin The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Club wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone to join a club. Apply to BYRON ,W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th & R St. CLASS OLYMPIC8. With tho nppointment of committees to nrnmgo for the freahnwn-Bopho-moro clnss Olympics, this class func tion Is practically nssured for 1909. Tho Olympics wore stnrted only n year ago, but at that time they proved so decidedly popular that thoro wns lit tle question of their continunnco this yer. ... The Olympics take the place of the old-time unorganized class scrap bc ELECTION OF REGENTS. Ono week from next Tuesday un election of regents of the university will bd held. Thero nre two regular places on 'tho bonrd to be filled nt this election nnd ono vnenncy, caused by tho resignation of Regent Abbott, is to bo supplied. Tho Nobrnsknn, ,uh n paper repre senting tho opinions of several hun dred students of vnrylng political be liefs, is presumably non-partisan. In endorsing any candidnto for offlco it mny be safely assumed thnt it favors one mnn over another simply because of the good resulting to the university from his selection. With this understanding, tho Ne brnsknn favors tho re-election of Re gents Whitmore and Allen, both of whom hnvo given sovernl years of October. 22, Friday, Fratornity hnll Sopho more dnnco. H 23, Snturday, Football Iowa vb. Ne braska 23, Snturdny Meeting of KomonBky Club. 23, Snturdny, St. Paul's Church Y. M. C. A. chicken pot pie supper. November. 11, Thursday, .8 p. m. Drnmntic Club tryouts. 22, Frldny, T p. m., U-06 Junior clnss meeting. 22, Frldny, ff p. m., ' Memorial Mall Special convocation. W. K. Jewett, "Resources of Library." imwwmmRymmffmmmmmaimisww FRIDAY, OCT. 22 FRAT. HALL SOPHOMORE HOP Walt's Orchestra Tidkes $l.$5 mmjMmBwmmwMmMmnemmAiMmtoxt. i. In r i. v i 4 ,t3?U J 4tJH."l MATH. SEMINAR TO MEET. tden'he VwS lower clnsses. in n)l- j excellent service tp the Interests, of Papers on Investigation to Be Read by Professors on Mathematical Subjects. The members of the Mathematical Seminnr will moot this nfternoon nt 4:30 o'clock in M302. A short pro gram will bo given at which pnpers will be rend by Professors Davis and Brenke. The, subjects of theso papors will bq on mntters regarding recent investigations on mathemnticn'l subjects. Famovs Baritone of the Metropolitan Opera SCO CTI OLIVER THEATRE OCTOBER 26 $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, '$.75 RESPRVE SEATS NOW ON SALE.,. ? The Daily Nebraskan Twd Dollars Per Yea f l l . ,4Jii-