The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1909, Image 1

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Vol IX. No. 18.
Price 5 Cents.
C r 4
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Pike of the 8crubs 8uffers Broken
Nose as Result of Fall on Hard
Surface of Nebraska
Additional Verses of Prof. Stevens9 Football Song
Only two more days left for prac-
tlco. before the Iowa game,, and still
the varsity team has been given no
heavy work. Evidently Coach Colo Is
biding his time, and 1b not going to
over train his men so that they will
go stale before the end of the season.
The work of the varsity this week
bears no resemblance to the heavy
gruelling scrimmage the team was put
through In preparation for the Minne
sota game. Last week six coacheB
were constantly with the team watch
ing every play and urging the men on
to greater exertions. This week there
has been a relapse In the hard work
-owing to the battered, condition , of,
some of the players resulting from
Saturday's game. There were four
coaches o'n the field yesterday, how
ever, and while the varsity was given
but a short scrimmage lasting per
haps ten minutes, the team was put
through some very hard signal work
and otherwise limbered up. Coach
Cole had for his helpers yesterday. A3
slatan.t Coach Harvey,-Glen Masoa and
Captain Heitzman.
Tomorrow, hQWeQr the team will
journey out to the Sato farm where
the turf Is much softer and makes
lighting easier. ' Cole promises some
good hard scrimmage and the varsity
Will probably see some of tho hardest
work of tho week.
Pike cGts Broken Nose.
The new field Is very hard and is
covered with cinders, stones, gravel,
and small pieces of glass,, which makes
scrimmage work rather dangerous to
say nothing about the unpleasantness
of the situation. Almost every time a
man makes a tackle or a hard line
plunge or otherwise comes In contact
with the hard surface, ho comes up
with a bruised and bleeding face. In
yesterday's scrimmage between the
second varsity and the scrubs, Pike,
one of tho tackles on the scrub eleven,
suffered a very severe Injury. In one
of the mix-ups his noce came In con
tact with the hard earth and as a re
Bult he Is suffering wtih a fracture
of the nose. It Js a compound frac
ture, one of tho worst ever seen, the
bono breaking through the skin and
making a very painful Injury.
8crubs Play Strong.
' As on the day before, Colo sent the
second varsity against the scrubs for
about thirty minutes of scrimmage.
.The scrubs had all tho, bettor of tile
. argument Warner of the scrubs espe
cially distinguished himself by rupnlng
nearly a hundred yards for a touch-
k down... Ho secured , they.bjtflqntb.ei
kick-off and aided -by- good-intorfor-enco'.andiflome
wonderful dodging,-ran
the'fullJongh of the' 'field for a' touch
down franck.,.ari for the
scrubs also' dld'somo' spectacular work.
U " - 'jS
' BentlavVirAH . ntfll nhnant from-vfin.
.terday'd practice? hla placatfjelng-taken
by -Hascallfwfcd uiif. the; first ' team
hdurlhg'((8jgnalj praiCC'Ut'.lB f eared
that Bentley's- Iti jurieV'wIll prevent his
Come a runnin', boys,
Don't you hear that noiBo?
Like tho thunder in the sky,
How it rolls along
In a good old song,
From tho sons of Nebraskt.
Now it's coming near
With a rising cheer
That will sweep all foes away.
So with all oilr vim .'
Wo have got to win, .
And we're -going to win today.
For Nebraska and the Scarlet, '
For Nebraska and the Cream,
Though they've been through many a battle,
Our colors may be .soon.
Then come on, boys," up and at them,
For we know you are tho team,
And 'twill always stir a Cornhusker
The old scarlet and the cream.
2 Now, H'b ono, two throo
For tho Varsity,
For King Cole and all the men.
Thon'B it's down tho field
Where wo never yield
Till tho foe is "raus mit dem."
When the back-Hold duckB,
And Cap Beltzer bucks,
They will hit that line for fair.
Till tho .enemy
Simply cannot see,
Or perhaps they do not caro.
(For Thanksgiving game with Haskell)
3 In tho days of old
Johnny Bonder bold
Would just take that ball in hand,
And with Benodict
Right in front of him
They would set sail for tho land.
Then Dog Eager too,
With chosen few,
Would be all 'round everywhere,
And before they'd qlt "
They would gently sit
Down behind that goat post there.
with the pleurisy and will not be out
all week.
Franck, too, is not in the best of
condition. He 1b suffering from a
sprained ankle received in the Minne
sota game. He was out for a short
tliqe yesterday, but did not take part
ri the scrimmage. On tne whole, It
looks like the back-field is going to bo
weaker than it was In last Saturday's
game. The line is intact and ought
to put up the, same sterling game it
played last Saturday. Now, If Cole
can strengthen his back-field in tho
next two days by getting all the old
men back Into the game there might
to he no question as to the result of
Saturday's1 game with Iowa.
bolng Ad, 4 Saturday's game. inthlB
event, Hascajl wlir'be
iter. This ia HbcAIKb third yWr on
vthe Bquad, an,dal though he haB never
jbeen in a blg'game fiehjiuiad con
siderable, exflerJcSpcem j sbme of the
'smaller dorit3s(s the,lpa!Wo seasons.
SturtznoKtr'or nla'ved' auarter on the
' li'" j ' f-nt
J. M. Alexander Thinks Proposed
Stunt Under Direction of 8enlors
Is a Good Thing.
Tho Editor of The Nebraskan:
Many functions representing various
university interests are held annually.
It is noticeable, however, that there
Is no event which brings tho univer
sity faculty and the student body to
gether. Ivy Day is the nearest ap
proach to such an event, and as this
has proven Itself to be a, valuable and
worthy Institution, It follows that any
institution which will promote the wel
fare of the university Is commendable,
A masquerade has been proposed as
a means whereby the faculty and stu
dents as a whole might come together
for a general good tlmo an( Incidental
ly promote a greater affection for their
alma mater a feeling which In after
years would result In service, and; if
need be, sacrifice for tho university.
The older schools and colleges of the
east and of foreign countries are sild
proposed. Perhaps' something "better
than a , masquerade.tcani'b thought
od't?The central Idea is to'br'lng fac
.ultjy'and student body' together and to
make stronger bonds between them
and the university to foster the Ne
braska spirit
, i . v...i ' i1 "' '. v' ''nv ,
Announcement of Committee Will Not
Be Made Until Friday.
On account of the football rally at
11:20 this morning, the junior class
meeting vt)t not bo held at, tho af ter
convbcaUon period.' The meeting will
Instead be,scaljed' ,a Slplock tomor
row In Memorial Hal) At that time
additional' ofllcers -will be elected and
Aba committee announcements roado.,
Y. M. C. A. THI8 WEEK.
Weil-Known Member of the Advisory
Board Once Again Officiates
Over the Pot-Pie
Tho Y. M. C. A.'s annual chicken
pot-pie supper will be held Saturday
evening, October 23, in the basement
of St. Paul's Methodist church. As
usual also Dr. Paine will be the cook.
Dr. Paine is a member of the advisory
board of the Y. M. C. A. hla chicken
pie suppers have been famous among
the students for several years. The
feed is like you get at home.
The supper will begin at 6 o'clock
and will bo over at 8 o'clock, allowing
plenty of time to fill another evening
engagement if necessary. After every
one haB had his fill, a short toast list
Is on the program. Prominent men of
the faculty, student body and alumni
will give short talks. Paul Clark, one
of tho most prominent city alumni,
will be one of the speakers. Chan
cellor Avery has given his hearty ap
proval of tho project and will bo pres
ent at supper. A male quartette will
furnish music during the toasts.
No Subscription.
This year no subscription will be
taken, as has always before been the
case. Tho price of the tickets will re
main tho same, 20 cents. This will
necessitate a larger4 crowd than ever
before to make the feed a success. It
Js certain that you never gQt more
for your money than at one of these
Tickets can be sepured at tho office
in the Temple or from a large number
of the men who will have them on sale
on the campus. The affair Is In charge
of the social committee of the stu
dents' Y, M. C. A., which Is as fol
lows; QJon Fordyco, chairman; J. S.
Elliott; Georgo Flack, S. P. Dobbs,
H..O. Baumann, H. H. Drake.' MrB.
Barker, J. M. Alexander, W. B. Aiken
and W. B. Metcalfe. "Stew" ElJIott
will have charge of the waiters 'and
guarantees that you will have no cof
fee spilled down the ha'cH of your neck
or no 'pie dupiped;ln,your lap:
The Bupper Is open to all university
men, students, alumni or faculty. Dr.
Paine formerly, bad only, a small feed
and invited a few friends, but for bov
oral years he has made It a general
affair. There have been one or two
of these suppers every year for four
or five years. It is one of the few uni
versity functions where all tho stu
dents and the faculty can gather for
a general social time. It Is hoped
that the attendance will be greater
next Saturday evening than It has
ever been before.
Twenty-seven Men 8peak for Places
on the Squad, Nearly. All of
Whom Are Experienced
Efforts Mado to Get More Laboratory
Hours for 8tudents Crowded Out.
The number of students attending
tho classes In Botany I Is bo largo
that an additional laboratory division
will have to be organized. It was
planned to have this laboratory period
on Wednesday mornings, but enough
students were not able to take their
work at this time to make It practical.
An attempt will be made to have the
extra period on Friday mornings arid
all tho students who can possibly ar
range to do their laboratory work In
this department are urged to take It at
this hour. This makes nlno laboratory
periods for this class. Any student
who can change all or part of hlB
work to this division may do so by
consulting with Miss Walker, who Is
In charge of tho big laboratory.
Professor Miller of Lincoln 8chools
Will Appear in Brief Program.
At cnnirnonUnn Mq mnrnln Hhno
'".:: r . : - ."
n. Aimer superintendent of music in
the Lincoln city schools, will give a
song-recital. The program will be cut
to twenty minutes In order that the'
football rally may be held promptly at'
Following Is the program:
The Muleteer of Tarragona.., Henrlon
For What Thou Art Roswlg
Deo Possonto (from Faust) . . .Gounod
All Thru the Night. ...... (Old Welsh)
Border Ballad ,.., Cowen
' Notice to Botany Students.
Professor Bessey asks that every
student who has chosen botany as a
major to see him as soon as, possible,
and thlB should be by the end of the,
month at the latest His regular con
sultation hours !are 9 to 10 a. m. and
1:30 to 2 p. m. every week day. If any
student finds it Impossible to see him
at these hours a special 'appointment
may bo made.
BakeiJ beans; baked on the premises
and" served hot' with delicious brown
I bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch.1 r
Twonty-Bovon mon took part In tho
try-outs for places on tho university
debating squad yesterday aftornoon
and ovonlng. Of this number fifteen
were picked for enrollment on tho
Squad, othorwlso rhetoric 22. From,
this list six men will later bo choson
to roprcsont tho university In tho In
torcollegiato debates against Minne
sota and Iowa.
J. T. Votava, who would havo been
tho twenty-oighth Bpoakor In tho try
outs, was necessarily absont from tho
city. In view of tho fact that ho
mado tho toam laBt year and in all
probability would havo qualified for
tho squad yesterday, tho judges named
h(m as tho sixteenth member of tho
Tho work dono in tho preliminaries
was of an unusually high character.
Although much of tho speaking was
"sot," there wore several excellent ex
temporaneous addresBss. Judge .Hast
ings, who has judged tho preliminaries
In past cpntests and who fas ono of
yesterday's Judges, pronounced the
work the best ho had heard ln'slmllar
contests. fct ' ' . ' V
The judges were Dean Hastings of
tho law college, Professor Howard of
tho department of sociology and Pro
fessor Taylor of the department of
political economy.
Successful Speakers.
Following Is a list of the men who
.made tho squad:
B. M. Chorrlngton, C. L. Clark, S. P.
Dobbs, C. A. Emery, H. E. English,
C. N. FoBtor, P. J. Haljdorson, J. E.
Lawrence, C. R. Mann, B. 0. Marcel
lus, H. W. Potter, C. 1. Rein, J. L.
Rice, D. M. Rogers, A. E. Warren, J.
T. Votava.
Others 8peaklng.
Those who tried out were: H. F.
Wunder, Lincoln; J. L. Rico, McCook;
F. J. Haldorson, Lincoln; B. M. Chor
rlngton, Omaha; C. L, Clark, Lincoln;
B. C. Marcellus, Lincoln; E. H. Hahno,
Beatrice; H. C. Hathaway, Lincoln; A.
M. Oberf elder, Sidney; G. R. Mann,
Ord; K. P. Frederick, Sutton; R. M.
Garrett, Madison; S.'P. Dobbs, Bea
trice; H. E. English, Lincoln; E. P.
Snyder, Council Bluffs; E. W. Marcel
lus, Lincoln; R. M. Moseley, Lincoln;
E. H. Rold, Wycoto, Wyo.; A. E. War
Ten, Superior; C. L. Rein, Loup City;
G. N. Foster, Sterling; J. E. Lawrence,
Beatrice; H. W. Potter, Omaha; W. T.
Wolvlngton, Chadron; D. M. Rogers,
Randolph; C. A. Emery, Lincoln.
i J ,
American History Teacher Contributes
"'"' Research Story to Columbia''1-
Quarterly.1 v ,; ""
Tit u ,.
Dr Guernsey Jonftyof the history, de
partment has speat seyeral summers
of research work in the ( English
archives at Londou. .The reu,lt of. his
labors , appeared in the pqhmbja, Uni
versity .Quarterly for September..
' The title of the paper'UAAn Aralcle
on 'a Copley. Portrait of "President ,
Cooper of Columbia University 'Accom
panied by Six' Letters'-of Copley and
President Cooper,"- 'nv . '
The paper has' been' Very favorably
commented on by eastern' critics -and
Is a, credit to Dr Jones and the Uni
versity of Nebraska. "v " ' V
, tgvho -waBlpfngtraln,ed,for'thIpo8l-
Ctlon 8lncepQntie,y,'Wsht,'Va8jjnot
Vbut. .yts'eportedb'aV'helsrBlc
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