-; THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nefctf askan J f Mncolni tfebhiBka. . I1Y THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD. . EDITORIAL SJAFy , Editor Victor D. Smith Maftrfglno Editor. K. P. Fradorlck AMoelato Edjtor ,. ....... ,.M t.. Cnrl J. Lord DU8INE88 STAFF. Managor i . k . . . w A.Jon ABBltant Munnfror. ,.-....'.. .0. C, Kladoo Circulator .-.... t: .V. C. Hincall ABBlstnnt Clrcu!atorn.....P. T. BlUfKIB K9 "TT""g ' nows How to Dress You ,vpv , .v. m - p. '. .nt "-, r.-! . I .'.; l .,. v?- v i ii RREGOR TtlMliSi t'.l rt V I " " - - -V m t i I ti Editorial and Dutlneta Offices h8EMENT; ADMINISTRATION BUDQ. . poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln; Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRl'cE. $2.00 pVr YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lnalo Coplei, 6 Cento Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Nldht Phonoi Auto 18B8J Auto 2683. -t- INDIVIDUAL NOTICES lll bo oharacd for at tho rato of 10 cents por InWtlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul letins will bladly bo publlRhcd froo. Entered at ' tho poBtofTlca at Lincoln, Nobraska, as Bccond-claos mall matter under tho Act of CongroBS of March 3, 1870. Advertloements for tho want ad column should be left at the business) office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen Words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tlono twenty-five cents; flvo Inser tions forty cents. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1909. PLAYING THE GAME. . At last tho knockor Is slloncod. It was suro to conio. Prom tho moment tho Nobraska toam bognn to brnco up nftor tho disastrous gamo with South Dakota two weeks ago, It was inovit ablo that, whon tho chanco was of forod, Coach Colo's pupils would put to Bhnmo tho men who woro UBlng tho hammor. Tho chanco camo hiBt Sat- BUDD WAS KICKED TO 1415 O and along with him went a bigger and better line of merchandise Headquarters for style, snap and qualityat popular prices $2.50 Hats $2.50 and $3.50 Shoes Furnishings that are right. nrday, and tho CornlniBker olovon did not fall. It wub a good gamo. Evon tho score waB good. For whereas NobraBka mon oxpectod to lose by a Bcoro of from 20 to 30 and It Js uboIcbb to arguo that tho student opinion-all In all waB othorwlso tho Gophers woro actually hold to a paltry 14 points. InBtoad of winning oaally, nB most of tho Minneapolis mon anticipated, tho proteges of Dr. Williams had to work tholr hardest to socuro a victory. It was oxtromoly disappointing to Min nesota, and it Is correspondingly gratl. fylng to Nebraska. And, asldo from tho score, It was one of tho cloanost football exhibi tions that hoB boon playod In No braska for so.voral seasonB. Thoro was a notable absonco of rough play. Thoro was but Uttlo objection to de cisions of the officials. Throughout the seventy minutes of play thero was a noticeable spirit of good sportsman ship and good manhood. Both No braska and Minnesota played a manly gamo. Both fought hard, hold tholr ground porsltsently, and took tholr momentary defeats as mero Incent ives to more strenuous efforts. Tho results of tho contest aro re viewed on another page of this Issue by a man competent to Judge. Need loss to say, Saturday's contest places Nebraska onco more In tho front rank of western football. Tho doubts en gendered by thG poor Bhowlng against South Dakota aro removed. Iowa and Kansas now loom up as rlvala wor thy of tho Cornhuskers' skill, but not ' as tho much feared opponents which they wore a week.ago. Nebraska has a football team which is worthy of all honor and pralso. Its men deseryo full approval for their ' work of tho past' two weeks. Let Vjm-havo, it i' THE CASE OF JOHNSTON.; rtfho. injury' 'tb'Lylo .Johnston, Min "nesola'a siar fialfcback, In! 'Saturday's gamo Is...a;'iameni,hio,Jiappening. It is to be greatly regretted that a CONVOCATION 8 ' booosooooooooosoooeooooooooooooo gamo capable of bo many good rosults Bhould at the samo tlmo be tho caiiso of occasional dlsastroUB roBiiltB. Tho comparatively largo casualty Hat which oxlated under tho old-Btylo gamo a fow years ago has been great ly lowcrod, but tho poslblllty of acci dent still exists. Considering tho great.' number of mon ongagod In tho gamo, and tho lack of proper safeguards In many In stances, tho number of accidents Is not large. But UiIb fact does not atone to Johnston and the Minnesota toam for tho unfortunate occurrenco Satur day afternoon. It holps tho Gopher half-back but Uttlo to know that he 1b ono of tho fow who havo suffored In tho gamo. To a man situated as 1b ho. Buffering from a painful Injury, cut off from participation In a gamo In which ho delights to star, separated from his matoB, and kopt In a stato of oxaspor atlng Inertia whon all tho world with out 1b buoyantly allvo to such a man there must Indeed conio a feollng that fate, as an adder, has turned hor Bharp fangs undeservedly upon him, and Btung him without cause. But with thoso bitter thoughts, tho Minnesota hack has otherB of another Bort to romomber. Ho could carry back with him the plaudits of a crowd WHY PAY MORE mmmmmmmmmmm of chivalrous Nebraska rooterB, who apprcclato a manly playor, ovon whon ho Is opposing tho Scarlet and Cream. Ho could take with him the expressed tributes of tho team against whom ho fought, and of hundrods of Us hup portors. He has with him In Minno apdllB tho admiration -nnd considera tion of a university which knows well how to honor her fioroes. And, most of all, ho has tho lovo of his toam mates, as manifested in tholr action in oloctlng him captain for 1010. Nohrnaka university feels for you, too, Johnson, nnd will look forward towards anothor mooting with you in recovered health a yoar from now. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sago, who havo boon spending their honeymoon nt tho homo of tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Sago, Beatrice, Nob., havo gono to Moscow, Idaho, whoro Mr. Sago will contlnuo his duties as head of the department of Latin at tho Idaho Stato University. Mr. Sago graduated from the University of No braska in 1902. 8ENIOR COMMITTEES APPOINTED Football, Senior Breakfast and Olym pics Provided for by President Hoffman. Tho committees having tho Bonlor breakfast and tho Olympics In charge for tho senior class and tho manager of tho senior football team woro ap pointed by President Hoffman yester day afternoon. Joseph P. Bourko was appointed manager of the class football team. Tho committee on tho Olympics is composed of Q. C. Long, chairman; Hugo Birknor, H. O. Baumann, D. O. Mitchell and J. A. Scotnoy, Tho senior breakfast committee is cbmposed of Lf B. Alorgan, chairman; Miss Bortha Nealo, Miss Grace. Kmmoi MIsa Von Goetz, D. P. Smith and Harry Villars. It is planned to hold the 'senior break fast tbls Kttfl, or .a loast earlier than it was held last year. French c?griculure x RECEIVE VALUABLE MANU8CRIPT Historical 8oclety Has Copies of Pa pers Which Constitute First State History. Tho Stato Historical Socloty has re ceived several Invaluable as well as Interesting manuscripts during tho Bummor. Thero' woro threo of thoso manuscripts, nnd together thoy consti tute tho first real history over discov ered of this state. Ono of these man uscripts is an exact copy of tho manu script of John Duncan, who was a mis sionary among tho Indians of Nebraska about tho year 1834. This is perhaps tho most valuable copy of tho three. Tho two other manuscripts aro copies of tho manuscripts of Samuol Allls and Moses Merrill. Mrs. William R. Boose, formerly Miss Mabol Wilson, '02, is living at Polls City, Nob. Dr. William R. Boose, '99, took his M. D. at Rush Medical Collogo, and 1b now a physician at this plh.ee. Grado positions nro held by tho fol lowing mombors of 1909: Eva Arnold, Fremont; Ruth B. Castor, Sheridan, Wyo.; Holon Gray, Fremont; Fanchon M. Hooper, Lincoln; Lucy Woodard, Overton. Joe, The Tailor Specialist on Refitting and all Kinds of Altering . Particular attention given to Ladies work and uniforms. . . . Cleaning :: Pressing UPSTAIRS 1328 O St. University Bulletin October. 19, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m Room 2, Ne braska Hall Forestry Club. Ad dress by Dr. Bossoy. x 19, Tuesday, 11:30, Memorial Hall Freshman class meets. Election of officers. 19, Tuesday, 11:30, Toraplo Sopho more class, meets. Election of of ficers. 20, Wednesday, Y. M. C. A. W. D. El more, 189G-7. 6:50 p. m.-7:30. 21, Thursday, Temple Theater Miss Harriot It. Labadlo, "Sermant in tho House." 21, Thursday, 11:30, Momorial Hall Junior class meets. Election of re mainder of class ofilcors. Commit tee announcements. 22, Friday, Fraternity hall Sopho moro dance. 23, Saturday Football Iowa vs. Ne braska. . 23, Saturday Mooting of Komensky Club. 23, Saturday, S.t. Paul'B Church Y. M. C. A. chicken pot pie supper. Gray M. Fletcher, '09, is 'practicing lawval ThermopollS) tyyo.' ANG MAS- THE FINEST Il'INEOFFALL AND WINTER GOODS. IN . THE CITY. :':"': : ' : Bell Phone, F2823 Auto Phone, 7929 The Goodyear Raincoat Co's Tailors 1140 O Street $2.0O Worth of Cleaning and Pressing $1.00 Thny will got your suit nnd bring it back in fine shapo for only GOo; or will Bond you n Club Tickot good for four suits in ono month for $1.C0. Wo havo a Now Dry Cloaning Plant to do tho work with. LADIES' FINE CLOTHES A SPECIALTY LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" nTHmDSFLooRT C. E. BULLARD. U. Ask your friends, they know. best music and best floor in the city. We are not open to the public but cater to ladies and gentlemen only. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, Class Nights Wednesdays and Saturduys 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lessons The UnL Mandolin and Guitar Glub wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone to join a olub. Apply to BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th & R St. For Your Noon Lunch STOP AT THE F0LS0M Junt what you want and sorved tlio way you lik'o it. Btudonts" Trodo Appreciated. Auto 22U Boll 45fl .wwwwwwwww FRIDAY, OCT. 22 SOPHOMORE HOP Walt's Orchestra wmmmmmMm(timm&EmEm?Ems3mmBB8mM3i SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH Lillian A. Chambers, '09, has sc oured a position as industrial Y. W. C. A. secretary at St. Joseph, Mo. Santls Chandra Basu, '09, has re turned to Calcutta, India; and oxpects to become an Instructor in a college at that place . Orville C. Wisdom, '08, is a member Of the firm of Webster & Wisdom, 1328 O St., Lincoln, , Neb., and engaged in the real 'estate and Insurance business, tfS JUST RING UP! w. of N. '02, Mnnngor We have the best crowd, the FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Socials Mondays nnd Fridays 8:00 to 12:00 by Appointment DELL A1311 1307 O St. FRAT. HALL Tickets $1,25 !$K luwSUS&S 24N UtSi: OAf fTO' 196 m 'TONE .p PIT, PT& e xp0mrmf fi i ifnn.mgiiflm immngnTi N.