k.'.. , in.mWi ii ,-rtC,-.ZJiZ - . T " ..ysnaaraawmLi ULftaBHBB IgBswuaMBaait . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN fir. 4 The Daily Nebraskan THE PROPERTY OF TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobroflka. BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Victor B. 8mlth Managing Editor K. P. ferlok AMOclata Editor Carl J. Lord U8INE88 8TAFF. Manager...!. ..W. A. Jonea ABnltnnt ManiiRcr .0. C. Kllop Circulator V. C. Ilaaaill AnslHtunt Circulator P. T. Bturgls Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poatofftce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, f2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lngjo Coplea, 5 Cents Each. Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phonea Auto 1888;. Auto 2683. . 1 INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charged for at the rate of 10 oonts por Inuortlon for ovory flftoon words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul lotlnB will bladly bo published froo. Entored at tho poBtofflco at Lincoln, Nobraaka, as Bocond-clasa mall matter under tho Act of CoiiRrosu of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for tho want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for Want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; threo Inser tlonB twenty-five cents; five Inser tions forty cents. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1909. Owing to the fact that 90 per cent of the Dally Nebras. kan'a subscribers OUGHT TO BE In Omaha for the Nebras- ka-Mlnnesota game at the reg- ular time for 'Issuing the Ne- braskan tomorrow, there will , be no Issue of this paper 8at- urday, October 16. BUDD'S $1.50 KIDD'S $1.15 Just ex little $2.50 Hats. BUDD Tho Som Bot inltlateB tonight. In cidentally It holds a pio feed. Bo ready, you medical students ; thore may be nood of you tomorrow. A student remarks that tho flro scare in Mechanic Arts hall may have been duo to a 'morning after" effect of a Havelock visit. Nay, nay. Was it not a professor who first found it? Nor should anyone bo surprised that a little steam should alarm inhabit ants of Mechanic Arts. Thnt building has so many fire-trap possibilities that it Is no wonder that its rosldents aro always on tho watch for a whiff of smoke. Four men out for the presidency of the freshman class. Verily, verily, this warm fall weather has made tho political boe work overtime. Tho Pharmaceutical Society! Why not call it tho Amalgamated-Associa-tlon-of-UnlvorsltywTirainedJDrugvClorkfl and be dono with it? men's Clubs has been meeting in tho Temple. Incidentally it has been run ning over and ovor-running tho cam pus. Hopo they liked it. That last Btraw hat, which has been hanging on since Sept. 1, is gone at laBt. It was laid away amid the mothballs. Tuesday afternoon, brief services being conducted at tho grave by Rev. Mr. Owner. CR088ING THE GOAL. Seven years ago Nebraska Bent her gridiron warriors north and they came back victorious. Four times since then she has sent forth to Min nesota a team of sturdy Cornhuskers and they have come back beaten, Last year tho wearers of. tho Scarlet and Cream Journoyed north to 'the Gopher field and snatched a tie score from under tho very shadow of tho goal posts. Tho wonderful stonewall defense' Of the Nebraska line with- 03K)00O0000O0O0OOffiO00O0OOO0O& 8 . JPKILJA i Dean Sherman 8 5 T. M. I ocn:jxk50oooooo&o& Btood tho plunging atack of Dr. Wil liams' men at tho very last extremity intervening between safety and defeat. Such has been tho record of tho paBt. Tomorrow tho Nebraska eleven goes to Omaha to add anothor chap tor to that record of victory, defeat, and tlo. Two thousand students will Journoy with tho toam to help in making tho now chapter a glorious one. Thousands of Omaha citlzons, eager that their Btate may take its proud stand among tho leading foot ball commonwealths of tho west, will bo on hand to give team and students a hearty welcome and to cheer them on to victory. And it is going to be a victory. Even tho pessimist will admit that. For thore is no ono who will be will ing to stand 'to tho front and say that Nebraska's team is not going to ac quit. ItBelf creditably at tho Vinton Btreet park, even if it doeB not get tho big end of. tho scqro. Nebraska's cloven has boon in the habit of doing tho creditable thing. It Is in the blood and it is not likely to dlsappoar at this date. Coach Cole's pupils aro going to play a manly game. They are going into tho contest confident of playing tho gamo in a way that will win them the Sueetner this week $2.50 and $3.50 Shoes. 1415 admiration of Nobraskans nnd Minno sotans alike. They aro going to win, if that bo poBslblo with tho brawn at their command. There is not a weak ling among them. So far as effort and 'spirit" can force them down tho field, thoso men of Nebraska aro going to plow down tho gridiron despite tho opposing lino of Mlnnesotans. They aro going to show tho northern play ers, as they have shown them time and time ngaln, that this university sends out to fight Its battles men of courage, men of brain and brawn, men who can be magnanimous in victory, and, If necessary', noble in defeat. Thoy aro men who will fight to tho laBt ditch, mon who will piny the game with all tho fiery energy that their powerful will can summon to their aid until tho last whiBtlo 1b blown, men who will not giveup until tho timekeeper snaps tho watch for the final. Nebraska's team is going down to Omaha tomorrow to a victory a vic tory of score, if possible, but in any case a victory of manhood. 80CIAL REGULATIONS. 'The committo on student organiza tion is just now sending out to stu dent organizations notices calling the attention of theso bodies to the rules in forco for tho regulation of social ovonts which may bo given by them. The rules aro chiefly tho same as thoso which havo stood for several years past. Thoy prohibit affairs of a social nature save on Friday and Saturday evenings and require all uni versity parties to class at 12 midnight. Officially sanctioned, chaperonos aro required at all functions where wo men aro present. It Is presumed that in .putting those rules forth, the committco is not aim ing to correct any existing wrongs In tho social fabric of tho university. Most of the rules have been generally observed during tho past year and they would in any case continue to bo observed by a majority of the students. There have been, however, a few in- .... uraauate uoitege $ MEMORIAL HALL I stances of infractions since the open ing of tho year, and it is probably these at which the rules are directed. Students who consider the matter a moment will find that the regula tions aro nothing if not eminently fair to all concerned. University students have an inherent disliko to any regu lation of their Bocial affairs, and it is probably Just as well that they should profer to feel somo independence in such matters. But there is nothing in tho ruleB which 1b more than all should require without tho existence of tho rules. The ordinary social con ventions obtaining in all good society demand Just what tho rules now is sued ask. A reasonable closing hour and tho presence of chaperonos 1b a demand of general society usage arid not exclusively a regulation of the university authorities. Student organizations will find that tho rules cause them little trouble, and observance of them insures each organization against any hint of doubt as to their following out of the cor rect social conventions. For this rea son, if for no other, they should bo obeyed. SIO.OO Crovenetts, To Get Your Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, and Refitted, Choose Joe, The Tailor Particular attention given to Ladies work and uniforms. . . . UPSTAIRS 1328 O St. University Bulletin October. 15, Friday, 11 a. m., Gymnasium Junior football men. 15, Friday, 5 p. m., Memorial Hall Senior clasB meets. 15, Friday, 5 p. m., Memorial Hall Special convocation. Dean Sher man. 15, Friday, 1 p. m U10G Meeting of candidates for debating squad. 15, Friday, 8 p. m Palladlan Hall, Temple1 Meeting. 15, Friday, 8:15 p. m., Union Hall Meeting. 1G, Saturday Nebraska vs. Minnesota. Omaha. 16, Saturday, 8 p. m., Temple Stu dents' Agricultural Club. 17, Sunday, 4 p. m., Temple Y. W. C. A. Chancellor Davidson. 19, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 2, Ne braska Hall Forestry Club. Ad dress by Dr. Bessey. 19, Tuesday, 11:30, Memorial Hall Freshman class meotB. Election of officers. 19, TueBday, 11:30, Temple Sopho more class meets. Election of of ficers. 21, Thursday, 11:30, Memorial Hall Junior class, meets. Election of re mainder of'clasB officers. Commit too announcements. 22, Friday, Fratomlty hall Sopho more dance. 23, t Saturday, Football Iowa vs. Ne braska. 23, Saturday Meeting of Komensky Clutf. MECHANICAL ENQINEER8 MEET. Will Attempt to Get Branch of Amerl- can Society of Engineering In Nebraska. Nebraska may have a branch of the American Society of Mechanical En gineers. This is the substance of the fact that a number of junior and Benior mechanical engineers met in M. E. 204 Wednesday evening and or ganized a temporary society for the purpose of petitioning the American association. About twenty of the most prominent junior and senior mechanical en gineers were present at the meeting. M. E. Streoter was elected president and William Burleigh was elected sec rotary. Tho organization which was formed is only temporary, its object being to got a branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. A committee was appointed to frame up the petition. Tho temporary organization which was formed Is not intended to run in competition with tho present engineer- The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Glub wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone to join a club. Apply to BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th S R St. WHEN we tell you about Kensington Clothes either Suits or Overcoats its to let you know about better clothes than you've been in the habit of buying. They cost a little more, of course, but don't think they're ex pensive for they're not. They're really economical clothes because they keep their shape and look good about twice as long as other clothes. The new grays and blues, as they come out of our of our new cabinets, pressed ready to put on, will give you more comfort and satisfaction, yes more for your money than any clothes you can buy. Suits and $15 to $50 M AGEE &DEEMER A HOME OF KENSINQTON CLOTHES WVMMYIV ft, ft. MM4MMV 4 MJM P. 5. So many women around me can't keep the secret WEAR KIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES SOLD The Palace 1419 O lng society. It will merely attempt to get a branch of the American society here in tho belief that besides help ing the momborB themselves, It wllL greatly benefit the university and the recognition accorded it over the United States to have a branch of this, organization established here. At present there are two members of the society here, Professor Richards and Superintendent of Grounds and Build ings Chowens. FRIDAY AFTERNOON TEA TODAY. List of Hostesses Announced for This. Afternoon's Event. Miss Ensign yesterday announced: the following list of hostesses and pat ronesses for the Friday afternbon tea from 3:30 to 5 p. m. today: Faculty Hostesses Mrs. A. E. Bur nett, Mrs. M. K. Jewett, MrB. P. H. Frye, MIbs Clara Conklln. City Patronesses Mrs'. Don Love, Mrs. M. A. Bullock, Miss Ida Robblns, Miss Charlotte Templelon. A commltteo from tho University Girls' Club will as usual assist at the tea table. Overcoats Smart Clothes That simply means clothing cut by a smart tailor, pur chased by a shrewd buyer and worn by a man with brains. Are You Guilty? BY Clothing Co. STREET V h