The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1909, Image 1

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Vol. IX. No. 15.
Price 5 Cents.
Franok Expected to Play a Good Qame
With Bentley and Beltzrer
as Other Probablo
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v P 'O T' "T 'I P T T M
The Nebraska . Telephone
Company will recelvo detailed
reports of the Minnesota-Nebraska
game over their long
distance lines. A field diagram
will be located in front of the
office of the company on Thir
teenth street just south of O,
and bulletins Will be announced
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Minnesota Right End, Who Is Counted
Upon to Make 8ome Good Gains
Around the Cornhusker Line.
Secret practice, tho first of tho year,
was held at tho State Farm yeBtorday
afternoon. For more than two hours
the varsity men were sent through a
stiff signal practice, perfecting' the
plays that are to bo UBed against Min
nesota next Saturday.
Everything .is in readiness for the
big game, and when the whistle blows
for tho kick-off tomorrow afternoon,
Coach Cole will have a team on the
field in almost perfect condition. Tho
team as it is today looks far stronger
than it has at. any time this season.
There is no comparison between the
team that played South Dakota two
weeks ago and the one Coach Colo
will send against the Gophers tomor
row afternoon.
There was no hard scrimmage for
.the varsity yesterday. With his toam
in almost perfect condition, Colo is
taking no chances of crippling up any
of his men, before the game,' Ho is
anxious to win and is going to send
tho team into the game is as near
perfect condition as possible.
1 Hopes' ln Franck.
In yesterday's practice much atten
tion -was given to place kicking by
Franck. Last Saturday Franck kicked
two goals from placement out of a
possible three, and the ball was slip-
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Prof. Stevens' New Nebraska
Como a runnin', boys,
Don't you hear tho nolsoT
Liko tho thunder in tho sky,
How it rolls along
In a good old song,
From the sons of Nebraskl.
Now it's coming near
With a rising cheer
That will sweep all foes away.
So with all our vim
Wo have got to win,
And we've got to win today.
pery and hard to-handle at that. With
a perfect day tomorrow Franck ought
to bo able to repeat tho trick moro
than onco, should Nebraska bo able to
got within striking distance of Minne
sota's goal.
The line has taken a brace tho past
week and looks strong enough to give
tho Minnesota backs much trouble if
thoy attempt to gain by lino plunges.
Tho back field is causing tho most
worry. Both Beltzer and Franck are
excellent half backs, but it is doubt
ful whether either of them will bo
able to stand the full game. Bentley
at quarter will probably have to be
relieved by Hascall before tho end of
tho gamo. So far Rathbono Is the
only candidate for full back. Sturtz
negger is tho only eligible sub back
field man who is showing any class.
Ho will undoubtedly break Into to
morrow's game.
Ewlng Out.
Tho Uno was further strengthened
yesterday by tho return of "Tub"
Ewlng. Ewlng played guard last year
and was one of the best defensive
men on the equad. Ho wub expected
to do great work this fall, but up to
tho present he has been unable, like
many other good men, to get his cred
its straightened out. Tho matter has
been finally arranged to everyone's
satisfaction, and Ewlng is now out for
good, much to tho Joy of everyone
connected with Nebraska football.
Ewlrig was used at guard and tackle
in yesterday's practice. He will hard
ly get into the game tomorrow, owing
to his not being in condition.
The gamo tomorrow is to be called
at three o'clock. Special trains will
bo run on tho Rock Island that will
afford accommodations to everyone de
siring to see the game. These trains
will leave at 8:30 and 8:45 a. m.; re
turning, leavo Omaha at 8:35 and
11:15 p, m. The regular fare will be
charged, it being impossible to secure
reducod rates.
I Nebraska will line up in tomorrow's
I game as follows:
Johnson L. E.
I Hjarto , L. T.
I Wonstrand L. G.
Shonka .' 0.
Elliott R.G.
ix ompio it. x
jvx(iOr ! Xv j
,Bentley . Q. B
.Beltzer (oapt.) .'...L. H.
Franck R. H.
Rathbone F. B.
8tock Judging Team Returns From
Kansas City With- Honors Won.
Tho students'' Judging team, which
was sent to the Royal American live
stock show in Kansas City, returned
home Wednesday The export Judges
placed tho team fourth among tho con;
testing teams. Nebraska's total points
were Just five points below the Kan
sas team. The members "of the Ne
braska team were V. 8: Culver, R. H.
Camp, O. H. ,Liebers, J. McKUHp and
J.'B. KuBka, . '
Tho men Judged classes of horses,
mules, cattle, hogs and sheep. In
about half the classes tho reasons had
to bo given for tho placings. V. S.
Culver ranked sjxth among alj the
students entered and won a prize of
rS2n rS2n rSZn r
Professor Nloholson and Assistants
Come From Minneapolis to In
spect Frat Men on Coach
Cole's 8quad.
E. E. Nicholson, assoclato professor
of chemistry of tho University of Min
nesota, and two graduate studonts of
that Institution aro in Lincoln this
week inspecting fraternity conditions
at tho University of Nobraska. They
aro sent by tho regents of tho Gopher
school to gain data to bo used in a
probablo reorganization of tho frater
nity system at Minnesota.
ProfoBBor Nicholson Is an old Ne
braska man, a graduate of tho class
of 1893. Since leaving Nebraska ho
has been a prominent member of the
Gopher faculty. Incidentally ho has
had much to do with Minnesota ath
letics. Ho is a closo friend of "Doc"
Williams, tho crafty coach of the Go
pher team, and ho Is one of the "In
siders" In Gopher football matters.
Ho has had a considerable part in de
veloping tho MinnoBota Bplrit which
has been back of tho teams sept
against Nobraska from year, to year,
and he is intensely interested in the
success of his school at the gamo in
Omaha next Saturday.
Were at Iowa and Ames.
According to paragraphs in the stu
dent publications of Iowa and Ames
a delegation from Minnesota visited
those schools a week or two ago.
These men came also from the re
gents to investigate fraternity condi
tions so that they might report to
their institution. They visited tho
Iowa schools Just a few days before
tho big football games between those
institutions and the Gopher pupils of
Coach Williams. Tfoolr inquiry there
did not go deeply into fraternity con
ditions. In fact, the embassy appeared
to bo satisfied with extremely super
ficial information.
The same peculiarity which the
Iowa men noticed was comnlented
upon by some of the Nebraskans in
terviewed by the emissaries yester
day. The Minnesota men called upon
several professors; and in at least two
cases theso men noticed that they did
not seem to be very well informed
upon the subject in hand.
"Thoy seemed perfectly -willing for
me to do mostof the talking,1' said
one of the interviewed. "In fact, they
did not seem to care to discuss the
more technical features of the ques
Then como on, boys, utf and at thorn,
For wo know you aro tho toam,
And 'twill always Btir tho Cornhusker
Our old scarlet and tho croam.
For Nobarska and tho Scarlot,
For Nobraska and tho Cream,
Though thoy go through many a battlo,
Our old colore may bo seen.
tion at all. Thoy rathor sidestepped
that feature."
Some Advantages.
Investigations ordered by tho board
of rogonts of a university aro of course
paid for by tho university authorities.
Tho Minnesota regents, for lnstanco,
pay the expenses of raon sent upon
fraternity investigations. Football
spies aro not paid by tho rogonts.
Such mon must of necessity bo paid
out of a "Blush" fund. It is said to bo
an extremely convenient measure
when it is possiblo to havo ono com
mlttoo do doublo duty. It saves
money. Incidentally such an arrange
ment, if carried out by a university,
enables Us representatives to go
about tholr business with moro dig
nity than attains to tho ordinary Bpy.
Minnesota's fraternity investigation
committee will remain In Lincoln un
til Saturday. It will then go to Om
aha to Investigate tho fraternity rep
resentation at tho football game.
Members of the Battalion of Last Year
to Be In Uniform for First
Time This Year.
Orders havo been given from tho
department of military science that
all the members of tho cadot battalion
who drilled last year aro to be in uni
form Monday evening at the regular
drill hour. The uniforms this year
are to be the same as last year ex
cept for little extra, red braid. The
companies aro to all havo different
colored neck scarfs. This later plan
was also in vogue last year. The new
mon of tho cadot battalion will not bo
in uniform 'before tho first of Novem
ber, At this time the entire battalion
will be in complete uniform, tan shoes,
loggins and ollvo drab uniforms.
Prominent Reader and Impersonatqr
Will Appear Under the Auspices -of
the Dramatic Club. -
Miss Harriet R. Labadie of German
town, Pa., will appear at the Temple
Theater next Thursday evening, Oo
tobor 21, under tho auspices of the
University Dramatic Club. WheBapj
pearing here she will give "The Ser
vant in the House' which has created
such" a sensation on .the modern stage.
Miss Labadie is a reader and Imper
sonator of considerable national repu
tation. She has appeared as a reader
a number of times among the most'ro
flned circles of the national capital.
At one of theso times she appeared at
entertainments given by a number, of
the prominent women of Washington,
among whom were Mrs., Roosevelt,
Baked beans, baked on the premises
and served hot with delicious' brown
bread, ,10c, at The Boston Lunch.
Dr. Avery, Dr. Condra, Coach Cole,
and Others Added Their Words
to Muslo by Band and Yells
by Students.
Two thousand studonts aro to bo in
tho parado tomorrow. This big parado
of Nobraska studonts Is to borheld in
dmaha immediately upon tho arrival
of tho special train In that city. Tho
students aro to bo formed In column
two abreast and aro to march up tho
main thoroughfare of tho city. Tho
band Is to load tho demonstration.
Following this will como tho mombors
of tho Cornhusker team and thon will
como tho good old- varsity colors with
a color guard. Following will bo tho
A Nebraska Line Man Whose Possible
Entrance Into Saturday' Game Will
Help Strengthen Weak Spots.
loyal supporters of tho Scarlet and
Cream. '
Leaving the union dopot the parado
will go north' on 'Tenth stVoet to' Far
nam. Turning West on Farnam the
parado will march to tho Hensbaw
hotel, where the team will baye their
headquarters. Here tho varalty-yolls
and songs will be given and in this
part of the program tho co-eds of the
university are requested to take an
active part : r
TIxb entire parade will be, lnscharge
of the Nebraska yell loaders, H. O.
Perry, J. 8. Elliott and 8. A. Mahpod.
These men will act as marshals and
wJU have entire charge of tho forma
tion of the parade and. its route
through the city. All tho Nebraska
rooters are' requested, to Vear long
scarlet and cream streamers, which
are 'to be fastened on the shoulder.
Any streamer shorter than a yard will
be barred.
Everyone is requested to give to the
yell loaders their heartiest co-operation
to make the parado a grand and'
glorious success, Join in when the
yells are asked for and sing at the
top of your voice when spngs are on
tho program. Learn the football songs
by hea'rt and be able to sing- them,
Program at the Game.'
At the gamp the band will march
onto the field, followed by the univer
sity colors with the color, guard, The
Continued on Page 4
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