The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1909, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 13.
Price 5 Cents.
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piBpFi . urB sv m
old n" Men TUrtN out to UeLp
Nebraska Men 8how Up Well Under
8tiff Practice Magor Laid
Out by Bad Cut
on- Jaw.
If Nebraska doesn't boat Minnesota
at Omaha, neit Saturday, It will not
be due to a lack of coaching. Five
coacheB were on the field In yester
day's practice, watching every move
ment and ready at all times to point
out the faults of the Individual play-.
ors and show them how to Improve
their work.
It was an Inspiring sight to side
liners, of whom there were a goodly
number , to sqe five trained veterans
put the team through one of the stlff
ost practices of the year. Coach Cole
"had for his" assistants "In yesterday's
work three veteran Nebraska players,
Harvey, Chaloupka and Westover.
Every one of these men wero stars on
former Nebraska elevens and have
more than once demonstrated to the
huBky Minnesotans that. Nebraska too
can play the game. They are more
than anxious to see Nebraska win
next Saturday's game, and are doing
everything' that man" can possibly do
to put the team in shape for the -con-test
One of these men said last night
hat If the Nebraska eleven shows the
same spirit and enthusiasm In next
Saturday's contest that was displayed
In yeBterday'B scrimmage there will
be a great surprise in store for MJn
Qpsota. Many Coaches.
'In addition to these veterans Colo
also had the aid of Captain Har-
graves, a former West Point star. Har
graves played left end on the Army
eleven In 1 002 and 103. Hti la tatf-"'
ing- special work: tterfe in the engineer
ing department aifd has" bfiferoiar Bib'
services In training the ends. Under
nls tuition the end's ought, to make
fpld improvement in the art of
breaking up interference and getting
down on punts.
One thing Nebraska has lacked bo
for-and that is sufllolent coaching ma
terial to keep-all the men constantly
at work. Cole and Harvey have been
working like Trojans, but their taBk
was too great. This week will see
at least si men out, oyery night put
ting" the t6ara' through the hardest
kind of scrimmage.
Glen Mason, who played full back
and end from 1001 t6.19d5 ahd: Is. gen
erally regarded as one of the greatest
football players Nebraska over. pro
duced, Is to be out tomorrow. There
. 1b talk of securing the services of
"Pip" Cook, who is now coaching the
-. Nebraska . Military Academy, also.
This line-up of veteran Nebraskans
" ought to provo a powerful stimulus t
the team in their work" this week arid
w'itbthe advantage "of their inspiring
influence Nebraska ought to show Min-
nesdta one of the warmest times In
the football hlBtory of the 'two schools.
' Blrkher Not Reported.
So far BirKrior hasnot reported.. He
arrived in town Saturday and hopes
wore enterta'ined that he would-be
in harness thd first, of. the .'week .'so as
' to 'take his place" as full, back In the
gamo next aajuraay. tiia services are
badly needed as Colo, has only; one set
of 'back field men whomf fie cabA do
pend on. Sturznegger has. proved
himself a good half, buls not heavy
enough for, full, Ryan and,6rd are
.',' ...',' ,'"f,i,. .- j ill1!
Doing, xrainea io nu oack u.m.
fast and of good weight f Tktf.m
both greon to the gamo, but have good
4 t
Tune: Take Me Out to the BaBeball Gamo.
Take mo out to the football game,
Take me out with the crowd,
Buy me some pennants and megaphones,
1 ddn't care If I never get back,
For Its root, root, root for Nebraska.
If they don't win It's a shame,
For It Is one, two, three downs and out
At the football game.
stuff In them when they got worked
out. Both ohthese men will probably
sco service In Saturday's game.
In yesterday's scrimmage Magor re
ceived a severe cut in the Jaw, which
may lay him, up for -a day or tw,o. He
was feeling well last night, and it is
hoped he will be able to get out in a
day or so. Last Saturday he played
a star game at left end and he is be
ing counted on to do good work In the
coming contest.
Shipment of Equipment Delays Work
and the Classes Are Attend
ing Lectures.
The members of the classes In M.
E. I. have been' unable to use the lab
oratory since school started and the
delay has teen caused by the delay in
the shipment of the equipment of the
machinery needed to fit the building,
This machinery should have been
hqre a mpnth,a.goaq,upon I.tgL arrival
the work of Installing It will be a
matter of o, few days' work,, and then
the shops will be ready for the work,
In mechanical engineering that .Is bo:
Flng replaced now by an extra weekly
Registration for -Preliminaries -This
Year Unusually Heavy.
Registration for the try-outs for in
I tor-collegiate debating have been un
usually heavy this year. Up to. last
night thirty-two candidates had .reg
istered for the wide-open preliminary
to pick out the members of the uni
versity debating .scmad u.
The registration iBnot confined to
upper classmen, but many freshmen
have entered the lists. The increase
In registration over last year is due in
x large measure to the fact that while
two try-outs were held last year, only
one is to be held this year. This
try-out will in all probability como thd
flrBt of next .week.
The list of those registered up to
last night follows:
John L. Rice, Ernest H. Hahue, G,
W. Foster, D. W. Rogers, James B.
Bednar, J. T Votorq, R. W, Garrett,
H. F. Wonder, Ralph MoBeley, K. P,
Frederick, J. A. Scotney, P. J. Holder
son, H. W. Coulter, D. F. McDonald,
S, P. Dobbs, B. W. Cherrington, F. C.
McCorinoll, H. C. Hathaway, R. S.
Mann, 6. R. Rein, B. C. iarcellus, B,
W. Marcellus, T. H. Qllinn, A. M.
Oberfeider, J. M Alexander, A. El
Warren, C. L. Clark, W. G. WoVvlngf
ton, h. a. jangling, n. ,. rouer, u. a.
Emery and B. P. Snyder.
.Balcedjbeahs,. baked on (iio,prernlBes
and served1 hotwlth'v delicious brown
broad, 10c, at The Boston launch'.
Tuno: See-saw.
Football, football,
Making ton yards overy down,
Don't it jUBt seem like a threshing machine
That's turning, and whirling, and hurling around,
as we
Go through your line.
You won't como back here for moro,
Look at the board, soo how much we have scored,
With your old foot-ball.
Details of Try-Out Announced by Miss
Howell, Who as President of Club
and Head, of Department, Su-
'perlnterids Work.
The University Dramatic Club is to
put on some excellent productions this
winter in addition to many other
phases of the work, which will be
pushed with Unusual vigor. MIsb
Howell has already been beset With
many Inquiries regarding the club, Its
rules, and Its program for the winter,
and unusual interest is manifested on
the part of the club members them
selves. The club will hold its first meeting
Thursday evening at 7:45 in the club
rooms In the Temple, at which time a
short curtain raiser will be given by
Miss EHther Bailey and Mr. Searle
DayfB. . , .. ,.
Upper classmen seem to be mani
festing u.nusUal Interest in the work
this year. While in all branches of
college ,actl.yltlfis, .the lieginnlngpf the
college year is marked by a renewal
of enthusiasm, yet this year that of
the dramatic club is not confined alone
to the new men. Many of these have
already inquired regarding the date
of the try-outs, which, as was an
nounced last evening, are to be held
November 11.
Change In Requirement.
Admission to the club was not al
ways granted on the basis of a 'try
out" before judges. Eight years ago,
when the department of elocution was
new at Nebraska, Miss Hoytoll and a
few students who were Interested In
college dramatics, organized the club.
At that time all of the students in the
elocution classes were eligible for
membership. As the department be
came larger the club adopted the try
out plan, which is now In use.
Every fall Miss Howell, the pros!-,
dent of the club, appoints a commlt-
Itee of club members With perhaps
some interested member of the faculty,
before whom the students desiring ad
mission to the club present what is
called a "try-out." Usually some well
known scene from classic drama, . a
dialogue or a recitation Is chosen .by
the would'be member. Ten minutes
1b the tlme-llmlted for .the tryrout. A
list of good scenes is, always posted-in
Vin TOIftniiMntt 'Xinrini "Wlflft
a week
Kt.LMt v'l ,.,'ll.! .-iA .I- , I'
hiV tryoutB &ke place',, a'Ad; atu
iterested In the work may con-
before tr
dents interes
suit Miss Howoll as soon as p.osBlblo
regarding final arrangements for the
Give a Play.
Once admitted to the club, the inter
esting work begins. Before becoming
full Hedged members thd now mom-,
bern are required to present a play
bofore the club as an initiation within
a month after passing the try-outs.
During the year the club holds month
ly 'meetings In tho club room in the
Temple. TheBo meetings are partly
business and partly social in char
acter. A program consisting of a Bhort
play, u recitation or a talk on some
-matter of dramatic interest, Is always
arranged for by a special commlttoe.
During the year tho club always pre
sents several plays in public at tho
Templo Theater. Those given last
year wore, "Tho American Citizen" and
"Tho ToaBt Master." The cast of the
senior play, which Is the great event
of commencement week, Is always
chosen largely "from the dramatic
club, for those who have had experi
ence and training in thoir club work
are usually best qualified for the roles.
The aim and hope of thd club Is to
ralBe the standard of tho work done
by the members, year by year, until
tho Nebraska club can hold an famous
a place in college circles 'as the dra
matic clubs of the great eastern
schools, whertf). the Importance and
prominence of the dramatic club is
second to no other phase of college
8imllar Organization to A. (. . E. to
Be Formed by the. M. E. Men.
The members of the junior, and
senior classes in mecbanlcaj englncerr
ing are requested to mpot 'Wednesday
afternopn in the M. E. building In
room 204, TOj purpose, of, the meet
ing la for,,the formation of a society
called AJxq American Society of Me
chanical Engineers, This organization
is a factor in tho life pf the mechanical
engineers similar to the organization
amopg the electrical engineers called
the American Institute of Electrical
Epgineers. AH junior and senior, me:
chanical engineers are Invited to at
tend ths meeting.
John W. Roberts, '04, who took his
Master's degree, las, spring from the
Uplversity ,tof Nebraska, hass secured
a, position, as scientific! assistant, in or
chard pathology, U. S. Department of,
Agriculture. , , .
the selection of a scarf to be worn by
tho members of thouPorsh(n Rlflea
are. requested to'ineqUin tbe ,rag ofr
flee this morning at J., fl'plock,
C. J. .LORD, Chairman.
Party of Thirty-five Made Tour With
Nebraska Professor and En
joyed Sights of the Old
Tho annual University of NobraskV!
summer tour conducted by Dr. James
T. Loos, hoad of tho department of
Crook, was this year a decided sue
cosb. Tho trips woro started In 1802
at tho urgent request of Chancellor
Cnnflold, who saw In thorn tho possi
bility for univorslty students to spond
a pleasant and profitable vacation at a
modorato prlco. Dr. Loos has con
ducted tho tours nearly overy year
slnco thon.
Tho party tills year avoragod thirty
five ,and was undor tho pprsonnl
charge of Dr. Loos. They loft Lincoln
Juno 0 and sallod from Montreal tho
12th. On landing nt Glasgow thoy
proceeded lmmodiately to Edlnburg,
sponding two days thero. Horo they
visited MolroBO Abbey and Abbotsford.
tho homo of Sir Waltor Scott. Two
days wero thon spent coaching
through tho TrosBachs, varied with
steamer rides on Loch Kathrino and
Loch Lomond. Tho party thon Jour'
neyed to Ayr, tho birthplace of Rob
ert Burns, whore thoy visited tho
"Auld Kirk" and "Brig O'Doon."
Trip Through England.
The trip was continued through
Dunfrios, Carlylo and Keswick and
then coached all day to Gresrncor and
Windermoor, sponding Sunday In
Bownoss on Lako Wlndormeor.-Thonco
tho party wont to Chester, famous fpr
its old Roman walls and tho peculiar
character of its buildings, known as
tho "Rows." Tho next stop was at
Stratford-on-Avon, whore visits woro
mado to Shakespeare's house, Memo
rial church and Anne Hathaway's cot
tage. After visiting Warwick and
Warwick castle another coaching trip
was made to Kqnilworth castlo, .which
has been Immortalized by Sir Waltor
Scott's Ivanhoe.
After stopping in Oxford and visit
ing its two score colleges the party
proceeded to London, Seven days were
spent In the world's metrqpolls with
ono day auto trips to Windsor castle,
Hampton Court and Stokes Poges..
Stokes poges is thechurch t- where
Gray wrote his famous elegy, p)The
party thon prpcooded to Parlsi whore
five, dayg wore spent yUltjtag, ,,the
sights of .the "French , papltal. The
party onjoyed on July 4,4 tno cqlqbra
tion of tho storming of the. Bastile
which is much the same as our Fourth1
of July. Apotber day was( spent, on an
excursion to. Versailles and, Trlanoles;
Tho trip, then proceded through Bql?
glum and Holland, stops being
BrussqlB), Antwern, Rotterdam, The
Hague and Amsterdam., ,r ki,
The party left Amsterdam tho 19tti
of July on a special chartered, steamer
for an exceedingly Interesting jand
profitable, trip throu. the canals 'of
Holland, visiting, Edam, famous, for its
choose, Jpnnaklndam ,an yellendam
arid theiBlajidof Alarke jrethe
TO'ty'.TO ti, ImijedtettlytrM
ported back to almost the middle, ages,
for tho primitive Hollanders on this,
sea-girt Island ., are, practically un
changed , In t their ways of lWlng and
jnodos qf dress from forner age8v
, VK1 i 9'Bn ... ,a
From Amsterdam the party wa
Ukea to, Cologne her whatis.probj
abljr the flaest Gothic cathedral , In
sail M.tka historic Rhlme, old castles
CoatUd oa Paget 4.
l ' iSt? ,!
in wmrmmmtmammmf
mimftm mtmm ijiViiii in n hum n M'i.ff.ii..,i..)t-LL zzss