WW, '$Wp$$?W?t?xi THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ! ; li' I l Ji DIRECTORY. fci I? Business Directory Evory loyal V TV? ljV i H-i mvcrsity Btuuoni is urgou iu yuu- jlxe thoBo Nobraskan advertlBorB, and to mention tbo NobraaKan wnuo do ling 80. IDANKS , FlrBt Trust & Savings BAKERIES ;, Polsom BARBER SHOPS . Croon's BATH, HOUSES ' Chris. ,DOOK STORES Co-op. Unlvorlaty 0LEANER8 . ' J. 0 Wood & Co. Wobor'B Sult,orlum. 'CLOTHING . Farquhar Magoo & Doomer Mayor Bros. .. Palac Clothing Co. Spolor Sc Simon Armstrong Clotblng Co. .COAL Grogory Wbltobroast CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kltchon T.ommy .. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln DENTISTS '' ' . .v J. R. Davis. ' x DRY. GOODS Mlllor & Palno Iludgo & Guonzol DRUOGISTS Rlggs , ENGRAVERS I "' Qornoll : . FLQRISTS v 3 , . C. H. Froy , T . Froy & Froy ,,, FURNISHINGS ' ' - Budd Fullc Magoo & Doomor K -Mayor Bros. Palaco Clotblng Co. Rudgo & Guonzol Spolor & Simon Armstrong Clotbing Co. .HATTERS Budfi;;.' J'V. Fulk Unland , Armstrong Clotbing Co. Magoo- Ss Deomor M n ' Mayor Bros. 1 : -Palaco Clothing Co. "w ' RadgQ. & Guonzol Spolor & Simon 'ICE'dtfEAM " Franklin Ico Croam Co. ";t.. JE.WE.LERS Hallott Tuckor fc,M LAUNDRIES ' "i Evans ' 1 K. OPTICIANS Sboan PHOTOGRAPHERS 1; Foiynsond " H 1J PRINTERS iV A Goorge Bros. 'u u , Simmons Van Tino ' RESTAURANTS I Boston Luncb i Cameron's Y. M. C. A. Spa RAINCOATS Goodyear Raincoat Co. SHOES ArmBtrongrtGldthlng Co. Beckman Bros. . 'I "B.':'ll ' Budd Men's Bootory Rogers & Perkins Mayer Bros. y Miller & Paine shirts Skirt Store , I TAILORS , N Elliott Bros. , Gregory og , THEATERS kLyrlc ' ;,' Oliver TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Ex. Underwood Typewriter Co. il Continued from Pago 1 NEDRA8KA WINS FROM KNOX BY BIQ 8C0RE bono mado four and Boltzor ono. No braska tried an on-slde kick, which wbb recovered by Knox on hor fifteen yard lino. Gates again puntod out of bounds on Knox's twqnty-flvo-yard line. Bontloy made three yards and then fumblod. Gates punted to Franck, who mado a fair catch on Knox's forty-five-yard lino. Franck mado twolvo yards around left. Harto made five. A forward pasB'by Beltzer wnB caught by Purlngton. Gated punted to Beltzer, who made a fair catch on tho forty-two-yard line. Franck tried for a place kick, but mlBBod. Knox'B ball on hor own twenty-five-yard lino. An attomptod on-sldo kick blocked. Nebraska's ball. Franck made two yards. McCullough made a fierce tackle and Boltzor lost Hoven. Knox again Intercepted n forward pass on hor own thirty-yard line. Gates punted high in tho air, the ball rolling backwards, and was recovered by Nebraska on Knox's ten-yard line. Boltzor made five yards. Rathbone mado two, and Templo went over for a touchdown. Franck kicked goal. Score: Nebraska 6, Knox 0. Smith kicked off to Franck, who re turned thirty yards. Franck made twenty yards. Beltzer mado three. Bontloy lost fivo. Beltzer punted to Knox's forty-five-yard line. Knox failed to gain and Gates punted to Bentley on Nebraska's thirty-yard lino. Bontloy mado three yards. Bolt zor wont around right end for thirty yardB on a fake punt. Franck made bIx. Temple mado fifteen. Harte nmdo eight. Nebraska was tearing great holes In Knox'B lino. Rathbone wont through center for fifteen. Franck made two and Harto went over for ' the Becond touchdown, after twolvo minutes, of play. Franck kicked goal. Score: Nebraska 12, Knox 0. Nebraska Scores Easily. Smith again kicked olT to Rathbone, who returned thirty yards. Rathbone made seven. Templo mado twelve. Knox penalized for off-sldo. Knox caught an on-Bide kick and Gates punted twenty yards to Bentley. Bent loy made eleven yards. Knox again off-sldo. Franck mado two yards. Beltzer made u beautiful forward pass, which Bentley pulled down out of the air and then ran twqnty-flve yards for a touchdown. Scoro: Nebraska 18, Knox 0. Smith kicked off to Boltzer, who re turned twenty-five yards to Nebraska's thlrty-flve-yard line. Boltzor punted to Knox's forty-fivo-yard line. A few ex changes of punts were made, tho ball finally resting on Nebraska's fifty-yard lino. Rathbone made eight, Harto one and Franck seven. Beltzer and Bent ley both loBt. Beltzer tried an on slde kick, which was recovered by Magor, who ran twenty yards for a touchdown, after twenty minutes of play. Franck missed goal. Score: Nebraska 23, Knox 0. Franck Makes Place-Kick. Gntes kicked off to Franck, who re turned tho kick to Knox's twenty yard line. Knox lost fifteen yards on a failed forward pass. Gates punted to Beltzer, who made a fair catch. Franc kicked goal from placement on tho twenty-four-yard line. Scoro: Nebraska 26, Knox 0. This endod the scoring In tho first half. Chauner went In at left end for Johnson. Knox kicked off to Rath bone, who returned to Nebraska's twonty-flve-yard line. Beltzer punted twenty-flvo yards. Chauner recovered tho ball. Bontloy made six. Temple made thirty yards off loft' tackle. Harto made six, Franck two and Rathbone five. Rathbone was penal ized for hurdling. On-slde kick re covered by Knox. Gates punted to Bentley on the fifty-yard line. Franck mado eight yards. Temple went through for forty-two yards and a touchdown, but was called back for hurdling. A forward pass Beltzer to Bentley, gained seventeen yards. Temple gained one. Franck kicked a beautiful goal from placement on the twenty-flve-yard line. Scoro: Nebraska 29, Knox 0, 8turtznegger went in for Beltzer. Smith kicked tho ball straight at Elli ott, who made a great -catch and re turned tUp ball to tho filly-yard lino. Bentley and Sturznegger each gained ten, and Templo flvo yards. An at tempted forward pass was caught by McCullough, but Magor saved a touch down by a sensational flying tackle. 8ubs Go In. "Smith punted to Bontley on Nebras ka's twenty-flve-yard line. Hascall went In for Bentley. Hascall mado five yards and Sturtznegger ono. An on-slde kick was caught by Knox, and Gates punted to Nebraska's thirty- yard line. Franck puntod over Pur Ington's head to Knox's twenty-five-yard line. Colo now mndo many changes. Splelmoyer went In for Elliot, Dobson for Harto, Sturmer for Shonka, Gutburlet for Wenstrand and Anderson for Franck. The scrubs fought bard and carried the ball straight dawn the field until finally Rathbone wbb shoved over for tho last touchdown. Score: Nebraska 34, Knox 0. After a few minuteH' more hard play in which the BiibB were having all tho best of It time was called by agree ment with the ball In Nebraska's pos session on Knox's thirty-yard line. The line-up: Knox. Nebraska. McCullough 1. e Johnson Chauner Smith 1. 1 Harto Heubens 1. g Elliot Swanson (c) c Shonka Barclay r. g Wenstrand Ryner r. t Temple .Miller r. e Magor Purlngton q. b 4 . . Bentley Gates 1. h Beltzer (e.) Slough r. h Rathbone Hatch f. b Franck Time of halves, 25 minutes. Officials, Cornell referee, Irwin umpire, Lampe field judge, Clavenger head linesman. Substitutes: Nebraska Chauner, Splelman, Sturznegger, Hascall, But berlet, Dobson, Stunner, Anderson. Knox Jay. CAPT. WORKIZER HAS IDEAS ON UNIFORMS FORMER COMMANDANT CALLS AT TENTION TO ERROR. MADE NO ONE OfflCIAl PURVEYOR Declares That He Favored Pershlngs Only Because They Were Sell ing Best Uniforms Offered In Lincoln. Captain John G. Worklzer, comman dant of the cadet battalion for four years, ending last September, writes from Philadelphia anent his attitude towards the sale of cadet uniforms by the Pershing Rifles. Captain Worklzer denies that any agreement was entered Into, either of ficially or tacitly, whereby the Per shlngs ' became the ofllclal ' purveyors' of uniforms. His letter follows: Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1909. The Editor, Dally Nebraskan. Dear Sir: You state In your Ibbuo of the 6th Inst, that It Is very prob able that an agreement -with a former commandant was relied upon to make the Pershing Rifles the ofllclal pur veyor of uniforms. There was no such agreement. I agered to afford the Pershing Rifles every" opportunity to sell their uni forms to cadets' subject to tho same restrictions as were placed upon deal ers, clz.t That all uniforms were sold to cadefs subject to my inspection as to quality, fit, and uniformity. I furnished such dealers as desired specifications, and willingly called at their places of business and gave them my opinion on their samples. They were afforded a place in my office to exhibit their samples. No distinction was made between the Pershing Rifles and the dealers except that store room was furnlphed the Pershlngs. No dealer asked me for atore-room. They preferred to have tho cadets go to their regular places of business as the uniforms were simply used as a means to advertise their other stock. A, G, SPALDING & BROS. THE are the Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Equipment FOR ALL ATHLETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES Spalding Trade Mark is known troaghout tho world as n Guarantee pi Quality IF YOU aro Inter oatod lu athletic nnort von should have a copy of tho dpaldlDg catalogue. It's acomploteonoyolo podia of Wlint'a Htw In Hport and Is eont froo on roqucst. You Can Clearly See The true value of eye glasses we make for you because they will bo first quality, fine looking and fitting, and be a comfort to wear as well, relieve you of all your eye troubles and drive away those splitting headaches. HALLETT Registered Optometrist Established 1871. 1143 O St. I FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders, Give Us a Trial Order, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMFY II06 0 STREET During the two years of my admin istration that the Pershing Rifles sold uniforms, I recommended to those cadets who asked my opinion tho tinl forms sold by the Pershing Rifles, as they were undoubtedly the best to bo had In ' Lincoln. Had somo other dealer presented a better one, I should have recommended that. All things being equal, I, of course, -would recommend that the cadets pur chase from the Pershing Rifles. Very' respectfully, JNO. G. WORKIZER, Capt. 2nd Inf. REQUESTS REPORT OF SICKNE88. University Plans to Better Safeguard the Health of Students. By a bulletin yesterday sent out to tho larger'roomlng houses of the city caring for university students, the committee on student organlations re quests that all cases of sickness of students be reported to the registrar's office. This action is taken that the health of students may be better safe guarded and that all cases may be properly cared for. The university has no infirmary, but patients needing at tention -will be sent to the city hos pitals. Following Is the bulletin Issued by tho committee. . "The university authorities are making a special effort to guard the health of the student body. In order to do this at all effectively, the co operation of those with -whom students are lodged is necessary. "It Is requested that all caseB of sickness, contagious . or otherwise, among students or in student rooming houses be reported at once to the reg istrar's office. This office has both telephones, Bell 221, Automatic 3505. The registrar, will see that all Infor mation furnished is referred to those in charge of this work." Susan Plllsbury, '97, is on a loavo of abBonce- from the Lincoln high school for the first semester. She is traveling in Europe. THE THREE MAN-HATERS IN "GIRLS" AT THE "OLIVER.' A AT IO WED. MAT. AND LVE. Ulf I IO AUTO 3228 BELL 234 SOPH ELECTION IS P08TPONED. Mass Meeting Thursday Will Interfere With 8econd Year Meeting. On account of tho football rally to be held Thursday morning, tho sopho more meeting for tho election of of ficers will bo postponed to Tuesday at 11:30 a. m. President Thomas lost week called the meeting for next Thursday. When learned yesterday that the football men planned a rally for that date, he called the meeting off. At the Tues day Besslon a president for tho cur rent semester will bo elected. Lomax and Powers aro tho announced candi dates. RHODE8 8CHOLAR8HIP EXAMS. To Be Held In Administration Build ing October 19 ancl 20. The next Nebraska examination of candidates for the Rhodes scholarship in England will bo held on October 19th and 20th, In room 204 Administra tion building, the University of Ne braska, Lincoln, These examinations will be In charge of Professor P. W. Sanford of tho University of- Nebraska and Professor L. D. Swingle of Wes leyan University. Examinations begin promptly at 9 a. m. on TueBday, Oc tober 19, no candidate being admitted later than one-half hour after the des ignated time. Following Is tho time schedule of examinations: Tuesday, October 19. 9 a. m. to 11 a. m., Translation from Latin into English; 1 p. m. to 3 p. m., Latin Prose; 4 p. m. to 6 p. m.,' Arithmetic. Wednesday, October 20. 9 a. m. to 11 a. m., Translation from Greek into English; 1 p. m. to 2 p. m., Latin Grammar; 2:10 p. m. to 3:10 p. m., Greek Grammar; 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. Algebra or Geometry. Frank Mlolenz, '99, ltf now cashier of the Dexter State Bank, Dexter, Now Mexico. ' .Mr. Mlelenz was at one time private secretary to ox-Chief ' Justice John J. Sullivan of the supremo court of Nebraska. "' A i nu i , mumm mmnimmmm imi miiiniiniMiMiiimtn ?vFH Mtmmm.lmm V -m-1-' -Tr