The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1909, Image 1

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VoL IX. No. 12.
Reserved 8eats for Game Now on 8ale
at Co-op and at Harteys
Rooters Buy In Co-op
One or tho old-time rallys will bo
held In the Temple Theater Thursday
morning at 11 o'clock. Football songs,
football yells and football spirit will
be the program for the first big masB
meeting, preparatory to the coming
struggle with Minnesota.
A number of the old football men,
veterans of former Nebraska victories,
will speak. New yells will bo 'given
to train the prospective rooters who
will help win Saturday's fight. Now
songs, football songs, will be sung for
the first time nt the rally. The band
will be present and will help arouse
enthuBinsm for Nebraska and her
gridiron warriors. Every Btudent
"who haB that hour free is expected to
be there to lend his voice to tho songs
and yells.
For Omaha Game.
The rally is merely to foreshadow
the big contest at Omaha Saturday.
It is believed that Nebraska ought to
send a crowd to Omaha for the game
that will exceed any that has ever be
fore attended such a struggle. Min
nesota will run a Bpecial train to Om
aha, which will probably carry eight
hundred people. While, up to late
lust evening, it had not been definitely
announced that Nebraska would have
a special train, yet it Is believed by
those overseeing the affair that such a
train will be assured and special rates
made for tho round trip.
The Indications are "pointing strong
ly toward an exodus of university stu
dents'' to Omaha Saturday morning.
Tho reserved seat tickets on sale at
Harley's drug store are selling out at
a lively rato. These seats are for the
regular resorved seat sections and sell
at $1.50. Reserved seats for the root
ing section, at $1.50 are on sale at the
Co-op. It Is urged by those in charge
that every man not wishing to take a
lady buy a reserved .seat in the root
ing section and help cheer for Ne
braska. The rally which Is to be held Thurs
day morning is in charge of the In
nocents. Some difficulty was en
countered in securing Memorial Hall,
where all of the previous rallys have
been held. Manager Eager wrote to
Professor Grumm on July 23 asking
for an open dato'in Memorial Hall on
the coming Thursday, but It has re
cently come to light that the univer
sity senate lias passed a ruling to the
effect that the hall shall not be used
for any such' purpose. Consequently
the Innocents were forced to hold tho
mass mooting In tho Temple Theater.
This will also necessitate the rally's
running somewhat in opposition to the
musical program scheduled for convo
cation that day.
Want Enthusiasm.
, Tho object of any rally is primarily
to arouse enthusiasm, and this rally
coming as it does Just hofore the cru
cial test of the Cornhuskers, means
that everyone present will get into the
game and learn the new yolls .and
songs. The yells and songs will be
printed and distributed at the' time of
the rally, and tho band will play the
songs. Perry and Elliot, the cheer
leaders, will coach the rooting.
Prom all indications, this, rally
Thursday will prove to bo one of the
best of Its kind ever held at Nebraska
,. ., . u,v. w.u )1,UuMimm,,llum iur jiTob, ine snow does no!
Already the Innocents are looklngrlbegIn until the latter part of the week.
Rootezs Resezve Seats for Minnesota
Game at Co-op. All Rootezs Should
Be Together. Do It &Cow.
now songs set to populnr music for
the Iowa and Kansas games to be
played here in the near future. Evory"
one who hns ever tried anything of
this kind or who thinks he can write
a parody on some of the popular mu
sic of tho day appropriate for tho com
ing contests is urged to do so and sub
mit same to the Innocents. Yells are
also In demand and everyone having a
yell to propose or wishing to write
one Is requested to Biibmit it to the
Annual Event In Armory Attracts the
Usual Large Crowd.
The annual Y. M. C. A. stag social
was pulled off in Memorial Saturday
evening with a large attendance. In
many respects it is reported to havo
been one of the most successful
"stags" ever given by the association.
The gueBts spent tho early part of
tho evening in getting acquainted
with one another, which process was
much facilitated by small slips of pa
per bearing each person's name being
pinned on tho lapel of his coat This
obviated the necessity of an introduc
tion. Later in the evening tho classes or
ganized and each class put up a stunt
in a contest to see which could put up
tho best. These stunts consisted of
peanut races, relay races, rooster
fights, pio eating contests and many
others. The freshmen won. After the
contests Dr. Coridra spoke on the sub
ject of "College Loyalty"; Coach Colo
followed by Sid Collins, spoke of "Tho
Students' Relation to Athletics," after
which Mr. Scotney spoke on "Drill and
its Benefits." S. A. Mahood, presi
dent of the association, then spoke of
Y. M. C. A. work and what the organ
ization was striving for. The even
ing's entertainment was closed with
refreshments consisting of ice cream
cones and gingerbread.
Nebraska Man Go to Milwaukee
Enter National Meet.
, Tho University of Nebraska dally
judging team left Saturday morning
for Milwaukee, Wis., to the National
dairy show. The team is composed
of students in advanced dairy judg
ing and havo been working all fall in
preparation for this event. The men
on the team are Forbes, Matthews and
Hunter. They are accompanied to
Milwaukee by Professor Frost of the
department of animal .husbandry. .
The men will make several stops along
tne road to work on fancy herds, and
will get as much coaching as possible
More Pledges WIN Be Announced
Within the Week Phi Kappa Psl
and Delta Upsllorr Found Guilty
of Violation, of Rules.
Eighty men were pledged yestorday
by the twelve fraternities of the uni
versity. Tho rushing season, which
has been one endless courso of activ
ity by frat men for the past ton days,
came to an end at noon and at that
time tho various organizations invit
ed tho men of their choice and re
ceived their answers.
A number of new men are holding
off, and will not pledge until later in
the week. Among this number nro
some of the best men rushed during
the week, and consequently the Inter
est of tho Greeks in the pledging of
now men will bo maintained for sev
eral days yet.
Tho pledge list this year shows a
larger number of new men affiliated
with tho several fraternities than was
true last year. AlmoBt every frater
nity enlarged its pledge' list over the
figure set a year ago. Yet In somo
cases there were notable instances of
a restriction in the number of men
pledged. There will undoubtedly bo
several additions to tho lists within
a day or two.
Action on Violations.
Following the action of its special
committee in finding Phi Kappa Psi
guilty of violating the lnter-fraternity
rushing rules, the Panhellonlc council
met last evening to pass sentence
upon tho fraternity. After a prolonged
consideration of the penalties possible
under the inter-fraternity rules, Phi
Psi was prohibited from rushing or
pledging any of tho men on whom
complaints were entered until .the
close of the first somoster. They can
not be initiated, if pledgod, until they
have completed twelve hours' work in
the second semester. The freshmen
not allowed to pledge are Coe Bu
chanan, Sam Carrier, Ray Killlan,
Fred McConnell, and Frank Schwako.
Delta Upsllon was founds guilty of
violating the rules with reference to
Ray Killlan and the same penalty in
flicted. The council passed a yote of thanks
to Professor Barbour for his services
as chairman of the council during the
past year.
Mr. Welton was re-elected
OCTOBER 12, 1909.
Pledge List.
Tho following is the list of pledges:
Sigma Nu Erwln P. Snyder, Coun
cil Bluffs; Erlo R. Curse, Council
Bluffs; Edgar Adams, Shelby, la.;
Morus Hawley, Nebraska City; Carl
Aldrlch, Nebraska City; J. Finch Tern
plin, Nebraska City; E. J. Huberman,
Omaha; J. E. S. Chambers, Omaha; C.
A. Emery.
Phi Gamma Delta Thomas Nlmlck,
Palmer; John Bushnell, Lincoln; Ju
lius Harpham, Lincoln; Thomas Rog
ers, Ragan, Nob.; Paul Rogers, Ru
gan, Neb.; Llscom Titus, Holdredge;
Albert Patterson, Omaha; Ray Cran
cer, Lincoln; Kenneth Amor man, St.
Joseph, Mo.; Frank Long, Buffalo,
Wyo.; Clyde Lelphard, Lincoln.
Sigma Chi Otho Doyle, Lincoln;
Earl Burkott, Omaha; Richard Har
greaves, Lincoln; Herbert Potter, Se
ward. Phi Delta Theta Howard Porter,
Grand Island; Hugh Howard, Fro
mont; Russel Pierce, Fremont; J. F.
Mead, Hastings; Carl Meyer, Omaha;
Geo. Relder, Columbus; Warren Ro
land, Donnison, la.
Beta Theta PI Adrian Barstow,
Lincoln; Don Stewart, Lincoln; Ar
thur Wherry, Pewnee City; Edward
Murphy, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.;
George Hanson, Fairbury; Glen
Barnes, Fairbury; Hugh Birmingham,
Nellgh; Edward Gallagher, Nellgh;
John Egan, Nebraska City.
Phi Kappa Psi Carol Sears, Om
aha; Phllipp Lehmar.
Alpha Tau Omega Thad T. Saun
ders,' Beatrice; Burton Hill, Buffalo,
N. Y.; Albert Tibbits, Hastings;
Harry Coffee, Chadron; Lewis 'Allen,
Burlington, la.
Sigma Alpha Epsllon Torrence
Moyer, Newborlen, Pa.; Ray Duncar,
Lead, S. Dak.; Wayne E. Smith, Colo
rado Springs, Colo.; Harry Haney,
Lincoln; Roy Graham, Falls City; A.
R. Frank, Grand Island; Cecil P.
Bacharitch, Fairbury.
Kappa Sigma C. D. Hustead, Phil
lips L. G. Warner, Beaver City; Ed
Westovor, Lincoln; Bert Drake, Lin
coin; Donald Steenberg, Aurora;
Minor Schorwood, Red Cloud; Victor
Montgomery, Albion.
Delta Tau Delta Winfield Breeso.
Lincoln; Harold Graham. Lincoln:
Guy Hutchinson, Lincoln: Vernon
Phelps, Lincoln; George J. Hunt. Iola.
Kan.; Glenn. Whltcomb, York.; Wil
liam DIers, York; Harold Mulligan,
Boatrlco; Earle Lyndo, 'Norfolk; Low
ell Ersklne, Norfolk; Harold Prince,
Grand Island.
Delta Upsllon Pledges not an
nounced. Alpha Theta Chi Pledges not an
nounced. Baked .beans, baked on the premises
and served hot with delicious brown
bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch.
Price 5 Cents.
Temple, Beltzer, and Westrand Also
8how Up Well Nebraska Men
Plow Through Knox for Re
peated Big Galqs.
Nobrnska overwhelmed Knox in tho
second game of tho season and had no
troublo In winning tho gamo by the
doclsivo scoro of 34 to 0. Not only
was Knox outwoighed by tho Corn
husker eleven, but she was complete
ly outplayed In every dopartmont of
tho gamo. Tho Cornhuskors showed
groat class. Tho improvement over
their work of a week ago was a glit
tering ray of hopo to tho twenty-five
hundred rooters nesomblod to witness
the contest
At no time in Saturday's contest was
Nebraska's goal in any dangor, whilo
the Cornhuskors scored on tholr op
ponents nlmost at will. Knox never
had tho ball any closer than within
thirty yardB of Nebraska's goal, and
then only on tho kick-off. Practically
tho wholo gamo was played In Knox
torritory, with tho latter team almost
continually on tho defensive.
Knox 8tubborn.
Knox ' put up her moBt stubborn
fight in the flrBt few minutes of play.
During this time tho ball soo-sawed
back and forth between Knox's twenty-five
and forty-yard linos, until
finally, beaten down by Nebraska's
hard plunges, sho was forced back,
and Temple went ovor for Nebraska's
first touchdown, after seven and a half
minutes of play. This Beomed to tako
tho heart out of tho Galesburg boys,
and from then on Nebraska had no
trouble In scoring.
Franck, Beltzer and Bontley skirt
ed tho ends for long gains, while
Temple, Harte and Rathbone plowed
through the lines at will. Somo of
Tomplo's plunges through tackle wore
terrific, gaining more than twenty
yards. Harte at loft tackle was a
power in opening holes for his team
mates. At the end of the first half Nebraska
had escurod three touchdowns and1 a
place kick by Franck. making 23
points. With tho gamo well in hand,
Cole sent in his second substitutes
In the second half till by the time
time was called only two regulars,
Rathbone and Major, remained in the
Every man on the Nebraska squad
played for everything there, was In
him. Beltzer and Franck showed up
strong at end runB, while Harte, Tem
ple and Rathbone did some terrific
line plunging. Bontloy played a steady
gamo at quarter. Ho ran the team
fast and showed great ability at get
ting down the field and catching
punts. Magor played a star game at
end, some of his tackles were of the
sensational order, McCullough at left
end and Swanson at center showed
up best for Knox,
THIb Game In Detail. '
Betzer won the toss and chose, to
defend the west goal. Franck kicked
off oyor Knox's line and the ball .was
put in playby Knox on her twenty-flve-yard
line. Knox fumbled, Ne
braska falling on the ball. A for
ward pass failed, and Nebraska -was
penalized fifteen yards. Beltzer
punted to Knox's twenty-yard line. An
attempted on-side kick was blocked, but
Knox recovered the ball, Gates then'
kicked out of bounds on Knox's fifty-
yard line. . t
' Nebraska's ball. ' Franck made
twenty yards around left end. Rath-'
" (Continued' on page1 4,) ; $
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