.THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OIIYTU THEATRE Tonight, Frl., Sat. and Sat. Matinee Turned 'om Away Lost Night The Fulton Stock Co. In "AT PINEY RIDGE." Eve., 25c and 15c; Mat. 25c and 10c. Wed. Mat. and Night, Oct. 13 "GIRLS," by Clyde Fitch COMING JOHN MA80N. Campus Gleanings Ex-Regent Ernst visited tho campus Friday and inspected tho now. engi neering building. Ho hnd as hlB guests at tho Lincoln for dinner Professors Fossler and Condra. WA SATURDAY, OCTOBER NINTH 8 p. m., Acacia House, 1228 R St. Remember Don Cameron, Ho is issuing coupon books nt a discount this year, and has fitted up an ad joining room with tables. 115-110 So. 12th. All Duo-bill on an up-to-dato tailor for salo at a $5 discount. Soo mannger of Dally Nebraskan. 2-tf Engineers Invited :-: i i Engineering Society Smoker I RKUR Y Y r S2zif MBi L. J. Herzog Thi University Man's Tailor Tho Finest Work Done nnd Prices Bight Cull at Our Now Storo 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makos ronted with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines Lincoln Typtwrltar Exohangt Auto 1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th Underwood Typewriter Go. TYPEWRITERS SOLD AND RENTED 187 No. 18th. Boll 848. Auto 2585 II NG your next job of Printing 3 to to VAN TINE PRINTING CO. and get satisfactory results. You want' everything else good why not have your Printing good? 128-130 N J4th St. Auto 3477 SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited Quality Counts THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets, Ices and punoh for Frat & Sorori ty partios.Whipping Croam always on hand. Bell 205. Auto 8181. 1810 N St. Hot Drinks are now in season. Do you know any place where you can get as QUICK SERVICE as you can at our new store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen s.w. cor? Froy & Froy. Allen Murphy, Phi Kappa Pal, and Miss Mable Dutch, Knppa Alpha Tho ta, wore married at Crete last week. Mr. Murphy is now in tho grain busi ness in Omnhn. Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. J. L. Rlchey was in Plattsmouth yes terday. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. Byron, Yoder, 1908, superintendent of the city schools at Ravenna is a guest at the Delta Upsllon hoiiBe. Dr. Clapp has been very busy lately giving tho football and track candi dates physical examinations, Harry Minor and Roy Greensllt are working In the Homestako mine tills semester. Spalding gymnasium and basket-ball shoes, Swedish gymnasium shoes. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. Colonel Paul Topping, of tho Junior law class is spending the week end at his home In Nebraska City. Froy & Frey. choice flowers. 1338 O St., north side. fYUR new line of fine Fall Furnishings and Hats is complete and ready for Students' inspection. FULK, 13:255 O St, Lincoln Miss May Bardwell, E. M., In geog raphy and botany, 1909, was visiting on the campus last Saturday. She re ports favorably on her work aB Instruc tor in the Humboldt high school. Wo .have twenty university student's in our "Select School" now. Hurry and join us. Lincoln Dancing Acad emy, 1124 N- Special rate this week. 7-5 1 Prof. Daniel Ford is reported serious ly ill at his rome. Ho has a high fever and his exact condition Is not known. A brand new bicycle for sale at a bargain. Call at Nobraskan office. 2-tf Carl F. Chase will spend Monday, Tuesday and Welnesday putting on corn and grain judging work at the fanners' instituto at Kearney. Special Rates to students joining classes thiB week. Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1124 N. "Select School." 2-tf Professor Bishop of Wesloyan uni versity was on tho campus yesterday. He is taking graduato work for his master's degree in geography. i Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. The department of geogrdphy re ceived yesterday a largo number of bulletins from tho department of com merce and labor at Washington. Tallormado Printing, Engraving and Embossing. George Bros., Printery. Miss Jennie S. Pipor is doing gradu ate work In American history, geog raphy and 'teaching a class in the uni versity high school. Havo your clothes pressed at Weber's SultorJum, 12th and O. R. H. Marley of Mason City, Nob., was a campus visitor the first part of tho week. Mr. Marley -Is a successful banker and business man and was a student in tho university about twen ty years jijgo. His, daughter entered the university this semester. Mr. Mar ley is one of the vice-presidents of tho national conservation congroBs. Louis Hagensick, px-1910, formerly with Ed Walt's orchestra, will be open for engagements for sorority and fraternity parties this season. Auto 2990. 6-5t Students taken notice. 8peclal rates oxtended to you this woek. Lincoln Dancing Academy, 1124 N, third floor. Lincoln's "Select Dancing School." See display ad. 7-5t WANTED New songs and yells for tho Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas games. WANTED Somebody to make up football songs to popular music. Hand all songs to S. A. Mahood or R. S. Moseley. Chris' Bath House, 11th and P. Turkish, shower and plain baths. Beckman Bros., High Grade Foot wear. 1107 O. Try Thornburg's Orchestra for your annual party. Second to none. Violin and wind Instrument leBsons glvon, Studio 41G So. 17th. Auto 5877. Dr. J. R. Davis, Dentist. 1234 O St. TICKETS FOR MINNESOTA GAME. Manager Eager Puts Pasteboards on Sale at Noon Today. Tickets for the Minnesota-Nebraska game In Omaha a week from today will bo placed on sale at Harloy's drug store, Elevonth an O, at noon today. Reservations may bo made or general admissions may bo purchased. Bleachers aro to bo constructed on both sides of tho Vinton street park in Omaha and seats will bo reserved in the central sections. Tho price of the tickets will bo $1 to $2, depending up on the reservations. If Not Convenient to Bring the Goods RHONE DELL 147 AUTO 1292 CLEANING AND DYEING Any Waist cleaned, 75c; dyed, $1.00. Any Skirt cleaned, $1.00: dyed, $1.50. Any Sweater cleaned or dyed, 50c. : Any Lady's Coat Suit cleaned, $2; dyed, $2.50. Any Man's Suit cleaned, $1.50; dyed, 2.50. Any Winter Overcoat cleaned, $1.50; dyed, $2.50 Corsets cleaned, per pair, 50c. .J?" Carpets, Curtains, Heavy Draperies dyed beautifully There's a reason for our phenomenal groWth and it is simply that we know hw to do cleaning aiid dyeing, and are recognized headquarters for this ciass of work. 8 and 10 hour service. Express paid one way on all orders. 1322 N St., Lincoln, Nebr. WRITE; FOR OUR BIG CATALOLOGUE COULTER NAMED TO BE CAPTAINJF COMPANY K OFFICE VACATED BY 80DERBERQ FILLED BY 8ERQEANT. NEW COMPANY COMPLETELY ORGANIZED Forty Men Drafted From Old Compa nies Form Basis of the Sixth Battalion Division. Tho sixth company in the univor slty battalion Ib now completely formed. This company is to be known as company K. The announce ment of tho nppointment of captain was mado laBt evening and H. W. Coulter was appointed to fill that po sition. Tho company was formed on ac count of tho largo numbor of now men who registered for drill this Bomoster, which makeB tho other com panies more easily handled on account of fewer men being placed In each company. The announcement that a now com pany would bo formed was madq a week ago Thursday evening, and tho appointments for tho officers was mado at that time. C. P. Soderborg waB appointed captain at that time, but his resignation was made, and that necessitated tho formation of tho company until another man could be appointed to tho captaincy. Mr. Soder borg was 'forced to resign on account of not having sufficient tlmo to devoto to tho drilling of tho company. When tho company was not formed various rumors wero circulated about tho campus as to tho probability of tho company bolng organized. All of theso rumors which stated that a company J. C.WOOD & would not bo formed woro falso arid this evening tho company was formod. Men Wero Picked. The men who composod tho now company wero picked last oveniag from the mombers of tho othor five endet companies and aro old men who havo drilled for at least ono somostor as woll ns new men. TIicbo mon who had drilled ono or two someBtorB woro drafted from tho othor compa nies and consequently thoro will bo Just as fair a shbw for tho mon of the now company to bo tho best drlllod mon of tho battalion as tho mon of tho othor flvo companies. This plan was adopted of drafting tho mon alter much consideration by tho officers of tho battalion staff, as thoy wished to obvlato tho troublo oncountorod last year when tho company I was formad, When thiB company waB organized at the beginning of tho school year last fall, there was a groat doal of diffi culty oncountored in getting old mon to leavo tho companies thoy had drilled with tho provious somosters. Only on tho promiso of lucrativo posi tions in tho company woro tho old mon induced to leave tho company that thoy. woro drilling with and ontor tho ranks of company I. This troublo caused tho mombors of tho 'battalion staff to form somo moans of getting tho old mon into tho ranks of company K this-y oar with the result that tho plan of drafting tho mon was adopted. Company to Be Large. Tho new company is to bo as largo as any of th.o othor cadet companies. This fact was evldonced whon eighteen old men woro drafte1 from tho othor companies and twenty-two now mon woro drafted from tvto of thn companies which had boon already formod. This leaves company K with forty mon to start with and moro mon will bo drafted from tho othor three companioB on Monday morning. 'No officers except tho captain, H. W Coulter, and tho first sergeant, C, J. Lord, havo been appointed for this company, but further appointments aro oxpected in tho noar future. CO . THE STANDARD IN CLEANING W.U,i &. "1 '! ' ', ' ilu - wjjt ' i.ii"e--.';-uL.jgt: