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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1909)
As THE DAILY NEBRASKAN M The Daily Nebraskan a e THID PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Jg Lincoln, Nebraska. BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Victor B. Smith Managing Editor K. P. Frederick Associates Editor Carl J. Lord BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager ,,., W- A. Jones Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT. ADMINISTRATION BLDQ, Postofflco, Station A, Llhdoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR r Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 2683. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tno rate or lu.conis por maoriion for every flftoon words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bul letins will bladly ba published frco. .... ....-.- . Entorcd at tho postofneo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Bccond-clasa mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. THURSDAY, OCTODER 7, 1909. Advertisements for tho want ad column Bhould be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-five cents; five Inser tions forty cents. Tho song recital at convocation this morning by MIbb Harriot Cooke is of OBpecinl Intorost to unlvorslty stu dents. MIbb Cooke Is not only a grad uate of tho university, but Bho has had an Interesting llfo and posses ability of raro quality. Hor work this morning should bo of suporlor quality. Tho fact that she will sing two compo sitions of a formor Nebraska student, MIbb Flora Bullopk, enhances -the in terest of tho occasion sUH furthor. Intorost In athlotlcs Just now cen ters in football. It Is gratifying, how- oi TiT'o O U UU Z .U AND SMILE over, to see that other branches of athlotlcB are not idlo simply because the Btudonts lack general Interest in tholr activity at present. Tho largest crdsB-country squad which has over reported at this unlvorslty has begun training for tho fall riinB. Everything indicates that Nebraska will bo able to repeat hor western Intercollegiate victories. Football is a spectacular sport and therefore attracts popular attention, but It Is well that the uni versity should stop to realize that Ne braska wins victories on other fields as well. Nebraska university students and residents of the state In general can not but bo gratified at tho apreclatlon shown Dr. Roscoe Pound In his assum ing a chair in tho college of law of -tho University of Chicago. Tho uni versity regards Roscoe Pound as a product peculiarly her own and ho Is frequently named as one of hor most eminent alumni. He is achieving sue cobb In tho field of tho law, and in ad dition to tho honors there won, ho is named as one of the best known bot anists in the country. In both his vo cation and his avocation. Dr. Pound, is doing honor to his alma mater. Tho publication of a new book by two of tho university's professors calls attention to the fact that Nebras ka 1s not at all backward in this de partment of educational work. Many of her teachers havo contributed workB of superior .Interest and value to mod ern literature. There is not a univer sity in tho west which is represented with olthor a greater quantity or a, hotter quality of educational writings than is Nebraska. Her professors, fiaye frequently taken advanced, ground in their respective subjects and they have been able to. Issue ox- IT'S W.OR-TH WHILE. (000000d000000 V ,. TJtiUKSUAX -A " v S ' Song Recital cMiss Harriet Cook 4 II zA. M. 000000000000000000000Q000Od fcellont defenses of tholr positions. In tho more acadomlc departments criti cal and constructive works have been written which havo attracted much at tention among scholars. -This haB boon one of the potent influences which has given Nebraska tho posi tion which she now commands among tho stato universities of tho copntry. With tho beginning of tho academic year thoro will be opened at the school of eduactlon in the Unlvorslty of Chi cago a laboratory for tho study of ed ucational problems. There havo been carried out In recent years In psy chological laboratories many Investi gations which havo had very close re lation to educational problems, but the movement toward tho development of a separata laboratory for such studies Is relatively now. Such laboratories exist at two or threo of tho leading universities In Europe. Tho equip ment of this laboratory at the Univer sity of Chicago will In some rospocts roBomblo the equipment of a psycho logical laboratory, but thoro will bo special devices for Investigating writ ing and reading, and tho other forms of montal activity which are dovoloped In school work. The organization of this laboratory promises much for the development of a science of education. $2'50 AND $3-50 SHOES U Popular Priced Furnishings WHY WE PAY COLE. Just what is Coach "King" Cole paid for? Ho Is tho head coach of Nebras ka football and as such ho rocelvos a salary. Why does ho got It? What services does ho return? From tho prosont circumstances of Cornhusker football it would seem that Colo's principal task was to bog mon to get out on the field and work for tho glory of tholr Bchool. SInco the head-coach came to Lincoln two weeks ago, we venture to say that the problem which has been worrying him more than nny othor haB been that of finding ways and moans to got needed material out for practice. For two weeks the principal center of interest in Cornhusker athletics has been as to whether this man or that man would enter or re-enter tho same. At ono time or another the aiudents havo been Intensely Interest ed in tho practice of those candidates who were out on the field, or in tho result of tho game last Saturday. But primarily they have boon interested in tho men who havo not practiced, and who did not play in the Dakota game. They are Interested In tho notions of theso men because It is generally re alized that tho CornlniBker chances of a winning team would bo Increased a hundred por cent If a half dozen mon now out of tho game could bo per suaded to como back to tho field. Is this, then, what we pay Coach Colo for? Is ho hired for his ability In begging men to support the scarlet and cream? I? his chief function dis covering methods, of inducing men to play the game? The Nebraskan does not believe that any of these things are a cboaoh's principal tasks. His tlmo should bo devoted to. building up. a winning eleven from tho material which is given him. He should not be both ered with getting down on his knees to possible playors in an endeavor to get them out to practice. But Coach Cole Ih hnthnrnfl with thin worlr And It Is due not to any desire of h(s which force him in tho wnrlr. There is no dodging the question. O O 000000000Ofc MT-,,mAr Tr . , r MUMWIUAL, tlAUU ' A University Alumna Thoro are men right now In school who might help tho Nebraska team to a big degreo by donning their suits and playing tho game. They are not doing It. In Bomo cases they havo rea sons which are fully sufficient to ex plain their action. In other caBes they have not good explanations. These latter cases are tho ones which tho loyal Nebraska students fall to ap preciate. There should bo no question In an athlete's mind over getting out and helping his team if Biich action were at all poBBlblo. No petty Ill-feeling to ward certain other members of tho team or towards ono of tho coaches should bo allowed to Bway him from his duty. No "grouch" Bhould allow a man to forgot that ho Is a.Nebrnska student, and as such under obligations to do tho beBt that Is In him for his school. If any of these things are responsi ble for the attitude of some of Ne braska's football possibilities, let them bo forgotten nt once. Nebraska needs football material. Help Coach Cole to fool that ho has tho whole student body behind him and that ho need not be hampered In his real work by Buch petty problems as are now harrasslng him. Cap-A-Pi IT'S WORTH WHILE. :: 1415 O Joe, The Tailor DoesAllKind4of Cleaning, Repairing and Refitting Particular attention to ladies' work and military uniforms UPSTAIRS 1328 O St. University Bulletin October. 7, Thursday, 11:30, Memorial Hall Junior class moots. Election of of ficers. 7, Thursday, 11 a. m., Memorial Hall Convocation. Miss Harriet Cooke. Song recital. 8, Friday, 11 a. m., U309 Freshmen Jaws elect officers. 9, Saturday, 8 a. m., Acacia House Engineers' smoker. 9, Satuurday, 3 p. m. Knox vs. Ne braska. Antelope Park. 9, Saturday, 8 p. m., Mem. Hall Y. M. C. A. Stag reception. 10, Sunday, 3-: 45 p. m Temple the aterMrs. W. T. Elmore, "Indians' Millions." 11, Monday, noon Fraternities pledge. 12, Tuesday, 11 a. m., Memorial Hall Convocaton, Dean Hastings. "Tho Detroit Conforonco of Com missioners on Uniform Laws." 3,6, Saturday Nebraska vs. Minnesota. uiuuuit, NOTICE TO 8INGER8. Registration for chorus -work may be made this week without tho pay ment of tho lato registration fee. This arrangement holds for this week only. Beckraan Bros., High Grade Foot wear. 1107 O. w GREGORYJJi Knows Dress AND HAS LINE OF WINTER THE CITY. Bfc; For Your Noon Lunch STOP AT THE FOLSOM Just whnt you want nnd Borvcd tlio way you llko It. 8tndonta Trndo Appreciated. Auto 2214 Boll 45fl The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Club wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone to join a club. Apply to BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th & R St. AlpteeF?Ei39 JUST RING UP! The Goodyear Raincoat Co's Tailors 1140 O Street $2.00 Worth of Cleaning and Pressing $1.00 They will got your suit and bring it back in fino shape for only G0c;' or will send yon a Club Ticket good for four suits in one month for $1.50. Wo havo a Now Dry Cleaning Plant to do tho work with. LADIES' FINE CLOTHES A SPECIALTY LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" C. E. BULLARD, U. of N. " '02," Manager Are you wise? If not Get Wise. Patronize the school that is not open to the public but caters to ladies and gentlemen only. Special Rates to Students Class Nights Wednesdays and Saturdays b:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lessons J. H. Needling and A. C. Faure, from Pretoria, TranBvaal, havo registered as agricultural students at Cornell university. The young men are gov ernment students, and recently won scholarships awarded by the Trans .vaal department of agriculture. Eight scholarships were competed for and tho young mon who won them are all being sent to this country to be edu cated in different agricultural colleges. Ames is to havo a harvest home ex cursion again this year, and is making plans to give a royal rdceptlon to the. people of the stato who will take that opportunity to visit the college. These excursion days have 'always proven very popular and considerable regret was expressed in all parts of the state when they were discontinued three years ago. A number of new buildings have been erected since the last excursions were held. Chief among these Is the new agricultural hall, which will bo In use for the flrBt time this fall. This magnificent building, which is tho fin est building in the world lor the teaching of agriculture,- is occupied by tho denartments of animal husbandry. farm crops, horticulture and forestry. cnomiBuy sons, UBriuuuunu juuruui Ism and the extension department. Cap-A-Pi IXB 'WITH WHILE. 1 i How to You Up THE FINEST FALL AND GOODS IN : : : : : I 1124 N STREET THIRD FLOOR extended to this week Socials Mondays and Fridays 8:00 to 1S:00 by Appointment DELL A1311 n C. H. Purcell, 1905. Alpha Thota Chi, is vlsUing in Nebraska after two years spent in Peru, South America. Mr. Purcell has boon a, resident en gineer Jor ttyo Quggenhelm, smelting interests In the southern republic. He will probably vlsl, Lincoln before Jxe leaves tho state. Gap-A-Pi 0 11. I ' , H 1307 O St. Wk imcoU,HtB.5 I Rfc Jw-r' 96 K ivwQMKy IT'S WORTH WHILE. V N J r-o "JEJSjg w Lm .Sfflfe-jWaV gMsMMJSMsaiMMSJtBMsM ..-? k .y MV.I OMQ -f & JUMXVMi -r t