The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1909, Image 3

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- . '
We Fit You Out from Head tn Fnnt
Hat, Clothes, Coat, Sweaters, furnishings and Shoes
. --
i s
ii.i It
The best makes of Men $ Wear are found at this store..
Knox and Stetson Hats, Rogers Peet & Co., Brokaw Bros.
Strouse & Bros., and Roberts Wicks Henley Clothes
Manhattan Shirts, Holeproof Hose, Nettleton Shoes
COAT SWEATERS Headquarters for both young men and women. .Better get one fc 2
of these garments, just the tiling for early fall wear. Upwards from . . . PO
Drill Shoes, the regulation tan calf- A I Foot Ball. Shoes Gfood as the best
T Ol
Shoes, at
of them, our price only
..... iii
Lincoln's Leading Head to Foot Clothiers
Ask to see the Ardoc Overcoat
5 coats in one.
Froy & Frey.
Beckman Bros., High Grade Foot
wear. 1107 O.
Lost Pair gold-rlmmed glasses,
without bows. Return to Nebraskan
Due-bill on an up-to-date tailor for
sale at a ?6 discount. See manager of
Dally Nebraskan. 2-tf
Minor Wasson, 1907, ex-major of
the cadet battalion, visited on the
campus yesterday. He 1b now located
at Sidney, Neb.
Dr. J. R. Davis, Dentist. 1234 O St.
Students registered for Geology 22
should see Professor Bengtson today
In U7.
A brand new bicycle for sale at a
bargain. Call at Nebraskan office. 2-tf
Professor Hollister during the past
summer superintended the construc
tion of a municipal electric light
plant for the city of Fairmont, Neb.
Have your clothes pressed at
Weber's Sultorium, 12th and O.
Carl F. Chase, 1910, was in Mur
dock, Neb., Wednesday, acting Eb
corn Juudgo at the county fair.
Rex Leberman, C. E. 1909, Is located
at Howe, Idaho, where ho Is engaged
In work on the Lost river Irrigation
George Bros.. 218 So. 13th, Printers.
Calling Cards, Invites and Programs.
Miss Josephine Huso, ex-1910, Alpha
Phi, has entered the University of
Washington, whore her sister, Miss
Helen Huse, 1907, is head of the de
partment of physical education.
Frey & Frey, choice flowerB. 1338
O St., north side.
Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120
N. 11th.
The English club will hold the
first meetlhk of the year with Pro
fessor and Mrs. H, B. Alexander at
1736 Carfield street, Saturday evening,
October 2. Besides the usual nro-
garm there will be the election of
officers and a "discussion of the club's
policy for the coming year.
"MWM''11M1I. .
Wear the Better Kind of Clothes
Young men ate the most ctitical judges of style and
SOCIETY BRAND clothes for young men will
satisfy anyone who knows the correct
thing when tl?ey see it.
Exclusive Men's
1325 O Street
i!l!II!.1 K
Our Experience fe at Yatif Steirvifce
A Jewolor who has spent
attention to tho repairing
nnn.n 1,I11 .JS nn .
judgo by bringing your repairing to this store.
yflftra of a busy Jifh jn giving spebtei
of wntahAfi. n1nrikn. inwnlrv. ntn... iriUut.
":i. mzz.':;z:zizi .: "jj? iivrrx
uv wu uoh yuu ,ui
BST" HALLETt, Jeweler, ll4& O
''")'i- ".
i'f f "
I have a number of cadet uniforms
for sale, Call at once and Insure a
good fit. Old uniforms rebraided,
John Uhl, Armory. 4t
Three rooms for rent. Accommo
date two gentlemen In each. All
rooms face the street. $10 and $12.
Inquire at 1623 K' street.
The Swedish club will meet at 8 p.
hi. this evening in U112. Election of
Miss Mabel Arnoid, 190!),, ivtll re
main at her home at Frembnt this
winter. Miss Arnold had contemplat
ed foreign missionary work.
Classes In Field Geology 21 and
Field Geography 9 will meet next
Saturday, October 2, In University
Hall; room 7, at 8:30 a. m.Students
1 M . . . n-n.. ." .1H '
Buoum do prepared to ao iiem stuuies.
Chris' Bath House, 11th and P.
Turkish, shower and plain baths.
Because of his being assigned an
extra law course, Professor Maxey
has been forced to drop his course
In American diplomacy. He will give
the course next semester.,
H. L. Matthews returned yesterday
from spending a few days at Ray
mond, Neb., making official test's of
dairy herds for the department of
dairy husbandry.
Try a lunch at the Y. M. C, A. Spa.
13th and P Sts.
Sigma Chi entertained at the Lin
coin hotel at luncheon yesterday in
honor of W. J. Bryan, Jr., who has
Just retuurned from the west and
Chemistry 25 will meet in the chem
ical library at the 'assigned hours.
The Palladlan reception to now stu
dents will be held this evening in the
Bbclety hall on the thrd floor ot the
Temjrte, All npw slud'erits are re
quested to bo present.
' t ''
' Notice.
AlJ men wljo are Interested In
fencitfg or in the fprmatlqn of, a f enc-
i iii
Ing association are requested to meet
In Dr. Clapp's office Tuesday, October
5, at 11 o'clock.
The Students' Agricultural club will
hold its first meeting of the school
year tonight in room 107, Experiment
Station Hall, University farm. "All
members and all new agricultural
students are urged to be present.
Cornelius and Cooke on Faculty of
Nebarska Military School.
Two of last year's university men
aro on the faculty of Colonel Hay
ward's Nebraska Military Academy,
which opened its fall term last week.
They are M. E. Cornelius, Law 1909,
and Harold Cooke, ex-1911.
Cornelius rejoices in the title of
commandant of tho battalion, while
"Pip" Cooke is athletic director. The
school enrolls about a hundred boys.
More than 600 women are reported
to be studying medicine at French
universities, Paris alone Is said to
have lop women practitioners, most
of them holding official places of more
or, less Importance, Women physl
clahBare preferred in girls' schools,
normal schools and .public schools gen
erally.; ,'
(Continued from page'l,)
an athlotlc Hold of her own there
is going to bo far more interest
shown by the students than hereto
fore. When tho supporters of the
team can get out and see tuo men
in action every day it cahnof help
but arouse that enthusiasm wtiicti of
late has been so woefully 'lacking.
In view of the fact that so many
bear stories have been clrcuiatoS, pf
late concerning the, gloomy prospects
of this year's Cornhusker elpyen, yes
terday's good showing by the varsity
men is doubly gratifying. Tho, iono
thing now necessary Is to ge out and
giyp the teain, the very best support.
Tomorrow's game is going to be a try
ing one ,in several Tyays. It will Jos
pie first bard game X or several of .tke
players. At least it will be their first;
experience In "big" 'company,' On tke
result pr tho $ajne, wljl also aopeud
much of the. suueqess of the season.
A large score in tomorrow's g'amo
WOUld go a long wav tnwarrli "Alane-
ing that fpeling of gloom which seems
to nayo setuea over many of the sub-
DOrtera of tho tnnm T la Wr,,i 7,Z.
.W 9e K,x)ut en whoi.poa-
nVA?w -" m .7 -7 "RPWw i
r.'-yaitr? ffAwi.J,'il,XHiwj w W9, c
pions ot tne Hcarieand Crm., -
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