The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1909, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
;,.. , THtei pHoPBhTY OPu, : ,,,
Llnbgln, Nebraska.
Editor.' . v . . . Y'otr J? n1,11!1
Manadlhti Edltbh K. P. Frpdorlek
Auoolate Editor, Carl J. Lord
Manager.. ,j....Wi A Jonas
EdltoVlfll add Bililneii Office i
, postoflV Stltlon A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable In Advance.
Single fioplep, 0 Cent. Each.
Telephone t, Auto .1888.
Night Phones Auto 1888 Auto 2883.
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged
for at tho, rate of 10 cents por InBortlon
tor dVory lUtfleh wordB or fraction Ihpr
of. Faculty notlccB and Unlvoralty bul
letins will bladly bo publlBhod froo.
v Entarnd at the postofllco at Liqooln,
Nebraska, as Bocond-clasa mall mattor
under tho Act of Congress of March 3,
- - - - "
Tho Nebraska experiment station's
milking machine may have socured
unroBervod government approval, but
thoro is one infinitely superior whoso
modest head bcoIcb nolther commenda
.Hon nor inspection, its two principal
malking sheds beginning at tho foot
.of La Salle street, Chicago, and oppo
site Trinity church, Now York. St.
Louis Times.
The 822 girls who graduatod at
Smith collego spont 150,000 for grad
uating gowns, an average of $150
each, which shows that gottlng things
into their heads doos not deprive
girls of the inBtinct to' competo in
getting things on their backs. Inci
dentally it suggests a collogo for girlB
where collateral expenses are not so
Tho installation of a now president
in an institution of the standing of
Harvard University 1b an Important
141, O. Two storzs 141 S,
ruled what many choose to bollovo is
tho greatest American university. Un
der his dominance tho character of
tho great school developed into ono
of broad significance In Its lnfluenco
on tho nation's progress. A change
such as 1b now being made will In
all probability not result In any
marked change In tho Harvard pol
icy, for Professor Lowell has himself
been oducated deeply in the Harvard
traditions. But nevertheless It 1b an
event of prime importance In the ed
ucational world and Nebraska is glad
to bo represented at the inauguration
of tho new leader.
Mr 8. Raymond doBlres more sing
ers for the university chorus and it
seems &b though she should' have no.
great difficulty in getting them, if!
stuudents who have the ability will
only answer her call. Ono hundred
singers from a total of over 2,000 is
not an unreasonable expectation. The
work of tho chorus is something
which is a pre-eminent social factor
in the life of tho smaller college. In
a great university such as this, there
aro other things which come In and
overshadow tho organization. But it
should not bo subordinated any more
than is absolutely necessary from tho
lifferentcharacter of tho institution.
Students who can sing should take
enough Interest in tho matter to put
their time at Mrs. Raymond's disposal
In return for tho credit granted,
For three days last week neatly
two hundred university girls fumed
and fretted, and worried an anxious
frown into their faces, donned their
party dresses several times dally, en
tertained themselves and what fresh
men they could get hold of wlfth all
sorts of nonsense, and finally talked
themselves to a frazzle. And all 'in
order that" their Individual sororities
plight gain a few now names on their
chapter rolls.
What's the Use?
Is it worth while? and
Memdriat kali
First of tye
Girls' Real 1pom
iBn't there some other way?
Theso questions constitute tho prob
lem that faceB the university sorori
ties. Last year tho sororities mot to
gether, thru tho medluum of tho lnter
sororlty council, and adopted rules
which, it was hoped, wouuld rohiovo
the disagreeable and dortlmental fea
tures of tho rushing period. Somo of
thoBo rules have failed of their pur
pose. Somo evils of the rushing sys
tem havo been abated and somo
blotted out. Buut tho experience of
tho past week, from the viewpoint of
an outsider, seems to lndicato that
thoro is much improvement yet to bo
From Wednesday noon until noon
Saturday of last week, the life of tho
majority of the Borority girls was one
grand hubbub, with partioB, rushes,
invitations extended, InvitatlonB re
jected, and pledges made mixed to
gether In disconcerting confusion.
True enough, tho girls havo succoeded
in shortening the rushing period.
They havo .progressed far along that
lino of reform, bt tho short period
which tho rules allow has certainly
provon ltBelf to be a strenuous seventy-two
hours. Every one of the
nino sororities gave at least one party
a day in that Interval and most of
Frcshies and Others Get Next
O. $2 50 and $3 50 Shoeg that
them gave two or three. Nor does
this Include tho personal "missionary"
work done by Individual members of
tho sororities, who never rested.
Many of the fraternity girls con
fess that they were "tired out" by the
exciting activities. And if it affects
the rushers that- way, how about the
rushees? Of course many of tho girls
who wore rushed wero attractive to
only ono sorority and they had a com
paratively easy time of It. But there
wore a goodly number who looked
like good "material" for two or three
or even more of tho girls' fraternities.
Those were put to a strain much
greater than that endured by tho frat
girls themselves. They had to smile
and talk and bo nice to two or three
crowds at tho same time, and, inci
dentally, make up their mind which
they liked the best. Does it seem an
easy way to spend a week?
The inter-sorority council undoubt
edly effected what Beemed to them the
best possible solution of tho ruBhlng
difficulty, when they prescribed tho
present rules last May. But it seems
plain that somo changes should be
made. Three days Is too short a time
for rushing new students. Likewise
two months is too long. But some
where between tho limits there Is a
medium which will entail hardship
neither by its brevity nor its length.
The girls should attempt to find this
period and adhere to It.
Another regulation that should ap
peal to the council Is one somewhat
similar to that of tho boys' fraterni
ties under the old rulos. That rule
in practice prohibited entertainments
save on certain evenings, or at din
ner. If the girls wouuld longtheji
their rushing season and limit the
number of entertainments In that time
much good would reusult.
And there Is another rule which
might well bo considered by Nebras
ka girlB. Several other schools have
tried It and found It successful. That
is the rule which allows the rushee
twenty-four hours or more in which to
.xrcoaoeoeosoaoaasoao pj
Friday g
Fall Term
mako up her mind after she Is bid
and beforo she can pledge. ' During
this time all rushing whatever Is pro
hibited and tho rushee has a breath
ing spell in which to consider her own
likes and dlBllkes. It may bo object
ed that the rule Is liable to break
ago but what ruleB are ndt?
Miss Towne Resigns and New Assist
ants Are Appointed to Places.
Several changes have recently been
made in tho women'B department of
physical education. Tho vacancy left
by the resignation of Miss Towne as
director of the woman's gymnasium
has been filled by Miss Ina Olttings, a
graduate of the uuniverslty normal
training course in physical educa
tion, who Is now acting director. Dr.
Inez Phlllbrick has been appointed
examining and consulting physician
in the department, and Miss Alice
Scott, a graduate of tho Chautauqua
school of physical education, has been
appointed assistant in 'the dopartmnt.
Miss Marlam Scott,, graduate of the
Chautauqua school of physical educa
tion of Boston, has nlso been appoint
ed assistant.
will make you sit up and teke notice
University Bulletin
1, Friday, 8 p. m.. Temple Palladlan
1, Friday, 8 p. m., R107, Experiment
Station Hall Students' Agricul
tural club.
5, Tuesday, 5 p. m., Dr. Clapp's Of
fice Fencing men meet.
1, Friday, 8 p. m., U112 SwedlBh club
1, Friday, 3:30 p. m. University tea.
Memorial Hall, 102.
1, Friday, G p. m. Fraternity rushing
season opens.
2, Saturday, 3 p. m. Football, South
Dakota vs. Nebraska. Antelope
2, Saturday, 8 p. m. Y. M, C. A. stag
social. Tho Armory.
2, aaturaay, a p. m. English club
meets .with Prof, and Mrs. Alex
ander, 1736 Garfield.
2, Saturday, 8 p. m. Governor's Man
sion Y. W. C. A. reception.
3, Sunday, 4 p. m., Temple theater
President H. B. Turner, Hastings
College. Address to Y. W. C. A.
5, Tuesday, 11 a. m Memorial Hall
Convocation, Prof. F. M. Fling,
"Now England Revisited."
9, Satuurday, 3 p. m. Knox vs. Ne
braska. Antelope Park.
11, Monday, noon Fraternities
12, Tuesday, 11 a. m., Memorial Hall
Convocation, Dean Hastings.
"The Detroit Conference of Com
missioners on Uniform Laws."
16, Saturday Nebraska vb. Minnesota.
Romembor Don Camoron, He Ik
issuing jcoupon books at a discount
this year, and has fitted up an ad
Joining r.oom with tables. 115-110
So. 12th. '
.,. X I
U.UU fJ. ill, rp I
8 1.
YoWve Already Heaia About
our -
L System
Well, yon can't bogin to appreci
ate how difforont they roally aro
until you boo tho clothes and try
them on. Whnt pog-top trous
ora, what swaggor coats and such
splendid fabrics at roally little
cost. Now, nobby grays, fancy
pluoa. and beautiful bluo sorgos
$15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 & $30.
Magee &
Tlie Young Men's Stoze
The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Club
wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone
to join a club. Apply to
BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th R St.
Lincoln Dancing Academy
1 124 N, 3d Floor
"SELECT SCHOOL:' Not Open to the Public
C. E. BULLARD, U. of N. " '02," Manager
Special Rates to students who join the classes this week.
CLASS Nights-Wednesdays and Saturdays, 8 to 10 p.m.
Socialy Mondays and Fridays 8 to 11:45 p.m.
Office Hours 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Auto 4477; Bell A 1311
Bell Phone, F2823
Auto Phone, 7929
I he Goodyear Raincoat Co's Tailors
$2.00 Worth of Cleaning and Pressing $1.00
They will get your suit and bring it back in fine shapo for only 50c;
or will Hend you a Club Ticket good for four suits in one month for $1.50.
Wo havo a New Dry Cleaning Plant to do tho work with.
Functions Which Were Inaugurated
Last Year Are Expected to
Be of Increased Impor
tance This Winter.
The first of the university teas
will be given today from 3:30 to 5:06
p. m., in the -glrs rest room In
Memorial hall. The Faculty Ladles
Club will act as hostesses and will
preside at tho tea table.
These teas were given from time,
to time last year, but were not as
big a success as was hoped for. This
year it is believed that they will meet
every expectation and prove to "be
an lndlspenslble . part of the social
life 'of tho university. The teas are
Informal, which makes it ppssible for
students to attend between classes,
and meet ono another.
New Features.
Several new features have been
added to the program for this year's
O Street
teas. The university women will bo
assisted at each weekly tea by
several ladleB of the city. They will
be present to extend a special wel
come to new students. But these
receptions are not merely for tho
new students, but for all women of
the university as well. It is hoped
that all university women will bo
able to coino in at some time dur
ing the hour. ""
This week Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Besaoy,
and Miss Ensign, tjio now adviser of
women, will act as hostesses. From
the city, Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, Mrs. W.
Q. Bell, Mrs. S. Z. Batten, and Mrs.
D. R Leland will be present to wel
come tho students
Offer Opportunities.
These university teas are perhans
I the only social affairs of- the kind
which offer such a splendid oppor
tunity for the women of the univer
sity faculty, of the student body, and
of the city to moot one another. Tho
teas carried on at Nebraska for somo
time havo not been as much a fea
ture of tho student llfo as those held
in tho eastern, schools. In tho east
they are considered' lndlspenslble and
aro perhaps tho most popular of any
of the women's social functions'.
By a decree of Judeo Swearlncrmi
the name of the Western University
or Pennsylvania lias been changed to
University of Pittsburg. New univer
sity buildings aro being built near the
Carnegie Technical Schools.
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