THE DAILY NEBRASKAN m M i The Daily Nebraskan TIIK PROPEUTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobroakn. by the student pub. board. v editorial staff. Editor Victor B. Smith Managing Editor s.K. P. Frederick Aiioolate Editor Carl J, Lord BUSINESS BTAFF. Manager., W. A. Jonea Editorial and Builneis Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, S Centa Each. ' Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888 Auto 2083. . H- INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rnto of 10 conta por insortion for ovcry flftoon wordB or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and Unlvorfllty bul lotlnB will bladly bo published froo. Entorcd at tho postofllco at Lincoln) Nebraska, nB Bocond-clusn mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1909. "Wo Baw ono yostordny. .And thoy say thoro wore more. It 1b strange how thoso straw hats do Btlck. That BcrlAmago Monday It loft Bomo sortr spots. But two monthB from now Coach CoIo'b fighters will look upon It as n pleasant memory compared with what Is to como. Johnny Bonder says ho 1b going to whip tho Scarlet and Croam if any effort of his can accomplish tho task. In fact, ho won't feel that tho season has boon a succoss unlosB ho' can hum bio his alma mater. And yot wo aro willing to bet that Bender, if ho has to bo beaten at all, would rather that it would be by Nebraska than by any team ho plays agalnBt. Naturally lio wantB to bo victorious In every caBo, but wo don't believe that ho Is espe cially vindictive against Nebraska. Chancellor Avery started something II4hO. Two Stores 1415,0. in tho press of tho stato with his dec larations Saturday morning as to snobbiBh studentB and wasteful use of monoy for pleasure alone. Somo of tho anti-university residents of No braBka attompt to boliovo that the sentiment .of tho whole institution is for thoso things rather than against thorn. And there are others, too. Tho announcement that the employ ment bureau is not ablo to find enuf positions for Btudent applicants is gratifying In ono way, even If It te disappointing to tho desiring workers. It shows at any rate that thoro are plenty of young men In the state who reallzo that tho university stands as a place whore a man may bo educated regardless of social standing. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Tho university board of regents oc casionally mako a good Investment. During tho year just past thoy made several which were without question capable of paying good dividends, but thoro Is none which Is more appreci ated by tho student returning from his vacation than tho expense incurred in employing a landscape gardener to look after tho campuB. It was only after considerable urg ing on the part of thoso favoring the change ana much hesitation on the part of tho "practical" members of tho board that the landscapo artist was engaged. There were undoubtedly .several professors who looked with envious eyes upon the salary appor tioned to tho now official. How much good that stipend might have done some 'struggling department, if It had not been wasted upon more "garden patch tomfoolery." But it is doubtful if there are many, even of these envious ones, who aro not now well pleased' that tho rogonts acted as they did. The university gar dener was (just beginning his work last spring when the students left for home and tho, results were not then apparent. But with the return this OOO0OOOO00OO0OOO 1$, . ' ' ' It J MRS. RAYMOND Organ Memorial Hall 00000000000000)CO0?000000000 fall one of tho first things noticed by tho studonts was tho appearance of tho campus. That it had not been bo boautiful in years was one of tho common comments. Appreciation of this work, as general as it is, should bo noted by tho rogonts and should glvo thorn cause to realize that the unlvorslty Btudent 1b not an unfeel ing machine, after all. A 8TART AT LA8T. In this Issue of tho Nebraskan there 1b printed a communication from Pres ident Yates of tho Benior class anont a now song for tho University of No braBka. Mr. Yatos Includes a song of his own composition which he offers as a Bamplo of what ho believes the Nebraska song should be. In all mod esty ho disclaims any intention of pos ing as a composer or a poet. But ho rightly believes that someone should start tho movomont for a new song, and- for that roason ho submits his contribution to tho unlvorslty public. Sotting asido the question of tho morit of Mr. Yates' production, which must be submitted to the Judgmont of the studonts and faculty, nothing but tho thankB of tho students can be ten dered to him for his step in starting $2.50 Hat anew tho move for a now university song. Such a movement waB Inaugu rated during January of last year. At that time tho sonior society of Inno cents was back of the proposed schomo for tho adoption of new words and new music. Tho Innocents proposed a competition for a prize of consider able amount. By tho tentative . ar rangement which thoy considered the prize was to bo awarded for both mu sic and words, and In case the com--petition resulted successfully Nebras ka was to acquire a new university song now both in tho wording and In the tune. But the plan of the Innocents ran against tho same rock that has foun dered many other enterprises at tho stato university. The monoy neces sary to carry out the scheme was not forthcoming. Tho Innocents could not find tho men who would put up the financial backing to mako the compe tition a success. The matter was car ried over for several weoks and final ly went by tho board with no definite action taken Which in any way looked towards the development of tho new song idea. With Mr. Yates' contribution tho matter comes again before tho univer sity public. This time it should not be allowed to drop. Other students who have ideas of what a Nebraska song should bo ought to put their ideas In printable form and got them beforo the public. It should not bo nocesasry for the Innocents, or any other body, to offor a financial reward in order to attract competition. Tho mere honor of having one's name at tached to the ofllcljYl Nebarska song should be sufficient. The idea that a great Btato university such as Ne braska' should have for its song a mere adaptation of the "Orange and Black" of an eastern institution is 're pugnant throughout to tho inde pendent spirit which is the founda tion of western citizenship. It should bo exceedingly distasteful to Nebraska students. Tho song should represent Recital it too a, m. tho individuality of the stato and of Its university. Surely copying is not tho function of Nebraska. With Mr. Yates' effort as a starter, other university students should get busy and mako'thoir work known. The Nebraskan stands ready to print all contributions with any merit whatso ever, and when this Is done, surely some method of making a choice can bo devised. HARRY L. CAIN TO MAKE RACE. Junior Decides to Entor the Contest for the Presidency. L. R. Blanchard, who has been talked of considerably as a possible candidate for the presidency of the Junior class, yesterday afternoon an nounced finally that he would not run for the office. H. L. Cain, another third-year man, who was thinking of running against A. M. Oberfelder, an announced candidate, will make tho race. He decided to run last night and his supporters will bo ac tive today. Ho is a prominent en gineer and a member of Phi Delta Thota. In the senior class Fred Hoffman and R. E. Campbell still remain the only aspirants. Coo Buchanan is the lono freshman candidate. New Fall Why Pay More? University Bulletin September. 29, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., M. 211 Engineering society meets. 30, Thursday, 7:15, S. 106 Pershing Rifles- meot. Election of officers, 30, Thursday, 1 a. m Mem. Hall Organ recital, Mrs. Raymond. 30, Thursday, 11 a. m., Dr. Clapp's office Meeting of cross-country men. October. 1, Friday, G p. m. Fraternity rush ing season opens. 2, Saturday, 3 p. m Football, South Dakota vs. Nebraska. Antelope park. 12, Tuesday 11:00 a. ra., Memorial Hall Convocation, Prof. F. M. Fling, "Now England Revis ited." Indiana. Bloomlngton, Ind., Sept. 28. Never before in the history of football In In diana unlversit y hafc tho work beon bo strenuousat this stage of the season as it 1ms this year, and not for a good many scmsons has a squad shown tho willingness to undergo nard training as tho present bunch of players, all bocauso there Is a deep seated feeling herp that Sheldon's men have a chanco to dofoat Chicago when they meot a week from Saturday. Practically all day Saturday Shel don had his men in uniform. In the morning the four teams out went through signal practice and in the af ternoon a stiff squad game was pulled off. Not content with this, Sheldon gathered his eleven together early Sunday afternoon and 'took to the country with thom for a-three hours' hard jaunt. Today there was a scrim mage again. With six or seven good men trying for positions back of the line, just who will comprise Sheldon's back field Is hard to pick, Andy Gill, a phenom from tho coal fields, it appears, has al ready cinched one of the positions. V Fraternities We can save cent on your Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON LiuLBidg. Gregory The Coal Man WIRELESS First arrival of North Pole Frozen Drinks, South Pole due soon. Menu: Peary's Dream ot (he Midnight Sun with in EsKlmo Frills. Dr. CooK's Frozcn North Pole Bntobow j n Sundae. 13C The Drug The Uni. Mandolin and Guitar Club wants more members. An opportunity will be given everyone to join a club. Apply to BYRON W. WAY, University School ol Music, 11th & R St. For Your Noon Lunch STOP AT THE FOLSOM Jost what you want and Borvod tho way you ltko It. dtndonta' Trado Appreciated. Auto 2214 Boll 4M Lincoln Dancing Academy - 1 124 N, 3d Floor "SELECT SCHOOL." Not Open to the Public C. E. BULLARD, U. of N. " '02," Manager Special Rates to students who join the classes this week. CLASS Nights-Wednesdays and Saturdays, 8 to 10 p.m. Socialy Mondays and Fridays 8 to 11:45 p.m. Office Hours 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Auto 4477; Bell A 1311 STftSSS JUST RING UP! I he Goodyear Raincoat Co's Tailors 1140 O Street .$2.00 Worth of Cleaning and Pressing $1.00 Thoy will got your suit and bring it back in flno shape for only 50c; or will send you a Club Ticket good for four suits in one month for $1.50. Wo havo a Now Dry Cloaning Plunt to do tho work with. LADIES' FINE CLOTHES A SPECIALTY State Teachers Meet. Tho State Teachers' Association meets in Lincoln on tho 3rd, 4th and 5th of November, 1909. Last year's splendid attendance demonstrated the wisdom of fixing an earlier date than the winter holidays and a date when all teachers, school ofllcers and patrons are most interest ed in education. Thp association is not a holiday celebration it is a meeting of earnest men and women for mutual help and inspiration in tho work of making Nobarska's public schools tho most effective in the world. Tho executive committee, the local committee and the Lincoln Commer cial Club have given tho most careful attention to eVory detail of program and local entertainment required for ten thousand school people. t A splendid program cannot benefit thos schools whose ofllcers and teach ers aro not in attendance. Where school boards havo not al ready granted their teachers the three Sororities you 12 per fuel bills 1044 O St Eskimo "Totem Pole Frappe" IDC Peary's Delta Kappa Epsllon A-La- 15c Cook "Gold Brick" A HOT ONE Cutter. 1307 O St. days on regular pay, tho superinten dent of the town and city Bchool, and tho teachers of tho 'country school should place tho matter beforo tho board and give positive assurance that tho time asked will be devoted to Im proving the work of tho school. If necessary, dismiss school and make up tho time later. You are engaged in a groat work for a great Btate. Be patriotic. A. L. CAVINESS, For Executive Committee. Attention, Pershings. The first meeting of the year, for the election or officers, will be held In S 106 Thursday at 7:15 p. m. All Pershing Rifles out. By order of k O. L. OLSON, Pres. . "Baptist Reception. There will bo a students' reception at the First BaptiBt church, corner Fourtenth, and S streets, Friday even ing, Oct." 1. Everybody 1b invited, gVff "SSttff!?