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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1909)
I .; ''t ! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ..v.-' r. i k '$,4.;: V '2 Cbe ail? mebrasUan THID PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEDRASKA'f Lincoln, Nebraska. " MUSHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUKOXY AND MMDAV ' 1Y TUB STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publicitloa Otflce, 128 No. 14th SI. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor... m Herbert W. Potter Managing Editor Victor D. smitn Aiioclato Edlton Philip Frederick carl J. Lord DU8INE88 STAFF. Managor W. A. Jones Clroulajqr A. M. Haro Assistant Circulator Loille Hydo Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S2.00PBR YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Oonts Each. Telephonei Auto 1888. CONVOCATION-Thursday, May 27 Selections front the Creation CHORUS, STRING QUARTET, ORGAN, SOLOISTS Memorial Hall P Eleven A. M. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be charged for at tho rato of 10 conta per Insertion for vary fifteen words or fraction thoreor. Faculty noticoB and University bulletin! will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postdfllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 8, i7n. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909. Tho Inst Ibbuo of the Nebrns kan for tho current Homester will bo tho edition tomorrow morn- lng. Tho NobniBkan will be in charge of the newly-elected stnff after that date. , ' are not JiiBt rtB deserving of support as any other branch of athletics. At the present time there ,1b no athletic field for either tho men or the women and now Is the natural tlmo for some new arrangement to be started. With all plans for the new field as yet only partly formulated It should bo poHslble for some arrange ment to be made that would be satis fying to all people concerned. At many other state unlvorsltles the provision for exercise on the part of both tho men and the women Is much more extensive than at the University of Nebraska. At the University of California they are now trying to get a new Held, for the exeluslveuBO of thoBe who are no.t members of any of the regular university teams. Such an Idea Is not possible nt Nebraska, because of a lack of the necessary fundB, but the best possible accomo dation of all interests can be kept In mind In tho arrangement of the new Hold. ' ' .. University Bulletin Since Spring has nearly 'arrived the .Fountain will ,bo one of tho features of tho Folsom Bakery. We want you to Judgo our wnoio atoro Dy every- sjl M thing we servo youin our ooua wawr, ico uream, VutfOl?). Punches and Delicatessen Lunch Department "We f Make Our Own Cahdlesl" 1307 O STREET. BELL 456. AUTO. 2214. For tho llrBt time In tho history of tho Comhusker the whole of tho edi tion haB been sold and the demand has exceeded tho supply. This cer tainly lookB well for the Increasing school spirit at Nebraska and It Is to be hoped that it Is duo to something deeper than merely temporary causes. The convocation this morning will bo tho last of the year and will be as well, one of tho finest musical pro grams that has been offered. An un UHually largo number of musicians will take part In it and the nature of the selections Is such that they are peculiarly Impressive. If the pro gram were to bo given in the o veil ing and a largo admission fee charged, tho capacity of tho chapel would be taxed to accomodate the crowd. Ne braska students will do well to show their appreciation of tho effort that has been made in preparation of this program by making this last convo cation the best attended of the yoar. The university has received a unlqUe Invitation from .Mr. .Morton to visit Arbor Lodge and be his guests for the day of June 5th. This is the first time that the university body has re ceived such an invitation from a Ne braska citizen and it should- be ac cepted by the university body in tho spirit In which it is given. Tho cost of making the trip will be but slight and a magnificent outing, will be given to every student that takes advan tage of It. A party of eighty must bo secured and. all those who desire to go should notify Dean Burnett, A. A. Reed, or B. Hd Clark' as soon as possible. A WORTHY MOVEMENT. The question of making arrange ments in tho new athletic Hold for the accomodation of glrlB' sports 1b now bolng actively agitated and Is being pushed by a number of different or ganizations. It has received the sup port of thpse In charge of physical education Tor women and both Man ager Balg'Sr and Doctor Clapp have ex pressed themselves as favorable to tho movement. With such support as this tho movement ought to be success ful In accomplishing Us object and should result Jn i real benefit to tho different, branches of athletics in which tho girls of' the university are interested. There is no doubt but that the move ment is one that deserves the fujlest" measure" of success, No adequate pro vision 'has ever been made in tho pas for the ! accomodating of girls' sports A NEW FELONY. Nebraska has felt tho gentle long ing, to break forth with song with the advent of the warm spring days, but it has remained for Wisconsin to de velop the fever to the point that re quires legislative action. The tor tures of the drowsy ones who find thoir slumbers Interrupted by the bursts of song that lloat on the still night air have grown so acute at. Wis consin that the Daily Cardinal has protested in a lengthy editorial. The editorial is in part quoted below: "It Is becoming the custom for par ties strolling home at half past mid night to lift up their voices in the ex huberance of that spring feeling and attempt to sing. "The attempt has only moderate suc cess. Tno objection is not so much to tho wny they sing as to the things they sing. Thero Is a certain layek of variety in the selections. Every bunch every night sings the-same old chost mitB with the lnevltablehess of fnte. If they sang things that were positive ly antique It wouldn't be so bad. We might stand for the .Merry Widow waltz song and After tho Ball and the Last Link is Broken; such hava a certain historic Interest. What they do, sing are songs that have been over used just enough to produce the maxi mum psychic irritation possible to hu man mentality. "It Is susceptible of statistical dem onstration that "I Wonder Who's Kiss ing" Her Now," has been sung 7,8(12 times along State street in the last two weeks. We have heard "Jungle Town" exactly 6,789 times and "Cud dle Vt a Little Closer," U a, eloyo .third. "Something drastic must .be enacted to avoid violence bolng done one of these nights by a pajama-clad mob. The legislature Is taking an embarras sing interest In student affairs just now. Wo suggest as an Immediate necessity that they make "Jungle Town" a misdemeanor; "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now," a felony and "Honest Little Girl I Am Strong For You," a capital offenso. . May. Thursday, 27 Convocation, 11:00 a. m Memorial hall. Selections from, "Tho Creation." Chorus, string quartet, soloists. Thurs'day, 27 Competitive drill of the first battalion of cadets. State Farm. Classes excused from 2 until G. , Friday, 28 Final examinations com mence. Friday, 28. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. Saturday, 29 Agricultural, club din ner, 6:00 p. m., Temple. English club meots at '.Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, 1728 Garfield St. Pro fessors Frye and Le Hosslgnol will address the club. Saturday, 29. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. June. Thursday, 2. Cadet encampment be gins. June 2 to 7. Thursday, 3 Final examinations end. Saturday, 5 School of Music Annual Concert. Temple theater, 8:00 p. m. Sunday, 6 Baccalaureate sermon by Bishop Williams. Memorial hall, 10:30 a. m. Tuesday, 8 Senior class play, "The Royal Family." Oliver theater, 10:30 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, 9 Alumni day at state ' farm. Thursday. 10 Thirty-eighth annual commencement at the Auditorium. New 5c, 10c and 25c Store 142 NORTH I2TH STREET See our line of Popular Sheet Music at 10c, We also have tablets, ink and a complete line of stationary at POPULAR PRICES THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS, , Expert Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing. You no doubt have heard lots of the Manhattan, but you will never know all about the fine work we do unless you give us a trial. Our pressing is fine. Let us have your spring suit and you will be surprised at what we can do. CalTBell Phone F918. 208 So. 1? 10:00 a. m. sion. -Commencement proces- 10:30 a. in. Oration and conferring of degrees. 8:00 p. m. Chancellor's reception. Happenings of the Past Get Those Tasty Togs OF ELLIOTT BROS- TAILORS COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at the BEST PRICES Auto Phone 48 Tho Syracuse Intclcholastlc was held last Thursday. Elovep schools took part. Medals valued at $25, $15, and $10 wore awarded tho winning schools. Seven Years Ago. One of the largest mass meetings ever held In Memorial hall was called together for the purpose of protesting against Chancellor Andrews' proposed departure to Wisconsin. Resolutions were adopted urging the chancellor to remain at Nebraska. Six Years Ago. The last Issue or the Daily Nebras kan was devoted to a summary of all that had been accomplished' in each department of the university during tho semester. Five Yearo Ago. The year book of the college of law came out with a deficit of $104.04, According to arrangements tho editor was forced to bear the total deficit. Four Years Ago. Tho University of Nebraska de feated' Iowa in tho deciding matches In tho tennlB doubles. Iowa had pre vlpusly been defeated only by Chica go. Three Years Ago, 'The honorary debating fraternity Delta Sigma Dho was installed at the University of Nebraska. One Year Ago. Minnesota was defeated by -Nebraska In n dual track meet at Lincoln by ,tho score of 84 to 28. Tho meet was an overwhelming victory for Nebraska. 1 GREGORY, the Tailor 1 Has a dandy lino of goods for Spring Suits. He also does the best cleaning and pressing in the city. 14th & O Streets Auto 3264 The Northwestern girls have busied themselves and will get out tho an nual woman's edition of the North western. Miss Jluth Cndy Is editor-in-chief. The Dally Princeton)an bent tho ornell Sun In baseball last Friday, and the Tiger beat the.Wldow. The score wore 17 to 5 and 5 to 3 re spectively. " j SENIORS GET THEMES. Students who aro not to bo Jn tho university after his year may get themes they hayo submitted in rhet oric 1, 2, and othor courses by lining out tho blank for tho purpose on the writing table In the -rhetoric hallway, Themes by members of the class of 19Q9 not asked for by June 3 may bG destroyed. DEPARTMENT OF RHETORIC. The Thompson Shoe $3.50 $4.00 m jfligpi The Handcraft Handmade Shoe $5.00 COLLEGE SHOES YOU WILL FIND IN THE NEW THOMPSON SUMMER STYLES, MANY DESIGNS AND PATTERNS THAT ARE DISTINCTLY "YOUNG MANNISH," DECIDEDLY RIGHT FOR COLLEGE MEN. "THOMPSON SHoes,$3.50, $4.00 SHOES, THE GREATEST STRIDES EVER MADE TOWARD "SHOE PER FECTION." SEE NEW ARRIVALS. c MEN p s "I V B00TERY ' - m , ,t 12 th and p A and thoro cah be no raspn why they ?"N Ai. .J&jJ t x& --