The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 26, 1909, Image 2
iC ' .r h THE DAILY NEBHASKAN ?" i f?"t "'y" K HE Cbe Dai I? fUbrneftnlt THE POPBRTT OF THB UNIVHIISITY 'OF NMRABKiA. Lincoln,. NtlMiMki. ( iiiisNEi mi bat 'ncEfi SWAY, mfutimi BY THB STUDENtf "PUff. BO AM). 1 PiIHmMh Kltal, 121 N. 14tk St. EDITORIAL STAFF, altor..'.- Htrbert W. Pottr M.nanlno Editor VlotOP . Smith Associate Editors ,Phllp Frrlok 1 Carl Ji Lord BUSINESS STAFF. Mannaar W. A. Jont Clroulator A. M. Hara Awlitint Circulator LmIU Hy Editorial and Builneaa Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION LDO. Poatoffloo, Station A, Lincoln, Ntb. UBSCRIPTIOM PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each. Telephone! Auto 11 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be obaraed for at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion far varjr Wtaan worti i ;f raetlen few laculty noUoea and Uniyerslty bulletin will gladly be published free. Batered at the postoffloe at Llnooln, Nebraska, as seoond-claas mall matter wider the Act of Congress of March s, 1879. WEDNESDAY. MAY 20, 1909. CREDIT TO TRACK MEN. Thd track meet which wns hold alt the University of Nebraska last Satur. day, proves conclusively that Nebras ka has a track team of which she may well bo proud. Nobraskn has always been strong In track athletics and by defeating both Minnesota and Kansas this year's team has proven that it Is worthy of the university, and deserves the hearty support of every student. Tho defeat of Kansas last Saturday was the first time this Beason that a contest with Kansas has not resulted in tho scarlet and cream coming out with the small ond of the score. It was tho first time this year that Nebraska's representatives In any line of sport have proved their superiority to tho Kansas men. Smarting under a long series of defeats by Kansus the vic tory on Saturday" waB all tho more gratifying to all who have tho lnler csts of Nebraska at heart. Tho Nebraska track team Is this year laboring under peculiar difficul ties for it has not the opportunity of training on tho university campuB. The athletps are compelled to go a long way from the .university every day and the Interest of the Btudent body Is greatly decreased by this fuct. In spite of all theso handi caps the Nebraska track team has made a brilliant success of the pres ent season and all credit Is due to Captain McDonald and his bund of track athletes. . A FENCING CONTE8T TONIGHT. University Championship to be Settled In the Armory. At 8 o'clock this evening a fencing ' match for the university championship will be held in the armory. Two tro phies are offered the winners of first and second place by Captain Workizor and Dr. Clapp. Eight or ton men will take part in tho match and somo good work Is expected. The winner's name will be engraved on shields to be placed In the trophy room. When the shields are filled with names annually added, now ones will be provided. ELIGIBILITY RULES ENFORCED. University of Washington Rules Out Summer Baseball. The discussion of the advisability of summer baseball is arousing a great deal of discussion at the university of Washington and it is declared that the strictest eligibility rules will be enforced at that institution next year. "One of the most" serloUB problems in university athletics will confront the athletic committee of the univer sity this summer in the matter of pro fessional baseball," said Dean Mllnor Roberts, chairman of, tho faculty ath letic committee -recenly., "I wish all men who Intend to turn out for foot ball to avoid playing summer base ball, as the slightest; suspicion of pro fessionalism will disqualify them." "The playing of a game nt a county tfalr, or any. similar celebration comes' CiONVOCATlON V ' A.'a t ' ! 'l , Memorial Hall under this head. Even if the men re time tho monetary roward offered thoy will bo considered Ineligible. Tho strictest construction will be given to the amatour ruling noxt fall." THE LEGISLATURE QIVE8 $800,000. University of Missouri Fortunate In Appropriations. Under the appropriation bill as final ly passed by both houses the Univer sity of MlBBourl receives from tho gen eral fund for support, $350,000 and from 'the collateral lnhorltanco tax fund for tho university, $451,200. This Is an Increaso ovor the house action of $65,000. Several Items wero ma terially changed by tho Bennte and the conferonco committee. The appropriation bill for boII sur vey was Increased from $5,000 to $15, 000, for tho experiment station from $10,000 to $15,000. Tho appropriation for clinical Instruction, $10,000, was changed to read for medical instruc tion. Other appropriations given for specific purposes wero grouped under tho head for horticulture and botany. TO FORM NEW ATHLETIC UNION. The Girls at the University of Minne sota to Control Their Athletics. Tho co-eds of the University of Min nesota are taking active steps to form a girls athletic association. If pres ent plans materialize the new board will have full control of all women's athletics at that Institution. Tho purpose of the association will be to control and develop athletics for women at tho university. The ac-ji tlco membership will Include every girl registered In college, while the women of the faculty and others Interested, will he admitted as aBsodato mem bers. The board of control will bo an ex ecutive committee of nine members which will be composed of a president and vlco president and clnss represen tatives. It will bo the endeavor of the board to pay the expenses of the association as nearly as possible from tho gate re ceipts and they will have entire charge of all the finances of the var ious athletic enterprises of the girls. A student at Do Pauw has been de nied credit for his term's work In rhetoric because he copied a . theme from a boolt This is the third attempt of tho kind there thlB year. Announcements haye been made at Brown of several courses that will be added to the curriculum next year, and of some that will be dropped. Changes in the faculty "aro also announced. The girls at Minnesota held a mass meeting recently to deviso plans for checking tho spread of petty thieving in the university. Girls were execused from all classes to attend the meeting. K The Wisconsin girls hav.e published their "Lady" number of tho Sphinx. Thoy claim to be "a llttlo tired of fur nishing material for Cardinal editor ials and feature stories when advertis ments aro scarce." The "Skull" pledges at De Pauw wero put pn duty at tho game with Indiana, to see that all the v fellows wero seated In the rooting bleachers. Thoy broke up many happy couples, but they weeded the men out of the grandstand. A new scheme of financing student enterprises Is being proposed at Wash ington. Tho plan Is to charge every student five dollars, the payment of which will give him a subscription to the Daily Wave and admission to all contests and entertainments conducted Selections from the Creation CHORDS, STRING QUARTET, ORGAN, SOLOISTS nlii fUS) ill III V iby; the Students Association. - Thursday, May 27, i j A f tlli ! U f 1 i-i A'iaVl nieven a. ivi. University. Bulletin May. Thursday, 27 Convocation, 11:00 a. m. Memorial hall. Selections from "Tho Creation." ChoruB, string quartet, soloists. Thursday, 27 Competitive drill of the first battalion of cadets. State Farm. Classes excused from 2 until 0. Friday, 28 mence. -Final examinations corn- Friday, 28. Baseball: Kansas versity vs. Nebraska. Uni- Saturday, 29. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. June. Thursday, 2. Cadet encampment be gins. Juno 2 to 7. Thursday, 3 Final examinations ond. Saturday, 5 School of Music Annual Concert. Temple theater, 8:00 p. in. Sunday, G Baccalaureate sermon by Bishop Williams. Memorial hall, 10:30 a. m. Tuesday, 8 Senior class play, "The Royal Family." Ollvor theater, 10:30 a. m., and 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, 9 Alumni day at Btate farm. Thursday, 10 Thirty-eighth anntfoll commencement at tho Auditorium iu:uu a. m. commencement proces sion. 10:30 a. m. Oration and conferring or (teepees. 8:00, Ik 'in. Chancellor's reception. Happenings of the Past 8even Years Ago. Chancellor Andrews was offered a largo Increase in salary If ho would accept a position as chancellor of tho University of Wisconsin. Six Years Ago. Kansas expressed a wish in a lot ter to the Nebraska debating board, that all debates In the future should bo purely extemporaneous. Five Years Ago. , 'A special excursion was arranged for, to take members of the summer school to tho St. Louis exposition. Chancellor Andrews' and a large num ber of professors made arrangements to take tho trip. Four Years Ago. Nino members of the senior class, taking work in tho various flclencesf wore elected to membership in Sigma XI. The election was based upon the promise of ability as shown by work done. ' Three Years Ago. Tho university cadet battalion en camped at Beatrice and was forced to form camp in tho midst of a great downpour 6f rain. One Year Ago. Dr. H. B. Alexander was chosen by the regents to fill the vacant position of professor of philosophy at tho Uni-' versity of Nebraska. 8ENIOR8 GET THEME8. Students who are not to be in the university after this year may get themes they have submitted in rhet oric 1, 2 and in other courses by filling out tho blank for tho purpose on the writing tattle jh tho rhetoric hallway. Themes by members of the class of 1909 not asked for by June 3 may be destroyed. ' DEPARTMENT OF -RHETORIC. ' r J v. New 5e, 10c and 25e Starc 142 NORTH 12TH STREET , See our line of Popular Sheet Music at 10c. We also have tablets, ink and a complete line of stationary at POPULAR PRICES THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERS, Expert Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing. You no doubt have heard lots of the Manhattan, but you will never know all about the fine work we do unless you give us a trial. Our pressing is fine. Let us have your spring suit and you will be surprised at what we can do. Call Bell Phone F918. 208 So. 12 Get Those OJJ ELLIOTT BROS. S TAILORS Oliver Theatre Senior Play &he ROYAL FAMILY Morning and Evening Performances 0000000OQO0000C000000C000OQ NIGGERHEAD Lump $9.00 QUICK HOT GREGORY, The Coal Man LITTLE BUILDINI I0TN COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW o5wSqS&q The Newest Shapes in Senate, Sailor and Flexible Rim Straw Hats, SI. OO to $6.00 FULK, Has a Bandy line of goods uuoo wio ucdu uiciuiiug Mth & O Streets ,'"'-' - .. XW. t! '000000000g00e0000(ft000Q04oogfi I GREGORY, the Tailor! i f I Since Spring has nearly arrived the Foamtaki will be, one of the features of the,FelMmta1akery. v We want jjrou to Judges our whole store by every- k thing wo Beryo you lri bur Soda Witter, Ice Cream, 'Punches and Delicatessen Lunch Department "We mane vur wwii v",,ulo" y 1307 O STREET. ' BELL 456.' AUTO. 2114. Tasty Togs June 8tn, 1909 MAITLAND Nut $8.50 LEAVES NO ASH PHONES 1044 0 STREET BEST TAILORING at th. BEST PRICES Auto Phont 48 Jg 1325 O 1 for , Spring Suite. He also uuu pressing in ine city. " ? - - Auto 3264 V A f 4. "tt T tf ,'f H n . ft J u - - ;; '"piiiHtArtiJApC " t-i; " V . , 1" - X m , !. .-