The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 26, 1909, Image 1

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    ;T '-'- ' Wjy
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-' ,- MA3I8A5lteW tJIAa 3HT '
W'tt.V!U.' . -J-Jift ? Wryyy "- ."" I-.. WM f !l!.JINt.fc, ,fah-MfcMWW... W.-.W.tiH ..!.... miM, ,-,,, r ,., Mlirriiiili.iHi." " "'' " -i "
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Into Varfous, Collages and
Some of Its Courses Assimilated
by Old Coilefles or Schools'
Plan Is a Success.
'p In view of several changes which
have been mndo and which arc still un
deTlfV 'it V' MiTely- "t&Y-any
Bpring-registration will bo held for
the first semester of next year. That
none are held tnis spring la,-.not due
to any failure of? the paf&of.thjef'laBt
spring registration, but . Is;,' duo to
ttfe reorganization of th'o colleges and
a new scheme of providing a commit
tco on assignment to recitations and
laboratory vdl visions. ' ' p "
7 The'pfaix of spring' registration as
putno'effcctifocihp flrst-limo last
spring was decidedly not a failure al
though It came at a time when difllcul
ties In the arrangement of' Schedules
were, encountered due to the. .organlza
flori of the .teachers college and other,
changes in the details of the depart
ments. The work of registering the stu
dents before leaving school was car
ried out successfully, however, proof of
parts of tho catalogue being placed
in the hands of .the deans In time to
iwrnia rt n&fvifin'fin tnn','
. . Wi.K .'i'.4WK-Jt'-
j .
l Would be
ThiB year, However, sd many
changes have beSn made In 'the ar
rangement of the"? colleges for next
year that It w'owk'-maico the reglstra
tfon of.. studenUfor. next-year, very
fhe work on tho catalogue has, how
ever, been delayed by these changes
and will not be out until tho middle of
tHe summer.
$BdBlde"s this reorganization of the
colleges a new scheme has been de
vised ,to care. tWMti&eSMfljBiitjpt
stitcIentB 16 recItatlbriVadnaborrttdry
divisions. This committee wlfl take
the work" of, .'caring (for Jth' student's
hours of, re
lods off tli
ecitation ana mDoraiory per-
ie hands of the deans and
distribute the work as evenly as possi
ble.. They will . doylse thq r details of
tThe Vlan during th6J slimmer, hence
another obstacle lies In the pajth of
the Bpringweglstratlon-. Nextyear,
. hWernitsjntendi$flio jigin adopt
? tfisscheW k:;vj$ WHh
& !.. b'utUof-'Eklstence.. 83JjQfi'-
In the redrgahiratl6nfaha,.roarrange-:
mbntof the sclioolsTtfioTiSHiKGlaircql:.
legeihasi ceased; to exist;, The various
departments 'wnicnwero- inciuueu 'un
der the old head ofjjh.e industrial col-
lego havebeerti assimilated hy t?eYrQl
new coueges wnicnsnave oeen createa
-andj.omejbyrptherJlcoUeges already In
-The colleges-asthey standf or-tho
nnniincr vrinr nw nn fnllnwH
The graduate college in which tho
courses load teethe, degree of master, of
arts and doctor of p1ilfosorny. WtJ';
cThe college of r arts arid sciences,
-vyhlolijis afoWekr course leading to
the degree of bachelor of arts.
, Vfieiirerslflefo
The college of agriculture . (inolud
lng general and rieqhriitjal arlotijturo,
forestry, and general -honio conomlc
groups) is afour year course' leading
to tHV degree of bachelor of science,
greo oi oacneior otaris ana, me urn-
afour year course1 leading to the doi
gree of , bacholor rpfs sclenco In engin
eering fTlioro will also bo a six year
adlng to tho d'ogrde o'f'' M
ng ,courso
cholor of
artsj lnl Jour yejars jnnd to Ho tlegeo
of bachelor of science in engineering.
EThe coficge 'of law which "is a, throe
ypar courses leading to tho dogreo of
bachelor tf laws; also a six year couso
leading to tho bachelor 6f arts dogreo
In four years and to tho dogreo of
bachelor o 'laws. ' ' p
Tho college of medicine which Is a
four year course leading to the degree
of doctor of medicine; also a six
year course tedding to tho bachelor's
degree and to tho dogreo . of doctor,
of medicine. w.
The. four schools4of pharmacy, fine
arts, music and agriculture. $
'" i
Fu'rtVer' Alterations In fho Appointed
"- Time "Announced;
, Registrar Harrison yesterday after
noon announced the vfollowing nddl
tionai changes in jthoNxaminajtion
Bcheduio 'tis -published on tnW'bulletln
,.&ii t'r "-"S-. A "- ..' jr ,
English lltorature 2, section 1,
meet in Library hall. 109, instead
In MehiOriaHhall. Sections' 2' and
of the slime class will' moot in Library
liali,.305 , ' . . - A . i ' '
Chemistry B, sections 1 and 2, will
meot in Library hall, 305, Instead o(
In Memorial hall.
In the college of law, classes in
sales, trusts, and contracts, scheduled
to meot Thursday at 8:00 a. m., in
Memorial hall, will meet Instead In
the armory, this change being- made in
order that regular convocation may
be held in the former place.
Education 2, sections 1 and 2, will
meet Friday, May 28. atTJ.:15 in U.
Cadets whose
conflicts wjth
periods should consult
Instructors at once In order to make
special arrangements as to the final
tests. fi
? -f5
University Sends out Copies of
Annual as Gifts.
In pursuance to the action of
pursuance to tne action ot tno
board of regents In voting to setid 150
copies of the 1909 Cornhusker to the
i mi.
high schools, of, the state,, High School
Inspector A. A. Reed is superintending
the despatch of the books. Tiio an
nuals &rd; sent out jnfthe . belief that
tney present in uetter ionn itiuu any
other publication the life of the'' uni
versity. They will come Into the
hands of high school students who may
. 9 i i'J x t. a.--1' Li . Cx i
uo unaeciaeu as to wuui bchooi io in
tend and it is quite possible.-that the
impression. niades by. the book, may
turn them to Lincoln. f ;" i
illn each eopy.isent-out there is ln?
sertod a presentation slip showing
thVtHhe book is ''presented to1 the high
school in question: by the, university
on-accounTbf Dxbr elations . dxlstlh'g
between the two institutions. x-. a,
AT , fTH
Eiv A,
: i
AT. J JB ..V W JMV -i
Preparaftons for Headquarters for the
i cacnerS'OT vi nis tate. '
ing of the CNationaL Educational asso
clallqn in Denyer, July 3-9 are no
IjQlng distributed to Nebrasjca teach;
firs., iResponses Which have been r4.
celved by university men Interested 1$
the convention Indicate Ilia tithe at
tendance of NobraskaneVcherri will bo
;larf e, a itt-jVC: I OOO&dvOAW
v. .'y?t . ..' ''. .' v "' ". s
neBaay evening ni wnicn a numner ot
prominent educators of tho state will
be bresenf. v , , 5 1
Yqur atr.fare we14) Factor, bJcV
lunch at Th Boston Lck. lliy
fbu home t r'il-' 'Jtmmmtmrnimim 'vn.ww.'
been secured, in, the Brown Palace ho:
Lawrence Men Will Be the Guests of
Captain Beltrer and Hs Crew
at Antelope Park Friday
and Saturday.
This week is to witness tho close of
the local Cornhusker athletic soason
with two gamos of baseball between
Kansas and Nebraska at Antelope
park on Friday and Saturday after
noons. Tho track team woundup Its
dual meets Saturday in the games
with the Jayhawkers, and will take
part In only ono more contest this
year, that being the annual Missouri
valley conference meot at Dos Moines
Juno 5.
On tfio southorn trip tho Corn
tulskcrs lost two gameB to Kansas at
Lawrehqe, one of them being a cham
pionship contest. Of the two games
played hero this week, ono, probably
the first, will also be a championship
contest and will countsjn tho standing
of tho two teams In thoMIssourl val
ley conference baseball race
Kansas Near the Top.
Kansas stands near the top In the
southorn division of tho league. Un
til It took a trip Into Missouri last
week It led the league, but on that
Journey It encountered Missouri uni
versity at Columbia, losing two gamos,
and. went against the Washington-unl-verslty
bunch at St. Louis, suffering
another loss of two ganjes. The fall-
let the Jayhawkers down a notch and
thoy are now resting below the Mound
City university players. Missouri has
beaten Washington, however, In two
games and probably will repeat tho
feat again this week when the schools
me&t. As Missouri was whalloped by
tho CornhU8kers In throe out of four
games this spring, It can not claim
to be ahead of the Nebraska nine oven
though It. gets Into first place.
If the Cornhuskers take the champ
ionship game from Kansns hero this
week, they will stand next to Ames In
the rankings of the teams. The Iowa
aggies have suffered two or threo de
feats this season, but probably ranks
ahead of any team in the northern di
vision excepting the Cornhuskers.
Should the Nobraska men defeat Kan
sas thoy will have a strong claini on
tho premier honors of tho Missouri
valloy. ' k
Good Record Up to This Time.
Tfhe repord for the present spring
is probably .the best any Nebraska
team has had, during the last four or
five years. No game at homo has
been lost. Several 'strong teams have
been played in Lincoln, too, Including;
Missouri, Manhattan, and Drake,
A total of twenty-one games havo
boon played "this : season, not Includ
ing tho practice contests with tho.Linr
colm league nine, Of these' twelve were
'won, -nine lost .and one tied. Gaines
wore won from, Missouri," 3; Drake, 2;
Manhattan, Cornell Orinnell, Wesley
an, William Jewell, ; Haskell, nTahor.
Games .were.loBt to Kansas, 2; Ames,
Missouri, Wesieyan, Manhattan, bo
corah, M,lrinesota, St, Marys. The
tied game was played with the tftU
verslty of Minnesota at Minneapolis,
Plarj to Piay Cotner,
Itajn yesterday, and Monday proyent-
ed'a, meeting of the Porr(ima(kerg with,
the Cotner university .bunch at Belli
any. Jhia j;am(o, y. schedled'iiy
Manager fiTagerto allow, the Nebras-
ayors a stiff practlco for
contests wltlu Kansas lator in, the
weok. Th'o pfalluro o plaV"he game!
with Cotner 1b working a hardship on
tho practlco thoy badly neod. A con
tinuance of this Inclement weather
will put thorn In oxtromoly bad ahapo
for tho Kansas mooting. Tho Jayhawk
ors now are In muoh-bcttpr Bhapo for
playing fast ball than tho Cornhuskers
aro. Thoy woro away on a trip last
weok and aro In good condition. The
Cornhuskors on tho othor hand havo
had littlo practlco stneo thoy roturnod
from tholr eastern trip over two weeks
ago. Thoy neod two or throe days'
stiff work to got them Into trim
Competitive Drill Is Held the Day Be
fore Examinations Start.
All classes will bo excused tomor
row afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock for
competitive drill, which will be hold at
tho state farm.
Tho flvo companies which partici
pate havo been working hard for tho
paBt few days getting Into Bhape for
tho contest. Overtime drill has be
como tho rule. Sovdn o'clock is rathor
early for tho avorago student, yot at
this time many mornings of lato a
company or more frequently a part of
a company hns drilled In tho ondea
vor to gain a little extra proficiency In
tho art of drill. Ono of the companies,
It Is reported, marched to tho state
farm and back on Monday evening.
If tho weather cloars, a good crowd
Is expected at tho annual competi
tive drill as this Is ono of tho nonulnr
fluts of tho year. As tho oxnmlna-
tionscommenco on Friday, howovor.
many who have any "Cramming" to
do will probably bo unable to attend.
The College Will Graduate Nine Stu
dents Tomorrow, v.
Tho ninth annual commencement of
tho dental coll ego will bo hold nt.
tho university Terrfple Thursday' even
ing, May 27, at eight o'clock. Nine
seniors will bo 'graduated.' The pro
gram for the evening is as follows:
Rov. Arthur L. Weatherly
Piano Solo Dgerla.'. ...E. R. Kroeger
MIbs VPinnotta Watt
Doctorate Address
Rev. H. O. Prltchard, M. A., B. D.
Vocal Solo Spring Tide Becker
Miss Hazel Walker
Conferring of degrees by the dean. . . .
Dr. Clyde Davis
Piano Solo Chopin Etude t
MlssJWinnetta Walt
Benediction . .
Roy. Arthur L. Weathorly
To Give Selections From "The Crea
' " tlon" on Thursday.
Thursday morning, at convocation,
tho university' chorus will give a rnusr
ical program. The chorus, has been
working uppn selections "from "Tno
Creation.'' for 4thls program vand is
Loxpocted to give those 'who attend
fsome exceptionally fine muBlc. -
The organization will be assisted by.
tho string quartet, Tho. program, will
bo as follows: '
Selections from. "Tho Creatjon" by
the university chorus, the string' quar
tet, and soloists; Mlsg Abbott, Mr. En
yeart, and Mr. Mlllor.. ' '
Only Twenty-Aye Copies Mot Given
Only tw,enty-vfi cqples of ,the lpO.9,
VonuuBKer r.onaineo; in toe bands oj
Mm fftWmqnf 'ifist nfghf for sdls.trl-(
Vutlpn this piorning. h9.g Will &e
given ou.t at, 8? 45 (this Jn9rnlng and It
Is expected that the rush will behea,yy)
rsince a ,iro number of atuents de
ka .pi
sire copies of the book.
'i'-l IVilf TZ't n y7 sT-
Price, 5 Cent
If Party of Elflnty.WIH Go Saturday,
I, a Special TralnWlll
bb Engaged for the Entire
Day's Outing.
Joy Morton, son of .T7sterllnglvio7.
ton, and present owner of Arbor
Lodge at Nebraska City, has oxtended
to the faculty and studonts of tho
univorslty nn invitation to visit his
homo Saturday, June C. Arrangombnts
aro being made for ah okeuralon from
Lincoln on that, date, and it Jb hoped
to make tho occasion a gala day.
The invitation of ijlr. Morton comes
to the univorslty through Doan jfxr
nott of the collogo of agrjcultirro. .Tho
dean, A. A, Rood and E. H. dark aro
acting as a committee to porfoct ar
rangements for the excursion and thoy
desire that all students who can takq
tho trip to notlfly them ns soon as
possible. If a hundrod students and
faculty members go, a special train
Will be engaged to 'leave Lincoln at
8:30 In tho morning and return a.t
6; 30 p. m. Some Bttjdonts will bo at
cadet caip at Ashjfcnd at the time
sot for tho oxcurslon, bt it is, bolleyod
that thoro will be a considerable num
ber who will bp in Lincoln wjth 8ifll
clont tmo to go to Nqbraska'qity for
the" day. . "
Luncheon Offered. '
t Is understood tha' Mr. Morton, in
topds to entertain the university peo-
k)lo royally whllo hpy are his guests.
iH&Nrecontly ymQd the' university' as
u guoHtot mo agricultural college and
at 'that thno ho was much pleased with
th.e him. w He nqy
Plans t glyo thouniyerslty an enter
tainmonV which wlHsconvJnco the at"'1
dents that ho feels graceful for the
courtesy shown "m, A luncheon a
the Morton home Is undorstooSlo bo
on tnc
file program rtnd tho guests will be
ducted' flirough the grounds of tho
Arbor -Lodge Is probably tlio most
bdautiful homo In Nebraska and ''the
urilvdrsily Btiidents wh'orgo Ho Nebras
ka 'City Saturday wi'll gd; convinced
that thoy can -have a good time. 'ThV
Morton home is an artistic piece of
archItecture, and the grounds about" l
show acres" of woodland', excellently
fitted for an enjoyable' outing. '"'
A Unique Occasion,
Tho Invitation of-fMr. Morton Is a
unique event in the "history of; the unl
vdr8lty. So far as Is knoVn, no such
invitation hascever teeon rendered' to
tho students or faculty of tho unlreral
tyln "trie past. The peculiar posftioii
occupied by thV Morton family in Ne-
liraska makes the 'invitation all the
more acceptable. J. 'Sterling Mortotf
was,:proba"bly tfie .'most widely known1
citizen of ' Nebraska during hlgllf&
time; with thov poaslbl'e exception ef
Mr. Bryan during the last few years
His sons have all been 'pfomlnufc In
financial and political affairs and.thelr
prominence has reflectedton the state.
Students who will join' the party on
June 5 are Vequeafed to 'notify D'eari
Burnett, A.. A.' Reed, or to. H Clark'
as soon as possible. The (fare, for
the rduridtrlp will be 2:82. ' ' '. t
WlvyW"1! -oi
WJnnersof Jvy, Pay wwite are! re-
;Jqutd tp. .oair at .Dr.., ClaiAOflMl
11 a
th? IllIT ATlikl aivsfi tt""
ih r iu
!, M
iuuy io receive meir irppaiea.