The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 25, 1909, Image 4

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HIIHi.wHi nIlSWi
mt 1
Get vour Punches,
Sherbets, and Ice
Cream from
Special attention
given to Student
Affairs. Bowls,
Spoons and Glass
es furnished free.
Collins Bros.
Ice Cream Co.
Seventh and L Streets
Bell 428 PHONES Auto 1228
Rush Medical College
University of Chicago
Colics work required for Admbalon
Full work la the. Summer Quarter
Fltit Term June n-July a8
Second Term Jul eg-Sept. 3
Write for full particular! to ih Dean of Medical
Course, the. University of Chicago,
Bell Phent 482
Alto Phans 1481
Nebraska Grocery
and Meat Company
Fancy and Staple Groceries
1036 P Street
Every Orttr GIvm Special AUtflllin
C. A. tucker
S.S. Shean
Yovr Htrsuftt Solicits
We are going out of the
Retail Business. Every
thing leas than cost. .
1220 0 Stnet
All Makes of Second'
hand Typewriters sold,
rented, or exchanged.
Underwood Typewriter
Co., 714 P St, Rltk PlHK.
Quality Counts
FraiMli's let
W males specialty of ttdcj
crsasos, sfcerbsw, loss wad pane
for Frat sad Sorority Parties.
Amto 1111 Bell 206 .
"'littN Street
exAmiajj$!$ periods .made
, public yesterdaV'.
t ,
Several Classes Changed in Time or
Place Arrangements Made for
Cadets Whose Camp Conflicts-
Schedules for the final examinations
of tho second semester were dis
tributed yesterday. Tho schedules fol
low tho general plan of past examina
tion periods the tests beginning Fri
day, May 28, and closing Thursday,
June 3, with the exception of the col
lege of law. In that department the
tests begin Wednesday, May 26, and
flnlBh Friday, June 4.
In general all large classes which
could be possibly so arranged are
scheduled for Friday of this Week.
Among these are Included English lit
erature II, English lltorature IV, me
chiChlcal engineering II, civil engineer
ing VI, chemistry B, chemistry II, rhet
oric II, botany II, and homo economics
II. Other classes are generally
scheduled according to tho hours and
days on which they are regularly held.
Some Changes.
Late yesterday afternoon Registrar
Harrison had found It necessary to
make only, a few changes in tho an
nounced program. Section 10 ofrhdt
orjc II will meet In Library hall, 305
at l;15.ErJdayf Instead of In tho chem
istry lecture room as scheduled. Sec
tion 9 of tho same class will meet in
chemistry hall Instead of in the li
brary building.
rTne examination for second year
laws in evidence will be'held at 8:00
a. m.,' next Friday Instead of a week
from Friday. Tho examination In
property II wjfe-mo 04 tho latter
Cadets Conflict.
According to the published schedule
tho only classes having examinations
after thei ttfddts leave' for'' camp on
Wednesday noon are 5 o'clock classes,
7 p. nit, classes, and 1 p, m. classes.
The only conflicts likely to arise are
with 1 o'clock classes and these will
bo few In "number. When cadets are
enrolled In these classes thoy will be
allowed to make special arrangements
with the Instructor In charge as to
special examinations.
(Continued from Page 1)
knocked it off. Hamel then prepared
for his final leap while a group of
JoyaJ rooters encouraged him to
clear tho bar. He was visibly ner
vous and keyed to the highest strain
his nerves could Btand as he toed the
line to make a run for the bar. He
moved off slowly with the deepest
silence prevailing. As he approached
the bar he hurled himself as he had
not been able to 'do before that after
noon and Just-'lbarely missed the bar
making the jump and giving Nebras
ka its opportunity to win the meet, for
Johnson on his third trial struck the
bar and lost out on second place. The
Nebraska relay team of George, Reed,
Amberson, and Burke easily defeated
tho. Jayhawken quartet In the mller.e
lay and gave the meet to Nebraska by
one point.
Good Work By All.
The character of tho work of both
teams In nearly all the events was bf
the sort to keep the Interest of the
tho round of the -games." In the 100
'yard dash, the first event pulled off,
Kansas , sprung its first surprise of
the meet, showing the fast Haddock
who was the best sprinter on the
trifck. He ran away from both Wild
man and Campbell In the dash, reach
ing the tape a full eight feet ahead of
Wildman'who. won second. The time
wasotji0 jJJHaddock's work here
madeMt- s.ejjnicertaln that he would
mdke the other"r,unners trailers In tho
220 yard, dash." He did, too, When
that event wasrun joff he sped away
from' Campbell 'ami Wildirian at tho
start,- doing the distance In 0:22 1-5,
which, la Nebraska' record time. Camp
bell followed Haddock to the tapb,
Captain McDonald was the feature
In tho hurdles. In both the' low and
high sticks he took first place. The
high barriers ho took in 0:10. Russell
of Nebraska' was second in this race.
Johnson, who ran best for Kansas,
had a pretty stride but he toppled, over
many hurdles and finished five feet In
the rear of Campbell.
Fast Time In Low 8tlcks.
Captain McDonald was pushed to
much faster work in tho low sticks
by Nowbold of Kansas, who placed
himself for Becond honors. For near
ly 220 yards tho Nebraska captain
and his Kansas rival ran oven. But
before tho last two hurdles were
taken McDonald was In the lead and
by tho finish at tho tape ho was ten
feet the winner. His time was 0:26,
tho record time he made last season,
but which he idwered In tho Minne
sota meet to 0:25 4-5.
Amberson and George did some fine
work for Nebraska In tho half mile
run. Tlris ovent was won by Amber
son In 2:02 1-5. George started out
with a fast burst of speed which he
maintained for GOO yards. He then
fell back and Amberson, who had
been grouped with Badger and Bor
gen, the two Kansas, runners, took
the lead and Hpcd In the rest of the
run soveral yards ahead of Badger,
who was given second place.
A 81am for Kansas.
Kansas secured a slam in the mile
run, Cooley being first and Clark, sec
ond. Burke in tho 440 yard dash made
the distance in 0:51 3-5 seconds. His
running in this race was a feature of
the day. Haddock and Martindalc
were the Kansas runners and Reed
was tho second entry for Nebraska.
Rted led for over 330 yards. Then
Burke, who was grouped with the
Kansas runners, pushed out of the
bunch, and overtaking Reed, assumed
the lead ho maintained- to the finish.
Haddock overtook Reed in the last
fifty yards and ran even with him for
twenty yards, finally getting a small
distance ahead and finishing second.
Gable smashed a Nebraska record in
tho two mile, making it in -10:23.
Thompson of Kansas was second, be
ing soveral yards behind the Nebras
kan. Asbury also ran for Nebraska.
Chaloupka Not In It.
In the Weight events S. Collins se
cured first place In tho hammer throw
and discus heave. Ho lost first in the
shot put, Wood of Kansa staking this
event with a throw of 37 feet, 1 1-2
inches. Collins made but 36 feet, 6
Inched. Chaloupka, who has been do
ing good work .with this weight was
not allowed to enter and C. Collins
was made tho Becond entry for Ne
braska. C. Collins has not trained with
the CornhuBkers this spring, while
Big Bill has and it Is believed the
latter would have been able to have
hurled the shot tp a greater distance
than tho Kansas winner did. Chaloup
ka ought to have been good for a
place in the discus, too, had he been
In the hammer throw, S. Collins
made a mark of 149 feet, 11 Inches. He
took the discus throw with a fling of
110 feet, 8 1-2 Inches. Wood of Kan
sas was second In this event.
In the broad jump Kansas made
another slam. Smith and Martindale
tied for first at 21 feet, 4 Inches. Per
ry and Wihlman both tried this jump
for Nebraska, but fell below 20 feet.
Russel and Johnson, of Kansas tled
for first place In the pole vault. Tho
Cornhusker was In fine form for this
event and probably could have gone
oyer tho bar at 11 feet 1 inch, where
thoy were tied if ho had been permit
ted to tako three more trials. The
bar rested at 10 feet, 10 Inches when
the two jumpers cleared It. It was
raised to 11 feet, 1 Inch, whore they
failed. Russel wished to try it again
but Kansas would not consent.
In the mile relay race George, Reed,
Amberson, and Burke, ran for Nebras
ka. Nowbold, Hamilton, Bergen, and
Martindale essayed to do the trick for
tho visitors. The time was remrfrk
ably fast, being 3:28 2-5 and the visit
ors neyer stood any show otywlnnlng
the race. " u
100-yard dash First, Haddock, Kan
sas: second, Wlldman,, Nebraska.
Time, 10 1-5 seconds, v
220-yaVd dash First', Haddock, Kan
sas; second, Campbell, Nebraska,
Time, 22 1-5 seconds. t
440-yard dash First, Burko,Nebras-
ka; second, Haddock, Kansas. Time,
51 35 seconds, K
880-yard runFirst, Amberson, Ne
braska; second Badger,-Kansas. Timo,
2:02 1-5 seconds. '
, Mllo runFirst, Cooley, Kansas;
second, Clarke, Kansas. Time, 4:35.
Two-mile run First, Gnblo, Nebras
ka; second, Thompson, Kansas. Time,
120 yard hurdle First, McDonald,
Nebraska; second, Russell, Nebraska.
Tlme,16 seconds.
220-yard hurdle First, McDonald,
Nebraska; second, Newbold, KansaB.
Timo, 26 secorids.
Shot put First, Wood, Kansas; sec
ond, Collins, Nebraska. Distance, 37
feet 1 12 Inches.
Hammer throw First, Co'Uns Ne
braska; second, Meyers, Kansas. Dis
tance, 149 feet, 11 inches.
High jump First, Sn.lth, Kansas;
second, Hume, Nebraska. Height, 5
feet 5 inches.
Broad Juniii Martlnd.ilo and Win
ter, both Kansas, tie 1 at 21 feet, i
Discus First, Collins, Nebraska;
second, Wood, Kansas. Distance,
110 feet 8 12 inches.
Pole vault Russell of Nebraska and
Johnson of Kansas tied at 10 fee: 10
Relay race Won by Nobraski.
Time, 3:28 2-5.
Large Sums Given to Princeton
Cincinnati Man.
It is rumored that a gift of five hun
dred thousand dollars has been male
to Princeton university by Mr. Wil
liam Cooper Proctor, '83, of tho Arm of
Proctor & Gamble, of Cincinnati, to
carry out plans for the enlargement of
tho graduate school.
The principal conditions under
Which this offer holds are that nn
equal amount be raised by May 1, 1910,
and that the now group of buildings
be not placed within the present
grounds of Prospect.
Undoubtedly there is a largo meas
ure of truth In the rumor. Dean West
was unable to make a statement sever
al days ago, but others In authority
who have been consulted, while un
willing tq place upon It tne official
stamp of certainty, are still loth to
deny It, probably because It wl.l be
officially announced after the next
meeting of the trustees.
Y. M. C. A. to Have Novel Stunt at the
University of Iowa.
A new and novel feature will bo
instituted at the university of Iowa on
next Sunday morning by tho Y. M. C
A. About sixty men of the Bible
study department will tako canoes
and go up the river probably as far
as Coralvllle and float down. The
plan as outlined by the leaders 1p,
that In starting down the bouts will
be lashed together and will thus all
be within hearing distance of 11 cen
tral boat. Reverend Jones has con
sented to accompany -the men and to
give a talk as the boats float down.
This is the first timo In the" history
of the university of Iowa 'that anything
of the kind has been accomplished. 'In
the eaBt it Is a common occurrence
for the Y. M. C. A. to hold meetings
of this kind on the water and In the
south it is often done. At Lake Gene
va also, meetings nre held in boats.
University of Minnesota Wishes to
Suppress Scandal.
Certain critics about the University
of Minnesota seem to be anxious to
have a censor, appointed for university
news. E. B, Johnson, editor of the
Alumni Weekly, Is, reported as saying:
"In my mind there, is need for such
an ofllcer at the university to prevent
sensational accounts of events at the
Institution appearing In the daily pa
pers. As it is, we cannot prevent stu
dent reporters from writing whatever
they may see. v
"I would be willing to take the posi
tion, provided it should be consid
ered necessary to appoint a censor,
and. would then personally look up
news items and furnish them to tho
dally papers. I will have time next
yearUhat I could devote to that work,"
Outing Suits that
beat any values yet
7.50 to 18
You Want to see
these suits
;Spappy and Fussy
Hot Drinks
are now In season Do you know
any place where you can get at
..Quick Service..
as you can at our new store? No
need oi being crowded.
Lincoln Cand v
1 lMtCilCn S.W. Corner
STUDENTS .$3 to $10 PER DAY.
During vacation and odd hours.
Business easy, honorable, profitable.
Goods, highly meritorious, endorsed by
U. S. Government. Wrltd for full par
ticulars. Shlpman Agents Supply Dept.,.
Lewis Block, Buffalo., N. Y.
12th and O Streets
P. L. HALL, PrC4dMt
F. K. JOHNSON, Vlce-Prwttaftt
Owned 1)t the Stockholders of the
First National Bank
' Interest Paid at 4 Par Cent
Flrst.National Bamk kooats, Teath O
Want - Ads
AdYATtbements' for the want ad
column Should be left at the business
office, basement Administration Bids;.,
between 10 a. m. and 12 zb,, or be
tween 2 p.m. and 6 p. m.
Cash must accompany all orders for
want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per
Insertion, for' every fifteen words or
fraction thereof for the first inser
tion; three Insertions 25 cents; fire
insertions 40rcents..
FOR RENT Will rent our hall for
parties Jtn' Mon., Tues., Thurs. and
Fridays at ' 1132 N; on - Tues. and
(rhurs;'atTll24 NV Lincoln Dancing
Academy, Auto 4477.
FOR SALS A new f 60 bicycle for
25. See Nebraskan manager.' 122-tf
LOST Silk watch fob and charm
with Eng. Soc. and Dramatic Club pins
on It. Reward. H. P. Letton. Auto
2665. . 8t
LOST D. U. pin, diamond setting.
Reward for return to Nebraskan of
fice. - ' - 3t.
LOST An Acacia andan Alpha Ze
tafrat'pin'. Initials CP. J., on back.
Return to Nebraskanofllce. Substan
tial rewards. 1 - ' ' 4t
Th Unlfmlty year l dl?!ded Into four Quarter, Winter,
Sprloj, Bummer, and Autumn, .Admlulon U granted at tho
opening of each, on January sd, April sd, June tCtb, and
Ottobernt. '
. Graduate Instruction li offered In the Graduate Schools of
'Arri and Literature and In' the Ocdcn (Graduate) School 'of
bciescc. t 1
Professional Instruction It offered In the DWInltjr' School,
the Law School, Rush Medical College (affiliated), and the
School of Education. s '
Summer Quartet 1006, June t6-September t, First Termi
June 6-Jul e Second Tcrmt July ar-August 31,' KeelsWa
tloa it permitted fof the entire quarter or for .'either term,
Full and regular credit It given for work done, Special
mine, art offered far teacher. . '. x '
, For Information address v . ri?W
. ,
i, '