The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 22, 1909, Image 4
r rtiw'4- V-Tr"-- -wtVK' TH PAILY NEBRASKAN ) K The Season's Only El Two for NEW CREATION 25c It's reversible. Made with "Easy tie-sliding Spade " and ( Patented lock Front." 4-ply, Quarter Sizes. gjf ion (pilars UNITED SHIIT4 COUAS CO..MkwUroy.N.T. Qualify Counts THAT'S WHY r Franklin's Ice Criam 18 SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fancy cream, sherbets, ioes and punch for Frat and Sorority Parties. Ato S181 Bell 206 1816 N Street JfiHalf Million Glasses of Soda Water old and drank from our 20th Century Banitary Soda Fountain season 1008. Agonoy Huyloro, Gunthors and Lown iys Chocolates and Bonbons. Tht Dnif Cutttr. a i ; . i ! UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S.S. Shean OPTICIAN 1128 I STREET. YELLOW FRONT . Yew Htreu Solicited t i i 1 1 i " r t i CINCINNATI SHOE STORE We are going out of the Retail Business. Every thing less than cost. 1220 0 Street CENTRAL NATIONAL I2th and O Streets P. L. BALL, PrftJAMt f . a. jomKaoN, YWPret BXAX a VOX. OsskJw K W. W. 1IA0BJIBY Jr., AH Makes of Second hand Typewriter sold, rented, ot exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 p St., nth Mums. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks ' DcaiaNK . COFVRIHT C. Anyone sending a iketcti and description nay alekly MoerUla or opinion free whether an IkTeatloa to probeblr MteiUfMiCoinmunlc. UoMetrietlyoonOaentfa. MSSfSSX os Patent sent t ree. Oldest wreooy for seofeiisjrMtenU. fti i UkM tarouca Mbbb JtiSTreeetve ipseiat netfce, .wKaont efesrre, la tM sckmific jmm. woweir uruea weetir. JAnreste.. sm p anr eeJeVuae ICMijift, Tni, IS it four mootkVfl.- BoVabfkfl towsdealers.' '""f'vk.kAAA" 1 523333 iiirt Mm SMIS -( f Jfc. '-jr J- L . GRADUATE SCHOOL HAS DEVEL OPED IN EVERY WAY. MANY LINES ARE REPRESENTED 8tudontB Taking Graduate Work Are Found In All Departments of the University Roll of the Departments. With tho holding of the banquet ot the grnduato cluh of tho UnlvorHlty of NohrnHkn lust evening In the Temple, tho Work find poHltlon of tho grndu ato college woro emphasized and it8 growing Importance made strikingly apparent. Through tho action of the laHt legislature what waB known as tho graduate school of tho University of Nobraskn, became tho present grad uate college. As such It has grown bo rapidly that at tho preBent time It ranks among tho formoat among tho unlversltloB of UiIb country. Tho graduate collogo Is tho ranking college of tho university and only after taking n full college course will stu dontB ho admitted for work. Tho work In tho graduate school fits its students for Intonsivo research work along nearly all linos of Instruction. This Implies tho ubo of tho library and all data published on tho particular subject; all In nil, n dotallod study ot the problem In hand. After his InvoB tlgatlon 1b finished tho student em hodlos tho data In tho form of a theBls which whon placed In proper form is accopted by tho graduate collogo In llou of n dogroe. Lines of Work. Tho principal lines of work now be ing taken up in tho graduato colloge are those along the lino of agricultural education, political and social prob lems, and apodal problems In applied sciences. All of tho work Is done under tho direction of profoBsors who havo had experience In graduato work and whoso published work has rocolved attention throughout this" and many other countries. In years past a number of high cIobs thoBes have been published by membors of tho graduate school. At the present tlmo several admiral pa pors aro ready for tho press. These aro for both second and third degrees. According to a list made out laBt ovonlng there wero 118 students regis tered for graduate work. Tho num ber rogistored for research work In tho various departments aro: political science 31; soil, 2; zoology, 6; bot any, 17; bacteriology, 2; aBtronomy. 1; American history, 12; agricultural chemistry, 2; agrlcutlural botany. 1; Greek, 2; geology, 3; French, 3; Eu ropean history,. 5; English literature, and language, 9; education, 16; elec trical engineering, 1; chemistry, 2; goograpby and economic geology, 15; Latin, 2; mathematics, 6; philosophy, 6; physiology, 7, and political econ omy 7. Members of College. A list of tho graduate students fol lows: Mnttlo Allen, L. D. Albortson, W. E. A. Auld, S. C. Basu, B. A. Bur dick, May Bordwoll, O. J. Barneby, A. H. BIgelow, E. O. Bishop, Clara Bal lard, D. S. Burrago, Wm. G. Bishop, T, A. Butcher, J. M. Brown, Ellon Clark, I. C, Cutter, Mary Crawford, A. R. Calvert, Anna Corkon, A. P. Capen tor. V. J. Chrl8loV. R. E. Dale. Brottin. ia daughters, H. a. Duncanson, M. R. Daughters, R. W. Eaton.H. L. Ewlng, R. A. Emerson, Clarence Emerson, P. G. Ernst, Ethel Ereford, H. L. Foltz, E. K. Piles, Ethel Fold, Flora Plfer, .Cato. Foster, Rev. Chas. Gllmoro, M. R. GUmore, E. A. Grove, Agnes Gor don, Katherino Gibson, Paul Gobs, W. J. GuBhee, Edwin Guthrie, H. H. Hahn, D. C. Hilton, Thos. Hulton, P. Howard, A. J. Hargett, A. L. Harvey, Ethel House, Tlcla Harmony, T. Inouyo, Del ia Ingram, W. R. Jackson, L, A. Jones, Mlra Krns, W. B. Kllno, P. K. Kruog or, J, K. Krueger, J..C, Knode, A. J. Luddon, J, S. lewis, S. R. Lame, Merlo Little, Anna Lute, F. W. Leavitt, Edith Long, t). C, Montgomery, Eva Myers, Mary Hf , McLean, H. E. McComb, .Candor ejspn .Rev, "S. ,A, Newman, HAS RAPID GROWTH E. B. Nowton, Follx Nowton, Daisy Needham, Zoo Nuns, Dr. Inez Phil brick, J. R. Purcoll, N. F. Potorson, Ruth Pyrtlo, Olivia Pound, Laura Pfol ffor, W J. Pepporberg, Mrs. Beth Phil lips, Percy Purylance, G. W. Phllpott, Allc" Purlnton, X W. Roberts, Edith Robblns, Winifred Rbwell, W. L. Schu port, Joseph Sparks, Mrs. Josoph Sparks, W. L. Stb'phehB, W. W. 8toner, M. H, Swenk, R. D. Scott, Dorothea SeabrooK Nt'llle Shugart, J. E. Taylor, ( E. 'I'ach, ChaB. Teach, C. E. Tom plo, ( $3. Vail, Edith Van Mlddlos worth, C.N. Walton, H. P. "Willlama, A. J. Warren, C. A. Wells, Lena B. Walker. J. A. Warrant H. P. Williams, Julia Wort, Julia Watson, TollaWontz.; Two girls In the UnlverBlty of Mis souri havo won Bcholarslilps In Bryn Mawr. At IoWa the freshman class Is mak ing -arrangements to entertain the vis itors at tho Iowa IntcrscholaBtic. Tho Wisconsin Spectator will not uppear again this year. Some publi cation will bo Btnrtod next fall, but It Is not known whether the old Spec tator will bo purchased or a now one started. You'll be pleased with the UNDER WEAR we show. Prices for 2-piece garments $25c and up to $1.75. Union suits 75c and up to $3.50. Athletic-Union Suits. Knee lengths or full lengths, 90c, 2-piece garments 45c. 925TrSl.klneolK.Netx 8TUDENT8 $3 to $10 PER DAY. During vacation and odd hours. Business easy, honorable, profitable. Goods, highly meritorious, endorsed by U. S. Government. Write for full par ticulars. Shipman Agents Supply Dept...... Lewis Block, Buffalo, N. Y. THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Owned by the Stockholder! of the First National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Bank hooas. Tenth A O Want Ads Advertisements for the want ad column should be-left at the business office, basement Administration Bids., between 16 a. m. and II as,, or be tween 2 p. m. ant p. m. . wasn must accompany an enter rer want arte, at the rate of 10 eeotsj per insertion for every fifteen words or fraotlon thereof for the trat laser tlon; three Insertions 35 cents; tve Insertions 40 cents. FOR RENT Will rent our hall for parties on Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Fridays at 1132 N; on Tuos. and Thurs. at 1124 N. Lincoln Dancing Academy, Auto 4477. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A new $60 bjcycle for $25 See Nebraskan manager. 122-tf lost And found. LOST Notebook and Candy's An alytics. Please return to Nebraskan office. W. T. Carroll, 8t LOST D, U. pin, diamond setting. Reward for return to Nobraakan of fice. St . LOST An AcacJa and an Alpha Ze ta fr&t pin. Initials G. P. J., on back. Return ty,Nebr'aBkan office. ' Sub'stan? tlal rewards. 4t tnnnaiEEBEE' tx. -V rtW'lttfAft'l WORK OF SOCIETY FURNI8HE8 MUCH VALUABLE 'N FORMATION TO 8TATE. COURSE IN LEGISLATION PROVED AN AID TO WORK OF THE LEGISLATURE. Many High 8chools and Normals Use the Reference Department for Securing Material for Use In Debates. The work of the Historical Societv has each year become more effective and, during tho last two yearr. has been tho means of furnishing countless val uable and sometimes otherwise un attainable Information to citizens a"nd students of the state as well' as to members of tho legislature. Addison E. Sheldon,- at tho head of tho department has boon conducting a course In the university on practical legislation. Tho final examinations in this course were .held a week ago and tho work for the semester closed up. Thirty-three men took tho course during the past year and proved very helpful to tho work of tho past legisla ture. They acted as assistants to the legislative reference department dur ing the entire session of that body. Proves Beneficial. The work of this department of the Bociety Is at present proving of Ines timable benefit to the officials who aro about to undertake the work of ascer taining the physical valuation of the railroads of Nebraska. Tho material, collected by the department on tho physical valuation of railroads has been put Into these officials' hands and has been used entirely during tho paBt week. The society is at present engaged In compiling a pamphlet of original fig ures never before published. They treat of taxation and tree planting In Nebraska, and aro destined for gen eral public use and alBo for tho Bpeclal use of tho legislature at Its next ses sion. At present tho society Is send ing circulars to all of the county as sessors in Nebraska. It is not oxpect ed to havo the book compiled before the latter part of the Bummer, as some delay is anticipated In getting in all of tho data. Benefits High Schoo8. Tho work of the department has been of especial benefit to the high schools and normals of tho state dur ing the pnst year. Many have made use of the reference department In securing material for debates. Over twenty-five high schools and both tho Kearney and Peru normals bave drawn upon the society for such material. This department of tho society was or ganized only two years ago, but Is al ready one of the indlspenslble parts of the Institution. LIEUTENANT OVER8TREET HERE. University Man Visits Campus After Long Absence. Lieutenant Luther M. OvoiBtreet of the United States navy was a campus visitor Thursday. Lieutenant Over treet was enroute to his home at Ar borvlllo, Nebraska, after returning from a trip around tho world with tho United States battleship fleet. Lieutenant Overstroet waB a Btudent In the university In the late eighties. Ho loft tho university to enter the ;navy. He was one of the officers of tho Oregon during Its trip around tho horn and was inwtho first boat which left that ship when the Spanish ships surrendered. " WILL START TODAY FOR EUROPE. Miss Hayden and Miss Pfelffer Sail on Saturday. Mlsa Hayden of the art department and Miss Pfelffer of the department of European history leave today for New York City. v They sail next Saturday for Europe where they will remain un til September. Miss Hayden will go at once to Hol land to study art and to paint Miss Pflolffer goeB to Paris where sbo will study for two months. For the rest of the "slimmer ' abe will 'travel through France, wii .s'3wWiajsAJtr?t, Business Dirtcttry fevary Loyal University StuStnt', is urged to patronize tneee ne braskan advertiser, ahdtlw men tion the paper while doing so. BANKS Central National. First Trust and Savings. Farmers & Merchants. BAKERIES IS Folsom. I BATH HOjUSE , Chris', Eleventh and P 8U. , BOOK 8TORE8 " f Co-Op. , -Porter's. University. CIGARS 0 ) ' Cole & McKenna. CLEANER8 Suitorium. $ Manhattan. CLOTHING 1 r 1 Hi IS J m St P Cerf Clothing Co. Farquhar. Mageo & Deemer. J&ayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Spoior & Simon. ft COAL ft 'Gregory. ft Whlfobfeaat ft CONFECTIONERY ft Lincoln Candy Kttcheeu ft DANCING ACADEMIES ft Lincoln. , ft Williams, ft DENTISTS IS J. R. Davis. ft Yungblut ft DRY GOODS ft Miller ft Palae. ft DRUGGISTS IS Rlggs. ft ENGRAVERS IS Cornell, ft FLORISTS Chapln ros. C. H, Frey. ft FURNI8H1N6V ft Unland. ft Budd. ft Corf Clothing Co. ft Fulk. ft Mageo ft Deemer. ft Mayer Bros! ft Palace Clothlag O. ft Spoler & Simon. ft GROCERIES- Nebraska Grocery A Meat Si Co. HATTER8 Budd. is Cerf Clothing Co. Fulk. Unland. Si ICE CREAM Collins Ice Creaaa Oe. Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELERS Kallelt. ft 4t .Tucker. 4 ft LUNCHEONETTES ft ft Folsom. Si ft LAUNDRIES ft ft Evans ft OPTICIANS- ft Shean. ft ft ORCHESTRA ft G. F. Thornbera. ft PHOTOGRAPHERS ft Tbwhsend. ft PRINTERS ft George Broa. ft ft Simmons. ft ft RESTAURANTS ft ft Capital Cafe. ft ft Y. M. C. A. Spa, ft Boston Lunch. ft Cameron's. X ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I ft ft ft . ft ft is ft SHOES ft Men's Bootory. ft Armstrong. ft Bookman Bros, ft Branthwalte. Budd. Cerf Clothina- Co. ft Cincinnati Shoe Btere, ft Hereford. ft Rogers, ft Perkins, ft Sandersons. IS Fred Schmidt ft Bros. ft SKIRTS - The Skirt Stroe. ft TAILORS N ft Desher, IS College Tailors, ft Blliott Bros, ft Gregory. ft ' Hersog. ft Ludwlg. IS Scotch Woolen Mills. ft THEATERS IS v Lyric. ft Majestic. ft is ft Oliver. ft TYPEWRITERS- , , ft Lincoln ; Typewriter Mx- ft. IS change. ft IS Underwood Typewriter Ce. ft ft '-''. PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS -001 ADVERTISERS 1 1 A m H V ..v. ' ( f I . . 4M