The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 22, 1909, Image 3
,t v I 'I Jp THE DAILY i v.- 7j , (p A f v. l.'l' v A, V ' OLIVER THEATRE TODAY, MAY 2:30. TONIGHT, 8:15. Lew Dockstadcr Aad His Famous Minstrels Mat $1.00 to 25c. Eve. $1.50 to 25c. MON., MAY 24 and ALL 8UMMER GRACE HAYWAKD And Associate Players FIR8T WEEK The Girl of the Golden West A CHINKO Wonderful Young Juggler Direct From London THE MILLER MU8ICAL FOUR. America's Premier Instrumentalists LEW HAWKIN8 The Chesterfield of Minstrelsy THE ORTMAN TRIO Comedy Military Acrobats MINNIE KAUFFMANN Greatest Lady Trick Cyclist In the World FRANK AND GERTRUDE FAYE Real Comedy Entertainers WE8T AND GEARD Refined Novelty and Operatic Vocalists Mat. Dally Except Mon.) 15c & 25c. Every Night 8:15 15c, 25c &50c. mm I HHH Hflfl k 11 I Lincoln's Perfect Theater WEEK 8TARTING MON. MAY 10 A Three-net Comedy by Clyde Fitch "THE FRI8KY MR8 JOHN80N." Presented by THE FULTON 8T0CK COMPANY. Every Night at 8:30 Every Night at 8:30. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees 2:30. BE8T 8EAT8 25 CENT8. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 TYPEWRITERS 11 makes rentod with stand $3 Per Month. Bargains in ttobulU Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 1150-BeU 1 181. ,123 No. 11th PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8J THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all Btudonta. Bn rkinrc and Sllvor Letter B plUHV inlaid Work a q LIILJ Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O Street PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 l. j,, herzoc theWi Come In and get that 5J5.00 Suit to your order 1330 O St. Lincoln HAVE THE EVANS ' Do Your Washing PATRONIZE-OUR ADVERTI8ER8! . f , a ass. L vm 'i ' B y f BaW I flfip ' ' W Va tBBBmV 'assVkP'Wr mVH&wA j i W alt tampus uieamn C. H. Froy, ilorlst 1133 O 8t. 8 Harry Porter. He has It. 1123 O St Men's Bootory, Twolfth and P Sta. . J. A. Scotney, 1910, Ib suffering from a sever attack of rheumatism in his right leg. Br'onzo oxfords at Men's Bootory, Twolfth and P streets. The senior invitations will bo did trlbuted Monday afternoon at the Cornhuskor office. Cameron's Lunch Counter. 123 So. Twelfth St. Frank Walter, 1911, went to David City, Nebr., to spend Saturdny and Sunday at his home. Chapin Bros., floriBta, 127 So. Thir teenth. Dr.Condra delivered the high school commencement address at Pllgor, Ne braska, Thursday evening. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. Seniors should pay their play dues and get tickets at the Library. Tues days and Thursdays, eleven to twelve. The best lunch in the city. Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13, & P. Mrs. Ritchie of McCook, Nebr., is visiting friends at the Alpha Omlcron PI sorority house for a few days this week. The Nebraskan will soil a $50 wheel for $26. Do you want It? Miss Edith Wait of McCook, Neb., is spending a few days visiting friends at the Alpha Omlcron PI sorority house. New spring styleB In footwear now on display. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. B. W. Woods, 1911, Is playing sec ond base for the Columbia Fire Insur ance baseball team in the Lincoln City league. If you want a bicycle call at the Ne braskan office. A $50 wheel for $26. Professor Fossler, head of the Ger man department, departed for Peru, Nebr., yesterday, where ho will deliver a lecture. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? The members of the association of the collegiate alumni mot Friday af ternoon at four o'clock with MrB. B. W. Hardy. ire w 0000000OSX000000000b000000 SEE-SAW-WEATHER, cold today, warm to-morrow, plays havoc with your health and comfort, unless you wear Dr. Deimel Underwear. FULK, 30000000000 o o Select School of Dancing, Lincoln Academy, new location, 1124 N. Auto 4477. Have you Been Townsend'B sorority panel. New, most artistic and in expensive. Gt Tho members of tie Alpha Omlcron Pi sorority will hold their annual ban quet at the Lincoln hotol on Friday evening, Juno 4th. Seniors should pay their dues and get tickets at Library, Tuesdays and ThursdayBj eleven to twelve. ' Peorgo Pratt, 1910, Beta Theta Pi, has been unable to attend school for the past few days on account of an attack of the mumps. All cadets should plan to attend the morning performance of the senior plar, June 8. , Tickets can bo obtained at the Library, Tuesdays and Thurs days, evelen to twelve." fc C W. Mengle, 1910, went to Wahoo, Nebr., Wednesday to. bo present at the annual banquet of the alumni of the high school of that city. Tho Cornhusker rate on pictures Is good unUl tho close of the semester. Opder duplicates early. Townsend. 6t , - The members of the Delta Gamma sorority will give an Informal dancing party at the state farm this evening. About twenty-five coupler are Invited. C. W., ex-1910, t)f Cozad, Neb.; has been vlsIUng for the past few days with Bis fraternity brothers THOMPSON SHOES $3.50 & $4 For Wear, StyU, Fit and Comfort at tho Sigma Alpha Epsilon fratornity houso. Seniors who doBiro pictures with out cap and gown are entitled to tho Cornhusker rato until close of somes tor. Townsend. H- Tho Union Literary society gavo a very entortalning now member's pro gram at tholr hall Friday night. A picnic at Bpworth Park Is being ar ranged for today. Dean and Mrs. Ward will entertain tho members of tho graduating class of the university college of medicine Thursday evening, May . 27, at their homo 1520 D street. , Tho members of -the university Y W. C. A..announcethat Miaa Ida Vlb bard will, return next year 'to tho uni versity as , general secr.otary, of tho university assoclatloni MIbs M. L. Bower, 1908, who has boen teaching at Bloomington, Nebr.? for tho past year, haB accepted a posi tion as teacher in tho public schools at Fullorton, Nebr., next year. Tho members of tho English club will meet Saturday ovening with Miss Marie Wirick, 1319 L street. A short original program will bo given by Miss Flora .Bullock, MIbs Fay Hartly and Miss Maude Cauger. The members of the Swedish club met Friday ovening in U. 108, at aIcM o'clock. A business meeting was held, which was followed by (a general social time, this is mo msi meeting 6f the. club this year. The annual banquet of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity will 'be hold this evening at t the Lincoln Iwtel; Miinv niumnl members of. tho frater nity i are .expected to. return to the city to bo present ar. mis occuuiuu. Wanted College mon of tho "live" wire variety, who earnesUy desire to make money during the vacation per iod. A pre-eminently legitimate oppor tunity to make from $500 to ?5,000. State your homo town, and address EarlW. Dohaho, U. of .I.,t,'08,'tq.;036, The Rookery, Chicago. 'The members of cadet companies A andsBput in extra drill last evening, In preparation for tho competitive drill of thotcadet battalion, which will be held Thursday afternoon, May 27 at the'' state farm; Company A f drilled on the university campus, but 'com pany Bwent out to' the state farm and drilled there,- "in order to famllarlze themselves with. drilling on tho ground Instead of the pavement which has been used heretofore. '."- 'j Dr. John D. Reld, medicine 1902, of Pllger, Nebr., is doing a remarkable work In bringing tho" University of Nebraska before the' attention of the people of that part of the country. He Is making It his personal business to. see that all the most promising. high school students find, their way to the university. 'Due to his efforts there are now four university graduates In tho schools there, where a little while ago there were none at all. W. O. Hamilton, coach of the Kan sas City Central High School, may coach the basketball and track teams at the University of Kansas next year: He has said that he wfil not accept unless the salary Is Increased, .The senior class at Northwestern held a beach party the first of the month. 1325 O 1 MEN'S B00TERY 12th and P Streets NOW is thti time to buy your OX KORD.S, while gotting ready for - your vacation. So see tho "NEW -ARRIVALS" while your size is hero. Tho "BILLY POSSUM" ; shape; tho. "BRONZE" oxfords v T' and pumps and the NEW TAN' '' i SHADES. Thoy aro positively the. latost. Men's Bootery, j . ' j j i it i I 1 NEW MODEL NI7 I 1 Uen Mt to "$A, the ant ol production nod l ll urn. Urn, K kZ vT u TiE fwnou. uh Motrin .UndrJ nf ri,gh, Mfety MJ Awh-fty. Ncia, tha cU Mmplidiy' of Um nun. Tho vroiknuiuhip wid finkh an perfect Tha vreicht b only 7 pound. Tho full ehoVo nd bird ,hooUntiiha Wah sndo reputing thot a . -- . - wv, vw n twt wu Stndorjhe ffiarfin Cotalogut and GREGORY, the Tailor ' : : x .' j Has a dandy line of goods for Spring Suits. He aleo does the best cleaning 14th &0 Streets - - 00(K00000000000000000000090 STUDENTS CLUB Sultt ClMind and Prtuid Only $1.60 Pr th S 1 J -U- J- ' M.- V We make a specialty of new suits-made' rign't !here in I our pwn snop h. syviTH,rTii!i imim o WANTED-A RIDER AGENT k Mtnple Utett Model "RaaKerj Wcyclo foijaincd br im. Ouragen Buklnff money fait. WriU NO NUN XK If beqvi: to anyom allow X nrnei in the put II Keep ramrAaw auc rnviwni ritivfc at one to in middlemen's men's profiU your bicycle. sit any frlc nice Demna friat and rtmarkaiU tfrdal IU HB e,anywnere mine u.ti.TviVuwta ctrtfdtfcifiini KM lAtS FKE TUIALdiukir whlcn time : to any. test you .with. If you are then sot Dorfectl the bicycle thip it back to us at our exoense and rox We lurniil t w HHCUH f M WI1L U-'IfTMitillFI wh? Tu rectl,r? our beauttfal eablotrue and) .". nmuwnmnuw study, our superb models at the vMndtrfullr rwrwecaamalceyouthUyear. We sell the highest trade bkVcles for Jess money than anv other factory. We are ulltfirH with tin nmflt VKnvo r.Pinn m.r. M3xvxvnakVMs.AiiK.nB. -, -.-- . LBIIKA doable our prices. Orders fi 1 Th 8ECUND1IAND IIIOTCLKS tUli i-... 8. ten ally hare a. number on band taken y at Dticea rantiiyr from S3 to MS $iA50 HFHeFTHIWM miim w fVOfl&Dtl 0 tCICHHIIIfi TIDE A SAMPLE PAIR The rtxular rttailprictotlhttt lira is a jo er atr. out to tntroduu we will UllyouataMpUpairteTUJSQtethwithorderMM), it MKTKiUE FMM MICTWES i NATXa. TaMka or Olati will sot let tko air eat. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over I wo hundred tbotwand pairs now ia use- v aEaDJHJwniwHaaeinaiiizes.ituuveiv andeasvridlnr.vervdurableandlinedlnaldewith" nnal niiatTtwnf fiihhw urhlrH nvr Hntnai. porous and which closes up small punctures without allowi inetheair to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis-" fled customers staling that their tires haveonly been pumped . uponceortwiceinawholeseason. They weigh nomore than aa ordinary tire, the DuncturereslfttlnsraualltieabeinarsHvefi by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric oa the 1 tread. Theregularprlceof t&ese tiresUfB.soperpair.butfor ' advertlalnffimrDOSeawearemalcinaraaoecral factory orice to ' me noer 01 oniy ijso per pair, aii oraere snipped . '"-.- -. : r. . n ' .. pprovaL You do sot pay a cent until you have wSl,WwwASlJ5H5fISS.v2.a per cent anerepytBaWas: the pries; , per pair) if yout lead JB11IX OA8II WITH OKDKft and enclose this advertisement. We will else send one aickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at OUR expense, if for aay reason they are aot satisfactory orezamlnatioa. We are perfectly reliable and taeoey sent to us is as safe as in at bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will tad that they will ride' easier,; nm faster,, wear better, last longer and look Iner tbaa aay tire you have ever used or seen at aay price. We kapw that yon will "be so well pleased that wliea you want a Wcyele yo will give a your order.. Wewantvoutoseadusatrialcrdratcce,liathisrarlcab(cUreofrer. " ' , "'VafaWf sUaraTfl 4ria3oaa buy aay klad at aay, price until yottsead far a pair of y W IffKatsV f MM Kedgethora suactarc-Preof tires ea approval and trial at Ue special introductory price quoted above; or write for ear ate Tire aad Suadry Cataiegae which: uHf aad quotes au aaakea aad kinds of tiros at about halflne usual pricesJ' nv WAIT' ,w? ? P01 te4ay.'iWNOTTINl;oFl Ma Mv aj4f7r't)mwraueat'ostaitC4lay'DO areratra? wwvm ar a pear as urea irosa aayeae aata yaw bmow te aew aast weaatnui efenwearaauuriag. ItMlyeostaapostaltoleararmytaiac. Write it MOW. v .'.' v J. L MEM CYCLE CMPJMYg 12th, $ P Sts. I - W - -- - w- wm w w w mtM wr I p - sun t to low notice , Expttttnu Bock lo-Jau. Fttt for J $lampt. ' " Al n and pressing in the city. r - I' '"-' -" Auio32cW4B i i . -.-- " - ) '-J) s rr aCT $zv ana up ... lr, ,-, .Auto 6228 r; :. io rr-i vf7r v-i I - V.' i ' . M ,'., u i f- t. tfV IMEAOHTOWN and district to ride and exhibit a agents evevhere are; Weill! J' 16a r r tie At J a nd YOU nuv ride the bievcis inA Y satisfied or do not wish to will not b out oiucint. i "the highest frade Wcrcles it is. postlble to male 11 profit- abore actual factory cost." You cave f to by burinr direct of us and bare-tbe manufacturer's piar. DO If tMP JBU Wcyele. or a pair of tires from anyom uniii vou ro:eiTe our nunnwt anri un ah. iuhM At i. efftri to rlderareBtiT ' r" ' K YOU earrif II our htrrrlu linilar vnurnn ana. nliiir you can- sen pur dictum usder your own earae dU " T -T. . .""V P"-I .w... mw-v.v v.w.r .vww Al T,.T.J '"I "- -"-.. .Y .-: We do not rwrularly handle 'ceces4 hand bicycles', but In tndi hv our I hlnca rill an.' Thu. n... rm-.r ., ...., .. or Sib. Dearrlntlm htmla lloa .iiZi PHir.TIDP.PDAAr $H 8 Q t-f'fT arottot) tlM thUk ruMr.tread A" aad paatur eHts "U" O." sOm rim atria "II" to prevent rim eattiaaj. This IsiwwUltoatlast:, aay ether se-Orr, KJaVSTXO; aadi KASY.JUOINO; ... ," r r - .. .. . - m vt . - saaw aay Mttcr M yscaiTtd. We SMlp C O. D. OtR examined aad found theaa strictly as represea tctL. ti'i ."-"Vt t'J n i dlCAM;KL "1 ,'. i $4 . i si Qi "1 ;i o i, t. (,