The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 22, 1909, Image 1

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VoL VIIL No. 150.
Last banquet of year held in
temple la8t night.
Professor Aylesworth Is Chosen Presi
dent of the Club Miss Needham
Secretary . and Mr. Pool
Made Treasurer.
The last and most Important ban
quet and meeting of the year for the
graduate club waB held In the Temple
last evening and the capacity of the
hall was taxed by the number present.
The occasion was particularly to di
rect attention to the work of the grad
uate college and to listen to an ad
dress by Regent Coupland of Elgin.
Br. Condra occupied the position of
toaBtmaBtor with his usual hearty eh-
thuslasm. Introducing Air. CouplandJ
Dr. Coadra took occasion to say that
he Was a ruan who was and had been
carrying on research work in his own
line. "Mi. Coupland then said.
"I supposed from the first notices I
received to address this body that it
would be before a crowd of agricultur
al students, but I see such is not the
case. It is a great inspiration to meet
the student body directly, because, for
the most part we find ourselves deal
ing with the instructors of the univer
sity. This institution is doing a splen
did work. I would that every instruc
tor of every department would realize
and appreciate the fact that they are
upbuilding the community through tho,
students of this institution and lay:
ing the foundation of a better individ
ual life.
Not Too Much Education.
"You can not give ,us too much of
higher education in any thing that
helps us to grow and develop and
bring forth fruit. 'Thirty years ago I
settled on the homestoad that is now
my home. It was bare prairie and I
was a young man. These thirty yeara
have brought much experience to me.
Many things have fastened thehiselves
upon my memory and one or two of
these things I want to speak of to
night. "The problqm of maintaining the
best intellectual life on tho farm is
one of the most perplexing problems
that confronts the farmers of the state.
It is the hardest plaoeand the easiest
place to develop the highest intellectu
al, life. When the student goes hack
to the country, unless the individual
comes back to tho land with tho de
sire to grow intellectually, he will
gradually lose his hold upon tho
higher things. There are many things
which detract from the farmer's devel
opment. The o.wnor of the stable, and
the overalls must not come as such
into the homo for these things, all
good in their places, must givo way
tho home and its conditions.
"The hard question before us Is tho
keeping alive and the assistance of the
Intellectual life and the environment
promoting it. This Is tho most ser
ious problem the farmer has to meet
oh his return from school. The girl,
too when she goes back; to take her
place must develop and seek 'to main
tain the same position as the man.
When you teachers come in contact
wlth'those going back tp. thd farm, do
all possible to promote the reserve. pf
intellectuality, under , trymg;.circum-
!, Much fo Do. C
r "Another, great problem in Nebras
ka Ickthat there 1b bo much to do and
so many things demanding our atten
tion. One of the
most delightful and
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I the bANCt or thc rwTURE tvoitnivN or mc inevi nvc
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most interesting studies is to try to
grasp the possibility of adaptation.
Every student may follow out the
thing which is most interesting to him
and may bring himself tho greatest
satisfaction and yet itvmay not make
him a multi-millionaire. Still there
are many things which we would not
sell for they aro our own.
"The student comeB bore and .finds
a congenial place to grow, but on the
farm there Is a wonderful place for"
research work. Hero in Nebraska
our soil could be removed to a depth
of thirty feet and yet wo would still
find good soil. Here are opportuni
ties to study the productiveness of our
soil. Think what it will carry and
produce. We aro JuBt on the border
land of learning more. All we ask of
you is to co-operate with us. Tho
problem then, to my mind, is the high
er efficiency socially and intellectual-
ly and a growing ability to take the
part of the trustee. Conserve and do
not destroy. Wo must practice con
servation. I feel most Intensely that
following this principle this state will
make wonderful advances"
Following Regent Coupland, Dr.
Condra Introduced Professor Lo'Ros?
slgnol, who leaves Nebraska this year;
He quite briefly seconded the note
sounded in the provioUB nddres Bin ro-
gardto ,thcuj,tlyatiqn of our environ
ment, and declared that wo can then
best understand ourselves.
Elect Officers.
Dr. Jones, representing the dominat
ing committee, proposed as officers for
the next year as follows: President,
Professor Aylesworth; secretary, MIsb
Needham, and treasurer, Mr. Pool, The
persons nominated by the committee
were unanimously elected.
Mr. Ijaul Clark, an attorney of Lin
coln and a( well-known alumnus of the
university, was called on for a two
minute talk; t He said that he entered
Nebraska j twent-nlnVears ago yesj;
terdayfand that 'much of h'ls farming
had been," teaching calves;1 to drink
from, a bucket; ;He realized now that
his Ideas of farming were fifty yeara
hohind. ?
Dr. L. A. Sherman, dejfe of the grad-
irrntath TT tnlrt hnw t. WflB flrut oiC
garii'zed In 189IT and was a ver in-
uuuuuu imuK. no uuuunuuu tuu puui
' tlon that it has now created for Itself.3-
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qpach Hagerman Figures on Taking
Eight Firsts and Five Seconds
Enthusiastic Rally Held
In Memorial Hall.
Coach Hagerman and his crew of
Kansas cinder path athletes arrived in
the city last night feeling confident
that (hoy will win the annual meet
with the Cornhuskers at the state
fair grounds this afternoon. Thfc Kan
sas party includes seventeen men be
sides Coach Hagerman. They are:
Newbold, Haddock, Johnson, Martin
dell, Hamilton, Smith, Badger, Bergen,
Cooloy, Clark, Thompson, Meyer, Win
ter, Wood, Wenger, Manager Lansdon,
and a trainer.
Coach Hagorman said he felt safe,
Jn saying his team would take eight
firsts, tie for another, and five sec
onds, thus winning the meot easily.
Ho said that ho oxpepted to take sixty-five
points by "Winning first plrice
in tho low hurdles, the hundred yard
dash, the two-twenty, the half-mllei
the mile, the broad jump, the pole
vault, and the high jump; and by tak
ing second place in the high hurdles,
the quarter, the tvo mile, 'the shot piit
and the discus.
' The Dally Kansan In yesterday's Is
sue said: A
"file athletes are enthusiastic over
the irieet and air Relieve .that, victory!1
is UBBiuuu. xiiu uui'u "uw muiiuB iuul
I If 'Kansas lakes this meet It yttoi place
the team on a high plane in Missouri
valley track athletics; since Iowa; tied,
Minnesota on. may sin ana, Minnesota
was defeated "by sNebraaka on, the 15th
so thaiit now up fo.KanBapto defeat
KTAlt.o6lra, on Hvlalra TdwiH f'
The' 'meet this aftera'ooh will be
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started at 2:30 o'clock. Street oars
will be run on tho North Tenth street
line of tho Traction company's road,
and will go clear to the grounds. Spe
cial cars will also be placed on the
Citizens' lino running out on North
Twenty-fifth street to the viaduct just
east ol tho fair grounds. '
An enthusiastic rally of the Nebras
ka students was hold In MehibHal
hall yesterday afternoon. Professors
Condra, Waito and Dr. Clapp were
heard from the faculty side. Perry,
Cable, and Captain McDonald spoke
for the track men. The sentiment was
that the Cornhuskers would win, but
that they would have to fight hard to
beat their strong opponents. Dr. Clapp
said he looked for his men to get a
.victory by nine or ten points.
The entries for the meet aro as fol
lows: Nebraska.
100 yard dash Campbell, Wildmah,
200 yard dashCampbell, Wildman,
Reed, McDonald.
440 yard dash Campbell, Reed,
Burke, Amberson, Perry.
880 yard rdn Amberson, George;
Mile run George, AmbeBbn, As
bury Gable.
Two mile run George, AsbUry,
120 yard hurdle McDonald, Ru'saoll,
Iianders,' McDavftt. . ' '
220 yardhufdle McDonald, Russell,
Landers; MbDavitt, Burke,
Poio vault Hariimon'd, Russell.
High jumpHammel!, HUniei.
Broad tfump-'-H&inei; Wildmah, Per
ry, Reed. ' . ' 'I
Shot put, S. D, Collins, C. O, Coi-'
Una, 'Ctialri; Ghalbupka.
Hammer throw S, Collins, C.? Col
lins, Chain, Chaloupka. . '
Discus throw S. Collins, C. Collins,
Chain; Clialoupka.
Relay' i"ace Campbell. Reed, Burke,
McDonald, AVnberson, Perry. v
lod yard daslv4likdcl6oic, Newbold.'
HMmlllon:. 9 ' "'-' ''.
; 220 ykrrd dkstf-iadfdock5, Newbold,
(Coatlnued pa JP&ce 1)
J aMii'tJ )f.
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'Price 5 Cent.
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History of the Controversy, Founded
In Ignorance, Which Causes a
Difference In American
University Degrees.
Tho degreo bacholor of sclonco la
not B, S. and tho dogroo B. 8, is not
B. Sc. Dosplto tho declaration of
many dictionaries ,and of many unl
vorsitioB who glye their sclontlflp'
graduntoB tho tltlo B. S., that tltlo
does not stand for tho degreo which
thoso Institutions doslro and havo tho
right to prosont. B. Sc, moans Bacho
lor of Sclonco from tho Latin Scion
tla Baccaiaurous. B. 8. moans Bacho
lor of Surgory and nothing olao.
For a quarter of a century thb Uni
versity of Nobraaka has hold to tho
degreo of B. Sc, and olthor knowingly
or unwittingly, It haB given tho cor
rect degree to ita studohts at a timb
when many American univorsltios and
particularly thoso of tho weat worb
erring In tho matter,
How It Happened.
Tho story Is told in thlB connection,
of a young man, a graduate of an
American unlvorsity who wont to
Europe on business. He was an elec
trical engineor and according to cus
tom had frequent use for his card In
a business wny. Whon traveling ho
met a university professor who knew
of tho difference in tho meaning of the
abbreviations and wno congratulated
him en bolng a graduate of a unlvorsi
ty which gave the correct degree.
"Ob, but they don't," said the en
gineer. "I had to put that on myself.
I tried to ilso tho degreo which the
university gave me. If was b! S. They
all thought over here that I was a
surgeon. I had to change the lettors
in aolf defense." ,: .
Nebraska Is Might.
Tho practice qt the University of
Nebraska is justified in "spite of tho
fact, that one finds many men who
make no distinction between the ab
breviations for bachelor of surkory
and bachelor of sclorico. No doub'f the
institution's that cottfuse these abbre
viations do flo Unwittingly, the raat'ter
never haliig been called to IhV'alteiir
tlori of thd a'uthoritfosT .Perhaps one
reason for this is the fact 'that very
few college presidents hold a science
degree, and have never thoueht ser-
lo'usiy (if , the master. TheV have' taken
up; me catalogues oi me colleges wim
which they were acquainted, and find
ing B. S., used in them haye!assumed
that It was right, not knowing mat
they were Using an unauthorized abr
breviatiori. , " ' J . ' l
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FbRlE8T club AfiNOAL is: outJ
Attractive Publication Issued to the
.., lUPi Jj..n ,v ' . , '1'.'''
siuaents resteraay.
Tho first tomtit club annual ever
. published was Issued yesterday by
the, university forest ,club The ,vaH
niial is a neat hook of 70 pages, con
taining artjcleaoj interest to; forestera
and "iorpsJryBtue'ntfl..
H. S. Stephenson la editor of the
hook with L. li. riiBhop1 aVsociato edl-
tor arfd R. J'. Fool' treasurer.
ttie cdritributlons In the puplication
oiiib. H. ii. Greenamyre, T.'b, '&$&)
HI M& 6. tf iiioW;i:ird:
ridge and A. G. Hamel. '
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