The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1909, Image 1

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VtL VIII. No. 149.
regents make 'him permanent
univer8ity head.
Fraternity rules of senate
receive favor.
New Instructors Are Appointed In De
partment of Political r Economy
Various Other Appoint- '
ments Confirmed. '
Acting Chancellor Samuel Avery was
made permanent chancellor of the
university at a meeting of the board
Of regents in Omaha yesterday after
noon. This action by the board had
been generally expected by those In
terested in the situation, although it
had been thought that they might' de
fer action until .their regular June
Chancellor Avery was appointed act
ing chancellor in January of this year
tb take the place of E. Benjamin An
drews. He was at ;that time only act
ing chancellor, and the present action
of the board makes his office perman
ent. Act on Frats.
The board yesterday transacted con
siderable business of a minor nature.
The leglslntlonrecommended by the
university senate withYeferenco to
fraternities was passed without ques
tion. This action makes binding the
proposals of the senate as to the stu
dent membership In secret fraternities
whose membership is not made public
or which allow banquets or other en
tertainments at which intoxicating
liquors are served. The rules are those
passed by the senate In response to
the antl-T. 'N. E. agitation which pre
vailed several months ago.
The regents approved the recommen
dation of the chancellor and a com
mitee of its own for the promotion and
transfer of several members of the
teaching force. G. O. Virtue was made
a professor in the department c-T po
litical economy to take the place of
Professor Lo Rosslgnol. Other appoint
ments in this department are G. A.
Stephens instructor, Minnie England,
instructory, Earl Mallery nd J. M.
Alexander, assistants.
Buy More Lots.
JJhe regents provided for the pur
chase of other lots in the block imme
diately north of the campus for use
as an athletic field and drill ground.
They approved the recommendation of
the deans and chancellor for gi anting
degrees to the graduates of the college
of medicine. Other minor financial
matters received attention.
Avery's Good Record.
Professor Avery was born in 1865,
at Lemollle, Illinois. He took his
first degree at Doane college, gradu
ating from there in 1887. tie; took his
B. S. degree at the University of Ne
braska, graduating from here in 1892,
In 1896 Professor Avery took his doc
tor!s degree at Hoidleberg.
Professor Avery's career has not
been one of spectacular but ol steady
and consistent progress. He came di
rectly to the University of Nebraska
after leaving Heidleberg as an adjunct
professor of chemistry. He was
here until 1899, when he went to the
University of Idaho aB professor of
chemistry and chemist of the agricul
tural experiment station. Ho was there
Until 1891, when he returned to the
University of Nebraska as professor
( -
t JJ . ; v , . i ...
of analytical and organic chemistry
In 1902 ho became professor- ot hgrl
cultural chemistry and chemist at the
UnlvorBlty of Nebraska experiment
Btatlon. In 1905 ho became head pro
feasor of chemistry in this unlvorslty,
which position he hold until his np
polntmont of acting chancoilor.
Professor Avery has contributed
considerable to modern chemical liter
ature. He Is the author of Btatlon
bulletins on aromatic gluterlc acids
and the constitution of parls green,
etc. He is also the Joint author of
Nicholson and Avery's "Exercises in
Chemistry." Ho is a -member of the
American Chemical society and the
German Chemical sbcloty of Berlin.
Annual Affair To Be Held at the City
The annual Pan-Hellenic dance,
given by the university fraternity men
will bo held tonight at the auditorium.
It is expected that upwards of 300
university fraternity men and slrls
will attend the hop, It being by far
the largest function of the yeai.
Contrary to the iiBiidl custom the
Pnn-Hellehic will not be held this
year on the evening of "Compet." The
date for tho annual competitive drill
between first battalion companies was
first fixed for today and tho Pan-Hellenic
was dated accordingly. Now thq
date of compet has been shifted to
May 27, but it was too late to change
the dance date, which remained as
May 21.
M. M. Welton is chairman of the
committee in charge of tonight's af
fair, and E. C. Johnston is master of
Senior Play Promise's to be the" Big
Success, of the Year.
Tickets for the senior play were on
sale yesterday and an enormous sale
was recorded up to Jast evening. A
table was maintained- In the Library
and at the last reports, all of the
downstairs seats and part of the bal
cony were sold out. This is an unpre
cedented sale and means that the play
this year will be a success financially.
As far as tho play is concerned
everything, is working out splendidly.
Some hard work is being" dOh'o by the
cast and the play is rounding out into
good form, The cast are all working
up their parts and It looks as though
the play would be something .better
than haTs appeared, ut Nebraska for a
long' time. The title of the piece Is
"The Royal Family," -and It is one of
Charlesi Frohman's" productions, ithe
right to, play it being secured from him
bythe senior class. The play will1 be
given in the Oliver theater, June 10,
a morning matinee and an evening
performance being given.
' Unb. -HjBL- f H ? i BBBBBWBBBBbPX' t BBBBIBBvT ilfttfNBBBztBBBMBBBWJ Ml i ' ' vf' i " JsfcjBBBBBl
Already for kansas
All of Their Men Reported to be In
Fine Condition for Hard Contest
With Dr. Clapp'e Men
Rally Today.
Dr. Clnpp's CornhiiBkor track toam
is In good condition for tho next
with the Jayhawkers at tho state fair
grounds tomorrow and aro expecting
to defeat tholr esteemed rivals. Tho
Nebraska coach has his men sized up
to win the games by a margin approxi
mating nine points.
The Kansas toam with a small party
of Btudenta will reach Lincoln this
evening In order to get a good night's
rest before tho contest. Reports from
Lawrence convoys news to tho offect
that tho southern athletes aro In oven
bettor physical condition than they
wero when they defeated Missouri In
last Saturday's meet. Tho students at
Lawrence, so the report runs, aro con
fident their team will win the con
test from tho Cornhuskers by a very
small margin.
A rally of the Nebraska students
will be held in Memorial hall thte af
ternoon at 5 o'clock. Several good
speakers and tho cadet band will bo
on hand to furnish entertainment for
the big crowd that Is aiUldpated.
Kansas StrongerTCtiyy.
With Perry out of form, Nebraska
stands 'to lose the broad jump. Kansas,
in Martlndell, this season, has a star
broad jumper, Already this spring ho
has broken tho Kansas unlvorslty rec
ord by doing 21 feet, 8 inches. Perry
last year established a new Nebraska
mak by going 22 feet, 2 3-4 Inches.
This spring the Comhusker has been
Bick, however, and will hardly be In
good enough form to boat Martlndell,
Present indications are that Nebras?
ka will win first in both the high
Jump and tho polo vault.
rTho fight for first honors In the
high jump will be closb with Hamel
and Hummoll doing the beBt work for
Nebraska and with Smith leading for
Kansas.- -Just now Smith of tho Jay
hawkers has thobe'stof the .dope, for
he has done 5 feet 6 inches this spring,
which Is a few Inches higher than
plther, Hamel or Humraell has gone.
i r t , t ,-
ingBldo with tho bar Haling at 6 feot
6 InchoB. In prnctico and in tho ihi
door meets tho past wintor, Hamol
wont 5 feot 8 Inches. In a closo con
tost with tho Jayhawkers ho should
go this high again.
Fight m Weights.
In tho weights Nebraska Is going to
havo no such an easy tlmo winning as
somo of tho dopestors hnvo be'on pro.
dieting. S. ColllnB, tho lending Corn
hUBker in nil three wolght oVenta, is
llkoly to moot defeat in tho dlBctis
throw In competition with Jayhawkor
Winter. The beBt tho Nobrasknn hnn
dono thla yoar was a throw of 109
foot, 11 1-2 Inches, mado at Morning
side. Wintor on tho other hand, broke
tho Kansas record by tossing tho plato
114 feet, 9 Inches In tho Manhattan
games. Collins last soason sot a now
mark of 115 foet 6 Inches In the Kan
sas meet. Should ho attain tho samo
form ho had thon ho ought to win from
Wintor hero, but It is doubtful whoth
or he will bo In Bhapo to hurl tho dis
cus more than 110 feet.
Tho hammor throw will fall to Col
lins. ,Ho is probably tho best man in
the valloy with this wolght and al-
ready this spring has smashed tho
CornhuBker record with a throw of
1G1 feet 7 inches. In tho Mornlngsido
moot he made a mark of but 125 feot,
8 inches, this being tho samo distance
that Myers of Kansas put the weight
In the meet'agalnst tho Kansas AggloB.
At Mornlngsido Collins wns not
pushed very 'hard, or olso ho would
havo sent the hammer several feot
Contest for 8hot Put.
Collins and Stevenson, of Kansas,
will bo the chief contenders in the
Bhot put which will probably bo one
ot tho best ovents of tho meet. The
Jayhawkers havo the best marlc for the
present season having pushed the'ahot
35 feot, 10 inches In the Aggie meet,
while tho best Collins has done was
35 feot 7 inches, the distance ho
made at lornlngsfde. Stevenson is
not capable of doing much better than
his best put of the Agglo games. Col.
Una, though, should bo able to go
nearly 40 feet closely crowded, a fact
which gives him an edge of the dope
for the cOriilng meeU Chaloupka, who
took' second place inline shot-put at
Mornlngsido forv Nebraska, will prob
ably be the third winner in the event
here. ' f '
.There are' "new arrivals of men's
oxfords In "bronze" leather nnd nw'
tan shades at the Men's Bootery,
Twelfth and P, strepts.
t . , 1 ? ' ' '
. Yor r fare wouILp7,fqi jUe
lunch' at The Boatoii Lmm m
zr' -r- .t 77 "t
o HoraeT
Hnmol lost the Jump to Bolt of Morn
- : rT . H -iai.-.
Price 5 CralY
HAO nine graduates
COMMENCEMENT fe&rttyt'Et. 6f
to Young doctors.
Degrees Conferred by Acting ChanceT
lor Avery XViepresen'tatlon ofY,;
Graduates by Dean H. B.
Ward Alumni Here.
-I '
Yostordoy was tho dato of tho sov
onth annual commencement of tho Col- ,
logo of Atodlcino. Nino men recolvod
tho dogree of doctor of medlelno and
ono former graduate was given tho
cuni latido cloffreo. Tho graduating ox
orclBes woro hold in Omaha and a
number tif tho iirofossorri of tho col
logo in Lincoln attended tho functions
incldont to tho graduation.
Although tho Bovonth nnhual com
moncomont of tho University collego
of medicine, yoatorday's graduation'
was tho twenty-eighth year of tho Om
aha Medical College, which a few
yoars ago bocamo tho clinical depart
ment of tho unlvorslty college. A
largo numbor of alumni of tho old
Omaha collego woro present ns well as
more recent graduates who received
tholr dog-roe nt tho hands of tho uni
versity. Nine Went Out.
Nino men graduated last night, they,
being Ralph Conklln Christie, Harry;
Lyman Mnntor. Domnmln T.nn ATvnra '
Carl David Nelson, Ada Platz, Joseph
Henry Sayor, Eugono MiltOn Staris-'
biiry, LnSollo Brantley Sturdovarit','
nnd Orren William Wyatt. '
Dr. Marlin B. Wyatt was given tho
title doctor of medicine cum Iaudo, ', "'r
Tho degreed wero all granted "by
Acting Chnhcollor Avery, after tho
presentation of tho candidates' by i
Dean H. B. Ward of tho, college of.
medicine. Following the chancellor's
granting of th6 titles, William Will
Hams Keen of Philadelphia delivered
tha commencoment nddross on "Edu
cational Ideals to Medicine," Dr., Keen
1b a man of high culturo, and learning
and Ills address was full of classical
references and excellent subject-mat-'
Yostorday affornoon tho alumni of
tho collego hold a reunion and lunch-,
eon at tho Rome hotel. A large nilm-'
ber of former students were present'
and several toasts wero given.
Following Is tho program in detail:
The Program.
0:00 a. m.-l21:00 m.-nAlumni Clinics at
. Affiliated .hospital's, ' , , ;,'
l;00 p.(m. Tho 'Homo, Sixteenth and
Jackson streets. v '
Annual Alumni luncheon and recop-'-tlon
to seniors, ,,,; -r
Clcfss" reunions Especially, of tie'
' classes of 1884,. '18891894, 1899, '
1904, 1900, and 1908 with reports"
from all .these and also other - '
classes, including ,tho new ro-
cruits of, 1909., '
Followed by annual business, moot-
ning of ; the alumni assbcratldn.' '4
8:15 p. m. -Congregational church, at
Nineteenth and Dayenporstrpeta..;
M-uslcMarch ,Pontlflpal, Lemmens.'
J. Herbert Simms 'Organist.
1 InvocationBy the chaplain of tho
evening, Rev. Frederlok Thomas t
Music Caprjce, Brewer. " v. '
,A'draIhist(6rIng of KipiJocr(ftic oath
. "and presentational caadidates; i"
, Deanj Harry Baldwin Ward,, ;v
' The conferring of .degrees. Acting
Chancellor Sairiuel Avery.
, TJie commencement address, "Elau-
f fcational Ideals in. MOdldno." Wil-
Ham Williams Keen, A. M M. D.,
L. h. D., Philadelphia,,
BenOdlctionBy tho .chaplain. ' '
; Music Canzfone, King Hall. ,J-
1 Informal reception for tho speaker!' gjaduatea, , ano , AMted?!!
buuons, jm uio UUUVUU IJHTJUr,, ,r
" t - 1 1 .1 . .i t t
t t - 1 . y -H
1." - m.