The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 20, 1909, Image 3
A fv r -"Tj NJ k rMr-rM1',.T'r' -g'irtyi!t?'"'Tf -' n- w-- nOt'lnyf-,.iM'.'y- t.fci, . , -r. mm3tfi 5T" 3M39XA.GllT.AJkl a . JA.'KjnxjJuurKMn A 4 s .'Yf v V L OLIVER w-a THEATRE .. i ' Thursday Night, May 20. i. , MRS. FlfcKE IN ' Salvatkill Prices $2:00 W 50c. 8a Jvlatlnee ard Night, May 22. 'Lew Dockstader ANDHI8 MIN8TREL8.' Mat. $1.00 to 25c. Eve. $1.50 tp 25c. X . Ill '. . COMNd . GRACE HAYWAR1) WMUSKllli CHlNKO ' ' Wonderful ' YolirVg Juggler Direct From London THE MILLER, MU8KJAL FOUR. America's Premier Instrumentalists LEW HAWtfiNB The Chcstrfield Of 'Minstrelsy THE .fltRTMANiTRIO Comedy Military Acrobats , MINNIE KAUFfMANN Greatest Lady Trjcrc Cyclist In the Wor.d Hl FRANAND(1ERT.RUDE FAYE Real . Comedy Entertainers- WEST AND GEARD Refined Novelty arjd Operatic Vocalists' Mat. Daily Except Mon.) 15c & 25c. Every Night 8:15 r15c, 25c &50c. masm Lincoln's Perfect Theater WEEK STARTING MON. MAY 10 A Three-act Comedy by!Clyde Fitch J'THE FRI8KYMR8 JOHN80N;" Presented by THE FULT"dN 8foci'6QMPANY. Every;i,NJght at 8:30 Every Nlghtr,at 8:30., Wednesday and Saturday Matinees 2; 30. , ,, BE8T,8EAT8425 CENT8. TYPEWRltERS 11 mnkcH rented with stand $3 Per Month. Bargains In Rebuilt Machines. LINC,bW,!V.YP.EWRITEft EXCHANGE Auto 1155-Bell 1181 122 No. 11th . THE UNI SMOKE MOUSE Welcomes all Btudouta. B J3 PIPFS Inlaid Work-a ' Q I 11 LrO Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE ' 1102 O Btroet silt T L. J. HERZOC THETniiwEnirY' MiMeiSMiiJDR ........ ......,... ... , Come In and get that $15.00 Suit to your oroer 1330 O St. Lincoln HAVE THE EVANS , Do Your Washing PATRONIZE OUR, ADVERTI8ER8I bswi uirrrt.iwsi. rz 5rl IV w S71TO' 96 4 i i fl V$ifiu..ufi A - 1 1 1 1 iIai r "iir t fXk f in m?Ay 2' & ma . fr.-j-r--, ,--m w-r"- vn-gy-fp-v.' 't The Acme Parlors -iW-ri-r- 934 STREET; Bovviinij.ljniarfds,.Pyool,Cioars, inharro. ride Confectionery fJNeST pijSEMtVTPAPiOpS IN IHti'WKTi-. t . "PRICES: ROTATION FOOL imr l- FOOL " 2 '2 ctj!tr, cue. 3 cues 10 cts. POKER POOL PIGEON POOL ,, vl5QALLPOQL6cacUe,, No Checks With Game's. a 1 Profli Snaring Coupons Given Mfiih 'Every 5c Spent In the PlacTe. ZT-EI . .'. .. ' - $4pv Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shlrti So 1 lOo ' Collars 2 .- Cuffs. Pair Bi Lit Us Do Your Woth MERCHANTS LAUNDRY 1 K ... , Farmers and Merchants Bank 15th & 0 Sts. Only Commercial Stato Bank in Lincoln ' Established 1901 Courteous Treatment Always and you Are Not Urged to Have Some ' thing You do Not Wish The, Pioneer Barter Shop j t. . tr So. 11th St, Auto 437 Shaving 10c PEG TOP CORDUROY PANTS WAS BAKER PANTS CO. 118 SOUTH 11TII STREET X ft ' i If i. ! 000OeO0000000000000000000000 SEE-SAW-WEATHER, plays hayocVith your health and Underwear. FULK, cBO000000000OffiO A Music House, Where yon can always find that sheet of musio in Btock. EDW. J. WALT 1 120 O St The Music Man PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 DANCE PROGRAMS-BANQUET MENUS SIMMONS, THE PRINTER 3!7,.iSO. 13TTH STREET CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK l2th and.O Strwtt, P. L. HALL, Pridwil , F. K. JOETN80IT, Yleft-Pririawi BEIIAK'O. VOX. Oaahiw 1 1 W. W MAOKNET Jr., Awt OmUmt PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! , i G.R.UOLFA ClflAM, TOiACCO AND'Ptfll 11t NerHi 11th 8t.r TOi PH0NIMI CO. I I i ' .' '.'"'". H lUtU Uakll f y)jCampusy)) W Gleanings W C. H. Proy, florist 1133 O St. Harry Porter. Ho has It 1123 O St Men's Bootory, Twelfth and P Sts. Bronze oxfords at Men's Bootery, Twelfth and P streets. Miss Eva Arnold, 1909, viBltcd the fore part of the week at her homo In Fremont, Nebr. Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth 8t. Chapln Bros., floriBtB, 127 So. Thir teenth. Tho members of Company C will hold a smoker at tho Delta Upsllon fraternity houso, 1428 S street, this evening. . Dr. Chas. Youngblut dentist 202 Burr block, The best lunch In the city. Y. M. C. A. Spa, 18 St P. Misses Anna and Marie Hormanson are visiting their sister, Miss Clara Hormanson, 1909, Delta Delta Delta, this week. The Nebraskan will-roll a $50 wheel for $25. Do you want It? New spring styles lb footwear now on display. Bockman Bros., 1107 O St Miss Leah Carl, a former university student, has been olected to the posi tion of instructor in the public school at Oxford, N. Y. If you want a bicycle call at the Ne braskan office. A $50 wheel for $26. Select School of Dancing, Lincoln Academy, new location, 1124 N. Auto 4477. Have you seen TownBond's sorority panel. New, most artistic and In expensive. 6t The members of Cadet Company A will hold a smoker at the Sigma Chi fraternity houso, 510 North Six teenth street, this evening. cold today, warm to-morrow, comfort, unless you woar Dr. Deimol Seniors should pay their dues and get tickets at Library, Tuesdays-and Thursdays, eleven to twelve ' The .Cornhusker rate on pictures 1b good, until the close of the semester. Order duplicates early.-r-Townsend.6t Mfss Harriett Parmeleo, a sister of Miss Florence Parmelee, 1908, Is visit ing Miss Mattie Woodworth, '1909, Alpha Omicron PI, this week. h f Seniors. who desire pictures with out cap and gown are entitled to tho Cornhusker. rate until close of semes ter. Townsend. 6t Harry Hathaway, 1911, Delta Up sllon, entertained the members of the sophomore debating team at a dinner at his home Tuesday evening. Ex-Congressman McCarthy, of Pon ca, Nebr7 who Is visiting with his son, Charles McCarty, 1911, visited the oollege of law yesterday. '. All cadets should plan to attend the morning performance of the senior play, June 8. Tickets can be ob'tainod at the Library, Tuesdays and Thurs days, evelen to. twelve. , ,' ' Hose L. Wij-th, '6i js teaching- In the Benton high school. South St Jr 1325 O t - t HJ STUDENTS GLUBi Suits Cluni and Pwttrt Only $1.50 Hi We make a specialty of neipite made right here in 8 vui utu Duup7-y aia up H. SMITH, I JSEreSSSSi - oi' ji J l HEW MODEL N9l7..t....;l. i Here U ths chttpett good been m.Yim In ralt lit ik. . ftmow hi 7flarfn .UnAirrt n( uu. oun. 11m wotknumhip and finiih ara Mt(ei. SKTLrllffl fcJr , ' "II?' 5-1 Z!4t.2ffGZ feJfeMiS3teS?W fiiye your oetict order it for you. 5cnor A TffatYut Cotologut an J e your detlct order Itfw you. Stnd forth 77?nl CiU.... -J neTZartm firearm Make Our Own 1307 O 8TREET, TO" a Sly e JvuHS BUM ' iiuiui,uuiAu unui rtjurcceire ana approve oi your.b eye e. Weihp put It to arty tett you wjh. H you are ther. not perfectly udaficd or do not wUh to keep the bicycle ship it back to ua at our expense andivti will tut t tut on tint 'FACTORY PRICES t WmUh'ih. hlAttOTcJMtTa'SlXmalw rnwi VHI rniUCtf at one anu I profit above actual factory coit. You aave Sio to.,,,t!TWde,nen Proflu &M,.nfLdlrct ' u have the pianuacturer'aSr. antee behind your bicycle, po NOT BOY a bicyc 8or a pair of lire (torn akWcn !?!?.&' ""'I1 ,0UeS,!lvJu' caulowea and leara our unheard tAaiUry triut and r$markaiU thcial efftrt to rldm agjeaU. r, , - t-y"f filB HIM Ik asTnBISHFB w"5L7ou receive oar rjeauiuurcataiorue and Jw ,Ilt, IWHIafc itndrjrur ruperb"moileli at the wonctirlto nVofhK! 5"iS22iAFA f I 1 OOUDIO HKCONOHanuuicVOLKH. Wonorejrularly'haadlo aecond hand.bicycW. b illy have a .number on hand takenjn trade by ourXhicao retail itorea. Thee woclear oW yuj at yiibcs ransinK irom a to m S3 to B8 COiriTtJIIKFt !iL y?A.,L?.a.r?'r cliunj. and pcdmU, paru, repalra and , . . w. .. u. , AM HEDGETHORN afa. SFI F-HF1I IHR TIDFS 1'AVIhepmr, The regular retail price of these tines is 3JO ier Pair, tut to introduce vie win stllyouasampie pair iort40tashwithordert4 AST. NO MORETROIILE FROM PINCTIRES NAILS, Taoks or Olaaa will not let the air oat. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. DESORIPTMJMl Made in all sizes. It Is lively and easvridinfir.vervdurableandlinedinside with a BDccial auautv of rubber, which never becomes' porous and which closes up small punctures without allow log thealr to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis fied customers staling that their tires haveonly been pumped uponce or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resistingqualltlesbeinggivea jr . v.n sajwiP uiu. Dkrviuiijr fjicifsaicu iHUfiwuu lUC tread. Theregularpriceoftiicsetircsi8.sopcrpair,butfor uuvcriiainKpurpoocJiwcBrcinuKinKaspcciaiiaciorypncciO the rider of only I4.80 per pair, All orders shlppcjf same day letter is received. .We ship.C O. D. oW iv. i!i ""' "' j "iw juu iMicavuuicu pu iiiunu inciasincuY as representee. we will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price B4.B& pec pair) it you send FULL CA8UWITU ORDKU and encW thfsvnmT -1111 JT..nHkX nickel Dieted brass hand uumo. Tires to be returned nt OHK ntvnv if nranvrMun iii.i. not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will-find Uhat tbeylwill rWeasler, run .faiter, ni ucttci, mm lunxn mm mua. uon mihu buy lire you nave ever usca or seen at any price, we know that you will be so-well pleased thatwheh you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. . ' 't' , n. it? Yfllt sVaTaTfl XHjrO .do? l BBJLlc,nd at ay Prfcc untu you send for a pair of r W 1W IWaCaCaV 9 inm Hedgetborn Puncture-Proof tires on, approval and trial at the special introductory price quoted above; or write for our bigTire and 8undry Catalogue which describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. 'V -r y nn MtVT, WM tr but write " tt postal today. DO NOT THINK. OF BDViNO a bicycle MMV n Mt TVMMM or a pair of Urea from anyone until you know the newaad wonderful .offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn every thing. Write jt NOW. " J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, i TREMONXwhile possessing the merit of being conservative, it" is nevertheless an 6ut-of-the,ordinary style SSH -n "- hj aRv 4bRRBw bRRbsI ibRRbl r IRSm. SRli "k. 1SSSW RRaff W VRsW I .RssW . W ' VssHaSwXeRsHr "Ki .Br kRSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBR bW r15each2rr2!l4 -Ci J , ." fMLOR SWBfy' ( rv Run yt Wd5)y tfMMiUon lSfeUtWrifliiViKr. !, , xwiKwa i in hw umttxMYt kpt,UM tun ,Vf la 6m X r.i4j r IT- vrtUkt U 'li 7 iuii T1-. 7JI ikJ..-. ;-- ,-. , ( r .,-. n, Exptrltnct Bock li-dji' Fwfrrb LU 3 ;-- J-. ' , ( r .,-. , , t?...i nL ,1 J ? ttll .K Jl'l.M, V 2t?waiow SjNwIitv fi,' J .. .-w,.,.,. tinmja twm ucma duoiv am u ' vf Since Spring has nearly arrived the Fouatalm will be one of the features of fie FolWm Silkery.,u ' ';! 4 GandlesI" BELL ,456. Ayjp,tt1.4 , 1 1' J." IN EACH TOWN and ride and exhibit a erl! - !?ff' ' W oamu X or BIO. TirtrAmXvm himli. Il.ta m.ii.j l... lmv ,nm,fnmttt rf fM JTHU. ,(JC 'T IJ'.Z PUNCTWE - PROOF TOUmWDUOE,OMLY Kotloe the." tbiok rubber tread I sfA'and puncture atrlps-f'U" and "D," also rlfai strip II? to prevent rim cutting;. Tnu tire will oatlast any other make-SOFT. ISIiABTia ana 'KASVUIOINa- Vj stf CHICAGO, ILL J- A if i 4 IM We want you to judge oun whole, toref by. every thing we serve yqU laf.oUrjJoda Water, )xft (dream, ' Punches and DolicateSaoV Lunch bepartmeat ' 'MWe t r, aso iL aaflaajaafaffBafjBMBjBaB , - aaavaaaai , Blllllllllllllllllllllllllllll t, J i -B1BM tf "iliH ':BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBV lw . 3C iseph, Mb, ' , Cfuett Prsbody ' . ,-(. t. k .- . .w, U f,A..3Sit(i fe ,