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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1909)
' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . ' v'S, I Cbe B)alls TRefrragftan THE PROPERTY OT. Ij THE UNIVBR8ITT-0FH8RAfilIlUi Llnoolh, Nibraaka J HUSHED EVERT DAYE1CEPT XUW8AY' AND HMDAt BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PHIIMNH DiflCI, 126 NO. 14tl St. ' EDITORIAL STAFF. dltor Hcrbort W. Potter Managing Editor Vlotor B. Smith Aitoclate Editor, Philip lrlrlck ' Carl J. Lord BU8INESS STAFF. Munagor....... ....W. A. Jonea Circulator A. M. Har AMlitant Circulator Lealle Hydo Editorial and Bualneat Offloot BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. .vPtotptflcM.8tatlon An Llnfoln, Nab. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance . . Single Coplea. A Centa Each. . Telephone! Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL. NOTICES vrlll be charged for at the rate at 10 oenta per Insertion tar eYirr tan norda or fraction there. 'Haoulty notice andUnlveralty bullatlM will gladly Jo publlahed free. Entered at the poitofflqe at "Lincoln, Nebraaka, aa aeoond-olaaa mall matter nndr the Aot of Contreaa of March I, 1179. i - - THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1909. Tho placing of tho human hoad ovot dno of tho gatOB to tho campus yoBtorday morning was Undoubtedly intended as a good Joko by those who put It there, but It 1b moat certainly arrylng a practical Joko a little too far. Such an exhibition Is oppoBOd to nil tho ' teachings and customs of civilized society and can hardly be excused ub a college prank. Such a thing may not shock a medical stu dent, but medical students are but a small proportion of tho total number tii at pass under tho gates every day. .Considerable cbmplaint has been made during the laBt few days that several Bhrubs that are now in bloom on tho campuB nro bolng seriously In jured by students attempting to pull bloBBoma. The purpose in planting the Bhrubs -was to beautify the cam pus and not to provido students with a private greenhouse. Notice of the damage which is being done should bo suillclent to cause students to re frain from doing anything of tho kind. SCHOLARSHIP 8TANDINQ. As far as statistics go they would seem to show that Nebraska has about tho samo standard of scholarship as neighboring institutions. Kansas has a slightly higher standard of scholar ship while tho University of Missouri has a little lower, but tho difference 1b only slight in each direction. It Is possiblo moreover that a slightly different basis might have been used in compiling the ilgurcB In tho difforent Institutions so that no defin ite conclusions can be drawn from a comparison. The chief Interest in tho statistics published in yesterday's Nebraskan lio in the light they cast upon tho scholarship standing of tho fraterni ties, fho figures for Nebraska indi cate that the average for fraternities 1b Just about tho same as that for the whole school. This Is seen to be a peculiarly good showing when it is remembered that fraternities have to consider many things besides scholar ly abilities in picking their men. During the past winter there has been considerable agitation of tho fraternity question over the state und it has been contended that' the pres ence of fraternities was bad for the scholarship standing. The table pub lished yesterday ought to silence tho charge that fraternities have lowered the scholarship standards at Nebras ka University. ' MEN WHO HAVEN'T TIME. In the university public Uie class of men who declare, whenever they are asked to do anything, tha they haven't time is unusually prominent and perhaps more noticeable because most 6f the work in college must be done without much present hope of reward. A recent editorial in the Dally Missourlan contains a discus sion of this question that is worth re printing. The editorial is as follows: KJThe' largest class of po'ople on earth, 'is' doubtless the 'vast army of 'fiaven't time' men and' women. Every- CONVOCATlON t r ! -' - t'Vm ". . ; SIDNEY Piano Temple Theatre whore yo.u go you hear that familiar phraso. It scorns particularly preval ent among students. Supposo you ask a man to contribute to a college pub lication, to Join a literary Bocioty, to take part In a debate, or to help push forward any lino of Btudont activity, how many times will you hear tho answor, 'I haven't time.' "Any man or women in tho Univer sity of Missouri who is carrying a full courso In any department may natur ally bo oxpoctod to bo fairly busy, but when that evaslyo phraso rises to your lips, just think of tho man who is Working his way through Bchool, carrying a full courso with credit and still finds timo to ongngo In student activities. Twenty-four hours 1b a long enough day for anybody If you'll Just 'got busy' and few can conscien tiously answer, 'I haven't time,' when keoping tho wheels of progresB mov ing." Alumni Notes. C. It. Burkoy, '06, 1b at Jerome, Idnho, whero ho 1b chief draftsman for the Twin Falls, North Side Land '& Water company. Prof. W. H. Cox, of Weeleyan uni versity, who took his master's degree at this university in 1906, has recent ly boon given a fellowship in philoso phy at Harvard. ThomaB Davis, '06, chlof onglneer of the Cleveland Crane and Engineer ing company, recently secured for his company the contract for four largo unloading cranes for ubo on tho Pana ma canal. William H. Henney, '06, Is a prac ticing physician and surgeon at Thed- ford, Nebr. Claronco A. Johnson, '06, is an as sistant professor In tho University of Kansas at Lawrence, KanB. S. Katherlne Klmmel, '06, is mana ger of tho Western Match company, Lincoln, Nobr. Martin L. Klmmel, '06, has given up his work as salesman for tho West ern Match company, and is now prac ticing law at Omaha. E. Don Skoen, '06, is surgeon of tho Gunn Queally Coal company, Gunn. Wyo. Vivian L. Strickland, '06, who Is now superintendent of schools at Bloomlngton, has accepted a similar position for next year at Nelson. Mrs. Scona Hansen Curtis, '07, is en deavoring to organize a University of Nebraska club at Mlnden,, Nebr. Mr. Curtis is superintendent of schools of Kearney county. Dolbert D. Gibson, '07, has been olectod superintendent of the Lyons schqols for next year. Vlnda Hudson, '07, has been elected assistant principal of the high school, Fairmont, Nobr. W. G. Jenkins, '07, who has been In Cuba for tho past two years, has ac cepted a position as engineer on .the government irrigation project In the San Luis vallej, Colorado. Theo. F. Mueller, '07, is with the General Electric company, Chicago, 111. Itena Osborne, '07, is ,, teaching Latin and Gorman at Ravenna. F. J. Pipal, '07, is principal of schools at Bonkelman, Nebr. Miss Bertha Potter, '07, 1b teaching mathematics In the high school at Seward. Carl Denton Slaughter, '07, .was' married April 7th to Miss Constance M. King of Salmon, Idaho. Fred Upson, '07, at present a stu dent at the University of Chicago, has recently been awarded the Swift fel lowship 6t $520. Seven "M's" wore granted to Minne sota basketball men this year. .'(( ' - rThufklay, May 20f, B. f . I I ' 5 I. SILBER Recital Eleven A. M. University 'Bulletin May. Thursday, 20 Piano recital by' Sidney Sllber. Convocation, Temple the ater. 11 o'clock. Thursday, 20. College of Medicine, Commencement. Friday, 21 Pan Hellenic Ball. Audi torium. Saturday, 22 KanB&s meet at Lincoln. State Farm. TueBday, 26. Forestry lecture: "For est Types in the Philippines," "Bill".. Pagaduan; "Forest Utiliza tion in the Philippines," M. Lazo. Thursday, 27 Competitive drill of the first battalion of cadets. State Farm. Classes excused from 2 until 6. Friday, 28 Final examinations com mence. Friday, 28. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. Saturday, 29. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity' vb. Nebraska. June. Thursday, 2. Cadet encampment be gins. Juno 2 to 7. Thursday, 3 Final examinations end. Happenings of the Past MHaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVMaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaal Seven Years Ago. Ivy was planted by the senior Ivy committee In the midst of a driving rain and tho other Ivy Day cere monies were observed in Memorial Hall. . 8lx Years Ago. A student mass meeting votqd to boycott the carnival company that in terfered in the annual Company "Q" parade. Much bitter feeling was shown. Five Years Ago. The one freshman cap which escaped destruction by the upper classmen waB raffled off at the rock on the campus to help pay the cost of those destroyed. Four Years Ago. Nebraska defeated Colorado in a dual track meet by tho score of 69 to 48. Four university records wore broken. Three Years Ago. Associated "Barbs" accused .the athletic board of not standing for clean athletics and circulated petl 'tions. . asking for a new method of electing student members of the ath letic board. . One Year Ago. The class In Rhetoric 36 presented a very successful play "Under sus pension" in the Temple. Indiana University's commencement program has been announced. The final exorcises are billed for June 22. Tho Pensylvanlan is urging the es tablishment of a university 'commons In connection with the dormitory sys tem. Brown students held a night-shirt parade and bonfire on the evening of their recent baseball victory, over Yale. Wu Ting Fang is president pf the Chinese School of Chicago; Courses in Chinese literature, language, domes tic science, and international law will bo given. At pr.esent thirty-two are enrolled. New 5 10c and 25c Store 1 !' 142 N0RTIM2TH; STREET Sefe our line of Popular Sheet Music at 10c. We also have tablets, ink and a complete line of stationary, at rwr-uuftK ibices THE MANHATTAN Expert Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing. You no doubt have heard lots of the Manhattan, but you will, never know all about the f me work we do unless you give us a trial. Our pressing is fine. Let us have your spring suit and you will be surprised at what we can do. Call Bell Phone F918. 208 So. 12 GREGORY, the Tailor Has a dandy line of goods for Spring Suits. He also does the best cleaning and pressing in the city. 14th & O Streets Auto 3264 FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. , Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST CO. 1106 O Street Auto 3228 Bell 234 Oliver Tneatre Senior Play Ue ROYAL FAMILY Morning andl Evening Performances MAY 21, 1909 PAN -HELLENIC WALT'S ORCHESTRA Get Those ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS ' i . S3 P .1 CLEANERS' AND DYERS, Jane 8tn, 1909 AUDITORIUM TICKETS $2.00 Tasty Togs OF II 1 ' t f ' . -J L "