The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 19, 1909, Image 1

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Vol. VIII. No. 147.
, r "
Nebraska Compares- Favorably. With
Other Universities In Regard to
vStudlntsFailing in '-Their :
J Required Work. ) ,
Some interest lug statistics have vo"
cently been compiled' wl.lC regard to
delinquency hero and at other bchools.
They tend to show the percent
age or delinquency 1b leas here than ;tt
other schools when the comparison Is
based upon the delinquency 'n hours.
As, Nthe table .alao pqinparos the Iru-,
tejrnlty delinquencies with those of the,
student body they bring out some
striking comparisons. They show on
tljbir face that .the percentage of de
llnquency among fraternity men Is
somewhat higher than it Is in the stu
dent body as a whole.
The real explanation, however, lying
back of the figures is that in the gen
eral student body are Included all the
co-eds while in (he fraternity figures
only the standing or the male students
can of necessity' be recorded. As' the
co-eds have a reputation for the gi eat
er percentage of good scholarship the
variation between the fraternity pu
centage and that of the student body
Is easily explained.
At the University of Nebraska there
are eleven fraternities carrying a to
tal of 3.706 hours. The entire student
body carries a total of 31,825 hours.
From among the fraternity men there
are on the list r."3 hours delinquent
as opposed to 3.G43 hours delinquency
In the student body. Thla gives the
fraternities heie a percentage of in
delinquent while the student body hns
a percentage of 11 delinquent. Hence
the fraternities have 4 per cent delin
quency more than the general student
Percentage Higher.
Comparing Nebraska with. the UnJ
vorsit of Mlsspurl, It is found that a't
.Missouri there are the Bnme number
of fraternities aB here. These carry
3,370 hours while the student body
carrier 11,342 hours. The hours de
linquent in the fraternities are 980
while in the student body they are
2,523. This gives the fraternities at
Missouri a percontagoof 29"W delin-
quency and the student ;body a per
centage of 22. v
Thus it is seen at' that, with
the same number of fraternities In
each school the percentage of delin
quency for fraternity men, at Missouri.
exceeds that or Nebraska by 14 per
cent, and that the delinquency In the
student body exceeds ours by 11 per
cgnt. The fraternity delinquency at
Missouri also exceeds that of their stu
dent body 'by 7 per cent, two more
than at Netalia.
""As these percentagesfarelbaaearo?
lj; upon the hours carried apd tho
hours delinquency they form, the only
real method of ascertaining any per
centage of delinquency. Other tables
were also pre'paredf showing thp per
centages atuNebraska and i at KansaB
students enrolled andtho'WnTberwae'
Uriquent. That this does not arrive at
the tiwe Bolutionr however, may bo
eglsly understood when It Is taken In
tojconslderatlpn that, one, hour's delin
quency In this table1 will put' a man
ocr a par with one who may have 18
.O.I I - - - .. ..
nccordlng-toTthoBP tables tho student
body of Nebraska has a delinquency
pt 41 per cent while by tho prevl'oifH
'method of ,cbrbputatlqn they only had
11 per cent 'Illustrates the working
out of this method. ' '' , '
According to Number?'
According to the last tables Nebras
ka has 242 men enrolled In eleven fra
ternities while Knnsas hds;186t Of the
Nebraska men 124 nre delinquent while
at Kansas only 80 are so' scheduled.
This leaves NebraBka with apercent
age of 51 delinquent, as compared
with a percentage '.of 41 at Kansas;
which gives Nebraska fraternities 10
per' cent inore delinquency than (hose
of Kansas "University."'
i ftAtvN'ebraskn there-Sure 2,072 students
.viiihi jvuuhuh nns m,zbi. from -tnis
numbW, Nebraska, has 860 delinquent
nnd Kansas has 420. This gives the
Nebraska student body a percentage
of 41 delinquent and Kansas a per
centage or 34. This leaves Nebraska
7 per cent more delinquency than
Kansas. In looking over these per
centages It must be, remembored that
tho comparisons between Nebraska
and Kansas are based entirely upon
,the number of, delinquent students and
not upon the houi-B of delinquency.'
The tnbles as compiled are herd
University of Nebraska.
Eleven fraternities:
Hours carrloll 3,706
Hours delinquent 553
Per cent delinquent
Number students 242
Number delinquent.- 124
Per cent delinquent
Student body:
Hours carried 31,820
Hours delinquent ; . 3,643
Per cent delinquent
Number students 2.072
Number delinquent 860
Per cent delinquent. ........
University of Kansas.''
Eleven fraternities:
Number men 186
Number delinquent 80
Per cent delinquent
Student bod:
Number men 1 ,284
Number delinquent 426
Per cent delinquent
University of Missouri.
Eleven fraternities:
Houi s carried' '.... 3,370
Hours delinquent '. . . 980
Per cent delinquent
Student body:
Hours carried 11,311
Hours delinquent 2,523
Per cent delinquent...:....
Annual Publication Delayed Until Next
Despite the report of an afternoon
city dally, which yesterday jumped to
the gun with an announcement of the
distribution of he 1909 Cornhusker to
day, the annual publication of the up
per classes or the university will no.
be turned over to subscribers this
week. It is now hoped.' io liavoithe
book out eUrly next 'week, -'presumably
The cornhusker management yester
day reiterated Its previous 'statement
to tho effect that no more subscrin-
tlons-for the-;l9099book' wlllbe re-
nnlvnrl TIib nntli-n rwlltlnii nt .m.. n.
thousand copies has been exhausted!)
ine stuuenis anu racuity subscribed
for practically as many book's" as were
thus disposed of last fall and the or
der of the regents to use 150 coplw
the hlgi?
rhllt thA inf
tire Issue. The Cornhusker editors;
declare that 'for on'ce at least ther
will bo no Heft-overs'' on sale at thoj
bookstores at reduced rates. 1
, ' ' n r "., f
H P. Warner, C. E. attended the
uiuLjr triiiuii WHS HIU 1UUL 1 IlUI'HUdJ
OVGnlnC. Mr Wornoi- la onnilnvnil oiS
engineer In charge or tne lnulntonanco
ot tne ranama railroad at Crlsiobol
Baked beans, naked on tne nrAmiiJ
Una Served not With dollrlnna hrnnm
... . . ' .. ' r---.-w.
brwle,atTli Dottoav LwoW
. 1 ' r J 1
Jayhawkers Are Stronger Than
Previous Seasons and Figure on
Winning Big Rally to
be Held Friday.
The great rivals of Nebraska, the
JayhawkeiB from Lawrence, Kansas,
will be In Lincoln next Saturday for
a track meet with Dr. Clapp'B mon nt
the state fnlr grotinds. They nre com
ing confident of administering a de
feat to the CornhiiBkers, theroby mak
ing a clean sweep or victories in tho
four sports in which tho two bcIiooIb
have clashed this year. Since school
opened lnat fall they hnvo licked No
hraska in football, basketball, and
baseball. They think they can beat
the scarlet and cream In the track
games nnd they have good reason
for thinking so, too.
Are Mighty Strong.
They are mighty Btrong thlB spring,
as their victory over Missouri the
first one In ten years on the track
last Saturday will bear out. Their
records are good for this spring nnd
some or them are better than Nebras
ka has made.
On paper tho Jayhawkers look like
winners of tho meet hero Saturday.,
Their weight man in the meet against
Missouri did bettor work In two
events than S. Collins of Nebraska did
agnlnst tho Gophers. In the sprints'
and long runB the Kansas runners are
apparently as strong as theVebraska
mon in practically all events, and, In
some, nre even stronger.
The indivations are that the meet
will be closely contested In both the
track and field events, with a margin
of the dope favoring tho men from
KanBns. The Lawrence team has the
best chance to take a majority of
the first places and ir Nebraska wins
it will be by taking a majority of the
second places In addition to a minor
share or the firsts.
Students are Anxious.
Tho Nebraska students are anxious
to get revenge on the JayhawkerB
for the other defeats or tho year and
will be out In rorco for the ovents
Saturday. To stirrup the enthusiasm
among tho local students a big mass
meeting will be held In Memorial hall
at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon. The
band will be on hnnd and several ad
dresses wli Ibe made, one of thorn
probably being by Chancellor Avory.
Tho Nebraska baBeball team enjoyed
an enforced rest yesterday. A game
with Cotnor university had been ar
ranged for Bethany, but the showers
of tho early afternoon caused a post
ponement of tho game to next Monday
The recolds of the Missouri-Kansas
meet follow:
- Records 0 Kansas Meet.
Ono mile run Johnson, Missouri
first; Clelnnd, Missouri, second. TImo,
4-: 42. '
220 yard dash Haddock, Kansns,
firBt; Tarrell, Missouri, second. Time,
23 seconds.
, Half mile 'run Tipton, Missouri,
tflrst; Shuck, Missouri, second. TImo,
' 220 yard hurdle Newbold, Kansas,
first; Smith, Kansas, second. Time,
'27 seconds! - '
Pole ' vault Johnson and Woge'r.
both Kansas, tied for first place; 9
ioet 0 incites.
. DlBCliK tlirnur Rnhm'tu Mlndnn.1
I - -r , ....ODUU.I,
flrBt; A. W. Roberts, Missouri, sec-
Distance, 111 feet. '
16 pound shot A. Wl Roberts', Mis
sourl first; Wood, Kansas, socond'
DlBtnnco, 37 foot' 4 l4 inch ;
Hammer throw M6yor', Kaniwaf
ilrst; Jtord, Missouri, BOComUDlstnnco?
145 feel, 8 Inches':'" --i
Two mile run Steel, Missouri.;
Johnson, Missouri, second. TImo, 12
5 4-5.
Running .broad Jump Smith. Kan
san, llrst; Martlndnle, Kansas, second.
Distance 21 foot, 4 Inches.
Ono mile relay Won by Kunstin.
Time, 3:38 1-5.
Final score KauHn. '!l 1-2; Mis
souri, 52 1-2.
Pass a Resolution Providing for an
Official Representative.
At a mooting of tho unlverrflty sen
ate last ovonlng tho matter of a i-on-stltutlou
ror tho lnter-clnss debating
hoard was taken up. No nctlor was
taken, however, the mntter bolng re
forred to a eonimlttoo consisting of
the facility members or tho university
debating board.
A resolution was passed to the of
rect that hereafter tho professor or
physical education nnd director of ath
letics bo made tho official representa
tive of the university to the IntercolV-
glate Athletic association of the United
States, the Missouri Valloy Conroronce
nnd such other athletic meetings as
cnll for technical knowledge of nth
letlcB by the university representative.
The chancellor was also authorized
by the sonate to name a committee
to Investigate the custom or other In
stitutions or learning In that country
with respect to the granting 0? honor
ary degrees. This Is ror tho purpose,
or evolving Home new method or pro
cedure In this respect nt Nebraska.
Some Volumes Believed to Have Been
Stolen and Sold.
The advent of tho company buying
second-hand books at the Unlvcrslt
Book Stpre BeoniB to have prompted
some person or persons on tho cumpus
to turn book thieves. Either this or
tho need of money 0 both is believed
to have prompted someone to,, filch
books about tho campus.
A number or books have been
missed In tho last rew days and last
evening Investigations wore sturted by
several students who had lost particu
larly valuable books to try and ascer
tain whether they had been stolen.
They Intend to go over tho b'tock of
books bought up by tho dealers and, If
possible find the missing volumes.
Next, they Intend to find out who
brought the books In for sale and
to push the matter until the por3onB
practicing this potty larceny are dlB-J
Y.W. C. A. Planning for Its Annual
Next Saturda,y.njornIng from 7 until
9:30 a. m.f at St. Paul's church tho
Annual May Morning Breakfast will
take place. As In former years this
1b to be under the auspices of tho
university Y. W. C. A. Tho earjy
feed by tho young ladles of the .school
has nlwnytr been u highly popular af
fair. In tho jjast between four and
five ' hundred students have been
Berve'd at UiIb function. This year
tho committee In charge expect tba
attendance to exceed, that of preceding
years. " ,
The tables are cared for by, tho
young ladles 'Of tho different classes.
.sororities, and 'literary societies The
uuium mo iwumy-nve cents. uianciiQ
Glv?m is In eharge pf tbe kitchen ar
rangements and flattie Woodwprth
.will preside over tho .dining room,
The Btono Tor tho fountain, recently'
presented to the university- by t.he
senior ,class, has arrived and work wjll
be commenced' on the fountain in n
few days. ' '
Price 5 Cent
.- . ..
General Business, Pplltloal, Govern
mental, Journalism, and Social
Philharmonic Sections Are v. r
to be Investigated.
A plan for a "system of study groups
to ho followed by students who dofilro
to specialty In any particular lino is
now being considered by members of
tho unlvoiBlty racuity. Suggestions
as to such a system have been made
and tho mattor is to' bo nllowod to go
over until next fall when some doflnito
action will be taken.
Tho proposed system of grouping of
studies would provide for a general
cultural courso and spcdnl counoh.
The requirements for graduation in
tho first courso would bo practically
the smile hb tho requirements now ox
acted. Six out of eight oloctl'vea would
bo required with physical education
and rhetoric as absoluto requirements.
This arrangement would not differ ma
terially from that now followed In tho
ordinary olectlvo courso taken by a'
student In tho college of arts and scl
onces. The 8pecla Courses.
Tho spoclal courses constitute n fea
ture new to tho University of Nobrns
ka. Tho Idea haB recently been put
In effect at tho University of Wiscon
sin, although the Nebraska plan has
been Worked out ' entirely separate
from that of tho othor Institution. Tho
plan now bolng considered contem
plates flvo Bpeclal groups. Those aro
(1) gonernl business group, preparing
for coqimerco, banking, Insurance, etc.'i
(2) political governmental group, pro
paring for national, state, or municipal
service, consular, diplomatic, civil ser
vice, legislative reforence, municipul
bureau, etc., (3) scientific govern
mental group, preparing for national
Or Btato service in geology, botany,
forestry, etc., (4) Journalism group,
preparing for magazine, periodical, or
newspaper work, (5) soclal-phllan-thropic
group, preparing for work in
organized charity, Y. M. C. A., and'
Y. W. C. A., etc.
In each of these special courses
work of a rather general nnture would
bo taken tho first year and there1
would be Increasing specialization iff -euch
succeeding year. In thp general1
business group tho first year studies
would comprise rhetoric, a friodorn,
language, economics, political sciencb,
history or sociology, or philosophy. In
the second. year of this courso the
language would bo .continued with an
other modern tongue added. Econ
omics, history, or political science, of
sociology would bo tho other sublocta
J prescribed, in the' third year1 , these
w..WJi.wva numu uu UUUllllllUU Willi III- ,
creasing specialization arid' In the
fourth year nearly tha whole of tho
work would bo specialized. To course,
provides for three" yearp pach, of two
modern languages. !
( Other Courses'. -
This course is typical of tho othprsl
In each group there would bo a, varied
tlon ' to suit tlio peculiarities of W
jprofeBslon, or Industry Involved For
Instance," tho journalism course Avoul'd
provide for .additional work In rhetoric'
and English,, and specifies ancient, or
modern, languages' place pf thQ mod
ern tongues of the business coiirso.
'The,, "system, would lncjudo a rcog
nlzed change, in the, advjsorlal systerii
sothnt each studpnt would at .'first'
Taye as.hta advlspr the hpad 'ofitt
particular jgroup and later .thahead
of the department In which he hoUldl
choose to specialize, " " ,7i,r T
. 1
' i