tKB NEBRASKA r J" - I Get your Punches, Sherbets, and Ice Cream from COLLINS Special attention given to Student Affairs. Bowls, Spoons and Glass es furnished free. Collins Bros. Ice Cream Co. Seventh and L Streets Bell 428 PHONES Auto 1228 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN CP A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited , CHANGE MAJOR RULE CHOICE MUST BE MADE AT THE' END OF 8ECOND YEAR. MORE RIGID REQUIREMENTS NEW 8Y8TEM OF ADVI80R8 18 OF FICIALLY APPROVED. ' Recommendation That the Committee On Student Delinquency Have a P,ld Secretary Passed on By the Faculty. Vacation Clothes for whatever yo.u . may do Work Clothes Dress Clothes Outing Clothes We say and prove that W& Give the BEST for the Money. See Our $15 Suits advisability of holding the spring reg istration. ' . Respectfully submitted, S. AVERY, Chairman. CHARLES E. BESSEY. ELLERY W. DAVIS. GEORGE E. HOWARD. LAURENCE FOSSLER. THE REGISTRAR. 925"0"8tItrneoln.Nelx HAVE' THE EVANS Do Your Washing The faculty of the college of liter ature, science, and arts has adopted a revised system of registration and of faculty advisors for students which makes at loaBt one Important change In the plan at present fol lowed. Hereafter students In tho ac ademic college must select tholr ma jor subjects at the beginning of tho second Instead of the third yoar, as Is the coBe at present. This action was determined upon by the faculty of tho college In ap proving a roport offered by a com mltteo consisting of Chancollor Avery, DeanB Bessoy and Davis, Professors Howard and Foslor, and the regis trar. This committee considered var ious plans which wero suggested and they presented tho following roport, which was possqd: ., Committee's Report. 1. The dean of the college shall be the chief advlBer of the students In this college. 2. The dean shall bo assisted by a boar dof permanent advisors com posed of the bends of departments represented In this college and by a board of temporary advisers for freshmen composed of such persons as the heads of departments Inter ested In freshmen work shall desig nate. 3. After September 1, 1909, all stu dents In thlB college shall be required to select the major subject at the be ginning of the second year. The head of the department In that subject shall be his permanent adviser. 4. During registration week, the dean of the college and tho board of temporary advisers shall be present In Memorial hall for the registration of freshmen students. As the stu dents .present themselves they shall bo sent In rotation to tho advisers. The adviser Bholl examine the student concerning his preparation and his purpose In coming to the university; he shall help him In tho arrangement of his course of study, Indlvatin of his course of study, Indicating the required subjects and what additional subjects If any are to bo elected will be most useful to him In the work that he has in view. The stu dent shall take this form to tho dean WIN IN BOTH 8PORT8. (Continued from Pago 1) gan drove a low fly to Metcalfe and Scott hit a high one to Dudgeon. Tho score: NEBRASKA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Cooko, cf 5 2 2 1 0 0 Grcenslit, C....5 0 1 5 0 0 Clarke, lb 4 1 2 9 1 1 Parroll, 2b 4 0-2 3 1 0 Boltzer, 3b 4 0 0 3 4 0 Dugeon, If 4 0 0 1 0 0 Sturtzneggor, rfl 112 0 0 Metcalfe, ss 4 0 1 3 2 0 Ward, p .A 0 1 0 1 0 Totals 38 4 10 27 9 1 DRAKE. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Burcham, 8S....4 0 2 1 0 1 Caves, p 4 0 0 0 4 0 McCoy, If 4 1 1 1 0 0 Dugan, cf 4 0 0 10 0 Scott, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Van Meter, C...3 0 0 10 2 0 JonoB, 2b 3 0 0 0 2 0 Witter, lb 3 0 0 9 19 Musgrave, 3b... 3 0 1 2 3 1 Totals 32 1 1 24 12 2 Nebraska 20010010 4 Droko 0 0010000 01 Three base hit: MfcCoy. Two-base hit: Grcenslit. Sacrifice hits: Met calfe, Carroll. Stolon bases: Cooke, Carroll. First base on balls: Off Ward, 2; off Caves, 2. Hit with pitched ball: Caves. Struck out: By Ward, 2; by Caves, 5. Double play: Seltzer to Metcalfe. Time: 1:25. Um pire: Enyart. Qualify Counts THAT'S WHY Franklin's lea Cream IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fancy creams, sherbets, ices and punch for Frat and Sorority Parties. Auto 0131 Bell 205 1810 N Street Business Directory Every Loyal University Student is urged -to patronize these Ne .braskati advertisers, and te men tion the paper while doing' so. BANK8 . Central National. First Trust and Savings. Farmers & Merchants. $ BAKERIE8 Folsom, BATH HOUSE Chris', Eleventh and P Sts. Rush Medical College im ArrtuvnoH with CJFFERS TO WORK WITHOUT PAY. ! Prominent Newspaper Man Believes j in School of Journalism. ; Leroy J. Boughner, city editor of tho Minneapolis Tribune, recently ex pressed the belief that the initiation of tho new course in Journalism at the UnlvevBlty of Minnesota should not be placed in the hands of one actuated by any deslro of financial reward and he backed up his belief by volunteer ing to President Northrop, to deliver lectures for two years without cost to tho university. He told President Northrop he be lieved the course should consist of at least two lectures a week, half of the total number to be on theory and half on practice. A formal statement of his offer has been forwarded to President Northrop. Nn rinH w The University of Chicago College work required for Admiwion Full work in the Summer Quarter Flrt Term June ai-July 28 Second Term July ao-Sept. 3 Write (or full particulars to the Dean ol Medical Coumes, the University ol Chicago, CINCINNATI SHOE STORE We. are going out of the Retail Business. Every thing less than cost. r 1220 0 Street PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERSI Bell rssite 412 All PhtM 1411 COMPLIMENTS OF Nebraska Grocery and Meat Cdmjfly Fancy and Staple Groceries ' 1036 P Street , Evfitf frfcr JtvM Jseclal AlUnlloiv for his approval. A Permanent Adviser. 5. The adviser to whom a fresh man student Is thus assigned at reg istration remains his ." adviser until the choice of a major subject or sub jects is made. Ho shall give tho stu dents under his charge shuch assis tance as may he necessary to make their work successful. polnted through the senate commit tee on nominations to constitute a de linquent student committee with Pro fessor Chatburn-as ohalrman;- and a 7. The acting chancellor shall be 1 requested to recommend to tho board (of regents the annolntmont of a Paid secretary to this committee. 8. The senate course of study com mittee shall compile from all depart ments those subjects for which fresh men may register and such courses shall be published for registration purposes. 9. Tho ; term "unclassed student" shall hereafter- bo "adult special." 10, The dean of this college shall b$ tho adviser fop all "adujt special" stu dents registered In this college. 11. Professor Bnherg and tho regis trar ure appointed to work out a,plan fqrttio assignment to recitations and laboratories In the registration of stu dents, ' . ' v ' ''-4 . , a 12. The registrar may determine Tomorrow evening at 8:00 p. m., will occur tho marriage of Miss Alma Vanderveor to Charles E. Keefer, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Vanderveer, 1779 So. Twenty-sixth street. Miss Vanderveer was a former university girl and a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Hot Drinks are now In season. Do you know any place where you can get as Quick Service., as you can at' our new store? No need of being crowded Lincoln Candy Kitchen s.w?(Wr ., ?,7 Sh ? Last Wednesday afternoon the ac tive chapter of tho Delta Delta Delta sorority entertained at the chapter house In honor of Miss Alma Vander veer. A beautiful luncheon set was presented to Miss Vanderveer. by the members of the sorority. Miss Van derveer Is a former member of the sorority. OffiOeOGOOOOO20SOOO All Makes of Second- hand Typewriters sold, rented, o r exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Both Phones, Want - Ads Advertisements for the want ad column should bo left at tho business offlco, basement Administration Dldg., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads. at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction theTOof. for the first Inser tion; three insertions 25 cents; fire Insertions 40 cents. FOR RENT Will rent otir hall for parties on Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Fridays at 1132 N; on Tues. and Thurs. at 1124 N. Lincoln Dancing Academy, Auto 4477. FOR SALE. The members of tho Acacia frater nity held their annual banquet at tho LIndell hotel last Saturday evening. About forty members of the fraterni ty wero present, which number in cluded the active chapter and many alumni members. Dr. C. E. Condra, of .the geography department was toast master. V. I FOR SALE A new f 60 bicycle for The last meeting of tho Students' $25. See Nebraskan manager. 12Z-tf Debating Club for the year- 1908-09 was held Saturday evening In U. 106, with a largo attendance." The regu lar program consisted of Impromptu speephos by members of the club. A disc us.'.lc n of plans for next year, and the election of next ) car'B officers fol lowed tho program. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Notebook and Candy's An alytics. Please return to Nebraskan ofllce. W. T. Carroll, 8t BOOK STORES Co-Op. Jit Porter's. IK University. , IK CIGARS Coje & McKenna. CLEAIMER8 Sultorlum. $ Manhattan. CLOTHING Ccrf Clothing Co. iK Farquhar. - "Mageo & Doenfer. Mayer Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Speler & Simon. . COAL . Gregory. Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERY IK Lincoln Candy KUchen DANCING ACADEMIES 4 Lincoln. Williams. DENTISTS J. R. Davis. Yungblut DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. DRUGGISTS Rlggs. ENGRAVER8 Cornell. FL0RI8TS-T- Chapln Bros. C. H. Frey. FURNI3H1NG8 Unland. K . Budd. Cerf Clothing Co. Fulk. fc Mageo & Deemer. Mayer BroB. . Palace Clothing Co. Speier & Simon. GROCERIES IK Nebraska Grocery & Meat Co. HATTERS Budd. Cerf Clothing Co. Fulk, Unland. 'ICE CREAM $ Collins Ice Cream .Co. Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER8 Hallett. Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. K LAUNDRIE8 4t EvanB. OPTICIANS if Shean. . ORCHESTRA G. F. Thornberg. PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend. PRINTER8 George BroB. Simmons. RE8TAU RANTS Capital Cafe. Y. M. C. A. Spa. Boston Lunch. Cameron's. iK 8HOE8 ., Men's Bootery. Armstrong. " " Beck'mah Bros. Branthwaite. Budd. Cerf Clothing Co. Cincinnati Shoe Store. Hereford. Rogers & Perkins. iK Sandersons. Fred Schmidt & Bros. ' 8KIRT8 iK The Skirt Btroe. TAILORS $ Desher. JK College Tailors. Elliott Bros. Gregory. Hersog. IK LudwJg. Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS ' - - Lyric. Majestic. iK Oliver. IK TYPEWRITERS IK Lincoln " Typewriter ',( Be K change. iK Underwood TypewrUr Co. 3 Mortimer J. Brown, '05, is professor of chemistry, Chthll Provincial indus trial college, Tien Tsln, North China. LOST D. TJ. pin, diamond setting. Reward for return to NebraBkan of fice. " ' 3t. LOST A" Wm Bolles Midget foun tain pen. Finder please return to Ne braskan office.- T '. It- I PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-OUR I ADVERTISERS )K IK IK IK IK . IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK . IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK JK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK IK ; . H A r -V ri