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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1909)
ifllrtmin miinniiH lin Mir J .... - - . ..... ....... - - - - ,.. .. ... . .,.,..,... . .- .' .. .. ....'", . . ' ' ,-f 1fn -J" iqpiinwptm in wiipuM . i, i map i w1" "i "' pL,fi jipiii. inijiiwipuimiiiiipiiiBMWr-BWwww" iiiiiipi nniiiiiii) i HI PUIWfMiJWIWMUi'llllJHipjJ);p w ' vaq:'; , u,:- , -.,- ... i r r r . . . - , -r .--- w,.- 1 f " - V " V , xLhe wzWg Mebraehan I .s Hi- ' Vol. VIII. No. 146. ft. JAPSPY ON CAMPUS? FOREIGNER SEEN TAKING PIC TURES OF BATTALION. RAN AWAY FROM CAPT DIERKS DID NOT WAIT FOR OFFICER TO A8K ANY QUE8TION8. Captain Worklzcr Sumblts Annual Re port of the Condition of Mill. tary Department of Unl verslty to Inspector. Who was the llttlo, middle-aged man from Japan who took pictures of the university cadet battalion on Saturday morning and ran away when Lieutenant DIerks, adjutant of the first battalion, approached to question him about his work? Was ho by any chance a Japanese spy, seeking to gain Information as- to the character of tthe military Instruction given In American . universities? Theso are the questions now .being asked by Captain Worklzer and other officers of the cacfet battalion. So far they have had no answer and they are still wondering. The incident which caused all the surmising and conjecture occurred while the battalion was going through evolutions for the government Inspec tor on Twelfth street Saturday 'morn ing. Captain -Worklzer was standing with the Inspector watching the movements, when he noticed a little man of dark hue working away with a camera taking vlows of tho cadets. Ho was the .only man In sight wdrk- ing a kodak and the captain thought It would ho a good Idea to get some of tho finished pictures for himself. He called Captain DIerks, battalion adjutant, and sent him over to the llttlo brown mdn to see If arrange ments could be made. - He Ran Away. So far thorjo had been nothing sus picious In the attitude of the picture taker. But when he saw tho officer approaching he grasped his Instru ments and started off down the street. Captain Adjutant DIerks called out to him, but Instead of stopping, he be gan to run and lost himself in the crowd that was watching tho drill. And so It happened that Captain Worklzer ahd Captain DIerks areo querying visitors as to their supposi tions in the case. Did the action of tho brown man constitute conclusive proof that ho was a spy, or merely that he was unduly suspicious of the doslres of the 'officer upon his per son? Submitted a Report. Captain Worklzer on -Saturday sub mitted to Captain Lockrldge, the1" In specting officer, his report as tothe condition of the military department of the university. That part of tho report which has been made public speaks highly of the support given the department by the university. One item which is somewhat to the con. trary' appears,. however, In tho finan cial account It appears that the uni versity recelve's from the government by' tho Morrill act and other Jegisla-. tlon a total sum of $94,000, a large part of this conditional upon the main tenance of a military department. The ' university appropriates , frpm all Its funds. $500 for the commandant's' sal ary and ,$450 additional for the con duct' of the department Thus tho de partment receives about one per cent of tho amount which it gains f or the, university, ' ,, , ' Among' the statements as to needed improvements app,eur- reco'rartienda,. tlons for Vdrlll ground at tho univer sity and' a drill hall at the state farmk UNIVERSITY OF Both of theso facilities are utterly lacking at present, buttho former has been provided for by tho regents. Inspector Lockrldgo commented with particular favor upon tho per formance of the cadet band. Ho stated It to be much better than those of other schools which he had visited. He was -well pleased with tho show ing of tho battalion 'and with tho con duct of the department in general. MEDI EXAMS WILL BEGIN TODAY. Sophomores Cramming to Meet the 8tate Board Tests. Today niarks the start of tho first series of examinations by the state medical examining board and sopho mores of the college of medlcino will ho occupied for the next three days with tests in the elementary courses. The examinations will conclude on ThurriUay. The system of holding two series of examinations, one for sophomores and one for seniors, has Just been adopted at Nebraska. By this means the stu dents are enabled to have the ele mentary studies completed and out of tho way at th,e close of their second year, whereas under the old system they had to review these branches and take the tests at tho close of their senior year. Now tho senior examina tions will embrace only tho more pro fessional subjects given during tho last two years of the course. - A number of juniors in the college who are now studying at Omaha, are in Lincoln In order to take the tests with the sophomores, they figure that by so doing they will have Just that much less work to do a year from now. PROF. LE ROSSINGOL TO SPEAK. Will Discuss the Recent Strikes in Paris Today at Convocation. Today at convocation, Professor James E. LeRosslgnol will speak on the recent Btrlkes at Paris. Professor Lo Rosslgnors lecture promises to be r.t once interesting and instructive. As the strikes in Paris are of a' very different nature from those happening In the United States and their Impor tance has not been emphasized by tho daily papers. This will bq Professor Le Rosslg- nol'8 last appearance In a public lec ture before a university audience ns with the current year he goes to re sume his old position in the University of Denver. The strikes which will bo discussed this morning are socialistic in their nature. In one respect they differ greatly from those that have heen happening In the United States of late. They aro fundamentally govern ment strikes. Those departments in particular which are having hte trouble aro the postal and telegraph .departments. The railroad employes also aro threatening to strike. CLUB CHOOSE8 NEW OFFICER8. "' " Student Debating Club Has Success- ful Year. . . Saturday evening the Students' De bating club held their election of of ficers for the ensuing year. S. C. Stone was elected .president; J. H. Morgan, vice-president; R. E. Waldo, secretary and treasurer, and "Rosa J3ates, critic. This was 'the last meeting of p, highly successful year. Several things have especially charac terized thq year. An oratorical con test has been added to the list' of events of the year. The right to memi bershlp has been extended to include fraternity men. ,Tho ' membership has been materially Increased. The club now' has on its rolls the names of some forty "men and next year th organization plans," to dovelop attiV roore.phogeneral order of proc- uiujuriiiu vjuu m.iiim a Bnon parna momary practice ana s afterwards a jregular debate. ! , NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1909. WIN IN BOTH SPORTS CORNHUSKER TRACK AND BASE BALL TEAM8 VICT0R8. GOPHERS SHY BY 13 POINTS Drake Suffers Bitter Drink at Wes leyan In Fast Game 5 to 1 Captain McDonald Lowers 220 Hurdle Mark. Nebraska's baseball and track teams were winners Saturday, tho cinder path athletes maintaining the tradi. tlon of tho Cornhuskors for beating Minnesota in tho track games, and the baseball proteges of Captain Belt zer taking a second championship contest from Drake university of Dos Mjoines, Iowa. Tho score In tho track meet was 55 & to 42. In tho ball game Drake barely escaped a shutout, getting one score, whlio tho Corn huskors touched home plate for four squares. At Minnesota Captain McDonald, although defeated In the high hurdles by Harmon In tho fast time of 0:1556, recovered his form in the low sticks and established a now Nebraska record of 0:25, tho provious mark being 26 fiat. Account of Track Meet. t The Associated Press yesterday gave tho following account nf tho meet: Everything was Nebraska in Satur day's field meet at Northrop field, and when the battle for blood was over tho Minnesota team was on the small end of a big count. Tho Cornhuskors came to Minneapolis to trim Coach Dick Grant's University of Minnesota track team and it was 'apparent from the start that the Gohors were in for a nice little 'drubbing. The final count of the game gave Nebraska a total of 55 1-2 points, while tho Gophers could boast of only 42 1-2. The meet was hold In a drizzling rain, but this did not intofero in any way with tho work of tho athletes. The Minnesota men worked hard to uphold their colors, but the-visitors had it on them in every event, and everything taken into consideration, tho sons of tho maroon and gold were lucky to lajid as near the top as thoy did. The victory of Wildmon of Nebraska over Yale Smiley of Minne sota In the 100 yard dash came as a great surprise to the Minnesota con tingent, as tho captain of the Gopher team was looked upon as a -sure win ner in tho short distance. 8mlley re trieved lost honors to a certain ex tent, .however, by carrying off the honors In the 220 yard dash. Collins the Big Noise. Collins of Nebraska oarried off 'the hlg noise In the discus throw, with Nuessle of Minnesota a- close second. Tho 440 yard dash went to Reed of Nebraska and Collins also took the hammer throw. Strane of Minnesota showed great form in the polo vault and succeeded In holding out for a tie 'with Russell of Nebraska. In the broad Jump the Minnesota team did not have a look-in, two Cornhuskers taking the honors. Ham el carried off tho highest honors, while Perry 'took second place. Connolly of Minnesota took the two mile race and Harnion "of the pophers' institution took first in tho high hurdles. Tho Summary: . 100 yard dashWon vy Wildman. Nebraska;,. Smiley, -Minnesota, sec ond. Time; 10:2-5, , .' ?Half mile run Won by Hull, MJnne jfca; Amborson, Nebraska, second. im?t v jjjplgh Jump Hummel, Nebraska and famel, Nebraska, tied for first and second.. Height, 5 feet, 2 inchest High hurdles Won hy ,Harmon, Minnesota; McDonald, Nebraska, soc ond. Time, 15 4-5. Shot put Won hy Collins, Nebras ka; Kelehat, Minnesota, socond. Dis tance, 37 feot 1-1 Inches. 220 to Gopher Smiley. 220 yard daBh Won by Smiley, Min nesota; Campbell, Nebraska, second. Time, 23:3-5. Discus throw Won by Collins, Ne braska; Nuessle, IMnnesota, second. Distance, 108 feet 5 1-4 Inches. Low hurdles Won by McDonald, Nebraska; Hormoni" Minnesota, sec ond. Time, 25:4-5. Mile Won by Gadsby, Mlnnosota; Rathburn, Minnesota, second. Time, 4:54. 440 yard daHh Won by Reed,No braska; Smiley, Minnesota, second. Time, 52 4-5. Two mllo dash Won by Connolly, Minnesota; Gablo, Nobraska, second. Time, 10:26. Hammer throw Won by Collins, Nebraska; Ostrand, Mlnnosota. sec ond. Distance, 140 feet 10 1-2 inches. Broad Jump Won by Hnmel, Ne braska; Perry, Nobraska, second. Dis tance, 20 feot. 8econd Championship Game. The baseball contest was the sec ond game with Drako for tho cham-, plonshlp of tho Mlsouri Valley base ball league, and the winning of It places tho Cornhuskers next to Ames in tho team .standings. The Iowa ag gies have a clean record so far. The game was scheduled for 10:30 Saturday morning at Antelope park, but tho diamond at the Western lea gue grounds was a pond of water, loft from tho deluge of the night before. The marine condition of tho Hold forced the postponement of tho claBh between the two colleges until Satur day afternoon, and necessitated the transferring of the scene of action to the Wesleyan university grounds at University Place, whore the two teams got together at 2:45. For the most part the contest was a hatlo hotween pitchers, with "Hap" Ward, the husky southpaw of tho Cornhuskers slightly In the bettor element. Ho pitched steady hall all the time and the Des Moines men found him for but four' safe blnglcs. Caves, tho spltball mound hullder, for the opposing team, allowed ton safe swats, three or four' of which being of tho scratch variety. Nebraska Scores in First. Nebraska started the scoring In Its' half of the opening bout. Cooke was passed to first. Greensllt was hit by the pitcher and advanced Cooke to second. Clarke put a pretty ball down the third base line and filled the hases. Carroll came after with' a single over third base, scoring Cooke. Beltzer hit Infield and Clarke went to third. Beltzer was put out at first, and Carroll was caught trying to go home. Clarke'drossed the pan' when Dudgeon hit a long grounder to sec ond. Sturtznegger' flew out on a high foul. , - The visitors scored their one point in the fourth inning. Musgrave struck out. McCoy, the second man up, hit the ball for three sacks, and a minute later came in when Ward threw wild to home. Dugan reached first on Clarke's error. Scott struck out, and Dugan was caught in trying to take second. Van Mteter hit a high ball to Sturtznegger, which -was safely tucked away. 8core Two More In Eighth. In the last of the eighth the Corn huskers scored two more runs. Sturtz negger to first on a single. Met calfe sacrificed him to second; Ward whiffed the air three times and Cooke reached first on an error by Burcham. Greensllt came u pand. drove a hot grounder out into right flel(J permit ting hoth Sturtznegger and Cooke to trot across -the home pan. Only three Drake men faced -Ward Jn the first 'of the ninth. McCoy hit to Clarke, pu (Contlnued on Page 4) ii Price 6 Cent. QUESTION ANNOUNCED DECISION RECEIVED BY THE 8ECRETARY YESTERDAY WILL DEBATE ON INCOME TAX ANNOUNCEMENT TO COME 800N IN REGARD TO TRYOUT8. Nebraska Will Debate Minnesota for the First Time Here and Iowa For tho First Time at lowai City. Tho question for tho fourth annual contest of tho Central Dobating Lea gue ha sat length been announced. After considerable delay Professor Fogg has at length recolVod tho de cision of tho question from Mr. Holll day of Illinois, who is tho proBont sec retary of the leaguo. Tho question which has boen chosen for tho .Central Leaguo de bates to bo hold December 10, 1901), Is as follows: "Rosolved, That a grad uated Income tax With an oxnmntlnn of Incomes below $5,000 per annuam would bo a desirable modification of tho system of federal taxation." This question was tho ono sub mitted hy Iowa. Schools 8ubmlt Questions. Tho five schools In tho Central Debating- Leaguo are Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois and Mlsouri. Each of these five universities submitted a question and each member voted; tho question receiving the largest vote the one submitted by Iowa being the one chosen for tho next series of intercollegiate debates. Professor Pogg, secretary of tho university debating hoard, said yester- day that an announcement would bo forthcoming In a day or two regard ing tho first try-out to select the members of the Nebraska dobating squad. kastrfSfllfteUryout was held In tho sprlngoniy a part of the team being chosen at, that time. Tho remalndor wore picked afc,8.econd tryout laBt fall. This, was tfe;flrst year that tho plan 'of having a spring, tryout was put Into execution. The remainder of tho school year heinir ho V short and tho time Just precedfng the final examinations being tho busiest time in the year for thq majority of the students, it is believed that it will work considerable hardship with many of those desiring to try out for the team to do so before the close, of this somesjter's work. v Nebraska Meets Minnesota; 4 ' The Jntercoiloglate debates in which " Nebraska will participate next winter will be held on December 10. The Nebraska, debaters will meet Minne sota at Lincoln and Iowa at Iowo City on the same. night, taking the'a" Urinative" of the question at one place and tho negative at the other. , This Idea of the two squads taking oppo site sides, of tho question gives the men theTiest possible oporlunityof getting at all the available, material on hoth sides of the question and obyi- , atps the chance of overlooklngany of tho opponent's strong or weak poutts. This Is tho first tlnie in the history. oV the league that Minnesota debates Ne braska at Lincoln and Lincoln meets ' Iowa at Iowa City. Tho annual freshman informal vas held last Saturday evening at Frater nity hall, with, about ninety-five ' couples in attendance, Walt'g orches tra furnished the music. James Lo- ' max was chairman of the hop and JL V. Taylotvivas piaster of ceremonies ,v ' Toir car fare vrdi pky fw b!m " lUBrii at Tie Bostoa Lh. Wt go kome? '1 A i V 0 , i- T v. v. t , I a f .