The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 15, 1909, Image 1
'"Ji ""' " J AMtAr'M'Ji-V '.:.. . - SJ.-m y -'lu(-ic ;w v ',. wit & J 1 " ' ft Vol. VIII. No. 145. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1909. Price 5 Cent. ( W'"""' . I . jp t-flWr l-lHS'jMtj,. i Oi.v ., ' 1 ' -f iiiwufMpwiiii ii -"" ' -' riwwwmMWi '" nwwwuoif an i m-rr .SWMJtyCtf i i z . ,. t... ww,'spp'qir' i vtsmMBp ! "Cbe.TDatt I H 1 -. . WB,.fl. iKebtaehan SIDNEY THE WINNER THE INTER8CHOLA8TIC DEBATE DRAWS GOOD CROWD. MICH EXCELLENT WORK DONE WAHOO AND HEBRON TAKE SEC OND AND THIRD PLACE8. Contest Is Very Close and Judges .Have a Hard Time In Making Any Decision Professor Fogg Presides. "With, one of the worst stoYmB of the season raging outside, the second an nual debnte of thp Nebraska High School Debating league was held last evening in Momorial hall. Owing to the deep interest which the dobato has aroused all over the state a fair ly large crowd braved the elements and aided by their presence in mak ing the debate one of the most suc cessful of the kind that has ever been held in Nebraska. ' The decision of the judges gave Clayton Radcllffo, of, Sidney, first place, Paul Good,' of Wahoo second place, and Harvey Hess, of tfebron, third place. The judges took consid erable time to mako their decision and announced that the final result was not unanimous. Professor Fogg of tho university, president of the league, presided and spoke briefly before introducing the speakers of the evening. Ho told of the purpose of the league and tho work that It was doing throughout the state, and declared that next year he believed that at least sixty schools would take part in tho do bates. The Question for Debate. The question which was debated vyas, "Resolved, that disputes botweon 'Capital and labor in the railroad busi ness should bo settled by boards of arbitration with compulsory powers." Three members of the university fac ulty, Professor Fling, Professor .Le Rosslgnol nnd Professor Vernier act ed as the judges. Eight speakers took tho affirmative and three tho nega tive. The debate was unusually snappy and clear cut for a high school con test and showed a great deal of deep study. ProfeBBor Fogg declared that he considered it the best debate tho league had over had as It showed .the most real work and clearest grasp of the question. Several of tho de flators showed unusual ability as' speakers and will in time mako poW' erful debaters. Synopsis of Arguments. Mark 0, Hargrave of Wymorq, opened tho debate for the affirmative. He presented a table showing that wages were higher under compulsory arbitration than without and, contend ed that compulsory arbitration would bo effective In prombtlng prosperity and preventing strikes. Paul Good of Wahoo followed for the negative and declared that com pulsory arbitration had been tried only in New -Zealand and that con ditions hero and there wore entire ly different. Ho contended that pub lic sentiment did not demand compul sory arbitration. 1 ' 1 1 Dorothy. Duncan of Ravenna, on1 the affirmative declared that (he rail road bUBlness was different' from all others and that many authorities op posed to general comtfulsony arbi tration favored it. for railroads. $ - Justified In Interfering. WUford Danlelson , of Osceola, de clared that tho public was justified In InterferlngfcthRtRotheraraethods compulsory arbitration wero not ndo-l quote rtnd that compulsory arbitra tion was adequate to do tho work required of it. LeRoy Griffin of Atkinson declared that no strikes wore likely on rail roadB and that thoreforo no compul sory arbitration waB necessary. M1ss Leila Courtwrlght of Beaver City, spoke with moro than usual self-possession and showed great cool ness in continuing without interrup tion her argument during several min utes when tho lights went out. Sho contonded that thero was no real peace between railroad employers and employos. Vern Leonard of University Place read tables showing the destructive nesB of railroad strikes in recont years. Harvey Hess of Hebron declared that tho number of strikes wns do creasing and advocated for tho United States tho law now la force In Canada. Clayton Radcliffc of Sidney declared that compulsory arbitration was the only practical method of overcoming the ovlls of Btrlkes and industrial wars. Allen Beckter of Pierce devoted much of his time to a forcible com parison of conditions In tho United States and Now Zealand. Harry B. Coffoo of Chadron wns tho last speaker and doclared that com pulsory arbitration is a step in nd Tnnco of compulsory education. Ho declared that compulsory arbitration Is a practical remedy for the evils of tho present time. KEEN COMMENCEMENT ORATOR. Prominent Surgeon to 8peak to, the Graduates. The col lego of mediclno has an nounced as Its commencement orator for this year, W. W. Keen, A. M., M. D., LL. D., of Philadelphia, a gradu ate of Brown University and an Inti mate friend of ex-Chancellor Aridrows. For several years he has been trying to fulfill a promise given sonio timo ago to deliver tho commencement oration at Nobraska, but has previous ly been prevented iby tho necessity of participating in international con gresses. Dr. Keen is not only a surgeon- of high reputntion, and an au thor of considerable fame, but also a speaker of marked ability who Is much In demand, for public occasions and is frequently selected to repre sent the United States at interna tional gatherings. He possesses hon orary degrees from several great uni versities on" both sides of tho water and had a distinguished career as volunteer surgeon in tho Union army," Space ,1b lacking to recount tho mem berships in scientific societies and other honors whloh' have been con ferred upon Dr. Keen. i, He will stop in Lincoln on Wednes day, May 19, to visit the university and will bo entertained at luncheon)' Commencement day in Omaha 'Id on Thursday, May 20. There' will bq bo.BpecIal clinics In- the morning, tlnr uiunuu inueung ioiiows mo aiumnr luncheon held at noon and the com mencement exercises in tho evening' It Is expected that' somo preliminary discussion of the campus location in Omaha will be heard at tho alumni dinner. Most of the facultyfand a goodly number of students will go to Omahafor tho day. f'j An innovation in connection , with1 the exercises :of the evening will be' a commencement procession after! the general ' plan of that at he June4 fcommencomeht'iln Lincoln. All thei faculty will wear gowns and tho heads Sll department will form a circle on the Btage? ' ' ' Q 3 r, 6 The members of the Xi Delta a clety. an- organization' of the s7pho more gIrlBjheman in forman dancing party last evening in the Temple n METROPOLIS LADS WIN OMAHA CAPTURES THE ANNUAL INTER-8CHOLA8TIC QAME8. LINCOLN HIGH IS IN SECOND Three State Records Fall, Half Mile, High Jump and. Hammer Throw Events Being Forced to Better Marks. The Omaha high school clndor path team Upset all traditions In Nebraska inter-scholastic athlocs yesterday aftornoon by winning tho annual state track meet at the fair grounds, crowding out Lincoln, previously hailed ns tho winner for this year, and getting n total of 25 1-2 points. Lincoln wns second with 18 1-2 points, York was third With an ovon 15 points, scored by threo firsts. Tho meet was hold on a heavy track with occasional showers of rain during tho first part of tho games, which turned Into a steady downpour before the rims had been finished. Tho field contests were hurried through while a few spectators hud dlod about their favorites, cheering them on. Beat Lincoln High Out. The Omaha athlotos won tho moot by cutting Lincoln out in tho runs and hurdles. Tho local high school lads had figured on taking all tho shorter runs and both of the hurdlo races. Omaha, however, waB strong In those events and took first place In the 100-yard dash; second In tho 440-ynrd dashjjflrst in the low hurd les; second and third in tho half mile run, Becond In tho mile run. It tied third in tho high hurdles, and Bcorcd in tho 220-yard dash. These events gavo the Omaha boys 22 1-2 of their points. Tho other threo points wore made by taking Becond place In tho half mild relay rnu. Three state lntor-scholaBtlc records "were broken nnd one was tied. Wright of Kearney lowered tho time In the half mllo run by going It In 2:0G 4-5 The best previous time was 2:07 3.5, made by Burnham of Pawnee In 1007. ' Wiley of York broke tho high Jump record, doing 5 feqt, 10 inches. Tho other mark was 5 feet, G inches. Tho hammer record was smashed by Tharp of Grand Island, who put the weight 13G feet, 1 inch, beating tho previous mark by 5 feet, 2 Inches. S, Wright of tho- Kearney high school and W. Wiley of York wore tied for Individual honors, each scoring two firsts. Wright made his In tho mile and half mile runs. Wiley took first, in tho high nnd broad jumps. WeirlcR Omaha Star. K r ttrnllnlr ...nn tltn ofon otlllntl av. ivuuiva nuo tuu oiui uiuiubv? for the Omaia team, getting first in thp 10Q-yard dash and trying for sec ond In tho 220 yard dash. Welrick's vfctory in the century run was a big surprise to the Lincoln squad, for this had been regarded as an easy event for Mann of tho local team. Mann won this race at the Missouri valjoy meet at Kansas tilty last week but today lie could riot run fail ehbugh to ge among the wnnors. .Another surprise for the locai roof ers was turned oxxi in h,e low hurd les, where Funkhouser,' star low stick nan' of the Lincoln bam, was forced to" a tie for ihlrd place by uowiuy 01 uuiuuu, fliicmo 01 .uin cqIik took ( second place in this run. ,0'mahq, haa tvvo gopd men in the half mile run but they were up a&ains't' the plieriohtoha'i Bnilurarico runne "Wright of Kearney, arid: the Wst they could do was, to finish aoci ond and third. TIiobo Omaha run-! nors wero KulakoBk and Frnsor. ' Thompson of Omaha ran a prdttoy raco In tho 120. yard hurdles, taking tho ovent away from tho Dttnlap, n fnBt hurdler from Hastings. Omafia Loses Relay Race. A surprise wns thrust on tho Omaha- relay toam whonMho Konrnoy Military academy capturod flrat place In tho rnco. Tho metropolis boys havo a fast rolay toam but tho Konrnoy four proved a llttlo spoodlor In tho last lap of tho run. Wolrlck of Omaha ran his lap In rapid tlrao. Tho BCoroB of tho schools bolow tllb threo flrnt teams wero: Koarnoy High School, 13; Hastings, 11; Fair bury, 7; Falls City, G; Auburn, 5; Kearney Military Acndomy, 0; Paw neo City, 8; Randolph, 3; Mlndon nnd Columbus, 1 onch. 8ummary of the Meet. 100 Yard Dash Wolrlck, Omaha, flrflt; Brannon, Lincoln, socond; Christmas, Kearnoy Military Acad emy, third. Tlmo, 0:10 4-5. 220 Yard Dash Mann, Lincoln. flrBt; Wolrlck, Omaha, and Reoso, Randolph, tied for Becond. Time, 0:24. 440 Yard Dash Brannon, Lincoln, flrat; Frnsor, Omaha, socond; Sprnguo, Falrbury, third. Time, 0;55 2-5. 880 Yard Run Wright, Konrnoy high school, first; Prnsor, Omaha, second; KulakoBky, Omaha, third. Tlmo, 2:06 4-5. Mllo Run Wright, Koarnoy, flrat; Kennedy, Omaha, second; Yodor, Falls City, third. Tlmo, 4:50. 120 Yard Hurdles Thompson, Om aha, first; Dunlap, Hastings, second; Funkhouser, Lincoln, third. Tlmo, 0:17 3-5. 220 Yard Hurdles Brookos, Hast ings, first; Mlchlo, Lincoln, second," Rowley, Omaha, and Funkhoiisor, Lincoln, tied " for third. Tlmo, 0i28 3-5. Polo Vault Roavls, Falls Cliy, first; Tullopon, JKearrioy high school. second; Smith, Auburn, third'. Holght, 16 feol, 3 Inches. High Jump Wiley, York, first; Dunlnp, Hastings, socond. Six men tied for third place. Weight, 5 foot, 10 Inches. Brdad Jump Wiley, York, first; Smith, Auburn, second; Miann, Lin coln, third. Distance, 18 feet, 8 inches. OlscuB "Throw Meyers, York, first; Perdew, Pawnee Ciiy, second; Bot torton, Columbus, third. Dlstanco, 105 feet, 9 Inches. Hammer Throw Tharp, Grand Is land, first; Hanson, Fairhury, second; McCarthy, Mlridon, third. Distance, 138 foot. 1 Inch. Shot Put Perdow, Pawnee City, flrat; Hanson,"' Fabury, second; Reese, Randolph, third. DlBtarico, 41 ftibt, li IncfieB-' '- Half "Mllo RWy-Kearnov Mlfttarv Academy, first; praaha, tfecdhd; Au burn, third. Tlfae, 1:42-3-5. DINNER BY CHICAGO ALUMNI.' University of-JMebraska Club to Meet icft-May 22. -j Tho University of Nebraska Club of Chicago 'haB announced Its an nunl dinner for Saturday evening, May 22, in the Palmer House. At the last annual dinner, of the organization seventy-five. Verer present and it is declared. that there will be not less than one hundred present on May 22. In the jQtter which is ibelng sent out to all tho alumni in 'Chicago the banquet Ib described as follows: "Excellent musical talent has been engaged. The toast list 'is .not yet complete, hut our toastmaster, Rtfs coe Pound, .Will introducb the speak ers in his1 entertaining manner, and we will have with us either the chan cellor or some representative from tho uplveraity .who will .tell us about Uhe conditions back home." VISITORS ARE MANY. HIGH 8CHOOL FETE DAY'BRINaW CROWD TO LINCOLN, MANY THINGS TO ENTERTAIN ADDRE88E8 OF WELCOME AT TC SPECIAL AS8EMBLY. Chancellor Avery, Superintendent Bishop, J. L. MoBrlen, and Pro feasor Condra Speak to; , High 8ohool Men. S : 4 Many things wore provided yes terday for tho ontortninmont of tho visiting high school students In addi tion to the track moot at tho fair grounds and tho dobato In tho ovon ing. Only tho rain spoiled nn other wise enjoyablo celebration. From li o'clock In tho morning until tho closo of tho dobato InBt night tliq high school men had all sorts of things to tako their tlmo. Tho flrBt formal ovent of tho day was tho assembly of wolcomo In Momorial hall at 11 o'clock. Prior to that tlmo tho high school studonts and visitdrs woro conductodl about! tho campus In order that thoy might visit tho various unlvorslty buildings and boo tho oporatlon of tho state school. Classes wero opon to In spection In many Instances. Assembly of Welcome. At 11 a. m. tho visitors gathered in Momorial hall whoro thoy list ened to a program mado up of muB Ical numbors by a quartot and ad dresses of welcome by Chancellor Avery, dovornor Sh'alionborgor, State Superintendent Bishop, Director J. u. Aicunon or me university iuxien Rlon Biirpnu. nnrl ProfeBBor Ci V. Condra. All of tho addresses wero well received by tho high Bchqql students. At noon luncheon was served io tho visiting delegations in the ban quet hall of the Tompfe. Over iwo hundred and fifty wero served, the dlnnqr being under the direction 01 tho university men in chargo of the foio day arrangements, Shortly after' 7 Inst eyonlng another spread was laid fqr the high school boys in the Tomple dining room. This banquet; was under tho auspices o tho Inno cents ana tno -n" Men's association. Over two hundred men wore pres ent, Inoludlng momborB of the Innof conti, of, (ho UN'' 'association, and of tnq faculty, A few .brief remarks were mado at the close of the dinner 'before tho .SueBts adjourned to tho dobato In Memorial hall. , , ,. r Today' Prodram. 1 Today m again ho occupied with' events for tho " vfsiilng high school (ieiogatjoris. At- : 30 a. m. Captain Ldckrid'ge bf he general staff Hi the U. S. army will inspect the cadet bnt(a1lori. Tno ckois will tie K spected individually as to equ'ipnienf,. )6sturo, arid Ichbwledgo ot things' ntilpy and the bVtalbn flrffl88 $ put through, -fhk'rchlng' movement 'dtitiriho Irianukl of kriHs. ' ' Xt 'tf I rii. ther-Wiil to '& H& sembly In M'eirid'M hsill for the' presenWtlbn t of iho melafs woil by th'o1 high school 'athletes in die nJbot yesterday 'afterriobri. Imme'diate'ly hlbltloh in the' aMtiry. 'At 10:30 ft T t 1 m. the Drakc-TJftbraska baseball i: me . 1 A'iiteldpe 4M M WfHisli enteri tiln'lnent ior the vlrs. A U , C .u The beat oyster k"1 kjr i:tkat stre4 at Tfce wtw Try It -tf . ,-i l ' . i ;i iK.,.i&;.