The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1909, Image 4
r&y&MlStfl$: rtiMWW,, ffl m- 1 " I ;0. SPALDING & BROS. Lars sit ManuftcUrer r In the A of Implements aai Urtttefitts IS faM Bast Bill - Lawn Tennis Basket Ball Golf StiMHi's TrM-mrk H whit yw psrchiti It a , " - t Bo&riiiH ef .vgiiiii PfTrtiV. ' t L i v V 1 1 nwn Spaldiug'aMew Spring' " Al and Summer jgog r A Catalogue, comglete . r 101(1 edition, 144 pager ' --T . about 2000 Illustrations, n A rr etc. i 3 'McWU Copy mailtd to any address vn receipt of request A. G. Spalding & Bros. 147 Wubnsh Avo.VOhtcago, 'ill, ' PATRONIZE OUrAWERTISERSI GENTMLNITIOMLUNK I2thnd0 Strssts Pf L. HALL, PrCjdsat W. B. JOHNBON, Vlce-PTeIaei BEMAK a IOX, OMhltr W. W. sUOKNKY Jr., Asi. Oukki George Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing Fine Lino Pound and Box Stationery Fraternity Bldg. 10th St N 8ta Farmers Bank and Merchants IS1h & 0 Sts. Only Commercial Stato. Bank in y Lincoln I Established 1001 PHalf Million Glasses of Soda' Water told and drank from our 20th Century Banitary Soda Fountain season 1008. Agency Huylors, Gunthors and Lown eye Chocolates and Bonbons. I Th Drug Cwtttr. (PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 i'HAVE t THE EVANS fi Do Your Washing o6eooooooooooo All Makes of Second- $ hand Typewriters sold, rented, or exchanged. I ($nderwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Both Phones. :$ott$ooooi TYPEWRITERS ,; J, All makes retitoa vrua aiana 5k per mouui. Bargains In Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AntollBo-BelUm. l22No.UU ;he first trust & SAVINGS BANK. -TT7 WWTkw, 'Jfi ii.avmir biii ahmvvmi yy iiJl tsftj p i DANCE pnOBRAMS- CALLING CAfiDS 317 SO. I3TH STREET PROGRAM BY JUNIORS CUA80 QIVEN THE CONVOCATION PERIOD YESTERDAY. MUCH MUSICAL TALENT SHOWN NOTHING OF HUMOROU8 NATURE ATTEMPTED. Every Number Well Received by Those Present Program Lasts Considerably Over the Hour 8et for Convocation. Tho convocation yesterday morning was given over to the Junior class for their annual program. The meeting was presided over by S. A. Mfeihood, chairman of the convocation commit tee, who in IiIb introduction expressed himself ns bping woll pleased with the change in tho relations of tho classes from their old time destruc tive rivalry to a moro friendly rivalry which boded well for tho development of tf real university spirit and inter est. ThiB program differed wldoly from those of past years. No effort was mado to put In anything of a humor ous nnture, but it consisted of music and solo work. Tho program was given as announced and was received with every expression of approval. The nttendanco was large and but few left until the program was concluded, notwithstanding the ract tnat it was over tbe hour. Parts Well Given. Each Individual part was woll given and nil wero enthusiastically re ceived. The program as rendered was as follows: Piano "Caprice Espngnol" Mowzshowskl MIbs Ethel- Burkett. Voice "Abide With Me" Uddle Mr. D. D. Plumb. Violin "Sixth Afr" De BerloT Miss Hedwlg Jneggl. Q v Voice "Summer" Chammenad Miss Edna Harrison. Flutt "Lora" J. Domerssoman Miss Eleanor Barbour. Selection Junior Male Quartette Messrs. Yates, Mason, Hoffman, Gittlngs. P. W. Evans, 1909, lias been appoint ed -a teacher In tho Petersburg, Nebr., high school. g00080000000000 15,,,. XU A Watch is the IDEAL DUy a WatCh Graduation Gift. A Howard Watch is the finest practical time piece in the world. A' full line here $35.00 to $150.00. Est. 1871. HALLETT, "&jQW5XQ&&XiOZ& r At The Play Houses The Majestic. Minnie Kaufman, lady trjck cyclist, heiuls tlo bill for the Idst veolC of the Benson of 1908-QP rt tho Majes tic. She Is without doubt tho best performer, male or lomnlo, who has appeared In this city thls year. Closely crowding MIsb 'Kaufman for difficulty .of feats nnd clqvorncss is "Chlnlto," a wonderful juggler. Ho works rapidly and does tricks that are certainly skilful. ,,r " $ ' West and Gerard score successfully cit overy performance. They aro high class singers. "Glow-worm'' Jb well Vendered, . -k s M Wt iV Ik The MlUer muslcnl four, playing various Instruments? are a strong feature of tho bill. . Frank and Gertrude Faye, black faced comedy, hdvo scored Beveral times at each appearance this week. Interpolations by the male halt of tho couplet plenso everybody. The bill is rounded out with tho B 1 nr il MAY HOLD A RlFLE MATCH. Outdoor Meet Being Arranged for the - ' j Western Schools. There is a strong probability that a "Western Rifle Match" will be bold at either American Lnko or Monterey, Col during Juno, this match corres ponding to tho national Intercollegiate rifle shooting match which will bo held at Soaglrt. Now Jersey, at the same time. Tho movement in behalf of such a shooting match for woBtern colleges Is being forwnrded by the commandants of the military schools at Berkeley, Nevada, Utah, O. A. C, Idaho, Montant, tho Talma Pals Mili tary School near San Franncnlsco, and other western schools that maintain departments In military tactics. The idea of holding a western match was suggested by the difficulty which western schools experience in Bending their champion teamB to Seagirt, New Jorsoy, to participate in tho intercol legiate outdoor rifle match which is annually hold thore. Tho Stato College team of Wash ington already has the championship of colleges and universities of the United -States on indoor ranges, but to win tho outdoor championship it will bo nocessary for tho team to go to Seagirt, which will Involve much expense. Tho schools mentioned above hope to be able to bring about the holding of the western meet, which will enable tho determining of a championship on outdoor ranges with? Iput the gieat expense of a trip to New Jerfys ALUMNI NOTE3. W. H. Sncll, '73, has retired from tho position of Judge of the supremo court in Washington and has gone to Europe for a season of rest nnd recre ation. Warren Loree, '80, Is Instructor in mathematics In the high school at Long Beach, Cal. H. K. Wolfe, '80, has been appointed head professor of philosophy In tho unlversclty. Herbert W. Olmstead. '84, Is em ployed in tho Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Air. Olmstead is a member of tho bar of tjie supreme court of the District of Columbia. Hans C. Peterson, '90, who is head of the department of English, Crane Technical High School, Chicago, 111., liveB at 1840 Lexington St. E. P. Brown, '92, made a splendid record in the sonate, reflecting honor I upon Lancaster county. M,essrs. C. M. Sklles, '92, and u.' ai. Harris, '97, are partners at law In David City. ,, j . O O 0QOOO0!SOOO0g Reg. Optometrist 1143 O Want - Ads Aavorusoments for the want ad ..... .. . column should be left at the baainess uiuco, DaaBmopi Aamimstrauon mag., between' 10 a-'m.' and 12 m., or be-' tween 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for warjt sdt, at, th, rate of 10 ent per Insertion for every fifteen", words or fraction thereof for the first inser tion; three insertions 25 cents; Are Insertions 40 cents. FOR nKNTHrSVHl rent our hall for parties pn Mon., Tues., Tliur.s. and Fridays- nj.jll32i N; on Tues. .and Thurs at 1124 N. Lincoln Dancing vAcademy,- .uto ,4477, s . . j 1 tfT T1rT' FOR SALE .1"- -r1" m u 1 jFOR"SATjEf,'now. hlgh-gra'do b; cycle'at 25 per cent ttlacbunt- Inquire Inquire at Nebraskan office. 91-tf fc LOST AND FOUND. jlvtil "tlrOST No. 1G Waterman fountain pen. Please return to Nebraskan of fice or W. D. Sadllok. LOST An osteology notebook with name of Edgar Brighnm, Col lege .View, Nob. Finder ploaso leave at Nebraskan Office. , 130-l'4(f-3t LOST Notebook and Candy'ri An- t r s v . r i "it Mi&PtaffiiJ VH W m ' w$ 1 1 I W m w , ", Hi iii J ) '4i PAN -HELLENIC WILT'S ORCHESTRA WE WANT YOURi ERAT TRADE We can give you the best prices, best goods, best service Capital Grocery AUTO BELL First Basemen's Used by such famous players KgacK Davis, Tenney, Ganzel, Lajoie, Chase and all leading major and minor league basemen. Also worn by the noted college players. First Basemen's Mitts were originated by us they have maintained their, K supremacy over all endeavors, to imfc'S tate them. Their quality and utility are i absolutely guaranteed. Features: Patented Lacing Device. Laced Thumb. Deep Pocket, Strap and Buckle at Wrist. Leather Lacing used on all our Mitts The Rg&lv Guarantee The Reach Trade Mark guarantees perfect goods. Should de fects aopear, we will replace any article absolutely without cost lexcepf Base Balls and tilts retailing under 51.00), Kcnc'li 190Q Official Ilnc IJ.ill C.iilJc now ready 10 cent at dealers' or ly mall. Kcac'i irr) 'itnse nay lataiQguc I-KIU'. aco colqreU illustration. A. J. REACH CO., 1799 Tulip St., Phila., Pa. , WVWWWWWUVVWKVUVWVAVWAtVAAAMVtA AirjAAiVnAvnnnAAA.AsMinAm NIGGERHEAD Lump $9.00 QUICK HOT GREGORY, The Goal Man LITTLE BUILDING BOTH O00000000000000000000000 o . ft iL ! WAHTED-A RIDER AGENT k sample Latest Model "Rancor" bicycle lumUhed by us. Our acen making money last. Writ for NV MOW EX KCQUIUEU to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. allow XKN HAYS' KKKK put It to any test you wish. It x t IItJbm ftWk Ml li lBm MIU IMWIIH. IIUVU Keep tlio Dicycie snip it kick to us at our expense audyou will net ct cut one cent. MPTAIV PBIPFC Wc furnish the highest trade bicycles it is possible to rflwivni rillUKa at one small profit above actual factory cost. You sa i lnnflQ to fa middlemen's profits by antec rxiitna your oicycie. juir at anv trice until vou receive at any trice until you receive trictt and remarkabit tfcctai H 1 nlBBBBB.iLlllB VAN lafll I ir ICTflllKUra when yu receive our beautiful catalogue and-1 UBj HI Li. DC fiaiUnidtlCBI 8tudy our superb models at the wtnderfulfy' Imijrtett we can make you this year. We sell the hishest (Trade bicycles for less money. SIYiH BBB tiuu uy umci muuij, -r ICYOUS DKAJUEUB, you r nHi. n firNt7iiiu UAND.'IUOY a number on ban Ices ranging from pnecs. viuers unci ly have) a number on hand taken tn promptly at crices ramrhur from 8)1) to 8H m alnlu wheels. Imported VVIMIEK-SHINRI; equipment of all kinds at half aabawb mh real I fllnelo wueeli vfl equipment tit ii juiiua hi nu 50 HEDGETHORN wlw douUeT'Vu Orders filled the day received, aUOXOl.KS.". We do not-re on hand taken In trade bv our i BkJiiB' tuuall 8 rteucn ivft TIDCC4 sample pair STIie regular retail trice of that tires it S3 JO Ur fair, but to introduce we will sellyouasatnfiUpairrorffMHfasnwiinoraerff3i. NO MOKTIOVILE FIOM PUNCTURES ' NAIL8. Tacks or Glass will not let the air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use, DESOMPJKlNt Made in all sizes. It lillvely nudeasvr ridinir.vervdiitablennu uncainB ac wilt cftttableand lincdinsldc with a special qi tdrous"and luaiuyi ruoDcr. which never uccoiucs , which closes on small nunctures without inctheulrtocscape. Weltavchunarcusoiietiersiromsat ficdcustomerssulingthatthelrtlreshaveonlybeenpurnp unonce or twice la a whole season. They weigh no more tin - .--- " . --.. m an ordinary tire, the we nave nunorcus oi teitersirom satis- juncture resistinequaittiesDeinKetven - ' -'. t". by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabriconthe ireaa. rnercguiarpnccoitneserc8fso.5opcrpair,ouiior sdvertlsintrnurnoseswearemaklneaBDecialfactorvnriceto the rider of onlv li.So ner nalr. All orders shipped same approval. , you do not pay a cent uniu you nave arrnt until vou have , We will allow a casa discount 01 5 per ceniitnereny maictng send VULXj CASH WITH OKDEH and enclose this advert! we wuiauow a casa uiicuuui ui 5 per ceni ---" j - nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at O UK expense if for any reason they are nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to not MtlsTaclory on examination. We are bank. If vou order a 'nalr of these tire slaclorvon examination, wc are perfectly bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you wear better, last longer aud look finer than any tire you have ever used or seerVat any price, know that you will oe so well pleased that when you want a bicycle .you will give us your 01 We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. ' - ' - - - " mm MMMHen "MOST on't huy any kind at any price until you send for a pair of flf fVU JnUEIf JPfaafejaMicdgethorn runctuVeProof tires bu.appreval and trial at the special Introductory price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and Suudry Catalogue which, describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about Half the usual prices. -- .?.,'"'. W nn MM'rWfMnr but write us a postal today, DO NOT THINK OF BUYING a blcyc"? II fWVf wWM&m or a pair of tires from anyone until yoa.kaow the new and wonderful cJTera we are maWag. It only costs a rostal to leara every thlagr Write it NOW, r fc !U-Y t AUDITORIUM 'A fa pj ,1 f-Jt i, . ?Offf 'I'UQ if j TICKETS $2.00 l . r i r hf wjmT-rK P 1656 A 1896 1435 M St. Ms las Chance, MAITLAND Nut $8.50 LEAVES NO ASH PHONES 1044 0. STREET INEACHTpWH and district to ride and exhibit a airents cvr- here are full articular aiuitftt xial efftr at ouce. C until you receive and ai nprove 01 your Dicycie. w e tnip, without a etnt dttoiit in advance, irtfciv TltlAJL dminff which time you may ride the bicycle and in; you are ther. not perfectly Mtisfied or do not wish to vi make. buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's cuar save io. n 01 OT ItllV a hitveleora nivnf llrnlmmnnvniKi our catalogues and learn oi unheard of factaryl ojftrt o rluer agent. b; sis aumtu nun fl.w LHUUi UUUVC IJltlory tUk. can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at' ?t Wo .do not 'regularly Itandle second hand bicycles, but? trade by our or StO. Dexcrim Chicago retail stores, lheie we clear out' roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs and. (xenpttve bin jlialns and retail frictt. ptive bargain lists mailed free. iw utuat PUNCTURE - PROOF TO WinODUOE, QMLY allow. .. Notice tho thick rubber tread' "A" and puncture strips ll't-' ana "u,- aiso rim strip "ir,'r to prevent rim cutting. This; tire will outlast any other, malro-SOFT. KLASXIO an KA8V RIDING. rr- & - m dav letter Is received. We shin OLti: n. oa, examined nnit fnttnA IUm afrl,1r n. nrMnlnl!f examined ana louna mem strictly as represe: iincrcuy maxing tne price m.oa per pain 11 yon. ---.- . awHH. .a.a m.. w. J N. ,,.vw, '4 1 dsVsi rfWBsS flH if m (Mr J V- .A1 .- k,wifrl,.S i ' r S m 1 ''-r1 ..' W V l S- Op Hi L i SsflaHBsHRjSBBBBBBBBBBBS. W HKIKdiBSBBBfBSBBBlt BSSSWSMSaSBSSBSBBJBBBSBBfJlMBfJBSSJSSSSSSS , BBfa,BBflBBBBBlSBBBBBfBJBBBBBSIaSalBlSMSB BBBBBByf sssflsssssHssssllHssssssssisf 'i SSSSS-BSBVSBVJBSSBVSBVSBVS7 -aVSBVMBSV BBBBBH BBB1 'J ed BBH in SSBBi UEit ana enclose this advertisement. We will also send one rename and mouevscnt ta us is as safe as Willi And that they' will rid easier, run? faster,. We order,! ' m " HI TV A i 1 Interttt Paid at 4 Par Cent mmKtoi ilmTtk rNebras M -li-anrinims