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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1909)
f f'ST ! X . -V vir Kiwi -'.V. AAAM risr ,:x; THEATRE SAT, MA.TNEE:&rIQHT, MAY 15 DIRECT. EROM,WIL-I8WOOD THEATRE, KAN8A8 CITY ELINOR QLYN8 DRAMATIZATION f OF HER OWN REMARKABLE STORY ! THgEg WEEKS WED. MAT.' &! NiGHT,-MAY 19.1 . I THE BLUE MOUSE i THURSDAY, MAY 20 MRS. FlgKE w ..! - ."..i -wr--.- JL-,. CHINKO Wonderful Young Juggler Direct . From London THE MILLER MUSICAL FOUR 'AmerlcaVPremlr Instrumentalists LEW HAWKINS ...Tho.Chesterfleld of Mlnstrely THE ORTMAN TRIO Comedy Military Acrobats MINNIEKAUFMAN Greatest Lady .Trick' Cyclist In thd World -, FRANK AND GERTRUDE FAYE Real Comedy Entertainers WEST AND GERARD Refined Novelty and Operatic Vo- calls. s t. Daily (Except Mon.) 15c & 25c ery Night 8:15 15c. 25c & 50c. ipiinu Lincoln's Perfect Theater. WEEK STARTING MON.f. MAY 10 A Three-act Comedy by Clyde Fitch B FRISKY MRS JOHNSON Prosontcd by E FULTON STOCK COMPANY Every Night at 8:30 Every Night :at 8:30. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees 2:30 BE8T SEATS 25 CENTS. "THE FRI8KY MRS. JOHNSON" THE FULTON STOCK COMPANY Gleanings cr. ? 1 sr i ? C. H. Froy, florist 1133 O St. J i The "Men's Bootery" 12 & P. r, w'i-A .-, ': i-, Wi v xriarry rorier. no-nna i ll u at? Harvey Rathbono,. ox-1910, Delta Upsilon, was a campus visitor Sntu& day. h . ' ' ' !' - . ..,"M l Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thlr? toenth. ,4 Walter B. Sodllek, 1811, visited at his liohi'e In Wllbtir, Nebr., Saturday and Sunday. P i Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist; 202 Burr block Miss Mnudo Toomcy, 1000, has boon appointed teacher In tho public school at Sturgls, So. Dak. Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. rt ; 'Miss Grace H6lman1912, Alpha Chi 'Omega," 1b -.qn'Joying n Visit from her Bister for a few days this week. Tho best lunch in tho city. Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13 & P. Elmer W. Hill, 1909, has been ap pointed principal of tho commercial loparftnent of the Pawnoe City high school. Tho Nobraskan will soli a $50 whcol for $25. Do you want it? , . Tho members of tho Alpha Chi Omega sorority k will give an Informal party "at tho chapter house next Sat urday evening. Now spring styles In footwear now on display. Bookman Bros., 1107 O St. 0 o The members of Cadet Company D M"J" RASKAM, wlllli6ia n'smoker this, ovenlng-at tho Jht,ilfnipa Pel frntornjty, houso af. Sixteenth nnd P streets, i If you want a bioyclo call at the No braskan oflico. A $60 whool for $2B. J. W. Jones, an old university jiian who has been teaching nt McCook. Nebr., for tho past few months, was a campus visitor yesterday. 0 0 0 Why not tako your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? t Mlsa Laura Prolffor of tho European history department will Bail for PariB this spring. She will spend tho sum mer thoro and return to school In September. Select School of Dancing, Lincoln Academy, now location,. 1124 N. Auto 4477. 0 0 0 Most of the 'classes in physical edu cation wcro excused Mondny on ac count of the election of tho members to the athletic board, which was be ing hold In tho gymnasium. 0 0 0 Tuesday evening tho members of tho Forest Club met in N 2, where Professor Phillips of tho department of forestry lectured on tho subject of "Problems In Forest Planting." 0OO The annual government Inspection of tho cadet battalion will be held on Saturday morning, May 15. First call will be sounded at 8:20 a. m. and as sembly will be sounded at 8:30 a. m. 0 0 0 .Miss Hrbok will lecture on "Co menlUB" at Omaha, Saturday. Sho spoaks nt the requost of a federation of sovon of tho women's clubs of that city. Mr. Bodnnr will accompany her to run tho storeopticon machine. 0 0 0 The members of tho Pershing Rifles will hold initiation of new mombors Thursday evening in tho armory. At this meeting will also bo held the elec tion of the committeo to have cbargo of the uniform business of that organ ization for next year. L-MrB.TkBte8aMAVllUqrr:thdvnfttIoni' ly Y. W. 0. A. Sho expects to ro main in tho city sovoral days, and will .Hpenk nt tho noon 'mooting! of tho university association tpdny nnd Fri- tiny. Wednesday, evening .Mrs. Wil bur will locturo to tho members of tho small cabinet ,of the .Y, W.C. A.. ; OOO Supt. 11. E. Dill, of Wilbur, and fourteen members of his graduating class wore visiting about the campus yesterday. Dr. Condra and Professor McBrlon, acting as guides, helped ex plain how things woro done nt Ne braska Unlvorslty. Four or this sen ior elasB will bo froshmon In our school next yoar. 0 0 0 Mr. T. A. Williams, president or tho alumni association, has appointod a committee consisting of Professors Lawronco Fossler, Prorossor H. W. Caldwell, L. W. CMinso MIbs Alico En sign and High School Inspector Heod, to orgnnlzo alumni clubs. Plans havo been formulated and It Is hoped to havo a club in ovory city whore a numbor of alumni or former students rosldo. OOO Some of tho members or the high Bchool track teams who will compoto in the state high school meet, to be held Friday arternoon, have already arrived in tho city and moro are ex pected this arternoon nnd this even ing. These mon have come nt this oarly date In order to have ono or nioro work-outs on tho state ralr groundsWhoro tho track moot will be held. OOO , As tho timo ror tho annual competi tive drill or tho university cadot bat talion draws near, tho cadet companies begin to show tho results or tho past year's work in military drill. Much speculation has already arisen as to which company will win tho Omaha cup and colors this year. So far Co. B has been picked as a likely winnor, with Companies C and I as close seconds. EflBP "j1 ,1 REVERSIBLE ATwfer IPO. percent Extir WU 2Sc. JVade'With ''Easy Tfie SlidV space and "Pat ented ,)tack-Front." , QUARTER SIZES. One ef 100. Jlm ' - Von toark jj A KJusic House Whoro you oan always find that ... shoot of mnslfa, in .stock. EDW. J. WALT 1120 O St TheMusicMan THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE' "Volconi08 ull BtudontB. Bra nmrc nnd ailvor Lttor B PIPHS Inlaid Wort Q r II L.O Bpoolalty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 0 Streot O R C H EST RA -n for Concert or Dance G. F. Thornture - - - Director RalpbJ.Reld, ----- PJdtt VJolln and Cornet instruction given at Studio, 416 So. J7ib. Auto 5877. L. J. HERZOG N4MMfM.Mrt ttMNfMMIMI MMMMNIHN NH..I ., THE UNIVERSITY HAK'S TAILOR Come in and get that S J 5.00 Suit to your order J 1330 O St. Lincoln t J i .vw J v ;iJC ,',- -j, if,.., ' hi. Personality in Clothes whiAimcanfeslyferttoa1? hannonized on thfe individual figure is obtained only when the garments are made exclusively for ybii. As no two men are alike, it is obvious that a ready-to-wear stock suit cannot be ift ,, ' ii, '-&tm l. . . unu,4i. . , TT-T' & "' wsrffr: ff- .. . . .'X . J? .,WU j;.t . k' 'v. ' f SBBBBBBBft l I ' BBBBBBJBj ' "' BiiilBBHMiBBVVVIrPBlBIVlH kBBH bbbHbbbbHbbbh I 'MBI 'bbIbbbbbbbIbbbbbWJsbi tBVBBBBBBHBBBBBBBnHBH '-mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBkVBBBV iBBBBPBBBBBBBBBBBBBH i .TBBHBBSBBBBBBF - ; y mmmfmiftKmm 1'w.v w .. .''' '(' . ' u 'ift. .i'. fi fffJ? "."'..' .A '-" '?(!';: sjct ,.,- ' VT"' f,fn i.j,, tmatti.rt.k i'&fui&i82BSvnR?i 1 tl ,A - A.. 1J" '., IVIi'XH HIHHU I'll -M Avm.tSlHRSl'TsHTTSSTIfM : ' Ji IMKSr VI,4UKfBSr-r . . "' 'iPVLiii stfw"w.. raiaffap i tfrrnJln . i Tin Our Failuon 561 Thre.Button Noveltv Sack. Dip front.'Slanting Buttoahole expected to produce that dis-. . - .i-&&zs&m. : PP5 Zl 7 tindtiveaduality-which j .A 1 fcJfiBV bespeaks, the w,e 1 dressed . gf WfWfSB"' '", . ' man 6f discernihg tastes. , 2 'tfJMFV ? fUr. ;:;.'. Honestly Custom Tailored vnonmy. r iff. -it. Tfcj -.ju jmw. 11 iifMi iii nl 1 ildiritlm othes. at Drices within the . r ; oK ,f,oli" o'f 9k '---K '.. Jftjj fvoyu w ;h, ai ,iuy wwuvtv. ., . jvAjtiaiBitaay! ' rhents of this sRop. Yoi",-"i Htf)fe v' i- Ahfom nnf nn ir a rhnirA nt .. .. ..vjuil ,7 "JWP- W' y.'Tf. v ",vv n vlluiii iiui vritiv t vyw v '".. T",v4fflli'fVK 'to. - a 'X H J " ' , ;v Mh-r .LU.;i-. t yL iW'wPwtji ts?f ;''-':' a ft'kMai . . ,- j-itiif if. Bjjiijti(wiiiw ,., , iv i WMW v- 'f --r.- , Jw-.i'ii This U, ,t - j .''V- .'. ft. ; ii-j 'J'j ;(.. a VWln'-V i- '.-.! . " but the guarantee of genuine n , ', ',Vr-. ! i .1 " '&-fcJ!k$$&wW'if'? "'' .'y f nunareasorDeauiiruiwooiens. ., ,.. ,; .: udbkAirKMkMMwn ' iic.,.; v high-quality n &' ; ;'S " ; . ' . -. w . . - . w 4wsar :" . on u .. - iafciJ.- . .. rI Vr' W'..''VK.Aui rwUV..ti. -, ''i. .Ill I ' I is gooa ror, ; . . .... . t : .. ., , f ,,, , t ,, One Dollar ($1) " ".' 2 ,; P,, ' :;143o. 12th :St, (i Suit '' "v ' i iwtNjjt t . - , .' , ,v i iTP " TB"'',,fc Tf " "fc" 'T B HFIB'IB B "" " 'pipi rr! 'j.r, bt i -r HBBHBV JBBh H. otBBHHBHB I VBk . . ...- i .... " i'l.5,srr ,- &m ? . on a .Dresner Suit ';; " ' - - . .. i J . . ' I-.' ;' .. ..-... ir prccnicu .l mes . , Nebraskan off ice. Only coupon allowed on each THE LINCOLN TAILOR '.'''''fj"f.'. t i i-4r ii. "4 . ..: . i -ih niii i .. . IWKt CriiMVt :f "V"t- ' -:i t-'y '-. .i-.-i.v.-r -( j.; iti -.. ,.TRUir?"t.H lint -5WA 85flY4s . : I "Jl . t , -..., ,' .' ' ''''t'VlaWllt CttMSi.f-i v.....yT-.,-.:: i; i?,.i. --. -if's",iH !,.. Oil vi , . v - ' . ; ' .. . 4. ., ' ' .....Wte i.if,.j yffev?'-asi?r,',r -tt ' Vl :' '?- 'w:-..l.j?lt?.l frl pto5! .,ftr4?'4 . in' ..! -i e r -" v