The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1909, Image 1

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1 . ' "-:---.--- u-, '. - -- - -fjt
' 'lM'i-J.iaUlMyelW'M"iyNMJJMIW
imiiiaiiiwliiiwiAiufcwi.B.MMiiriPMh ....' . in. Am- ,fc,-Hr .riff)tfllftaiwur UMli
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i i-Hy"iv imlf r-y,m. Jgysttiv nv y-ij
k- .JT-S. 3H1H T"JW JT ! ilfl 1 nvnMBHMBmHmBMaMHlBBHyBHHMflBaBNnnaHHIHBft
-Tf A r- m r- , a i r A A S FFiFff M f --,-- , , -.r,,. -,,.,,,. - .,n-M,wwwlwaf wiih-mv lllWWW1PlvqpHIVPHaiBVVV1IBBnBIBBBHBBHBBBVBW i,. .T , aI . JVM . " , ?tfb , fivT-
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Vol VII)
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Irii .BlskffiT ovist! osln uW .: ic I ' O' l mnmm m, Sii& .' ' I'll '".'!' ,;T"' ii . ..'
Pfeserlbe Four Semesters of Military
Tactics and Science fo All 8tu-
dents in All Colleges Save
J LaWjapd Medicine.
feevoral studonta ot the university
111 no longer be connected with the
state school unless they niako somo
lively steps for the registrar's ofllco
and-offeV iomsuav explanation's "as
to! their, reasons for not presen'tfng
t leniBelves for military drill. Tho
riles make suspension tho penalty for
failure to drill thoroquIred length of
time and the university Authorities In
tend to enforce tho regulations.
j A short time ago tho registrar's of
fice sent out notices to a' scpro of.
men who had not reported for drill or
Tyho. were continually absent. Tho
attrition of these men was called to
iifelr delinquency and they, were re
quested to report by a certain date.
They were thoroughly acquainted
through the circular of the penalties
K attached to failure to obey tho re
Several Didn't Do It.
A 'number of those who were thus
notified appeared in time and either
gave excused for their peglqct op made
other arrangements (satisfactory to
the department concerned. . There are
'still several., however' whot have done
nothing In tho matter, andl who seem
ISDOScd to 'dofv itho authority of tho
nrUltarjJ department (and the ,'reglB
u fit a uitibci iu nuiiiua WLr muou iiiuia
liave been sent toj the deans of tho coh
leges concerned iWithia statement of
the conditions In' order that these of
ficers may take jthe necessary; steps
fbl the expulsion of the offenders. l
t Registrar Harrison , saldi yesterday
that the number of flagrant offenders
vas comparatively few. "We sont out
imtlBjjto al) who had! not reported or
wlio'wero continually ilellnquenc some
tlmen'gp.'Balthe registrar. , i"We
stated plainly the law in tho case and
..i , , ,.. t , i,
luu ijciiuiiv iuj luiiuru iu uuui no imu-
Visions. . A majority pRUheftmen in
yolved respondeat to,thdjl requests and
made the matter rlghtwltli the offlco.
There aro still Beveral. however, who
have' not replied tothe notices and
i5 Cj . ? rt "v m
the cases of those, have been referred
to' the deans concernedfor action. The
W deans have the power to suspend In
a nccordanco wlthatbo regulation ugoVr
' cxhirifo ariiC: 35UNH ,r-f ftffh. I
n, u The4 Regulations "J m
i it
, By an act of congress the unlvorsiti
the natjonalf govdrnmont with the prol
vision iuui jx. uiaiuuv u a uoparimuni
at military' drill for al regular college
students. Tlbo requlrjment has been
qonBtrued to; per
i & . I
4 " ' - I
mlt tl o expuBo of stu
dents In thoflaw and medical collccrea!
hilt all students jn th colleges of Ht-
erature? andl science, In the engineer
mg couege or in ipe iang ierm courses
on tne couege or agricuuuro aro ex-
" t.j t j-A, I i i I i
" iStudonts (who I have drllledj elseg
iteciuu lu unii. i i
' against military faff alts, or who ar?
t&vslca Iv disabled are not required
i :iia ... : .L f I ' ?....! Al
taranuoui-ane ruiesjare sincuaa q
otner classes. i
.1-. ... ........ .
thA AltV
o ZZmmJX
,yfll,k4 jrK4Ja
JAlie best oyatir view ik
m . -nuL--V4Uttaii r'MNwi'wwnvti
T77" nr"; jttt-; n rnr rirr ; rr, ;i .! ;, ; . : rr--- ? -: -.-: f- j. .ygsgFis
...Ta-jai, . ilH , , , ltJS .. ULS .
t jrJ 1
TheJLast .Proof.on the Year-Book ,,WIII.
Be Read Today. K
The'la'st? proof 'on the Cornhuakek
wilji be jead today This means'thai
tiib annual Will' be out hi a s'hort' timer
Wlthpthe" speed rat frhlch the lyorlc ls
being pushed, the book will probabl,
ber out Wednesday, May i9..- 1
There has been a. romarkabjo sale
of thd books. At the present time 'the?
business jnanager announces thaf all
the copies havo been sold. Thltf
fiififio iiiivi, -uii viiuav wiiu uuvjj, uoi
so far ordered copies will haye to go
without or secure copies from Bonio
one who has already ordered.
?. Arore copies t cannot, be placed on
the V market asj "thef forms arQ torn
down as fast as run orfi A new Issue
.could not bo printed without ro-scttlng
the copy, which would be ' Impossible,
because the extra expense Jnvolyed
would make an enormous sale of the;
second edition necessary to meet ex
penses. Consequently there Is no
remedy for those who have failed to
order. , . , .
Will Hold. .a Banquet Soon at the1
.Lincoln Hotel.
The "N't 'men's society met yester!-
uay at al to;clock and decided to Join
the Innocents. In entertaining the
high school Btudent8 who will be horo
on High Schopl Fete Day. They will
participate In the banquet which Is to
be held from 6 to 8 o'clock, Friday
evening, in the Temple.
At this banquet all of tho "N men
and Innocents will be present, to
gether with somo other representative
university men. Each man will pay
for his own and one high school stu
dent's plate at the banquet.
At, tho fiieetlng It vas alsp decided
to holdMa banquet at the' Llncold
Hotel ,some time' in.lho ijear future.'
Several designs for plnB wero sub
mltted to the meetlntr.
These del-
Bjgns were turned over
to tho ad-
Vjlsory committee with Instructions to1
seiect u nesign anu oruor tne "pins, P
Si, : fi
Will Appear at Convocation , Next
fe H. "' ThUrsdayr l A
i Foi1! laBfc; UmeathjBy.ejrhq;
string quartet will appear at convo
cation next Thursday morning. It has
been planned to have the quarrot for
, aeieciions1 trpm Tannauser. TiWiiOhe;
Klven.and. M rB.( Raymond. iwiirnfQB.'itt
tfre organ." Mr.Bclw. J. Walt wlflj
nlav first- violin. Mr. Ernest. Hnrriann.i
second vlojlln; Mr. WUlam Quick, vIJ
alaWMlsB Lillian Elc'hei'cello.
pir. WllllatnQulclp'lansjto leayflfthe
ojty within" tho next few days and
raester. It is possible, however, thatf
company the - chorus when' Icvaiipears
Jn"th"e future. .
The faculty; of the. college ofH
pulturempj. stefay- ,and . transjicted
.The chief cmatter'consIdoredwaBi ajre
iiort. bj thoiapeclalcpurso .ofstudy
committee-' anpqlnted,8bmeJitlmo,''ao.
rheeomnill;t9eJTecpmmendpd a'num-
1um ofvlie Vcou'Sgov whloUfVAal-
more closely from now on.
ummi'ol rnnl,n l.i.t 41. ,. ....... I.
had' 'to;, bepostponed 1)achtlmQ'Ttori
dlffdreilt crises. l't H M U V & I
thlsrjwll maH6"Mt imposs blqjffcfri thd
, lWOTWfliVffri!l,V77k ?"w
plscussedCoureicStudyas Reppr'tel
prcaT7; HTiJ'EXWf Sf TO
Among tbew SiyMJgf J J V
courses at tne state .frfrnvan tho.unl-
iX V I
r., ... 7KA gEcoND'.TIME. r TV-
Alpha Theta Chi Defeats Phi Gamma
Delta In Close Game, 5 to 2
Sigma Alpha Beats Kappa
Sigma, 3 to 1.
j Tho next game for tho CornhuSkcrB
at homo will bo played with Drake
University of Dos Moines, la., at An
telope park at 10 o'clock Saturday
morning. Tho game Is bookod for the
morning becauso tho field will be
used by the Lincoln Western League
team In tho afternbon.
Drake University was encountered
on tho recent eastern trip of tho Corn
Juiskers and taken into the scarlet and
(cream camp to the tune of 8 to 2
'The Cornhuskors will use Ward In tho
contest Saturday and Kope to turn an
other neat trick on tho Des Moines
Interfraternlty Games.
In the interfraternlty baseball lea
gue yesterday Alpha Theta Chi won
the championship of the west side by
defoatlng Phi Gamma Delta In a
closely contested game by a score of
J to 2. The winning pf this game gave
Alpha Theta Chi a clean score in the
four scheduled games'nnd the title to
premier honors in the west division of
the league. It Is the only team that
has not lost a game in its side of tho
league. Alpha Tau Qmega is in the
lead on the east side an probably will
bo the toam Alpha Theta Chi will
havo to meet for the championship of
the league.
Sigma rAlpha. Wine Out.,i-vfr,r
Just before . tho Phi Gamma Delta-,
Alpha The't'a' ChVganio'Wds pulled ott
Slgmar Alphas, and Kappa- .Sigma
crossed bats with the result that Sig
ma Alpha won out by a5scr'oe of 3 to
lTho battorloB for Sigma Alpha "wore
Frank and Groensllt; for Kappa SiS-
.iua, blathers and -turtezneggor.
In the Alpha Theta Chi-Phi Gamma
Dolta game, Prbuty atid Itacely wero
tho battery for tho latter nine; B.
Buol and Ru Smith were tho battery
for tho Alpha Thets. , ,
Score by Innings,; . .
Alpha lheta "CI1I7-2 0 2 1 0 y5
Phi Gamma D'pUaff Old 012
Sigma Alpha-) 0 0 2 1 il
' "Kapiia' Sigma 0 1 0 0 01 '
,- ul'j . 1.' . i
Tho varsity tra'ckf team nvlll meet
Minnesota ut, .Northrop iFiold In Iln
.npnpolls Sgturday." The proBpecta(ajre
tiat'the, Cc;rnhilslers wllbo, abp tP
trim jthOj Gophpfs,, althpugh th marr
gin of victory will probably prnu)c(h,
smaller than It was last season. Tho
iiorthern team Is coached by "Dick"
Grant an' ok 'Haryard nittn, "ahdulB
doing ''good Work this1 spring. ' fwb
kveoks,fago V 'tied 'iba'at' Iowa Cltf
ln'Jtho:al Vieet 'foVWe'en'Ylle tVbr'
1 ij
. w T a i
.013 A "V'Y 'U
At 'iMornlngplde Saturday.ftho.) Corn
'huskors'Iencountere'd'-alworthyvfoe and
Wrely nosed out' a victory from the lit
tle 'Methodists' 'th6"'final' 's'dore being
G2tto,41.' i " '' v'
The Metliodl'sts wer'6v strbrig contend
ei's'iail'tho way through and cut'Iti'on'
nearly' oVolV'6vorit, 'Collins; with firsts
lhttCb? of thb weight o'ven'tawas libst
Individual1 winner1 'fof his tcairf,' arid
wa's In a cltisa'by lilmeelf. By" winning-'
the 'last 'threo events oh "the pro
gbftiii iiie'Coriilniskers'Hveye able' to
carry away the honors. Borksfr'esaer,'
of Mornlngslde, lead his team, In wins
arid saved ajpotye, .defeat,, lfi
The hurdles were the classy events
- na '''" u m .
UL f
120 ynrd high hurdles Brow:
ftorhihgsfdo, first;' McDonald .Mobras
ka, second. Time 12 3-5 seconds.
Mile run H. BerkstrosBer, Morning
sldo, first; A. Bcrkstresscr, Morning
side, second. Time, 4 minutes 52 2-5
Polo vault Hnmmond, NobrnBka,
first; Foarlng, Alornlngsldo, second;
height, 10 feet, G inches.
220 ynrd low hurdles McDonald,
Nebraska, first; Burns,. Mornlngslde,
second. Time, 2G 10 seconds.
.High Jump-Belt, Mornlngslde, first;
Hamel, Nobrnska Bccond. Height, 5
feet 6 Inches.
1 220 ynrd dash Campboll, Nebraska,
'first; Ewer, Mornlngsldo, sepond.
Tlmo, 24 seconds. '
Discus Collins, Nebraska, first;
Quarnstorm, Mornlngslde, second. Dis
tance, 109 feet 1 1-2 Inches.
440 yard dash A. Berkstrcssor,
Mornlngslde, first; Reed, Nebrnska,
second. Time, 52 4-5 seconds,
Shot put Collins, Nebrnska, first;
Chaloupka, Nebraska, second. Dis
tance, 35 feet 7 Inches.
Half mile Atnberson, Nobrnska,
first; Chapman, Mornlngsldo, second.
Time, 2 minutes 5 4-5 seconds.
Broad Jump Wlldman, Nebraska,
ilrst; Wendel, Mornlngsldo, second.
Distance, 19 feet 9 Inches.
Hammer throw Collins, Nebraska,
first; Brewster, Mornlngsldo, second.
Distance, 125 feet 8 Inches.'
Two mile run A. BorkstresBor,
Mornlngslde, first; Gablo, Nobraska,
second. Time, 11 minutes, G seconds.
Mile relay Campbell, Amberson,
Reed and Burke of Nebrnska. Time,
3 minutes, 45 seconds.
Miss Claire Canom Pleases Audience
With Selections.
In tho Temple theater last oven
Ing Miss Claire Canom of the Univer
sity School of Music, student with Mr.
StovenB, gave a poBt-graduato recital.
A fair sized audience was present to
hear Miss Canom nnd her classical se
lections scorned to bo thoroughly ap
predated. Tho program wlven was afi
Schuman. . .Faschlngsschwanlb, Op. 20
'(Vienna Carnival Scene.) i
Allegro ' ' ' '
Romanzo '
Scnorzlno '
Intermezzo '
Chopin . . , . , 1 . . . Ballade, Op. 4T
MacDowell. . 1 .Virtuosi Etudon Op. AG
Improvisation ' i. '
1 - , Bluotte " '
1 - Polonnlso
Schuett.'...Au Rulsseau, Oi)55, No. 9.
Stojowskl ,...,.'.-.. ,tJi ,'f: . .'.Sereriade
JDp.1 26. SouVenlr'de Fete, Op. 25
t'rom roiisu luyis,;
, t't. i ,
r. ..Concert Arabesques,
"By tho Beautiful' Blue Danubo,"
r yT i-".' '. t: Tn" iM.- -r -
nil fci 'its. 'St ' '" 1 b-i" '
Law College Pr'lzVs ?At:ract Men From
i'' " '11'Colle'aes.i l " '
In the .music rooni of the Tomplo,at
8 o'clock tomorrow, tho 'annual oratbrl-1
calcontest of the collego, oj! law'wllM
uevneiawun uovernor anaiienuergor
rosldlnpJ.M r . ' . ', " 't '
, I This contest Is for pr j'zes of $25 nnd
$il oftet-ed" by,.tq lawcpll(gp and It
Is ojien tp Juniors and seniors ,ln tlje
c'oljeges of law; medicine, or Uteratqro
and science. The following men will
speak this' year :f U..K D;xonf Ri W.
Bates, H, C, Robertson) LouI Grpgpry,
Calvin Emory, R,ftC. Hunter' W4 A,
Meyers,' arid A E,' Wprren.' y '
The hnnual May morning breakfast
0 tbeUrikeVsIty Vi Mfc. A. fwill ho
held Saturday mbrhlng', May '22. The
arrangement of plans for this event r'
kr in? Chr hf mi f hinVh nivii
Tho breakfast will be held la UuL
basement o( St Paul's Cathedral.
g!" Price, 5 vCcnt.
r 1
LEGES this Week,
.sqUa'd.Kor KaNsas Meet. .
. 'i
., I o'
" l t ' 1
Nebraska Team Working Out In Prom-
ilf. tl I ) V I ,n f, 1 v
' 'ItlngiShaps to Play Jayhawkers
.'TIM' it y, v 1- r , ,j
on May 21 and 22 at Law
reqee Kansas.
Today will probably wltnesH tho
conclusion .of tho finals In ton
iiIh In choosing tho team to roptcsont
tho university at tho state champion
Bhlp contest, to bo hold at Wcsloyan,
Friday nnd Saturday. All of tho col
legos of the state will bo represented
in this contest. ,
Tho finals which will probably bo
played off this afternoon consists of
two contests In singles, ono botween
Flower nnd Luddon, tho other be
tween Smith and Hubbell. Tho win
ners will roprcsont the university In
tho state contest.
Not Fully Chosen.
Tho squad for tho contest with Kan
sas has not as yet been fully chosen.
Bight men have at present been
picked, and four moro wIU bo chosen
In a scries of tryouts to bo held soon.
The olght men now on the squad are:
R. E. Weavorllng, captain; L. F. Flow
er, F. A. CrlteS, W. A. Rostily, A. J.
Luddon, A. F. Hemler, Smith, and
John Hubbell. Thirty-two men tried
out for places on the squad.
Soirio suprlslng work hns been
done-by Some of the nOw1 men. In I ho
eemt-finnls which wore played Mon
day, Flower won from Crltes vflth two
,8tralght. Raceloy won from Ludden'
tin a closely contested match. Honiler
(won from Smith 'with two Straight,
and Hubbell won from Weavorllng In
a closely contestod match Flower,
.Ruceley and Woa,ycrllng are members
;of last year's team and the showing
made by tho now men is very encour
aging, Weavorllng was put at. n'ser-?
'lous disadvantage In tho seml-flnaUi
by a sore arm, and ho may not bo In
shape to play for somo time.. ,. 1 1
Consolation Class.'
After the finals JmyoJieen p)nyeJ
U10, twp wipijprwlji pjay tovld9(cIdo.
thq urfvcrsUy,clianiptonslilp. .-What Isj
knoyn as 1119. consolaUpn! class has, ,
oeeji orguiuzeu , among tne uesp ott
tlmso, whp tIlost out, In .the, ,flrst , two
'contents and (rpni tjil squad" fpur of,
the best, nen w,U pe picked to com-,
iplete Nebraska!? tenn which I,s tp gp,
ito Kansas. , . . ' t '
I Tho team will meet Kansas atLayfo
;r(encp on the 21st and 22ndof M""oy.
'nnd somo lively games are anticipated
ITho, contest will consist of four,
matches la singles and t,wo In doubles.
JNe,braska'B,'toam this -year pught to,
hftyq sonjo ot thq rlgltkln.d of stjiflf,
jti9,9nly, drawback, (belng that many p.
Hlionionj arp nqiy whljp Kansas wljl,
imt un a sjiuau op veteran mayors., 0
Eyory possible v effort will Jaa put
fprtji, however, to' got tbjqgs Into
Ishap'o tp win from thq Jayhawkers,,
(The men aro working at a slight- dls-,
'Advantage pwlng to, the oor condl
itlon ot the coprts. It js hoped to so-.
Jcqrq much better accomodations next,
'season and, with, thq promising mat
tsrlsl vonf hand jatpre&eqk;? Nebraska,
fought, to dvplon a, squad, 'Of .whlrl-
hvjn,4 tenuis player f , T
T.h Komensky qbj will) meetjj.Sat-j,
iird.aynjftvqnlijg: at,, jth,e - hoflie of. Mrr,i
.Poffsian. ,at Hayeleok,MTbU will hq-
fh? .)M(r9gili: ie,tipg pfftho cluU
this year.
I '