The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1909, Image 3
'i liiiPiiliiMHWMW luminal. imm iyiiimwi' "i,Vff ftT SW " K r ' j . r.i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN MtBrflinl iiVS iT CK -JMtt-r JnJ . " Ar -Wi-hyw . - - ii'. ? twejkt '- - "W V k I . n J8LIVER THEAW TODAY: Mat. 2!30. Tonight 8:15. THE LAST MU8JCAL,.BH0W OF THE 8EA80N CHARLES DILLINGHAM'S COMPLETE PRODUCTION THE RED MILL SPECIALLY PICKED COMPANY OF 60 AUGMENTEDORCHESTRA Mat-41.00"to'25c. "Eve $1.50 to 50c. Campus Gleanings . 4 MllKlKi FOY AND CLARK In "The Spring of Youth"' LIZZY DALY Electrical Dancing Novelty Artist I3ABELL HOWELL AND GIRLS In "Games of C'hildhopd" IR. & MRS. ERWIN CONNELLY In "Sweethearts" ELONA LEONARD Character Commedlenne THE ASTAIRES Juvenile Singers and Dancers EDDIE BURNS In a Neat Planologue Mats 2:15 (except Mon.) 15 & 25c Night 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 3& & 50c h IVINU Week Starting Monday, May 3 1 HE-FULTON STOCK COMPANY Presenting the Farce Comedy "ALL OF A SUDDEN PEGGY" Act "The Suddenness of Peggy" Act ll-si'The Suddenness of ' Consequences" Act III "The Consequences of Suddenness' Best Seats 25 Cents Every Evening at 8:30 Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2:30 ORCHESTRA. for Concert or Dances Director Piasht G. F. Thornburg, - -RalphJ.Reld, - - - Violin and Cornet Instruction given at Studio, '4J6'So. J7tb. Auto 5877. r THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes nil Btudontu. Bd run TO and Silver Letter B " Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1132 O Stroot Who's Hid wig? iw C. H. Frey, florist 1133 O St. The "Men's Bootery" 12 & P. Harry Porter. He has It. 1123 O St. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Ralph C'ond. 1911, was In Omaha Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 .Burr block. John Rice, Law 1910,, wbb In Pall3 City on business over Sunday. O 0 Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. Select School of Dancing, Lincoln Academy, new. ideation, 1124 N. Auto 4477. i o The best, lunch In the city. Y. M. f! A Rnn 1 n jTv t T. E. .Miller, 191 1, visltod at hid home at Ashland, Nebr., on .Satur day and Sunday. The Nebraskan will sell a $50 wheel for $25. Do you want It? t W. D. Heaton, 1911, and E. R. Levin, 1910, spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes In "Wnhoo, Nebc. One thousand pairs Oxfords on sale at $2.95. Hereford, 1215 O. Final examinations In Prof. Web ster's classes In "Business Organiza tion" will be held today at 1 o'clock. New spring styles in. footwear now on display Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. - Phi Rho Sigma, the- jnedical fra ternity, will hold a smoker Saturday pvonlng, May 15, at the homo of'Ed. .wln Davis. i3 o Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. ., The members of tho Vikings, the junior inter-fraternity society, will about twenty "couples. Tho music was furnished by Abbott's orchestra. " In Dr. Howard's clasB in clonicntry sociology, commencing Tuesday, May 4, nt 3 p. m., in U 102, Profossor Eavos wIU glvo threo lectures on New York City tenements, and on tho de struction of San Francisco, Including tho Red CrosB relief work. 0 Tho Forestry club havo for some tlmo past boon working on an annual which is about ready for publication. .This is tho first annunl ever put out by tho club and is designed to nld in the settling of scientific problems which como up in forestry Bcrvlco. On Wednesday morning of this wook will occur tho last rogular ro cltal to bo given In rhetoric 3G this ,ycar. Tho momuors or eacn division of tho claBB aro required to glvo at some time during tho semester a re cital, outside tho regular class work. P t An Interesting dobato was held In rhetorlo 1G this afternoon. Tho ques tion under dlscuBBlon was, "Should tho United States adopt the poHtal savings bank?" Tho affirmative was support' ed by Halllgan and Ilalderson; the negative wbb uphold by PreBton rind Bates. The members of the Student's De bating society held their, rogular week ly meeting Saturday evening In U 10G. A very Interesting debate was held. Tho subject under discussion was, "Resolved, That tho closed shop I detrimental to American labor." The affirmative was uphold by Bryan and Fontor, and Stough and Hill supported tho negative. L. J. HERZOG fHEmiivEBsin "wiAvsTAiL6"B IHI.llHrTT-T taHMMHMMHMM Come in and get that SJ5.00 Suit to your order 1230 O St. Lincoln THE MANHATTAN CLEANERS AND DYERSf Expert Cleariingy Dyeing, Pressing' and Repairing. You no doubt have heard lots of the Manhattan. but . you will never know all about the iine work we do J unless you give us a trial. Our pressing is fine. Let us have your spring suit and you will be surprised at what we can do. Call Bel) Phone F018. 208 So. 12 Friday, May 7 s&raHHGiB m mm WIsh HU-4f 1.25 HARVARD NOW HAS A SURPLU8 Football the Only Form of Athletics That Is a Moneymaker. A surplus of $20,091.10 In receipts over expenditures In all lines of Har vard athletics is shown by (he report for tho college year 1907-08 Issued at Cambridge by Henry S. Thompson, graduate 'treasurer of uthletlcs at Har vard. The .total receiptB were $127, 318.44 and tho total expenditures $101, 227.34. The total net surplus exceeds "by -,$14,450 the surplus of the previous year, Ihcgaln being due In part to Increased receipts from football and baseball and in part also to a decrease in the expense of football coaching und the training table. With the exception of football and HAVE the; EVANS Do Your Washing 0CrSCOCQCGC000000 O O C000C00CQ&C Ij. rP to change underwear and night & JX 15 1 llllw robes. We have just what you need for the change. ' 8 1325 O 1 o $O0OOOO0OOO O O 00000000P00000 1 FULK, -;- TYPEWRITERS AU nmkca, rptqd wjth stand $3 Per Month. , Bargain lu RotoulH) adenines, LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Antoll55-Bollll81, 123 N"ti E: FLEMING Finest watch and Jewelry Repairing in tho city. ' Givolus a call. .Bell A794, Auto 8884. 1210 St.- ;' Wosoli,cit a share of,ypur - ' patronage , xoeooooooooooo All Makes of Second- hand Typewriters -sold, rentedi or exchanged. Underwood,' Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Iltk MUMS. :-ooooooe hold a dancing party at Fraternity hall May 7. If you want a blcyclo call at tho Ne braskan office. A $50 wheel for $25. Captain Worldzer, commandant of the unlversltycndets, was in Ashland last week arranging for the cadet en campment at that city. 0 Fred Slagle, 1911, has dropped his work in the university and has de parted for his homo at Auburn, Neb., where ho has accepted a position. The active and alumnae branches of the Dolta' tiamma sorority were entertained last Thursday afternoon at the homo of Miss Mnrlam Statrett The baseball game between tho JOippa Sigma and Sigma Chi fratern ities which was to bo held on Friday aftornoon, was postponed on account of the bad weather. Professor Phillips, of tho forest de partment, returned from his, tree planting trip to Ndrth Platte, tho lat ter part .of last week and is again meeting his regular classes. The fnembers'of the dental associa tion gave a dance Friday evening nt Walsh hall, which was attended by baseball, all tho sports show a deficit for the year. The total receipts from football in tho fall of 1907 were $82, 54G.37 .and tho expenses $19,894.97, leaving a surplus of $02,651.40. Tho report says that there has been a de crease of 50 per cent within the last three years In tho expenso of football management, including tho training table, supplies and salaries of coaches. Joshua Crano, who was head coach in 1907, refused to accept tho salary for his services and thus contributed largely to the reduction of expenses, Tho cost of tho track team was $9,901.13 and tho receipts wore $5, 55G97, leaylng a doTlcit of $4,434.16, In rffl the minor Bports, including hockey, basketball, soccer, lawn tennis and swimming, a doflclt Ib shown by the ropqrt, ANNOUNCEMENTS TOMORROW Tho announcements of the elections to Innocents will, bo mado at 4;30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the State Farm. , Special place has been mado for this event on tho regular Ivy Day program. A short address will be made by Professor Laurenco Foss- lor. i . An order has been issued at Indiana that no teams but the yarslty and fljo freshmen will bo allowed to use tho diamond this spring. ' H. S. FENSLER, Prop. Downstairs, Royal Hotel SUITORIUM Hospital for Sick Clothes ALL KINDS OF STEAM AND DRY CLEANING ' $1.00 Per Month Treatments Given Once a Week GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Auto Phone 443 J t Btll A-2473 J620 O STREET. fesf "p rrkAL L Sinco Spring has nearly arrived the Fountain will ' bo ono of tho features of tho Folsom Bakery. Wo want you to Judgo our wholo store by .every thing wo sorvo you in our Soda Water, Ice Cream, PunchoB and Delicatessen Lunch Department. "We ' Make Our Own Candles!" 1307 O 8TREET. BELL 456. AUTO. 2214. JL Get Those Tasty Togs ' m OF ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS Fn lliA ' IvAmft n hlllB HiIhiM1 M u W M b i m uuuuic WANTED--A RIDER AGENT t sample Latest Model-"Raneer" bicycle furnished by us. Ouragcn making money fast. IN EACH TO WH nrnl district to ride ami exhibit a agents ever vh:rearo Writt for full Mrtiatlari iind Mtteial efftr nt mice. NO MON12V KEOUIKKU until you receive and anorbve of Mmrblcvelc. We shin to anyone, anywhere In tho U. J. without a ctnt dtfiotit In advnce,ftityr(rAt, and allow TUN IAV8 VU.KH. TltlAl. duilnu which time you may rldaihe bkycleand rut It to any test ou vjli. it you are titer, not perfectly Mt lined or donyt wjili to KCCJ UIC UU.L1C Blll II UdlK IU US .11 UUf CXpCIlSC HIIUJ KCC UIC UU.L1C Bllll II WIK IU US .11 UUr CJtpCHlC )JYffU Will JIOl Q OKI Oil CClll M0TA1V PIITPfi Ve 'umJsh tho liichest Krade bicycles it la possible to nuke rnuivni rnrybf at one small profit above actual'iactory cost. Vou save Jio to in middlemen a rrolits by buvlnir direct of u and have the manufacturer's ciur. cmr nrolits bv buvl: nnlee lichind vour bicvele. ! NltT I1IIV a h!rvrlinra tulrnf tlrr from nnvarnt nt tiny Met until vou receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory fricts and rtinarkablt ttctai offtrM to. rider usrent. mUfll I BV ICTAIIItUPI when vou receive our beautiful catalogue and niLft. mu nwtvntwnuw study our superb models at the wondtrfully low nets we can make you this year, We sell the highest trade bicycles for less money tnan any oilier factory, we are satisned mm bi.oo Droiit anava lactorv cost. BlCYCt. PEALCU8, you can sell.oar bicycles under your own name plate at our prices. Orders filled the day rcci HECOND UAN1 UICXCJLKS. We .do t elved. uiuallK. liave a number on nana. taken In trade bv our prompUy at price ranging from'? to K8 or 810. Descriptive bargain lists tuailed free. AAltTCI ; plnclo wheels, iiapurtod roller clmliis and pedals, parts, repairs C0ASTER-BlAllCf equipment of all kinds at half tht usual retail trictt. V ' V not regularly handle second hand bicycles, but Chicago retail stores. These we .clear out and ft 50 HEKETHORN PHHCTME-PR00F SELF-HEALING TIRES A SAMPLE PAIR to unmauoE, only Ttie regular retail bri'u of these tires it S3 JO ter tatr. out to introduce we will ttllycuasamfUpatrlorf'MivatnwunoraersfM. NO MOIETMIILE FMM NNCTIRES NAILS. Tacks or Glass will sot let the atr eat. Sixty thousand pairs sold. last ycqr. Over two hundred thousand palm how in use. OESORIpTHJMt Made in all sizes. It is lively auu easy riding, $J80 4 (timm ,)' rubber, which never becomes , . " " ' ,,:t tictures wtuioui aitow sr.veryduiablcandUucalnsldewitrt ttty oi ntuuer, wiitcit n Dorousnnd which closes ud small nu inftthettlr to escape. Wchavchundrcd.ioflettcrsfromsatis fie(lcutotners8tatingtl)attheirtircslmvcoiilybecn pumped ;upoticcor twice in a'wKole scasou. They wciplt no more tnaa an ordinary tire, thejpiuicture reslstiugquahtlcs beiuggivca by 6cveral layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. The regtjlar price of tftese per palr.but for advertUltigpurpOscitwearemakiuea special factory price to the rider of onlv i.8o ier alr. Alt orders shinned same da . - --,.. - . ... ..f z ..- r. ....'.-.'.." r: z. you ao not nay a ceni until you nave czamincu ana louna uiemsinciiy as representee Kotlce the thick rubber troatl 'A" and iiui)oturo strips "It" and "1." also rim strln "11" to preveht'rltn outtlntj. This 'tire will outlast1 any other stmke-SOFT. VLASTW and KASV HIDING. iiped same day letter is received. We ship C 0 D. on .e examined and found them strictlv as represented. per cent (thereby making the price 45S per pair) if you and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to' be returned at OUH expense if for any reason they are approval. we will allow a cash discount oi ner centttitercbv : send FULL CASH W1TU OltDEit and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one '.IaI.aI .1 .m mauKa liHinl n 'IT'S Wm In ItA aat kS S IIIIII .mmaM if (am wna S liut n v UKK.CI ijiuicu uiuao iiiu uiitf .sv; m ww itvuuitu nt vu c)cuc v uii tcnawis u.y i. not satisfactory oit examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to ua U a Mfeajt in a iMt If .m. aivI.. n 4lt t f.M 4lt ..nil ul1l 43m1 lli.t it.a. Ill .b.!. n. ' ! rl,V. At JTWU UIHlil .l MIVfH. ..VO, JMtt "... M,.U l,fc WJT Hill t.MV VO,fc, U, .,, wear better, last longer and look, finer than any tire you have ever used or, seen at say price, We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your, order. We want you to "scud us a trial order at once, hesce this remarkable tire offer. -' V s- wis MiCM TIBM? don't buy aay kind at any price until, you, send for a pairef Mr WW MwKmimM fff9 Ilcdgethora FunctureProof tires' oa approval and1 trialat .the special introductory price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and Sundry, Catalogue which describes and quotes all taskes and kinds o tires at about half the usual prices.' ' ' ' . Z. ues and Kinds o( tires at about Hall the usual prices. nn imr tMMMtr DUt.wrueusaposuitoaay, ii HWi'Viiriw,UF.s9uxsTuaDicyat Iflf flUf WWmmm or a pair of tires, fro,anyonwtHfyou' know, the tMwaa4.woHderful offers we are makitsg. It oaly costs a postal to leans every thlag. Write it 'NOW. y-l'-'i u " J. L MEM CYCLE COMMIT, WWMC t. M tw5 .. M I' f 11 f- j t .' fc.fief'' ..' , , - tT JiS.'-vv t .,s . v ' ., , r . A . i , , ,. ,