The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 04, 1909, Image 1

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Vol. Vm. No. 137.
UNivERsrry of Nebraska, Lincoln, tuesdaV, may 4, 1909.
Price 5 Cent.
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iB IIY m HsH B i H IW
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Instead of Old Seyen-of-Eight Rule,
Undergraduate May Now Make
Choice Out of Eight Groups of
Prescribed Studies.
idly to completion. The financial altlo
is the one requiring the moat atten
tion nt presont. The vnrlouB commit
teos are heing urged to push their
colle6tions. as the committee in
charge must have $200 to defray the
necessary expenses. ABsessmonts
have been made in every class and it
will be necessary to know the approxi
mate number to be present at lunch in
order to provldo for them. Tables
will be established on the campus to
day at which the tickets may be se
cured. It has been announced that locker
rooms and a bath will be provided for
all of those participating in the 'ath
letic events tomorrow afternoon.
Puts"vWelgtft 151 Peetr7 Inches, iBet.
" terlrig" Previous Mark by 10 Feet,
7 Inches New Candidates
for Athletic Board.
wish to be considered athletic board PADT IN f ITV PHI ITIPC
candidates for the year 1909-10. I" Vl I I I vLI I MJJ
Ohren A. Beltzcr,
It. M. Carroll, ..;f;
William Ohaloupka,.
' S. P,. DobbB, .' taSWiifr -7 "..
C. H. Elliott,
L. P, Hart, r .:.-.
L. C. Hummell,
O. C. Long,
Dale McDonald,
S. A.,.;ahoodi
D.C. Mitchell.'
II. O. Porry.
A. C. Schmidt.
Scc'y Unl. Ath. Board.
Students in the college of artB and
sciences may hereafter graduate with
125 credits, of which only 48 are re
quired studies. In the past tho ab
solute and elective requirements have
amounted to a minimum of 58 hours,
leaving 63 hours for free electives.
The action1 of the fnculty of tho col
lege of arts and sciences yesterday
afternoon givos the student the right
to drop two pt tho eight groups of' re
quired given electives instead of one.
This reduces the number of required
Tho action of the faculty conies as
a surprise to tho student body, but
the matter haB been under considera
tion by members of the teaching force
for Borne time. The old system of
seven-of-elght required electives was
in a number of cases onerous and tho
faculty members have been looking
about for some satisfactory method of
change for several months.
The Provisions.
Following are the provisions which
will In future govern tho graduation
of students from tho college of arts
and sciences, subject to tho approval
of the board of regents:
"In the college of arts and sciences
rhetoric 1 and 2 t hours and drill
(men) or physical training (women)
4 hour? are absolutely required.
"For tho degrees of Bachelor of
ArtB the student is required to take
six out of eight of tho following olght
groups of studies whfch must bo com
plete before tho end of tho third year.
The two groups omitted must not bo
In the same division.
"Division A.
1. The Mother Tongue 6 hours.
2.The Classics (Greek or Latin)
10 hours,
a. Modern Language (Fronch.or
Gorman) 10 hours.
Division B.
' 1. History and Sociology G hours.
2. Philosophy and Economics 6
. ', , hours.
iDlvlslonO. " . . '
I. Exact Science (Mathematics,
Astronomy) 10 hours,
! 2. Physical Sclenco (Chemistry or
Physics) C hours. .
.3. Biology (Botany, Zoology) 0
Fewer Requirements.
i The plan more briefly contemplates:
,l A. Absolute requirements 8 hours.
B. Required electives 40, 44 or 48
C. Freq electives 77, 73 or 69.
It Is believed by the arrangement of
the "groups Into divisions and tho pro
hibition as to dropping' two In the
same division that tho taking of a
snap 'course will bo avoided as well
as formerly under tho old rules. Tho
, new r'uloB will go inlo effect when
.ailprpvjed, by the 'regents. -
Vacancies on Staff To Be Filled by
Publication Board.
The student publication board met
yesterday aftornobn to consider tho
electioh pf editors to fill the vacancies
that will exist on tho staff of tho Dally
Nebraskan at the beginning of the
next semester. It was ordered that
Applications for vacancies be made to
Secretary E. H. Clark not later than
Monday, May 17, at which tlmo tho
board will again meet to ennyass the
It is understood that tho positions
or editor and managing editor will he
vacant by tho resignation of tho pres
ent holders of the offlces. The asso
ciate editorships are filled by appoint
ment of the editor with the approval
of tho board of publication.
University .Men Return From Trips
Out In' the 8tate.
Dean Fordyce of tho Teachers' Col
lege and Professors Grumann and
Condra have returned from short trips
'out in the state for lecturing pur
poses. Dr. Condra addressed the Clay
county teachers Saturday. Dean For
dyco spoke to the Seward county as
sociation on the samo day and Pro
fessor Grumann addressed tho Holt
cohnty teachers, Friday and Saturday.
All three professors report attentive
audiences and enjoyable trips.
Workizer's Successor Ordered to Lin
coln September 8.
Official notice of the appointment of
Captain Halsey Yates to succeed Cap
lain John G. Worklzor as commandant
of university cadets has been rccoived
by Chancellor Avery. The change ia
officially scheduled to. take effect Sep
tember 23, at which tlmo Captain
Workizer Is vto loavo to rejoin his
company. Yates is to report to the
university September 8,
The annual preliminary moot of tho
cornhuskers was held at tho state
farm Saturday In a cold wind that
sent the athletes of the cinder path
through their evcntB without delay.
Sidney Collins broke the university
record for the hammer throw, beating
his previous mark, made in 1907. HIb
throw Saturday was 151 feet, 7 Inches.
Tho other mark was 141 feet. Curtis
Collins was not ontered In any of the
events and Sidney took first place In
all the weight stunts.
The-surprise of the meet wub the
showing of Campbell, who tied Wild
man in the 100-yard dash and boat
him iiv the 220-yard sprint.
Excellent time was made, consider
ing the low condition of the tempera
ture. A strong wind blowing at tho
back of the runhcrB made tho fast
time possible.
Summaries of Meet.
100-yard dash Wlldman and Camp
bell tied for first ; Powers, third. Time,
0:10 Mi.
220-yjird dash Campbell, first;
Wlldman, second; McDonnld, third.
Time, 0:23 3-B.
440-yard run Reed, first; Burke,
second; Anderson, third. Time,
0:52 2-5.
120-yard hurdles McDonald, ilrst;
Flack, second; Landers, third. Time,
0:16 1-5. .
220-yard hurdles McDonald, first;
Flack, second;' Jandors; third. Time.
0:26 3-5.
.rHalf mile run Amberson, first;
George, second; Anderson, third.
Time. 2:15 2-5.
Mile run Ashbury, first; Bates, sec
ond; George, third. Time, 5:03.
Tw'o mile run Bates, first; Gable,
second; Mollck, third, Time, 11:15.
Polo vault Graham, first; Ham
mond and Hummell tied for second.
Height, 9 feet 8 inches.
High Jump Hummell, first; Gra
ham, second; Hllmer, third. Height,
5. feet 4 inches.
Broad jump Graham, first; Munson,
second; Porry, third. Distance, 19
Many 8tudcnts. Will Be Employc'd
Checking Voters : at Polls and
Several Professors Will Also
Take An- Active Part.
Objection of Nebraska Authorities Not
Well Taken.
It. M. Blnkely, third baseman of the
University of Missouri team, wIiobo
eligibility waB questioned by the Uni
versity of Nobraska athletic authori
ties, Ib not tho Blnkely who played
with tho Hot Springs team of tho Ar
kansas league. Dr. C. W. Hethor
ington, director of athletics at M1h
souri. has JiiBt received a lotter from
G. M. McQueonoy, bookkeeper or thq
league, saying Jt was Bernnrd Blakely
who played on tuo Hot springs learn.
His home is nt Coal Hill, Ark. Bern
ard Blakely is a brothor of tho
Blakely on the Missouri team. They
rosomble each other.
Dr. Hether ington Bald recently:
"Blakely signed and certified his eligi
bility blank, the Bame nB all the other
players. Until I have heard further
from L. .1. Craighead, president of the
lenguo. I will not doubt his word.
When I hoard the rumor that ho was
a professional, I called him to my
office, and he told me that the Blakoly
.playing In the Arkansas league was
his brother."
Miss Bertha Grimes, .1912, of Ster
ling, NTobr.' had the, serlbus misfor
tune to have her nose broken Friday ,
afternoon, .while playing basket-ball
In one of tho physical' e'ducatlon
classes. She was running nfter the
ball when' an opposing player struck
her on the nose with her-elbow. Mlsar
Grimes was immediately placed under
tho care of a physician and tho ln-i
jury taken care of.
Tho members of tho freshman law
class will, hold an outing .this after
noon n't Epworth Park. -Four ball"
.toams Will bo chosen from tho mom
JicrB of the class, and three ball games
will bo played between these teams.j
other forms of amusement have, been
proyided'by"the members or tho com-1
mlttee. " - " ' ' '
Miss Wlltse To Finish at School of
Music Tonight.
Miss Oulda Wlltso of tho Untvornjty
.School of Music, student with Sidney
Silber, will give a recital for grad
uation, Tuesday evening, May 4th, at
8.o'clock In the University temple tho-ntrq.-
The public Ib cordiully Invited.
Following Ib the program:
Ilachmanloff Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2.
Tschnlkowsky Thepio and Varia
tlons, Op. 19, No. 16.
Beethoven nondo, Op. 51, No. 2.
Mendelssohn Preston, Op. 9.
Chopin Nocturne, Op. 15, No. 2.
Valse, Op. 64, No. 12. N
MacDowell Etude, "Hungarian"
Op. 39, No. 12. . '
Hollaendor Eight Laendler, Op. (54.
(For two pianos.)
Second piano Mr. Silber.
feet 3 1-2 .inches
Discus throw S. Collins, first; The tiinttx annual banquet of tho
Chaloupka, second; Ford, third. Dis ,Phi Gnmma Delta fraternity was hold
tanco. 107 feet 2 Inches. Saturday evening at tho Lincoln hotel
.1 Hammer throw-S. Collins, first. About sixty members of. tho local
Distance, 151 feet 7 inches. . No other
rhev'C6llectlons Must Reach $200 for
4 " Ivy Day.
VThe committee in Charge of ,tho Jvy
D.ay, exercises fqr.e pushing affairs rap-
The members of tho. Komehsky club
holdt their, regular semi-monthly, meet
ing last1 Saturday afternoon at tho
homo or 'llss Ulrlch. A very enjoy
ahle social program wasgl,ven and the
oventvas declared pno or the most
enjoyabjd Hioid by tho club.
men qualified In this event.
Shot put S. Collins, first; Froltag,
second; Pearse, third. Distance, 34
reet 5 hiches.
' Athletic Board Candidates.
. Tho . following students yesterday
announced themselves as candidates
for membership on tho athlptic board.
S. A. Mahpod, D. C. Mitchell, Clyde,
E Elliott, A. 0.. Schmidt, L. C. Hum
moll. '
' There are, now thirteen men In tho
field, Tho time for filing announce
ments 'with Dr. Clapp closed last
night and ho gave out the following
statement: ' ,
Tho following students have filed
notification with hie stating that' they
chapter wore present, twenty-four of
whom aro alumni members of 'the
local chapter. Tle formal party of
this fraternity was held Friday even
ing at tho Lincoln, at which about
sovcnty-Ilvo couples were In attend
ance. . '
A small crowd ot rooters witnessed
the baseball game between the agri
cultural and forestry clubs wb.lch was
.held Saturday at the state farm dia
mond, Tho game was closely con
tested throughput, resulting In a final
jjcor.e of 7 to 6 In favor of tho "ag-
University Btudonts will tako an ac
tlvo part in tho city election today.
Many of tliem aro occupying positions
In the ranks of one or the other of
tho parties, and politics has beoh nn
absorbing themo to tho voters on the
campus for the past few days.
An unusual number of students hnvo
this year, "been nBked by one 'or,., the
othe? of tho political parties to take
position's at tho polls in checking off
the voters. It Ib declared that ovon
many professors nro to be found at
tho polls doing thoir part to seo that
tho election Is honestly carried out
and that both sldoshavo a fair show.
Club In Charge.
As an Indication of tho part which
the university is coming to play in
the politics of the city It may bo stat
ed that tho republican club of the
unlvorslty has been placed in complete
charge of checking the voters of that
party. Mr. E. Cornelius, A. B.' 1907,
and who graduates from the law
schools this spring, as president of
the club has genernl chargo of this
part or his party's campaign.
The question or prohibition is tho.
one that has stirred tho university
most deeply and has brought out the
most decided expressions of opinion.
According to every Indication tho uni
versity voto will bo cast strongly In
favor of prohibition. It is also de
clared that aevoral uinvorslty pro
fessors are taking an active part In
tho work that Is being done at tho
polls today in tho Interest of prohi
bition. Thla activity on the part of
the students is the result of a grow
ing Interest which has been aroused
at Nobraska, in good government. Last,
year considerable interest was taken
In the city election,, at which time a
demonstration was made on tho part
of a large body of students in favor of
prohibition. A procession .composed
of 'representatives of various iactly
itles or tho. student body, the battalion,
and the: nthlotes, marched the length
or 0 street. ll
' More, Quiet Now."
This year the activity has been dis
played In a mora quiet manner, but
moro real interest In tho political sit
uation has boon aroused. Nearly
every yotqr" in tho university has reg
istered in tho city, few, If any, go
ing homo to voto at the spring; elec
tlons. or this number, .the majority
nro ( juniors and seniors, to whom the
greater part of tho interest ln,topjitlc3
Is confined. . '
Your car faro would pay fo m nice
lunch at The Boston Lunch. Why
go home?
The twenty-first annual banquet, of
tho Beta Thota PI fraternity was held
last Friday evening at the, LIndell
hotel. Forty-seven members of the
local chapter were --present, twenty
gles," Petrashek and Garver lilted the seven of whd.m are active. The an
battory positions for the foresters and nuai rorraal party of this fraternity
Lamb and Shank for -the aggies.
In tho debato between Ravenna and
Loup City for the championship of the
west contral district of the Nebraska
Debating, League Ravenna was victorious.
was held Saturday evening at tho Lin
coin hotel. JUiout sixty couples wore
In attendancq, among them being rep
resentatives from the other lbcalx fra
ternities and ,'raany of the alumni,
members of; tho Beta Th,eta PI fra
ternity, - '.'
. .'Jftl
- -. .
V. K,