THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 'in: J 'Jff-.iA' I 'h-4r- 1' " ' ? B ft 4 I i ' 6s .it ;Y' X :--. Cbe alls IRebraltan THIS PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Llnoata,. KfjrftMu" , HUSHEl HEM OAt'KCIMIIjNfT A lfHA BY THE BTUDBNT PUB. OAKD. frtlitlHH Itfltl, 121 N. 14U St ' BDITOnrAlTBTAPP. dl,Ur. Herbert W. Potter Msnsslno Editor.... Vlotor B. Smith AMe5(te Niton PhlflP Frederick BUSINESS BTA1P Manager W. A. Jones rinitor A. M. Hare Assf'staiit Circulator. lleXle Hyde Editortaf Itid uslnssa Otnoei BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Pottottiee, Station A, Lincoln, Net). MChlPTJON PRICE, ?.00 Pf j VBAlt Payable In Advance Single Copies. D Cent Each. Telephone: Auto 18M. INttVtDUAL NOTICES will be charged for at the rute of 10 cents per Insertion fee eYSTy M teen words or fraction thereof. Itaoulty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published freer. Entered at the postomce at Lincoln. Nebrnskn. as second-class mall matter Under the Apt of Congress of Mareh 1. t!7. . SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1909. ACTION ON T. N. E. At a mooting of tho unlvflrslty sen ato hold Thursday evening tho agita tion against Theta Nu Epallon camo to a head and a set of ruloa wero reo qnimendQd, for adoption by tho regents. The rules proviso that tho paemb.or shl? o university organizations must jhjJL be concealed and must be made jjubjja In the UBuaJ way, 1Lhat no stu dent shall bo a- member of&ny or ganization wbloh exists for the prl- jflary purposo of controlling student stairs or which hojds banquets at wUlck alcoholic liquors are sorvod, an4 lastly that the control of the Pan gelleold danco shall be. vested in the inter,'tratornlty council. The abovo legislation comes as tho result of an Investigation conducted by a committee of tho senate during the past three months. Tho commit tee had before them tho problem of do tag away with cortaln activities of Theta Nu Epsllon which had gener ally eome to bo recognized as perni cious la tho extrome. An investiga tion was conducted Into the many ac tivities of the organization and tho history and national standing of tho fraternity was investigated as fully as possible; Theta Nu Epsllon has for the past few years had its fingers in nearly every university activity directing its efforts for the advancement of its members and its own profit Being a secrot and powerful organization it has al ways proved Impossible to conduct a successful fight against any of its practices that have aroused onppal tlou. It has made itself very distaste ful to the- university public by con ducting booze banquets in direct op position to. the settled, public opinion of the. state,. It has exerclqed a pow erful though clandestine influence la the spool, pqjjtlcal qpfl atftjptlp life, pf thp schppj, Jt Is to regulate these djfljcultlfis, that Up action w,fts .tpkou While conservative and careful tho flfW .ruling must be judge by one who considers all the, difficulties la volvftd as eminently fair and just fEhere, is nothing essentially, wicked sjbo&tan Interfraternlty organization; thercf Is aothing in, the, life of the school that make such an organiza tion necessarily abhorrent The evil lles in ,tbe clandestine methods of Theta Nu Epsllon, that have made- it possible for this .organization to &y ( Shirts 89c We will Sell broken lines of $1, SI.25, $1.50 Shirts 89c CONVOCATION Prof. Edwin M&xey The Turkish Situation till Ciii til I 11 ' Memorial Hall cjjmpllsh many things that would at first seem Impossible. Tho ovll lies in maintenance of standards by tho or ganization that tond to draw critl clem upon tho school and tho" student body. It is the evil and not the or ganization that tho now rules, seek tp strike. As far as moe rules can go, the new. regulations should be satisfactory. But rules, as such, are of little yaluq. Those who are most deeply- interested in .tho mattor wjll wait to seo the man ner In which they are to bo in terpreted and enforced by the univer sity authorities Here is the Impor tant point in tho whole matter. If jthp now rules are enforced to the 'let ter tho evils of Theta Nu Epsllon will be largely overcome. If it Ib known definitely In to future exactly who are mombors 0 tho organization, and if tho members make their conduct conform to university standards, then Theta Nu EpBiton will no longer havo the sinister power that It has exer cised in tho past. T)he committee of investigation ap pointed by the senate has done its work. Rules and rpgulat.Io.ns have been adopted. Tho student body now waits to seo what will bo done in a practi cal way to put Into forco tho ruling of the senate. It Is now a matter solely for executive action, and the movement must be judged a failure or a success on tho record made by tho University authorities In their attempt to enforce the ruling of tho senate WILL GIVE "THE TOA8T-MA8TER." C. Dramatic Club Production To Be a Collego Play. The plot of tho college play "The Toast Maater,!' which Is to bo put on by the Dramatic Club, May 5, is pne which should appoal to college students. Tho ploMs centered about a sopho more banquet Tho toastmastor, Tom Fairface is stolen by tho freshmen and secrpted at the homo of Professor Reed. The sophomores make frantic attempts to rescuo him with no suc cess'. At length Billy Morgan dresses up as a girl, and 1b engaged as a ser vant by the professor. Once estab lished in the house he manages to got tho toastmastor out, but not be fore It is discovered by tKe freshmen. This leads to a series of complications and humorous situations, and the play Is concluded by the arrival of the toastmastor at the banquet at which be presides. The phyr Is In three acts and will be given in the open-air at the state farm. Tljo cast pf, characters follows: Billy Morgan, , . .Dick Russel "Towel" Fairfax Mr. Adrlance Bob, ;Kqnnarf, Mr. Bates Henry Reed ., Mr. Coy Ton Ripley.., ,Mjr. Wheelqck deorgenMa8Tntosh MrEborly Professor Reed Mr. Aiten Mrs: Reed .Miss Frum Cyntba .Miss Guthrie Buzzer Mr. Yates .! Shirts UNLAND and CO., tittle Block ' GET BUSY - - Tuesday, May A r" a Y' a Eleven A. M. University Bulletin n 1 ' May. Tuesday, 4. "Tho Turkish Situation," by Professor Edwin Maxey. Con vocation. 'Memorial Hall, 11 a.m. Thursday, 5,--Strlig Quartet Convo cation. Meraor.lAl Hall, 11 a. m. Wednesday, $.-Ivy Day. Classes dis missed for tho day. JMday, 7. Phi Beta Kappa initiation. Tuesday, 11 Junior Program. Convo cation Memorial Hall, 11:00 a. m. Tuesday, 11. Forestry lecture, State Problems in Wisconsin," A. G. HameT; "Utilization in Wiscon sin;" J. C. Kottrldge, N7 at 7:30 P. m. Friday, 14. High School Day. No classes excused during the day, Saturday, May 16. rBaseball Drake University vs1. Nebraska, 9:30 a. m. Friday, 21 Pan Hellenic Ball. Audl "torlum. Tuesday, 25-Forestry lecture: "For pBt Types in the Philippines," "Bill" Pagaduan; "Forest Utiliza tion in the Philippines," M. Lazo. Friday, 28. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. Saturday, 29. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. REVI8ED MERCHANT OF VENICE. Shylqck Demands Ball Player's Leg as Forfeit. The boys of the Palladlan literary society gave a revised version of the "Merchant of Venice" at the society's hall In the Temple last Evening. A large crowd was present, the Union society attending in a body: . The play was a decided success. As revised, the principal . characters, An tonio, Bqssonlq, Gratlano, Salonlo, and Salorlno, appeared as football players. The plot carried them through a game with Kansas, a very realistic football struggle being presented on tho stage. Antonio Is hurt, Shylook, tho dpotor Is called In as medical attendance. Fearing the- credit of tho athletic board to be bad, Shylock demands Bassanlo's signature td a bond which specifies that in case the debt bo not paid, ho shall forfeit his leg. Payment of course falls, tho doctor demands his bond, the trial is held and Bbllario delivers Bassanlo from tho clutchos of Shylock. Local hits were freely Interspersed throughout the piece. The cast of characters Is as follows: The Duke. . , Mahood Antonio, , a player... Ballenger Bassonfo, his friend..'. Hills Shylock, a iJew doctor. ,, Relnsch Laun'celot, a Bervant to Shylock.... ...,,., lllco Gr.qtiono, yalpnlp, Salarlro; friends. to Antonio '... .'. Jorgenseh, Petrflflhek, Dye Angolo, Or Bollarlo .Tlngley Leonardo, athletic doctor. -..RuUpdge Orlando, minister Tate Luclo, servant ot Orlando. . . .Hadlock Escalus, policeman . Heff elbauer .Football players' and attendants: Plasters; Pelster, Hlnman, Spauld- lng, Dicklnspn, Ketrldgo, .Scotney, Seaton, Guldlnger, Hardlngf Clark, FroBt, Greer, 'McDoqald, Daylson, jfeters. , Stage manager .McCall 89c All Souls Church, Unitarian Corner of tmd. Twelfth 8.reeta ARTHUR L. WBATHBRLY Mlnlstor. Serte JJ00. Sunday SchooiJOtOO. All Students are cordially Invited to attend Its services. ALL PEW8 ARE FREE Sunday, May 2 Sermon subject: "A Definition of Religion, Social Ethlss Class, 12:15 Prof, Paul H. Grummann, -leaden, 8pefkrr. hi ?. Mtfriy 8ubJect-The Saloon PreJ(em." r All Souls' Church Is a free fellowship for the worship of God and tho service of Man. It Judges so man's character, it erects no bar riers of creed or doctrlno. Its pulpit is a freo pulpit .committod to the search after Truth. E5 - C11C 1 TsHMBMaaBBnf Here Is the cheapest good ffan yet nade. By the omistwn of the take down feature wo haro been able to "r reduce the co4 of productaoa and at the tame tww hare kept tho gun up to the famous hi'eh 772eu-n tUpcWd of rtrength. Mfetr and durability. Notice the clean aimplicity of this nun. The wotkraanilfo and fin'uh ate Meet The weiaht u only 7 pound. The full choke baneU are opecully bored for smokelen at well t black powder and to chambered that 2 inch or Vli 7i mri " Several improviemenU in the operating parts make it the .easiest, most reliable and best working pin in existence. We are sud to make it potable for every lover of sunt and bird shoetins to- jet thtt Kieh grade repeating thot sun. at to low price. Have your dealer order a for you. Sen J far the fflaz&n Catalogue and Exptttcnce Book to-day. Ftte for 3 ttampl. 7Ae 27Zari2 rearms dwniow street, New Haven, o. )OeOQCC00O0OCCCCCCC0OOOOO0QO$0O0 STUDENTS CLUB !, !, .J,.. i. . , i ,,,.,,., i.mi.,,,..i- " T'" I iif ri' -"JT" T T ""T'T"""?' T "? ' p V """ Suits Cleaned and Pressed Only $1.50 Per Month mm-mm ! ii i i .- m.m i i i i ! aiiM i M ' ' ' ' '"' We make a specialty of new suits made right here in our own shop $20 and up H. SMITH, TAILOR ISIS O Auto 5228 000C3CCOCCCOCCCCC0CC0CCO0000 Happenings of the Past 8even Years Ago. Two hundred students and profes sors assembled at the Burlington sta tion to give the debaters who were go ing to contest with Minnesota; a great send-off. 8ix Years Ago. Minnesota asked fqr a track meet with Nebraska to be held at Minne apolis. Tho offer was refused as a meet was scheduled with Knox on the only date opqn for Minnesota. Five Years Ago. In the .lnterclass track meet tho freshmen were victorious with a good margin of points. Four Years Ago. University debating board made a call on the regents for funds to raise Indebtedness and permit tho carrying on of intercollegiate debating In the future. Three Years Ago. Palladlan, Union and Students' de bating societies passed resolutions condemning the method of electing (student members of the athletic board. One Year Ago. I A double column article appeared in the Dally Nebraska declaring that Theta Nu Epsllon was1 seeking to dupo the fraternities.. " i'1 'j' i" ii i.i iii NOTICE PHI 5ETA KAPPA. ( A meeting of the seniors, electod to Phi Beta. Kappa wjll bp hpld Tues day nuprning. May 4, at tl.:30 in VS 112. The election of the' stiident speaker at 'the Initiation banquet will take place. Saturday at 89c Shirts 89c 89c I Hot Drinks ' ' '- "---- - are now In season Do you know I any place where you can get as Quick Service.. as you can at oiit riejgtbre? No need of Prlnr1 ibTMot " Lincoln Candy KitchCn S.Wmer .T w An Uplifeing Story A Good and Trust worthy Garter ex erts a positive psychological in fluence. It pro motes poise and, prompts Progress. It minimises em- f barrasSmentS; It works- for mental peace. Men who. ar,o perpetually charged with a care1 for Careless hose - supporter, cannot, hone, to concentrate on Great Dopds. Bb wise Don't permit the' tyranny of the trivial!1 P?RIS (METERS fit the leg, and Intrdducd a radiat ing feoling of safety andf security. Built by twentieth Contury: Man, for twentieth Century Mpn they are completo and comforting. No metal chafes the flesh; no leather absorbs and holds perspiration. Every pair sold" with Moneybak Every pair sold with Meneyback Guarantee. You must be satisfied, or you can't wear Pari Garters. If you can't And Paris Garters at your Haberdasher's, forward twen-ty-flvo conts for the slmpld kind or fifty cents for an ethereal,, Immortal-like effect In 8j)k sTJffj j9l V A. Stein SCo. Make them at 207 Center Avenue, j.-. Chicago. Illinois. righted by Company wiwpMd:1! 'ih Patent ed and Conv A. Stein &