X , yV A. f ', a 7A. THE NEBRASKAN "?-. "fc, item "'. ' . . a.. fSSSSSSSSSSSSSE. .r i rmmamammmmmmmmmm&ammmemmni A.O. SPALDING & BROS. The Lariat Manufacturers la the World of Implements aaa mwarim i or Ball Golf Track ad Field tf lldlil's TnK-Huf m wtit re prckH m etirtitH M Qifllt Spaldlug'a New Spring and Summer tgog Catalogue, comglete edition, 144 pages; about flooo Illustrations, CnnrtC ! ec. UUUIW Copy mailed to any address on receipt of request A. G. Spalding & Bros. 14? Wabash Ave, Chicago, III. Patronize our advertisers! E. FLEMING Finost watch and Jowolry Repairing in tho pity. Glvo us n on 11. Boll A794, Auto 8884. - 12110 St. Wo solicit a sharo of. your patronago SHalt Million Glasses of Soda Watei old and drank from our 20th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season 1008. Agency Huyloro, Gunthera and Lown ys Chocolates and Bonbons. Th Drug Cutttr. CAPITAL HOTEL CAFE & LUNCH COUNTER 11th andPSts. Open from 6 a. m. till 12 p. m. Lincoln's most pop ular priced eafo. BUM Mono: Clmud Qk Stnrlct til tin TUm. CfliHW twk torU S mH Iw $4.26. Hans Workow, Mgr. 0000000000000 1 n I All Makes of Second- hand Typewriters sold, rented, o r exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Both Phones. 30000-S FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers 1338 O St. No. Side PHONES: Auto 1321, Bell 82$ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8! George Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing Fine Lino Pouud nnd Box Stationery Fraternity Bldp. lBtU&N Bte CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. CALL, Pr Jdeat 1 F. K. JOHNBON, Vlce-PretUeat BEMAN O. FOX, Caahtor W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Aaat. Cashier iDANGE PR06RAMS-BAHQUET MENUS CALLING CARDS Simmons, the printe '3i7 so. isbvm svreeev a. grand succoss, Tickets may bo purchased from T. ,B. Miller?. J. B. Boyco and Clarence Korstian. Tho prico of tho ticket Is fl.25. Tho members of tho Students' De bating Club will hold tholr regular weekly mooting 8aturday ovonlng May 1. Tho following questions' will bo debated: "RosoWod, That tho closod shops are detrimental to Amer ican labor." Tho affirmative will be uphold by Bryan and FoBtor, and the negntlvo by Curtis and Morgan. Tho freshman law class held a mooting Tuosday morning to dlBcuss tho plan of having somo form of on tortalnment to bo given by tho fresh man laws. Committees woro appoint ed to look up Bomo forms of enter tainment and will report at a moot ing of tho class on Thursday morn ing, when doflnlto arrangements will bo mado. , 0 Professor Eamos of tho sociology do pnrtmont was in Omaha a fow days last wcok In tho Interests of tho Set tloroont Ascsoclatlon. Saturday she was a guost of tho apsoclation at lun chbon, and gavo a short talk regarding social work. On May 20 Professor Eamos 1b to give a locturo In Omaha on "Now York Tenement Houso Re forms." Tho sociology dopartmont of tho university of Nebraska Is rapidly coming in closo touch wit htho Boclal conditions of Omaha and hopes In tho futuro to do much valuable work at that placo. Charles T. Knapp lectured to the Collogo of Law studonts In N 309, Monday ovonlng, on tho subject of I'Tho Relation of Law to tho Real Estate Buslnoss." Mr. Knapp Is a graduato of tho University of Ne braska and is now engaged in a sue- pessful roal CBtnto business In this pity. Ho gavo somo very Interesting points which ho bad loarnod in tho couruc of hlB business during itho past six yoara. Ho warned tho future lawyers against tho negilgenc of cor taiu things in tho transfer of prop- orty and tho examination of deeds and titles. A largo numbor of tho stu donts of the Law Collogo attended. UNIVER8ITY 18 COMPLIMENTED Prof. Flexner Likes System of Col lego of Medicine. At a luncheon tendered Professor Floxnor, who has boon inspecting tho university collego of medicine on bo half of 'tho Carnegie Foundation for tho Advancement of Teaching, by Doan H. B. Ward, tho visiting pro foBuor highly commended tho work of tho Nebraska Bchool. Ho spoko voluntarily to Chancellor Avery and others presont In commen dation of tho strong foundations which had been laid hero for a medical col lege, commenting upon tho balanco of tho course, tho thoroughness of the work, tho earnestness of tho students, nnd tho evidently good resultB achieved. Ho expressed the hope that the collogo might rocelvo bettor quarters and that tho hea,ds of de partments might bo given more as sistants to relievo thorn of the unduly heavy burden involved In preparing material for class ubc Ho congratu lated tho collego upon tho vote of tho legislature which assures a suitable campus In Omaha and urged that the clinical work should bo further de veloped along tho Hno of thoGermnn schools, which by virtue of soveral centuries of experience havo perfect ed medical education to a dogreo un known olsowhero. Mr. Floxnor warmly praised tho in dividual teaching in laboratory and clinic, and certain other details In tho methods employed which he said could not be found olsowhero west of tho Alleghany mountains. He urged that tho college continue to placo ltB emphasis upon Jtho quality of work and await confidently the general recognition which It would be sure to win, if the present policy was main talned. In tho opinion of Mr. Flex ner tho medical schools of tho countrj will ultimately bo reduced to one tenth of tholr presont numbor. . H( was confident that Nebraska .had al In all the best school in tho west. Mr ?loxner loft last night for Denver an the Pacific coast and boforo his retun to New York will havo visited over medical school In the United Statei AT THE PLAYHOUSE. The 'Majestic Musical numbers predominate a strong bill at, tho Majostlc this wcok. In tho hoadllnor, "Tho Twin Flats," a catchy llttlo song is Introducod and makos a hit at oach performance This playlet, featuring Charles B. Ward, an eccentric comedian, Is ox trpmoly amusing. Alice Ward, as Mabel Whlto, has a winsome way about her that makes her acting above tho par of most vaudeville com edy skits. Elizabeth M. Murray , singing Irish and nogro character songs, Bcorod several times at tho opening performance this week and was only allowed to rotlro after she had an swered at least four encores. She Is a singer worth hearing. The Volunteer Pianist" Is a novel sketch combining music and comedy. It is presented by Foster and Fostor, the long and tho short of the family. The short rathor has It on the long and makes a decldod ton-strlko with tho gallery. Klkuda, Japaneso Juggler, Is skill ful In doing tricks, with small things. Ho is so good that at' his Initial ap pearance ho was given much ap plause Othor good numbors on tho bill aro: Ames and Corbett, drum dancers; Nonetto, violinist and soloist; and Ralph Johnstono, cycllBt. Johnstone's leaping stunts aro something "differ ent" and aro dangerous for tho cyc list GAVE GRADUATION RECITAL Miss McFarlane 'Entertained Audience at Temple. At the Templo thoatro lost ovonlng Miss Ethel McFarlano of tho School of Music gavo hor graduation rocltal boforo an audlonco of friends and muslc-lovors. Tho program showed a variety of ability and the numbers were brilliantly oxocuted. Following 1b tho program: Weber Sonata, A Flat Major, Op 39, No. 2. Allegro modorato. Andante. Monuetto caprlccloso. Presto nasal. Rondo. Modorato. Ohopln Schorzo, B flat minor, Op. ,31. -' Mac Dowell Sea Piece, Op. GB, No. 3. Stojowskl Solitude, Op. 24, No. 1. Schutt Humoreaque, F minor, Op. 20, No. 1. Donizetti Andante Rlnalo, from "Lucia." (Arranged for loft hand by Leschetlzky.) Mo8zshowski Concerto, E major, Op. 59. Modorato. Andante. Schorzo, Allegro. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with stand $3 Per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt llnchluca. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Anto ll?3-BeU 181. lJ No. llth THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Owned by the Stockholders of the Pint National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Bank booms, Tenth A O Want - Ads AdvoTtraomonU (or the want ad column should bo left at the business offlco, basement Administration Bldg, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. . Cash must accompany all ordere for want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words 0 fraction thereof for the first inser tion; three Insertions 25 cents; "flvt nsorUonB 40 cents. FOR SALE. k FOR SALE A new high-grade bl vele at 25 per cent discount' Inquire t Nebraskan offce. 81-tf FOR SALK-pA new $50 bicycle fo 25. See Nebraskan manager. 122-t EIGHT WILL CONTEST LAW ORATORICAL CONTEST TO BE MAY 13TH. COMPLETED SPEECHES NOW IN FIR8T JUDGED ACCORDING TO THOUGHT AND ENGLI8H. Two Prizes, One of Thirty-five Dollars and One of Fifteen Dollars ' Offered to the Winning Contestants. It was announced last, ovonlng by Doan Costlgan of tho law school that the contest for tho law oratorical prlzo will bo hold on tho ovening of May 13, In tho music room of tho Tomplo. This announcement waa mado Immediately after tho nrrango raonts had boon completed for secur ing tho hall for that ovonlng. Tho attempt was mado to secure tho con- vocation hour for tho contost, but It waB found to bo Impossible. Eight Contestants. Eight contestants will participate. The names of thoso havo not been announced ofllcially, but soveral havo declared tholr intention of participat ing. Thoy aro R. W. Bates, H. B. Dixon, Calvin Emory, Louis Gregory, D. C. Long, H. C. Robertson and A. B. Warren. Tho judges for tho cont6st havo not yot been chosen. All of tho candidates havo handod In tholr completed orations, which will now bo submitted to the Judges. Thoy will be corrected nnd graded according to tholr oxcollenco In rhetoric after which thoy will bo re turned to tho men. Tho olght partici pants will then deliver the orations on May 13, whon their oxcollenco in oratory will bo graded. Tho first and second plnccB will bo awarded to the contestants having -tho highest and next highest rating as shown by tho addition of tho two grades. Two Prizes. A flrBt prlzo of $35.00 and a second prlo of $1B.OO aro offered to tho win ners of first and second places in tho contest. There will bo six judges threo of whom will grade tho written orations as to thought, English com position arrangeniont, and three of whom will judge tho contest itself as to effectiveness in thought, arrange ment and dollvery. Tho subjects of tho orations hand ed In aro not mado public but there is ovory probability that thoy will cover a wide field. Tho participants aro not confined to any sot Bubjoct, but may write upon any topic which 1b approved by the faculty of tho Collego of Law or by a committee having chargo of thlB matter. This oratorical contest, while hold by tho Collego of Law, Is open to all regular students of the Collogo of Medlclo, and to Juniors in the Collego of Liter ature, 'Science and tho Arts, and tho Industrial College., COURSE CONTINUE8 TO PLEA8E Practitioners' Review Work Is Again Successful. With nearly a scoro or physicians taking tho regular work for the sec ond day tho Practitioners' revlow course being conducted this week by tho modlcal collego 1b a pronounced success. Tho viBlting physicians aro well pleased with tho work bojng shown them and tho collogo faculty aro gratified at tho results of tho couvso this year offered for tho sec ond time In tho history of the collego of medicine. Yesterday thofo woro throe classes for tho practltlonors. In tho morning Dr. Charles W. M. Poynter1 conducted a class of Instruction and demonstra tion In the anatomical laboratory. In the afternoon tlioro were two divis ions In operation. Ono was conducted by Dr. Wolcott in tho anatomical laboratory and tho other by Dr. Wll lard in tho histological dopartmont. Today will bo spent by tho phy sicians at tho Evorett sanitarium un lor tho leadership of Dr. Evorett in tho morning and In the afternoon Dr, Orr will conduct a class at the ortho pedic hospital. CAPrEDE REVERSIRIF. Twsfer 100 pr cBt Extr Wttf 2Sc Made with "Easy Tie Slide" 8jace and "Pat ented Lock Front" QUARTER SIZES. One ef 10O. An Uplifting Story A Gdod and Trust worthy Gartor ex erts a' positive psychological in fluence. It pro motes poise and prompts Progress. It minimizes em barrassments. It. works for mental peace. Men who aro perpetually charged with a care for careless hose supporter, cannot hope to concentrate on Great Deeds. Bo Wiso Don't permit the tyranny of the trivial! PARIS GARTERS fit the leg and Introduce a radiat ing feeling of safety and security. Built by twentieth. Century Man for twentieth Contury Men, they are .complete .andcbmtrlhg.juKo metal chafe's tho flesh; no1 leather absorbs and holds perspiration. Every pafr sold with -Monoybak Every pair Bold with Monoyback Guarantee, You -must be satisfied, or you can't wear Paris Garters. If you can't find Paris Garters at your Haberdasher's, forward twon-ty-fivo cents for the simple kind or fifty cents for an ethoreal, Im-mortal-llko effect in silk. A. Stein &Co. Make them; at 207 : Center i Avenue, i rlaVVefnTSfaO j Company vl IlllflOIS, 1 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I' Farmers and Merchants Bank 15th & 0 Sts. Only Commercial State Bank in Lincoln Established 1001 YOU NEED CARDS We furnish all kinds Three color work GET PRICES Kirby & Dobson 1307 O Open Evening! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! ORCHESTRA for Concert or Dances G. F. Thornburg, - - Director; RalphJ.Reld, Pfcitht1 Violin and Coroet instruction given at Studio, 416 So. I7tb. Auto 5877. THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wolcomea all Btudento. n n Clin TO and BUrer Letter BBB pipes saasa- UNI SMOKE HOUSE , 1103 O Street L. J, HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAK'S TAILOR . . ; , Gome In and get that $15.00, SuJt 1 to. your order 12 30 O St. Lincoln Wion (pilaris HHw' .WM HHBr Sr I . -wriiTriwt-nmrmiMWW 1 iiiwi 11 11 1 mmmmemBummm mnrannummKjmMmmmmm nt TjiTfc4L' j