The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1909, Image 2

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Cbe patlg iRebtaehnn
musHEiiiEiTiAt;i(CHjtylJ(t fan M
ftfllittttH Unci, 128 N. 14th St,
CONVOCATIQN-Thursday, April 29
Our Spring Suitines Have. Arrived
' I. ", . ? . S ' 1 Z X
Edltor.i Herbert W. Potter
Managing WWr... Victor B. Smith
AfcWclate Ksltbris Philip Frederick
Carl J. Lord
,W. A. Jones
Circulator A. M. Hare
Assistant ttlrcdlat6Kv..i L-Silla Hyde
Editorial and Business Otflcoi
Postotfloe, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
utstihlrfloN pn.fc2.oo pen YEAR
Payable In Advance
Single Coplei. 0 Cente Each
Telephone! 'Auto 1W8.
INDIVIDUAL NuTlCBb H be charged
for at the rote of 10 cents por Insertion
for every fifteen words pr 'fraction wweor.
faculty notices and Onlvorslty bulletins
Will gladly be published free.
Entered ak the postpmos M LInooln.
Nebraska, as socond-olass mall mattei
under the Adt 6f Conkress of March .
. i i -
" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 100p.
At convocation yosterday morning
tho law Btudenta wore practically all
that wore proBoht to hoar H. H. Wll-
son of tho law college. If tho other
collogoB of tho university had tho
spirit that ho law cbllego has, thoro
would bo a good many moro buccobs
ful activltes In this Bchool. It 1b
truo that this spirit Bomotlmos bo
comfcs rathor, bolBtorouB but oven then
It Ib far bettor than ho bplrlt at all.
.r... -'n. .i1 .-ns I. ..jLw fi
String Quartet
t j ' ' f III t-lW
) I El
I '
Memorial Hall
even A. M.
tfhoro BeonTs td bo a sharp dlffor
'en'co of opinion among tho different
departments ot tho university as to
what branches ot learning will ulti
mately bo of tho moBt Importance
All of which gooB t6 show that a man
.who has spent his llfo In tho study Of
'a cortaln branch of learning la hot In
a position whOro ho can fairly judgo
as to tho ultimate valuo of hlB
branch as compared with tho Import
ance of anothor.
Tho question of obtaining a now
ialhlotlc field 1b not ono of tho kind
that requires deliberation and caution
oh :tho part ot tho authorities. It Is
rather onb that requires action and
qulok and d'oflhlto and tsffoctlvo action
at that If caro ts not takon studentB
will como back to school again next
fall only to find n field In tho course
tif construction In tho roar of tho
chtapulB that will not bo toady for
another year. Tho great noed Is a
hew field and that at once. Anothor
year of athletic at Nebraska without
hh athletic uI'd Ib almost Buro to
mean thblr fulhatlon and this would
be morO unfortunate for tho future of
tho school than anything .elao that
could happen.
It Is a habit of qulto a number of
profesBOrB in the university to hold
classes several mlnutea after the clos
ing boll has sounded. It seems to bo
considered that tho ten minutes al
lowed lor going from one class to
another can bo employed as well as
not by the frofoBsor for flnlBhlng(hls
lecture; This, howovor, works a
double hardBhlp, as it makes tho Btu
dont enter hlB next class from five to
ten minutes late and disturbs the
class bo that several minutes aro loBt.
tuo uon is tor tno purpose or n
nounefng that tho tlmo during whlcif
a professor has tho right to hold
his class has expired, and a continued
Infraction of this warning Is little
less than an imposition upon tho gpod
nature of tho class. The senate' should
tako somo action that would bring this
matter forcibly to tho attention of
tho professors.
iriado In their profession flinco thoy
tort school. In this way tho mono?
that tho Btato Ib topOhdlng eh this part
of its Institution at least, Ib feturnOd
&i once and directly and With Inter
obt. Publicity ahould bo given In all
ways poBBlblo to ovory work In whlcb
tho university Ib engaged tbat haB di
rect and striking bonoflt for tho peb
plo of the Btdto. Ill thlB why and In
thlfl way only, ban tl)o conaorvatlon
that has taken hold of tho people of
tho Btdto antl their representatives In
tho legislature with regard to tho
work of tho university bo ovorcome.
The' future of tho university 1b a
matter that dopondB sololy upon tho
education of tho pooplo of tho Btato
to tho work that tho unlvorBlty Is do
ing. Ab booh aB tho feollng becomes
general that monoy spent on the uni
versity Ib not wasted, thoro will bo no
trouble In getting appropriations from
tho legislature that will adequately
tako caro of tho unlvorslty. Until that
time comoB, howovor, each recurring
legislature will bo tho scene of a dofl
perato struggle to got enough money
to keep thlB Institution up to the stan
dard. Attempts to change the feeling of
any given legislature regarding the
university can at tho boBt do only
temporary good. Tho changing of
something deopor, tho feeling of the
pooplo of tho state, Ib required and
it will bo soonest obtained by giving
tho widest publicity to such actions
is tho work that tho modlcal school
Ib now engaged upon. If every uni
versity profeBsor who appears befbro
a Nebraska nudlenco during the noxt
two yoars, no matter on what occa-
Blon, would tako care, at soiho tlmO
during his address, to emphasize the
work that tho unlvorslty Is doing for
tho state It would certainly rosult In
a vast change of sentiment by tho
time tho next legislature moots.
In a recent addreBs Dr. Elliot, for
merly preBldont of Harvard university,
and onb ot tho most widely 'known
educators In tho country gives as his
opinion of teaching as h. profession
that It Ik one ot the most satisfying
occupations that a person can pursue.
On a subject of thlB nature Dr. Elliott
la ah authority and part of hla ad
dress Ib given below. He declared as
"Tho career of education Is, to my
thinking, tho highest, tho most Intel
lectual, and the moat rewarding aa
rogards services and tho direct ovl-
denco of service than In all ot the
othor profoBslons. In all professions
there Is this great eloraent of serv
ices, and there is In moat careers a
largo nltrulBtlc feeling. Tills Ib es
pecially truo of tho profession oT tho
ministry, but some of theBO profes
sions bo serviceable and truly altru
istic are pursuod under painful condl
University Bulletin
142 So. 12 th St.
rifUfiU lil illl'h i iili
Wednesday, 28 Meoting of Men'a
, Association Temple, 5 p, ra.
LThursday, 29. Convocation, Stringed
Quartet, 11 fl. m.
Thursday, 29. OradUato Music Re
cital. MIbb Annlo Jonea. Templo
Theatro, 8 "p. m.
Friday, 30. "sbclal Problbms in f heir
Relation to Publlo Hoalth." jof
Georgo E. Howard. Tomplo 6 p. m.
Tuesday, 4. "Tho Turkish Situation,"
by PrdfoBsor Edwin Mnxoy. Con
vocation. Momorlal Hall, 11 a.m.
Wednesday, 5. Ivy Day. Classes dls
' mlBBed for tho day.
Friday 7. Chi Bota Kappa Initiation.
Tuesdayk 11 Junior Program. Convo
cation Momorlal Hall, 11:00 a. m.
Tuesday, 11. Forestry lecture, State
Problems In Wisconsin,"' A. G.
Hatnbl; riXJUllzallon in Wiscon
Bin," S. C. Kottrldgo, N7 at 7:80
p. m.
Friday, 14. High 8chool Day. Classes
excused at 10 a. m. for tho re
mainder of tho day.
Saturday, May IB. Baseball: Drake
tJttlvcrsity Vs. Nobrabka.
Friday, 21 Pan Hellenic Ball. Audi
torium. Tuesday, 25. Forestry Ibcture: "For
est TypoB )n the Philippines,"
"Bill" Pagaduan; "Forest Utiliza
tion In the blHpplnoB," M. Lazo.
Friday, 28. Basoball: Kansas Unl
vorslty Vs. Nebraska.
Saturday, 29.- Baseball: Kansas Urtl
veralty vb. Nebraska.
- "
Jwj. ill
W9ir mm v
hj useMmAn
( jr mt " u
m& m
Guarantee I . I
Tf V..1
Aslc tho Catcher, the First Base
man. the Fielders onanv of tho
big college nines which make
Of Mitt or Ulove they Ue.
Nine times Out of ten the
answer will be
"Reach' Th6
iatnc applies to the
playcri of the
American and National Leagues. The Reach Ball la the only
ball used in, American League games it is the official boll.
Likewise Reach Mitts and GlOVcs are used exclusively by
the World's C ham piohs-'-t hat answers e Very question as to
the quality of Reach Base Ball Goods, Moreover they
are backed by
The Reach Trade Mark guarantees perfect g6odk. Should
defects appear, we will repace any -article absblulely without
cost (except Base Balls and Bats retailing under $1.00).
Get tho Roach Olflclnl Qaso Ball Guldo (Or 1009
10 cents ftt dealers' or by (nail.
AUo writ for 19J9 Reach D4e Hall Cntalogue VMiH.
1 1 ..
LUHt $9.00 Nut $8.50
..1 . i 1
Happenings o the Past
GREGORY, The Coal Man
8even Years Ago.
Tho 'varsity haseball toam defeated
Kansas by tho score of 25 to 8 in
Lincoln. Tho game was a farce from
start to finish.
8lx Yeiirs Ago.
Spring football practlco was com
menced at tho unlvorslty. A stnall
'squad got out, as many men wore
btiBy with track work.
Five Years Ag6.
Tho Dramatic Club worked up a
special stunt known as a Glrla' Min-
strol Show and presented it at tho
Oliver to a crowded house. It w(Tb de
clared to bo1 the biggest succobb of
tho year. "
Four Years Ago.
Membership In the university debat
ing association was opeued to all Btu
denta In tho university, tnstoad 6f be
ing confined as ih tho past to mem
bers of tho Intercollegiate debating
Three Years Ago.
By almost a unanimous vote the
athletic board refused to grant tho ro-
. at the
Auto Photl 48
quest of tho "Associated Barbs" ask-
ThiiR tho nrofeBslou of modi- InB that the tax on Btudenta, voting
clno, which Is infinitely serviceable , for oWit)ers of tho athletic boaVa, bo
to tho community, to the practlcloner
and to all concerned, must bo said
to bo often exorcised undor real pain
and distress for a really sympathetic
mnn. This Is not true of tho career of
teaching. It lends Itself readily to
sympathy better than any othor pro
fession except that of the ministry. Is
not that an inducement to enter this
profession for any man who has the
frrftnlf?ht? Of onnrno n trrtxnt mnnv
Tho work that the medical college t0 8neak off but for a who
is doing at tho present time Is a strlk- im
One Year Age.
Ah organization of sophbmoro glrlB
known as XI Dolth was formed In tho
class of 1911.
LLM7 ui
. nit)le Latest Model 'Bana-er' blcvcle fun55(
nifle Latest Model "Banger7' bicycle tu:
fend district U
nvsasBS ride ana exniDttfe ' tu. Oar agents evep-Vherc are
tnakios mooeyiast. Wrttr fullfrirticvbtri find titcial offer (it enct.
NO MONEX BEQtJIKKlruntil you rtcreSBciapproveof youHblcycle. Vetthli
to anyone, anywhere In the U. S. without a ctni dfPotit in advance, prtfayjrtithi, and
, allow TKiTbAVS' FWEK TKIALdinlnrwHch time you may ride Ihe bicycle an2
put It to any teat you with. If you are the not perfectly aatit fied or do not wis!
Keep uie Dicycie sntp it Dacic to us at our eiptnxe vony&u Wxii net frontons etnt.
tTinTilDV'Mlftr Wc furnlh the hlkhett prade blcrclea it U possible to makt
rityi wbi rsiuw at one amall profit above actual factory cost. You save tio
ti'. nmhl. ki t 1- ' -- . KHJ . .1. . i ..-. ...
lil vr.i
jrictt and rtmarkaii ttocial cttert to Tlderaa-enta.
"ni Will IP lCTAMItlll?fe when ya receive our beautiful cauloRne an3
f WILI. BC flalUr1l9llLB udy our aunerb models at the uondtrfU
iotufrfttt we can maVe you this year. We sell the highest grade blcrclea for less money
hanjjny other factory. We are satisfied with Itxo profit above factory cost.
k uiuiuiiEi iiiAj.r.iuf. Touan leirour'nincia unasr vnur nwnmimn mat at
oouuiq our praxi. uracn uiica jno uy received. ,
. r- . . - ... ....
HKCOND UAND uwxtiLKS., Wo, do not rettilarly handle second hand bicycles, but
illy have a number on hand taken In trade by our Chicaro -retail stores. Oliese wo clear out
aprompUy'st prices rangingr from 3 to 18 or lO. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. MMIfC slnele wheels. 'Imported roiiejr chains nd pedals, parts,' repairs and
bVJW I CKHMMt-f, equipment of all kinds at haf Uu usual rttail friut.
jiam j ;.
- Ing Illustration of tho practical hene
fit that tho university can ho to tho
fltato when this Bldo of Us life is de-
veloped. At the present time a largo
number of physicians who have been
practiqlng throughout tho state for
soyoral years aro at tho university
MfPfngJ" 4c6ur8Q 6t lectures last
ing a wobkthe progr&sd.Hlia't ha? been
"I recommend the profession of
teaching as ono In which ho will And
It possible to relish tho chief joys of
life. I bellevo on the whole;, tho deep-
.est hope rests on tho man who em
braces a career of education."
- f s
' IT ypu want a bicycle call at tho No
braskati' office A 0 wheel for f25.
A Game as 8oon as the Grounds Are
In Condition.
. Tlio Girls' Busehall club of tho Uni
versity of Missouri, Is planning to bo
gin work as soon as tho grounds aro
In condition. Two teams "have been
formed. Tho games are to bo played
three times a week and a recdrd is to
bo kopt of tho scores. Tho Indoor
baseball rules aro to bo followed.
Practically the only way In which tho
gamo differs from ordinary basqball
Is that the diamond is smaller and
Unit a runner catonO't leave his baBO
until the ball has' reached or passed
tho catcher. Tho ball used is larger
and lighter than tho regulation -baseball,
The rexular retail trice ot thue tires is
S3 JO ttr tair.but to introduce vie will
.;-- .-. .. . .. - ....-. A
NAEL9, Tacks or Glass will not let tho
air oat. 8lty thousand pairs sold last year.
over two aunarcaanouaana .pairs now in use.
nranJtlJBTfflSf.Mndeinall aires. Itlslivelv
a'snedalnunlTtvof rubber, which never becomes
porous and which closes up small punctures without allow
ing the utr to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis-
OcdcustomersstatlQg tnai tneir tires naveoniy oeen pumpea
up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than
an ordinary tire, tbepuncture resistingquallties being given
by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the
tread. Theregular price of these tires is $8.50 per pair.bu t f or
M B0
the rider of only AMo per pair, au oraers sntppea 1
Kottoe tho thick rubber tread
A" and punotnro strips li"
and t4D," also rim. Strip H
to prevent rim cutting. This
tire will outlast any other
naalce-SOFT, KLAtiTXO and
same day letter is received. We ship C O. D. oa
nickel piaieetrass nana pump. 1 ires to oe returnea at uuil expense ir for any reason they are
nqtsatlsfacloroa examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a
hanle. If vou -order 'ftiDair -of these 'tlrCfl. VOU will find thnr thiv will riif nslor nm fn.
wear better, last lontfer aitdloolc fitter than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We
know that you wlll"beso well pleased that when you want a bicycle, you wlllgiveus your order.
We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer.
the'Speclal rntroductor
describe and auotes al
' m-- , :; . - . r ',- . .- - -. -. - . "r" 1- "-"-.-"-"" -- '-. r
nn ainr WAIT o"wriicuaaposiaiioaoy. mt NOT TlllfUt. Ol-BCYSNa a bicycle
BMB iiVf WFlf T. ora pslr of tires from anyone until you know the tieWand wonderful
offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn every thing. Write jt NOW. J .
TIOJCO ,ao? inwysnyKinaatnay price ununyou send Tor a pair of
? Iledgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at
y price quoted abpve: or write for our big Tire 'and Sundry Catalogue Which
il makes and kinds Of tires Bt nhatit halflhr. usual nrtrva
"- 'l"'1
"' "i'imi itwiMwnmiii wMwiiuiWiVTi)(irswiiM(rBMrBa