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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1909)
JiLA:jLh.Wmmmmmfmmm THE DAILY NEBRASKAN d i.FLEMING Finest watch and Jowolry Ropalrlng ii tho qity. Givo us ft cull. Doll A70I, Auto mU 1211 OSL Wo solicit u .nlmvo of. your patronago ' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I & ; ndbSb 249N WOAf S7iTO 96 lHlfl ITONE AND PIT, f-ffflRAVl 'Wcy PATRONIZE ;OUR ADVERTI8ER8I CAPITAL HOTEL CAFE & LUNCH COUNTER 11th and P Sts. Open from G a. m. till 12 p. m. Lincoln's most pop ular priced cafo. OUh'mOUO: Clean and Quick Serilct all the Time. Coupoa Banks worth $5 told tor M.25. Hans Workow, Mgr. i Offioeecoocooooooo (ft n All Makes of Second- hand Typewriters sold, rented, o r exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St., Both Phones, g 5GOSOQ0OQO000001 FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers 1338 O St. No. Side PHONES: Auto 1S24 Bell S2 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anjrone sending a sketch nnd description may qutotfr Ascertain our opinion froe whether an Inreutinn Is probably pAtentable, ConiniiinlRi. uons strictly conndeutlal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest auency for sectirinjr patents. raienia laaon lurousn iunn a. i npeelat notice, without cbargo, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tersest c..a. dilation of any clenilUa journal. Terms, 93 a year t four months, SL Sold by all newsdealer. WINN & Co.'.New York Branch Office, OK Y BL, WashlnKton, W, C. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8! TAs Js it OLYMP ClUreCO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE COLLAR, . 15 ("cntsifor?J tents Cjnelt, rcalKjtly A Co.. Tipy, Jf. Y. wkkiLLA IjTjwra - Mmmmmmmmmm CMr mmmmb It1 ' LLh ARROW m I BASEBALL "IT?" YES ALL 80RT8 Off CLUBS 8HOWINQ UP ON THE DIAMOND. GIRLS TAKE A HAND IN IT, TOO 80RORITY TEAMS IN PROCE89 OF LEARNING HOW. Chomlstry Club vs. Bot. 8em. Phi Beta Kappa vs. T. N. E., and Alpha Omlcron PI vs. Al pha Chi Omega. Spring hnb como. Tho khibb 1b get ting green. Tho birdfl nro singing. And withal everybody's hnnds'nro Itch ing to get hold of n baseball Juut to Bee how soon nnd In what nn nrtlatlc manner those Hamo hands can lot go of tho hard Bphoro. It's a great' gamo, Is baseball, and protty nearly overybody In the uni versity Be'ems to bo finding it out. Until a comparatively recent date tho fever wuh conflnod to Captain Beltzer and hiB bunch of ball-mad cntluiBlastB. But now there aro no limits to the Bpread of tho insidious disease. It Ms infecting students and Bluffers, lit so cieties and lawB, frat men and sorori ty girls . Lits In the Game. The two literary societies started the ball of competition rolling with a bas ketball gamo. That started tho spirit of rivalry and tho fire has been fanned along until now the llts aro eagerly challenging each other to contest for honors on tho diamond. The game is not yet scheduled, but it Is snld to bo on the list for tho near future. The forestry club, which early leaped Into fame this year by giving a dance, has now organized a capable nine and has askod the chemistry club for a game. The chemistry men expect "to ubo their faculty members in the line-up nnd at present tho gamo Is being delayed by the inability of Dr. Dales to get out for practice. Tho foiestry men expect to stick to their student members, but they expect to have Professor Phillips and Dr. Bes vcy on the side-lines. Bot Sem is considering the matter of putting a team in the field and in case the vote Is iavorablo the or ganization will undoubtedly chnllengo the wlnnors of the chemlBtry-forostry contest. Phi Beta Kappa and Theta N'u Bp tdlon are scheduled for a game April :I2. Both organizations will apear in full masks and without pins, tho P. B. K.'s having consonted to this out of courtesy for the bashfulness of tho T. N. E. men. It Is rumored that some men will have to play on both teams because of dual afilllatlons. But a committee is to be appointed to con sider these cases and seek some way around the difficulty. Sororities Like It. The girls are not at all backward in the game not by any means. PI Beta Phi has had a good bunch out for practice at Thirteenth and It ever since the weather allowed. Delta Delta Delta has been hard at work at the Vine streot park and have some promising material. Alpha Chi Omega has organized with a full nine nnd has challenged Alpha Omrlcon Pi to a contest to bo played off shortly. Both teams in this pair ai'o practicing night and day and a training tabic has boon established. INSPECTING MEDICAL SCHOOLS. ity Professor Pays a Visit to Nebraska. Professor A. Flexnor of N.ow York, was a campus' visitor yesterday. Ho was occuplednln inspecting tho medi cal college, acting on behalf of the Amorlcan Medical association. This Inspection Is a regular occurrence and Is mado In all tho colleges of tho. coun- .try. Professor Floxner will leave to day for other points on his schedule. J. E. Shelton, Stanford-, '10, won the recent intercollegiate, dobato and won the seventh Carnot medal to go to his school,- There were. sixain tho debate, three from Stanford nnd throe from California. ' RECEIVES RELICS OF LINCOLN. Fraternity at Illinois Gets Valuable Gifts. Alpha Epsllon chapter of Zeta Pfll fratornity, which Iiub Just boon In stalled at Illinois, was yesterday tho recipient of a largo and very valuable collection of Lincolnlnnu. Tho articles aro tho gift of Mr. Henry T. Thomas, of Now York, a formor resident of Ill inois and a graduate of the old Uni versity of Chicago. The most valuable of tho articles is tho replica of the llfcmnsk of Lincoln mndo by the famous sculptor L. W. Volk In Chicago In 18G0. With it also Is a cast of President Lincoln's right and loft hands, by Volk. The value of the mask Ib Bhown by the fact that there are only three originals of It in existence. One of them Is in tho Smithsolan Institute; ' another belongs to General Robert T. Lincoln; and tho third now becomes the property of the Illinois chapter. At present it is to bo held in trust by Xi chapter of Zota PbI. but Is ultimately to go to tho home of the now Alpha Epsllon chap ter, where it Is thought properly to be long, being the most authentic re minder in oxistenco of the greatest son of Illinois. Tho other nrtlcles are a life-size photograph of Lincoln from an origin al negative made in Chicago in 18G0, an unabridged edition of N'lekolay and Hay's "Life of Lincoln," Miss Tarbell's "Life of Lincoln," Frederick Trevor Hill's "Lincoln tho Lawyer," "Lincoln, MaBter of Men," by Alonzo Rothchlld, "Abraham Lincoln," by Carl Shurz and Truman II. Bnrtlott. These objects will be placed In one of the rooms of the chaptor 'house to bo dedicated and known always as the Lincoln room, whero there will be- spe clal observance on each recurring an niversary or the great Emancipator's birth. Tho University of North Carolina has selected Brides, of Yale, as their coach next year. Season baseball tickets are on sale at Missouri for $2.50. The games sep arately would cost $:i.8.r. Michigan's baseball team has begun active work and is doing well Tor the beginning of the season. A locker room attendant has been appointed and a check room installed in the gymnasium at Minnesota in tho hope of stopping thieving In the build ing. The University or Missouri is re ported to have an athlete who Is six feet eleven inches in height, but who could not make a place on the foot ball team. The Freshman Oratorical contest at Iowa 1b to be held March 10 this year. The men are being urged to get their orations to the committee as soon as possible. A pet collie belonging to one ojT tho professors at Indiana rocontly died of the rabies and two of the faculty who foar that they may have been Infect ed, aro to take tho Pasteur treatment. Coach Ray has boon re-engagod by tho athletic committee to coach the Harvard crew for tho next five years. He has htfld the position since 1904, turning out two winning crows out of four. Want -Ads Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration Bldf ., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion (or every fifteen words or fraction thereof (or the first inser tion; three insertions 26 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. FOR, 8ALE. FOR SALE A new high-grade bi cycle at 25 per cent discount Inquire at Nobraskan office , 01-tf FOR SALE A now ?50 bicycle (or $25. See Nebraskan . manager. 122-tf Get your Punches, Sherbets, and Ice Cream from COLLINS Special attention given to Student Affairs. Bowls, Spoons and Glass es furnished free. Collins Bros. Ice Cream Co: Seventh and L Streets Bell 428 PHONES Auto 1228 George Bros. Printing Engraving Fine Lino Pound and Box Stationery Embossing Frn!iihnWsd?8 CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE and Electric Shot Rtpalr Factory Saves You TIMEAND-MONEY 1220 O Street PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8! UNDERWEAR for YOUNG MEN Union Suits 75c, $1 and more Two Piece Suits 4 25c, 45c, and More Athletic Union 4 Suits and two piece garments Try Us - It Pays 925"CTSl.Itmeolr.N'6tx PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ERS1 Quality Counts J THAT'S WHY Franklin's let Grtam v 18 SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fancy breams, sherbets, ices and punch for Frat and Sorority Parties. Auto 8181 Bell 205 1810 N Stroot Basiness Directory Evsry Loyal University Student is urged to patronize these Ne. braskan advertisers, and to men tion the paper while doing so. . . BANKS Central National. First Trust and Savings. Jt. Farmers & Merchants,. BAKERIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE Chris', Elovonth and PSts. BOOK 3TORE8 Co-Op. Porter's. University. CIGARS Colo & McKenna. CLEANERS Sultorlum. Manhattan. CLOTHING Corf Clothing Co. Farquhar. Mageo & Decmer. Maqrpr Bros. "Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon. COAL Gregory. Whitobreast. CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Oandy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMIE8 Lincoln. Williams. DENTIST8- J. R. Davis. Yungblut. DRY GOOD8 Mlllor & Palno. DRUGGI8TS Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORIST8- Chapln BroB. C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Unland. Budd. Cer Clothing Co. Fulk. Mageo & Deemor. Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. . Snoler & Simon. GROCERIES fc Nobraslcn Grocery & Moat Co. HATTER8 Budd. tf Corf Cluthlncr f!n. Fulk. Unland. ICE CREAM Collins Ico Cream Co. Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER8 Hnllott. Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES IK Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans OPTICIANS IK Shean. ORCHESTRA G. F. Thornberg. PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsend. PRINTERS 1 George Bros. SimmonB. RESTAURANT8 Capital Cafe. Y. M. O. A. Spa. Boston Lunch. Cameron's. SHOE8 Men's Bootery. Armstrong. Beckman Bros. Branthwalte. Budd. Gerf Clothing Co. ft Cincinnati Shoe 'Store. Hereford. Rogers ft Perkins, Sandersons. Fred Schmidt & Bros, SKIRTS The Skirt Stroe. TAILOR8 , Desher. Collego Tailors. Elliott Bros. , Gregory. Herzog. Ludwlg. Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS - Lyrio. Majestic. . Oliver. TYPEWRITERS ' Lincoln Typewriter Bx change. Underwood Typewriter Co. PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-OUR ADVERTISERS 41 41 4t 4t 4t 4t 4t 4( 4t 4t 41 4t 4t 41 "-! 41 41 r in iiiiwinsmnnan 908EEBsfifissC 'WBnwwwtiTWiwiiiaiw