THE DAILY NEBRAKAN it-1 t ! r l 'ft s OLIVER THEATRr vrxVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvAAAvvvvVvAr TONIGHT AT 8:15 CHA8. B. MANFORD IN , THE WINTER'S TALE WEDNE8DAY MATINEE The Merchant of Venice WEDNESDAY NIGHT OTHELLO Mat $1.00 to 25c. Eve $1.50 to 25c msmm WARD-KLARE AND COMPANY In "The Twin Fats" RALPH JOHNSTONE Master Cyclist of tho World FOSTER AND FOSTER lu "Tho Volunteer Pianist" ELIZABETH M. MURRAY Irish And Negro Character Songs KIKUDA AND MAKI Unrivalled Japanese Entertainers NONETTE In "Parisian Eccentricities" Mats. Dally (except Mon.) 15 & 25c Night 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 35 & 50 nraan Producing the Latest Successes at Popular Prices.' WEEK STARTING MONDAY, APRIL 26 THE FULTON STOCK COMPANY In the Great Farce Comedy "THE BRIXTON BURGLARY" Best Seats 25 Cents. Every Even ing at 8:30 Wednesday and Saturday Matinee at 2:30 To Follow May 3d "ALL OF A SUDDEN PEGGY" ORCHESTRA for Concert or Dances G. F. Thornburg, - - - Director Ralph J. Reid, Plaint Violin and Cornet Instruction given at Studio, 4J6 So. J7th. Auto 5877. WILLIAM' DANCING ACADEMY Successor to Pitts Social Evening - - - Friday Advanced Class - Monday Eve. Class Evenings - Wed. & Sat. Private Lessons Given if Desired 1124 N STREET Auto 4019 Bell A-2021 HAVE THE EVANS Do Yoir Washing TYPEWRITERS All mnkea rontod with stand $3 Per Montfi. Bargains In Rotmllt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 1155-Boll 1181. 124 No. HtK ui i nf 1 ' )- 1 .JL. f . THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE ' Welcomes all Btuilonta. , d d iirrC and Bilver Latter BB PIPES .SH8BK Wl SM'bKE l&USE 1183 O Strpot ill V1 L. j: riMK2SO3 THE UNIVERSITY MANf TAILOR Come in and get thai $J$.00 Suit ' ' ' to'your order 1230 O'St.- Lincoln M f I r- i Gleanings jj ' C. H. Frey, florist 1132 O St. Harry Porter. Ho has It. 1123 O St Chapln Bros., florlsjs, 127 So. Thir teenth. a A. It. Pool, 1911, visited In Omaha Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. Miss Edith O'Connoll, 1908, was a campus visitor Monday. OOP Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. E. M. Sunderland, 1907, visited friends In tho city Sunday. The best lunch In tho city. Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13 &' P. Guy E. Montgomery, 1909, spent Frl day and Saturday In Omnha. . The NebrasUan will soil a ?50 wheel for $25. Do you want It? H. H. HergqulHt, 1908, spent Sun day at tho Kappa Sigma house. 000 One thousand pairs Oxfords on salo at $2.95. Hereford, 1215 O. Will Boyes, 1912, of Hebron, Nob,, Is confined at homo with typhoid fever. .0 New spring styles In fodtwear now on display. Beckman Bros.. 1107 O St. .1. L. Coupe, 1909, captain of Co. C, epent Saturday and Sunday In Omaha. If you want a bicycle call at tho Ne- brnskan bfllce. A 50 wheel for $25. A.M. Stttrtznegger, 1910, visited at his home at South Bend, Nob., on Sunday. 0 0 Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. J. E. Johnson, LawlUll, was In Omaha, Saturday and Sunday, vlBltlng his parents. Hugh Cooke, 'varsity baseball star CiC3GQQ$C0Ga0CSO0 IMA need n white or fhncv vest: one thnt fits vnn wrll- X W III I J"5 the new pattern you want, and at n moderate I UU price WE HAVE IT FOR YOU. I FULK, : 30000000Q00 O O of several years ago, Is visiting at tho Kappa Sigma bouse this week. A pocketboak, found In Nebraska hall, is waiting a claimant at tho office of Miss Ernst, botanical storekeeper. 00 Arbor Barth entertained tho mem bers of the Alpha Tau Omega fratoj nlty at his homo, 1016 II street, Friday evening. Lathrop M. Taylor, a prominent uni versity student several years ago, fins been anointed, secretary of the Colo rado state board or agriculture very re cently. The members aflho athletic com mlttces ofnll classes, are requested to meet today In U 110 at 11 o'clock. Very important as the athletics for Ivy Day aie going to bo arranged. The active chapter, of. the Pelta Tau Delta fraternity .entertained -tho ac tive chapter of the Alpha Theta Chi fraternity at a" Binoker last evening at tho chapter house, 1420 R street. f The botaulcal department Is; arrang ing for tho purchase of soma new m Bcropes to take tho place of. the old model apparatus noy In partial ubo In Lab, L Other apparatus Is .also being bought, . YOU NEED CARDS We furnish all kinds Three color work GET PRICES Kirby & Dobson 1307 O Open Evening Tho students from tho Templo High School ubo the gymnnslum on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 10:35 to 11 a. in. Tho glrlB uso the chapel while tho boys use tho gymnasium proper. . A. H. Mlllor, 1908, forest guard of "the Holy Cross National forest re sorve m Colorado, was a cmnpuB visit or a few days last week. Mr. Mlllor reports the work as being very pleas ant and satisfactory. At 7:30 this evening the members of the Forest Club will meet In Ne braska hall, 7, whero thoy will llBton to an address by Professor Phillips of the forestry department on "Scien tific Probloma In Forest Plantations." o 0 v The Lincoln Dancing Academy has moved to 1 124 N St., having bought tho business of tho Williams' Dancing Academy. Thoy have a select crowd, and extend a special Invitation to uni veislty students to attend their dances. In a game of baseball marked by heavy hitting and poor fielding, tho cabinet or tho university V. M. C. A. defeated the finance committee of the same organization by a bcoio of 27 to 26. The feature of tho gamo wub 19 scores made by the cabinet In 0110 in ning. a Harry C. Ingles, 1910, Beta Theta Pi, has been appointed principal cadet to West Point by Congressman Hln shaw, subject to his passing tho ex amination. Allen T. Newman of He bron, Neb., has been appointed alter nate. O ! In a very one-sided game of base ball Alpha Theta Chi fraternity de feated the forest club by a score of eighteen to three at the state farm Saturday. A. T. C. Batteries: E. Buol and R. Smith. Forest club: Carver, Lamb and Upson. 0 S. A. Ersklne, 1911, Dulta Tan Delta, has been forced to leave school for the rest of tho semester on account of ill health. Mr, ErkBlno was sick dur- O O O00000000&0 9 1325 O 0000000000 oooo lug the spring vacation, and hence his recant auction. His many-friends hope tor his recovery and his return to school next fall. Tho members of tho Kappa Kappa Ganjma sorority held their twenty fifth annual banquet Friday evening at tho Lincoln hotel. Tho annunl formal pnrty of the same sorority was held Saturday evening" at tho Lincoln, Many alumni members and Invited guests were present, R. I. Elliott, ex-1909 visited at tho Acacla( house over Sunday. Mr. Elliott has been recently elected su perintendent of tho Broken Bow pub lic schoolB. Hp will also be at the head of the faculty or the stato Jun ior normal at Broken Bow dulrng the summer session of that school. . State High School Inspector A. A. Reed lias returned from an Inspection. trip In southwestern Nebraska. Ho states that his attention was forcibly attracted by tho character of the new high school buildings recently erected nt McCdok and Orleans. Although In4 different classes, tho buildings in each town exccll In their kind. . . . Saturday evening, Anvil 24th, tho English club met at the home of Miss Jeffrys, 1G27 So. Thirteenth stroot. MEN'S 12th msMsmmswmsmsMwsmisMsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsMmsrm'SMmswsMmsmsmsmsmsh Freshman May 15, 1909. H-O-P Fraternity Hall $1.25 I An excellent literary program was ren dered by tho members of tho club which was original. Excellent stories wore read by Mr. Long and Miss Jef freys, and an excellent ossay was given by Miss Wlrlck. Professor M. M. Fogg was a Judge at the Wesloyan-Grand Island College debate last Friday evening, hold at University Place, Wosleynn won tho debate. The question was tho feder al Incorporation law. Tho other two judges weie Honorable Richard Mot calfe and Superintendent Bodwell of Beatrice. Hon. W. J. Bryan presided. -Dr. C. 13. Bcascy of the botanical department returned Sunday from Hnlgler, Neb., where on Saturday ho addressed tho Dundy county teachers' association. Dr. Bussoy Is enthusias tic over the peoplo of Dundy county. Ho states that ho has seldom ad dressed so attentive an nndlonce. At Benkleman, Nebr., ho met F. J. Plpal, 1907, who is now superintendent or the public schools at that town. Mr. Plpal may tako up graduate work In the unherslty next fall. Y. M. C. A. ENTER8 BASEBALL. Cabinet and Finance Committee Play a Hot Game. On Saturday afternoon at the stato farm diamond the Y. M. C. A. cabl net played the members of the iinaucc committee a game of baseball In ans wer to a challenge offered some tlmo ago. The contest began with tho cabinet at bat. In this inning Coryell, the twlrlor for tho financiers, bewildered his opponents, holding them down to a single tally. In the second half tho financiers batted Mahooil of tho cabi net without appnrent difficulty and brought three men safely In for scores. In sovoraK innings following Coryell held tho cabinet sluggors down, lot ting in but eight runs whilo In the box. In the second inning Mahood was succeeded In the box by Plastors who proved easy, letting in 1Q scores. Ho was followo'd by Tato who pitched a consistent game in the remaining five Innings and won It for tho cabinet. Drake was baited out of the box after allowing 15 tallies In the first half of thq Boventh., Thojlnanclors Bucceodecl. in tallying, but one sdore in the last half of the seventh and tho gamo ,was called. ' Score by Innings; Cabinet, 110 10 5 '1927. Finance, 3 13 0 4 2 3 1 20. Qattorles: Cabinet, Mahood, Plas ters, Tate and Itoinsch. Flnanco com mltteo, Coryell, Drako, Shank and Ilice. Time of gamo, two hours tind thirty minutes, Sco tho new "Shoe Shapes" for Mon In tho "THOMPSON Mako" $n.R0, ?i.00 and "HANDCROFT" Mnko $0,00 DIFFERENT SHOES for your moro XLA86 and STAYING quality. Will bo pleased to show you. ASK TO SEE 'THE PUNCH' that Collogb Shoe. SEE W1NDOW8 ALL NEW BOOTERY & P Streets UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Threo-yoar course, loading to dogroo of Doctor of Law (J.D.), which by tho Wnartqr system may i;o completed in two and one-fourth calendar years, Collogo education required for regular admission, olio yoar of law bolug counted toward collcgo degree. Law library of 31,000 volumes. The 8ummer Quarter offers special opportunities to students, teachers, and practitioners. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT ADDRESS Dean of Law School, University of Chicago smsMmsmsmsmtmsmmsMmsmMswsBmsmswsmsfSMWSMmmswmsism Farmers and Merchants Bank !5tli & 0 Sts, Only Commercial Stato Bank in Lincoln Established 1001 UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S.S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT i. - , Your Patronnic Solicited i ' v; 'i t .fig. Bell Phone 482 Ante Phene 1481 rnUDI IUCMTC rr? )b wuiiii iiitii.ii i o vr Nebraska Qrocery and Meat Company , Fancy anjj taple Groceries 1036 P Street Eviry Order Given Special Allintt.n 14 rKi,. Hot Drinks a,' 1 ate now In .season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service;. as you can at our new store? lo , need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen S.WCoraer S t A i ''ttC