''""" rl M ( I'ttflfeMRbttA' --". rf - -'' ' ; - ' i . ' A . hI Ube 2)ail$ Iftebraekan v . T ftVoL VIII. No. 132. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1909. Price 5 Cent. aMTi V, DATE TO BE CHANGED CADETS WILL PROBABLY EN CAMP TWO DAYS EARLIER. COMMITTEE WORKING ON PLANS BOTH SENIORS AND OFFICERS DE SIRE THE CHANGE. Chancellor Will Probably Call a Meet ing of the University Senate This Week to Consider Proposed Change. affairs If the battalion returned on Monday. The authorities seem to fall In read ily with the plan, the approval of many of tho professors having already been secured. Tho chancellor will probnbly call a meeting of tho univer sity senate this week to pass upon the proposed plan, nud at present It looks as though tho change would be approved. THE REGENTS ORDER 150 COPIES TAKE EIRST CONTEST MISSOURI BEATEN IN 8L0W CON. TEST BY 11 TO 7 8CORE. YANY ERRORS TOR BOTH TEAMS Books Gratis The date fof the annual cadet en nimnrapiit mnv be n train changed. A committee Is now working up a plan whereby camp may be held two days earllor. than at present scheduled and still not conflict with examinations. The plan, when completed, will be submitted to the university senate, which will probably pass upon it some time this week. The difficulty with the present da'te nrlseH from the fact that various members of the battalion have promi nent parts in the senior piny which will necessitate theit attendance at re hearsals. The committee now consid ering the plan is composed of repre sentatives from the military depart ment and the senior play. Leave Earlier. Two plans are under 'consideration. The one which seems to gain the most favor, is that which will provide Tor tho cadets going to Ashland two days earlier than the date as at present -announced. This will not necessarily bring the examinations at any earlier date, as the clasB schedules aro so arranged as to enable tho majority of the examinations to be held, as al ready scheduled, and not conflict with with the proposed date for tho en campment. It is proposed to provide that those who have to take exami nations after the cadets leave will bo permitted to do so, being excused from camp during that time. This change In tho date will, It la believed, bo beneficial to all con cerned. The date for the encampment, if changed, will bo from Juno 2 to June 7, instead of June 1 to Juno 9. This will mean that the cadets will leave here Wednesday and return on the following Monday. The other plan which also provides for tho encamp ment from Wednesday to Monday Is, to, hold all of tho examinations on the two days previous to the battalion's " departure. I 8eniors Support It. The senior class is supporting tho change of da$o f,pr several reasons. the flrBt place several officers and momber8 of the battalion are occu pying places In the cast of the senior play which Is to'be given on Juno 10, As all, of these characters are Im portant to tho success of, the . play, and, as It will be almost imperative that ihey attend at least two. dress rehearsals before theplay. isTglVen, the change In date will v benefit the play greatly In this reBpecL The ca dets returning on Monday will also enable thorn, if they so doslre, to see thp1 morning matinee, before leaving for home. It is believed that many of them "will renrnln in Lincoln for this mutlnoe and thus the. benefits of tho changed date wlll be reaped by both the cadets arid tho senior class. There . .'.... win also uo senior functions- an dur ing tho week, and, as the number who Would bo absent with tho battalion in- To Be Distributed Among High 8chools. Up to last evening less than 100 copies of this yonr's issue of the Corn lnisker remained unsold. Tho action of the board of regents, taken Satur day evening ift securing lt"0 copies for free distribution to all accredited high schools of tho state, brought tho remaining available number down to less than one hundred. These cdpios are Bocured for distribution among the schools of tho state for the pur pose of Interesting students In the" uni versity. The present nrrangeinent of tho books makes It especially" well fitted Tor this purpose. It shows up each department In n separate division and gives a good, clean idea of the work being done here along all lines. Two hundred pages of the Annual are now on the preBs and the re mainder of tho book Is almost ready. It is being printed nt tho rate .of thirty-two pages a day. This year's book will contain about double the number of outs in last year's ('ornhusker, and the individual "write ups" have been worked up In much more inter esting fashion. Tables, at which orders for tho book will bo taken, are established In the lobbies of the Engineering hall and the Library, and tho management Is conlldent that all of the remaining copies will bo sold by Friday night. Only one thousnnd copies of tho book will be printed this year, the forms being tnken down ns soon aB these are run off. Cornhuskers Play Poor Enough Ball to Lose but the ' "Show-me" Men Put Up a Much Worse Exhibition. Nebraska 11; Missouri 7. CADET APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE Promotions Rank According to Com petitive Drill. The appointments for the coming year in the cadet battalion at the State .Farm have JuBt beon mado. The of ficers and non-commissioned o Ulcers will rank according to the ranks of their respective companies as determ ined by the competitive drill held on April 22d. The promotions, subject to the approval of the principal of the School tff Agriculture, arer as follows: To be major: Captain C. R. Rich ey. To bo-captaln; First .Lieutenant S. F. Carpenter. To bo first lleuten-' ant: Second Lieutenant W. C. Shultc. To bo second lieutenant: Sorgeant II. D, Rands. To bo sargqant: Corporal C. B. Bull. To be first sergeants: F. L. Wilcox, Co. B; 'J. Robinson, Co. F; B. D. Comstock,' Co. G; E. B. Isham, Co. H. Tor bo color sergeants: L. Nelson, C.-Wf" Hill. First Lieutenant D. M. Johnson, un asslgned, is appointed battalion ad First Lieutenant M. E. Kraxoberger, unnssigned, Is appointed battalion quartermaster, C. J. Ford, second lieutenant, un asslgned, is appointed chief trumpeter. To bo captains: R. R. Isham',' Co. E; A. C. Morassy, Co. F; H. L. Nye, Co. G; K. E. Nash, Co: H. To bo flrst lieutenants: J. C. For uerger, Co. E; C. O. Hurt, Co. E; E. E. Matson, Co. G; S. L. Hood, Co. H;, D. M. Johnson, unasslgned; M, ' E. Kraxborgcr, unnsslgnod. To bo. second lieutenants: A. D. Fitch, Co. E R.ltr Johnson, Co, F; E. Schneldorco, Q; c7b. Bull, Co. H; C,.'.T. Ford, unasslgned, ' ... To bo snrgeant: Major D. R, Duff. Nebraska had no license to win the "comedy of orrors" with Missouri yes- terday at Antelope park, but tho fact that the visitors showed up with a larger error column than the local favgrltes resulted in Buck Seltzer's boys, getting away with tho vaudovlllo stunts to tho harmony of 11 to 7. Ward did the twirling for tho Corn huskers and permitted tho crowd from Columbia to get away with eight safo blngles, two of which woro convorted Into oxtra bases. Hayflcn, tho won der of tho MIssourians, proved to bo out of form and tho Nebraska lads found him for -six safe jabs. 4 Gunlock- At flrst and Alexander at second appeared not to he concerned with the hitting part of the game, Tor they were too busy taking caro of the error column for their team and they managed to get In n few figures during the two hours and twenty min utes it took the teams to Marathon through the nine rounds of popular vaudeville. The two teams aro scheduled for another go this afternoon at Antolope park at 4 o'clock, but Captain Buck has doclded to chango the bill, put ting on a serious drama, and probably will Invito Charles B. Hanford out to tho Antolopo lot to see that tho ar tists keop In the legitimate linos. Score by Innings: Nebraska 10 2 3 0 0 3 2 11. Missouri, 1 1 0 0 0. 4 0 0 17. Two base hits, Graves and Blake ly. Sacrlflc hit,- Carroll. Stolen base, Cooke. Bases on balls, off Ward, four; off Hnyden, seven. Struck out, by Ward, five; by Hnyden, two. Umpire, Green. Batteries: Carroll and Ward; Hnyden and Shannon. Ills torm at this Institution. Ho lays tho blame for the reduced squad to the absence of an athletic flold. Meet Saturday. Tho annual preliminary moot will be held at the state fair grounds Sat urday afternoon. In this contest fresh men, who aro Ineligible for Intercolle giate games, will be allowed to com polo. Thoro are sovernl first year men who aro stars and -they are llablo to take a generous sharo of the honors from tho upper clnHsmen. Tho work of Curtis CollltiB, Vho 1b ollglble for the vnrslty this spring for the first tlmo will bo watched closely by tho local fans. Several times - In practice ho has beaten the university mark In the shot put, and many studonts believe he will make his long throws official by breaking the Cornhuskor record on Saturday. DOCTORS REVIEW IT PRACTICING PHY8ICIAN8 TAKE A UNIVERSITY COURSE. SEE MODERN DEMONSTRATIONS DEFEND8 NATURAL 8CIENCE8. UP-TO-DATE METHOD8 AND REM EDIE8 ILLU8TRATED. Men Who Have Practiced Profession Out lp the 8tato Come to Lin coin In Order to Brush up on Latest Wrinkles. Are Professor Powers Thinks They Important 8tudies. Profetfor J. H. Powers yesterday spoke briefly before his class In zool ogy In defenso of the natural sciences, which another university professor re cently declared to bo comparatively unimportant alongside the historical and economical studies. Professor Powors disclaimed any Intention of re flecting discredit upon his colleagues of tho other school, but he declared that his branch of lenrnlng had an ar gument in its favor. Professor Powers dwelt briefly up on the conditions In Germnny. There he declared the leading educators wore coming more and more to believe In the natural sciences. He stated that these branches were being emphasized not only in the high schools and sec ondary colleges, but In tho universi ties as well. Aside from this, he bolloved that a knowledgo of tho nnturfll sciences wna In many cases CBSontlnl to an under standing of tho moro clnsslcnl pursuits. TO GIVE GRADUATION RECITAL. Miss Her elude some of t,homoBt prominent members of the olads,, they would bo L To bo quartermaster sergeant: J, abetter .able to assist at these class! D.Dobsohr, ;', 1 ' ' , '' '- Small Track Squad. Having less than twonty men on Its track squad, tho stnto university this spring Is threatened with a doarth of candidates that may prove fatal to the chances of putting out a fast team; and this, too, in a season when thoro 1b a largo quantity of fast material In school which, if brought together would give the Cornhuskor Institution the strongest bunch of representatives on tho cinder -path that It has had In many years. Tho cause of the small size of tho squad is more serious than the absence of suitable candidates from tho student body and It Is due entirely to the lack of an nthlotic field on tho university campus. ThlB want proVed a hardship on tho base ball coaches In making a gpod nine and It Is now a big obstacle In. tho way to producing a strong track team, No athletic Held on tho" campus has necessitated . the establishment of training quarters at the Btato fair grounds and tho chango hnB kept promising track men from reporting for practice. Dr. Clnpp, head coach of tho cinder path men declared that tho forced transfer of tho training alto has brought upon his deportment .a ser ious situation In which to work out a well balanced team for tho coming meets. Ho asserted that tho present squad of. candidates, -which ho has been working with .the last two weeks Macfarlane Is to Finish Course Tonight. Miss Ethol Macfarlane, of the Uni versity School of Music, studont with Mr. Stovens will give a recital for graduation, Tuesday ovcnlng, April 27, nt eight o'clock, In tho University Tom- pie mentor, mho puuuc is coruiauy Invited. Following Is tho program: Weber Sonata, A Flat Major, Op 39, No. 2. Allegro moderate Andante. Meuuelto cnprlccioso. p'rosto aoual. Rondo. Moderate Chopin Schorzo, B flat minor, Op. 31. MacDowoll Sea Pieco, Op. 55, No. 3. Stojowskl Solitude, Op. 24, No. 1. Schutt HnriJoresquo, F minor, Op. 20, No. 1. Donizetti Andante Finale, from "Lucia." (Arranged for loft hand by Leschetlzky.) MoszhowBkl Concerto, E major, Op. 59. Moderato. Andante. Scherzo, Allegro. Beginning yesterday the second annu al practitioners' course of tho college of medicine Is now In sosslon. Noarly a scoro of practicing physicians from ovor the stnto ore In attendance, seek ing to learn by practical demonstra tion the latest things In medical del once. Tho course will contlntio through out tho wook. Tho prnctlclonors' course was inaug urated Inst year, At flint tlmo only soven or olght physicians onrollod, but tho work wont through without a hitch. This year tho number is doubled and tho course Is enlarged to meet the vnrloty of needs. Lecturos and demonstrations nro given each morn ing and afternoon nnd Uiroo meetings aro to bo held In tho ovoning. Learn Late Things. The courso Is Intendod to give to country prnctlclonors a chnnco to boo by demonstration tho now things In" modlcnl sclonco, such ns do not or dlnnrlly fall under their observation. There nro ninny now dlscovorlos which cannot properly bo mado clonr through tho modical lltoraturo, but which may bo lllnlnlv dnmnniiratn.i i. t. .-, .. .w..u,...ivu hi wju muora- tory. It Is these which aro mado I clear to . thn viuiHnn- .,i..,ii' -. . .u.v..,n IfliniVlUUH. Tho idea of such a course is takon from tho University of VIonna In Aus tria. For several yenrs this school has annually hnd such a courso and It -Is attondod by physicians from all over tho omjilro. Comparatively few of tho schools in America have under taken, the CBtnbllflhmont of a similar department,, but tho Nebraska author ities hnvo beon much satisfied with the workings of their venture. The Program. BURKETT OFFERS A BOQUET. Nebraska Senator Compliments Uni versity Graduates. Senator E. J. Burkett, hlnlself a Nebraska graduate, recognizes tho worth of Nebraska's Btato university and tho character of its graduates. Writing from "Washington to PYofes Bor Laurence Fosslor, he says: "Tho old institution is taking a splendid part in the- world's work. Thoro aro many of nor hoys hero In Washington In public service, I have mcl'forty or fifty of thorn and they aro all doing good work and upholding tho honor and credit of tholr alma mater." Senator Burkett took his. flrst uni versity degree In 1893 and his law de- is the smallest he has. handled during 'greo in 1893.- Lnst ovoning Dr. Lyman, head of the department of nhnrmncy, gave a lecture on "Tho Rolation of Pharmacy and Medicine." TomoVrow ovoning Ur. (Junthors will speak on "Some As pects of Montnl Thourapathy." Frl day ovoning the -visitors will bo tho guests of honor at tho regular meet ing of tho pathological club at which ur- woonoy and Dr. Stokos of Omaha will bo tho prlnclpnl speakers. The regular program for the woek Is as follows; , Monday a. m. Dr. H. W. Orr, Or thopedic hospital. , , Monday p. m. Dr. Hi H. Waite, bac teriological laboratory. Tuesday a. ni. Dr; Poyntoi ana- tomlcnl laboratory. Tuesday p. m. Dr. WolcotLVriatoni- ical laboratory. Dr. WHIard, histolo gical laboratory. ..i Wednesday a. m. Dr. Everett,, Ev erett sanitarium, Wednesday p, m. Dr, Ward, , Or thopedic hospital. Thursday p. m. Dr. . Ouenther, physiological laboratory. ? " . . Friday a. m. Dr. Lohhhoff, demon stratiori laboratory. 'Friday p. 'm.-JDr. Lyman, pha'rma- co-dynamlcs laboratory. Saturday a. m, Dr, Plllshury,. state insane hospital. ' Saturday p. m. Dr. Gales, chemis try' laboratory. r 4 Baked beans, baked on the premlie and served hot with delldoua brown bread, 10c, at The Boato Lunch. i