The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1909, Image 4
TliE DAILY NEBASKAil - H UV IX Br s It, Two for 25c , Irreversible. Made with " Easy tie-sliding Space " and " Patented Lock Front.'' 4-ply, Quarter Sizes. ionrs UNITED SHHT4 C0UAI C0..(Mtktrs.Tro7.N.Y. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER'S! E. FLEMING Finost watch and Jowolry Repairing in tbo city. Qivo ub n call. Boll A704, Auto 8884. - 1311 O St. Wo solicit a sharo of your patronago PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I CAPITAL HOTEL CAFE & LUNCH COUNTER 11th and P St. Open from 6 a. m. till 12 p. m. Lincoln's most pop ular priced eafe. 9DII HSTTsi Clm art Qfllrt Sirtlw til th ThM. CoEfl iMki wwth $5 laid for $4.25. Hans Workow, Mgr. All Makes of Second- hand Typewriters sold, rented, o r exchanged. Underwood Typewriter Co., 714 P St, Both Phones, FREY & FREY FLORISTS All Kinds of Cut Flowers 1338 O St. No. Side PHONES: Auto 1324 Bell 824 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER81 fcS....;si CARLTON An ARRO close meeter that will try neither tie, ,thiimh nor temper 15c. 2 for 25c. 'cjuett, Peabody & 'Co., Troy, New York The Season's Only NEW CREATION WA vSrTTwoMe B BsW III IT V 1 rl m7 j3 2 iniUBiTONE VM SEVENTY-ONE GO OUT RECEIVE THEIR CERTIFICATES OF GRADUATION. AVERY COMMENCEMENT ORATOR 8PEAKS ON ''AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN PROQRE88." Declarei That Progress of Agricul tural Science In Past Few Yeara Points the Way to Remark able Future for All People. Sovonty-ono students In tho collogo of ngrlculturo rocolvod tholr cor tlflactos of graduation at tho sovonth annual commencement of that dopart mont of tho university last ovoning. Tho graduating exorcises woro hold in Momorlal hall and woro attended by a crowd that jammod tho building. Acting Chancollor Samuol Avory was commencement orator. Procoding Chancollor Avory's ad dross, tho university chorus, and Miss Annotto Abbott rondorod musical numbors. Following tho address, Mahlon Saxton pleased tho audionco with a violin solo, aftor which the graduation' certificates and military commissions were prosontod. Spoaking on "Agriculturo as Re lated to Human ProgroBB," Chancollor Avory said in part: "Anciont civilization first dovelopod In a fow apotB of tho earth, particu larly to primitive agriculturo. But for conturles this labor was without scientific application or knowlodgo. Tho first twenty yoars of tho last cen tury prosontod efforts in this direc tion which woro put forth without groat practical rosults, but efforts without which tho later successes would havo boon impossible. From 1830 to 1850 wo find yoars rich in ploneor work for sciontlQc agricul ture rich In the beginnings of dis coveries. "Tho noxt fow years brought forth a puzzlo. Sclonco had brought us Into partial control of tho agricul tural situation. Wo at least under stood whore wo woro at, but wo faced tbo constantly diminishing returns of tho soil and wore forced to concludo that tho olemonts of fertility were be coming exhausted. Now wo aro learn ing how to overcome this loss and rostora the fertility pf tho soil. Tho agricultural progress of the last fow yoars has boon ono of the wonders of our ago. "Tho tlmo has come when agricul tural Investigations can command tho services of some of Iho choicest spirits in tho world. Looking ahead I feel that tho agricultural future of f Nebraska is singularly fair and bright I predict that tho time will como when tho lovol plateaus of tho West will bo among our richest agricultural re gions. Tho parts of tho stato now occupied by the sand hills' will bo covered with plno forests, and tho whole stato will presont a scoon of agricultural completeness and. beauty to that which ono seos now In tho strip of country lying between tho mouth of tho Rhino and tho foot of the Alps. "Tho conditions to, prevail in Ne braska wo may expect to prevail in tbo whole world, for "knowledge, par ticularly agricultural knowledge, is becoming universal. Knowledge is converting all countries of tho world into places of abode whero humanity can thrive and prosper. Almost ov ory land and climo-wlll soon ho, cap able of supporting a splendid civiliza tion. When mankind has progressed to Euoh an extent that every part of the earth is mado to yield its beat to his welfare, tho agricultural mlllenlum will havo arrived. "Young ladles and gemlomen, you belong to tho first decade of' agricul tural graduates of this school. You lire peculiarly fortunate in that you have taken your course of study after the school has lasted long enough to havo acquired a school consciousness, to havo formed Ideals and tradltionb and yet you havo studied in the firs flush of the splendid growth of th school. Schools aro liko nations. The froquontly produco in tho oxuberarico of youth, a raco of giants. "Addressing tho last word to you, I havq then, nothing further to say than this: Livo and labor In accord anco with tho Ideals you havo hero rocolvod to bo worthy of your placo in tbo succession of graduates to go forth from tho University of Nobrns ka's school of agriculture." A MAN DEEPLY LOVED (Continued from Pago l) harder conditions. Tho industries of tho country woro prostrate, tho finan cial lntorosts of tho stato woro dos porato. Tho legislatures of both 1891 and 1895 appropriated almost a quar tor of tho Btato's rovonuos to aid drough sufferers. Settlers woro leav ing tho western counties by thous ands. Unwcarily tho new chancollor traveled over Nebraska, speaking wherever an audlenco was assured, and preaching always tho evangel of op portunity, as offored by tho board of rogonts, and long beforo provided by tho found or a of tho stato. Thus, in four yoars, ho saw an Institution of loss than five hundrod studonts grow into tho truo university of a million pooplo. Withal, ho organlzod and en larged forces, and extended Its bene fits to studonts far boyond tho shadow of its walls. "Ho was of tho finest typo of Amor lcan manhood, and ono of tho best gifts of tho old Now England college to tho West in tho pioneer days of Wostorn education. All his life long, ho served his follow man, and no whoro more Joyously or successfully than among us in Nebraska. His dreams woro not of his own great ness, but of tho greatness and holp fulnosB of tho university which ho sorved, and ho rojoicod as ho marked it, full of promise, taking shape beforo his eyes. To others ho gavo with gladness tho best thoro was in him, and he asked for no roturn. Of such a man, the noblest memorial remains in the hearts of the thousands of young men nnd women whom he loved and inspired, and who romom bor him with gratltudo, and affection. On him tho world may say, with rare truthfulness. Ho was loved by his follows." THE BOARD OF REGENT8 MEET Make Important Appropriations for University. Tho board of regents mot yester day morning nnd finished consider ation of the financial budget for tho noxt year. A total appropriation of $581,000 web divided as follows: $362, 1G2 for salaries, and $164,864, for cur rent expenses of the maintenance of tho university. Fifty thousand dollars has also been Bet aside to be used in oquipping tho new engineering build ing which Is now in course of con struction. This latter amount will be spent for machinery, including founda tions, and ether material which will bo necessary for tho various kinds of work in the engineering classos. An appropriation was also mado for tho erection of a now green houso on the university campus. The amount of this appropriation was not able to bo determined by tho regents. Be sides these appropriations, $3,275 will bo Bpent for tho purchase of four acres adjoining tho stato farm. The Iowa legislature has appointed a committee of three representatlos and two senators to visit the state ed ucational Institutions. Want - Ads Advertisements for tho want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration Bldg., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all order for want ads, at the rate of 10 cents pet Insertion for every fifteen words oi fraction thereof for the first inser tlon; three insertions 25 cents; flv Insertions 40 cents. FOR SALE. FOR SALE A new high-grade bl vcle at 26 per cent discount, inquln i Nehraakan offcee. 91-tf FOR SALE A new $50 bicycle for 25. See Nebraskan manager. 122-tl An Uplifting Stoiy A Good and Trust worthy Gartor OX orta a positive psychological in fluonce. It pro motes poise and prompts Progress. It mlnimizos em barrassments. It works for mental peaco. Men who aro porpotuolly chargod with a care for caroloss hoBo - supporter, cannot hopo to concentrate on Great Deods. Bo Wise Don't pormlt tho tyranny of tho trivial! PARIS G4RTERS fit tho leg and lntroduco a radiat ing feeling of safety and socurlty. Built by twentieth Century Man, for twentieth Contury Mon, they are comploto and comforting. No motal chafos tho flesh; no leather absorbs and holds perspiration. Every pair sold with Monoybak Evory pair sold with Moneyback Guarantoe. You must bo satisfied, or you can't woar Paris Garters. If you can't find Paris Gartora at your Haberdasher's, forward twon-ty-flvo conta for tho simplo kind or fifty cents for an ethereal, Immortal-like effect in silk. 7 A. Stein SCO. Make them at 207 Center Avenue, Patented and Copy- fhlrann righted by A. Stein A E,CaQ0 Company llllllOlS. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I USUAL Saturday Special In Our Furnishings Department Snappy up-to-date Socks. Reg ular 15c Quality 11 cents TRY THE CERF Shirts at $1.10 You'll Pay 125 and 1.50 lor them elsewhere 925"0"StJLclneoIr.Nelk PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ERS1 i Quality Counts THAT'S WHY Franklin's Ice Cream IS SO POPULAR , We make a specialty of fancy creams, sherbets, ices and punch for Frat and Sorority Parties. Auto 8181 Bell 205 1816 N Street CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. HALL. P .Jdent T B JOHNrtON, VicPrwlAMt DCMAN O. FOX. Cuhler W W4 HACKNEY Jr.. AMt.ihl PviJugSwImSv vaf Business Directory , Eyafy' Loyal : University Student. Is breed2 trj" patronize these Ne braskan" advertisers, and te msn-r tlon the 'paper While 'doing so. BANKS . 41 Central National. First Trust and Savings. Farmers ft Merohants.' BAKERIES Folsom. 4 BATH HOUSE Chris', Eleventh aad P Stay BOOK STORES Co-Op. Porter's. University. CIGARS Colo & McKonna. CLEANER 8- Sqltorlum. tt Manhattan. CLOTH IMG It Cerf Clothing Co. . Farquhar. Mngod & Doomor. Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speier & Simon. COAL Gregory. Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Klichon. DANCING ACADEMIES Lincoln. Williams. DENTI8T8 J. R. Davis. Tungblut DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. DRUGGI8T8 Riggs. ENGRAVERS it Cornell. PL0RI8T8 Chapln Bros. C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Unland. )t Budd. Cerf Clothing Co. Fulk. Magoe'&TJeemer. Mayer Bros. - Palace Clothing Co. Speier & Simon. GROCERIES Nebraska Grocery & Meat Co. HATTER8 Budd. Cerf Clothing Co. Fulk. 41 . i . Ex- Unland. ICE CREAM Collins Ice Cream Co. Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELERS Hallett. Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans. 0PTIC1AN8 Shean. ORCHE8TRA G. F. Thornberg. PHOTOGRAPHERS Ht Townsend. PRINTERS Ht It George Bros. Simmons. RE8TAURANT8 Capital Cafe. Y. M. C. A. Spa. Boston Lunch. Cameron's. SHOES Men's Bootery. ' Armstrong. Beckman Bros. it Branthwaite. Budd. Cerf Clothing Co. Cincinnati Shoe Store. Hereford. It Rogers & Perkins. Sandersons. Fred Schmidt & Bros. 8KIRT8 The Skirt Stroe. TAILORS Desher. College Tailors. Elliott BroB. Gregory. Herzog. Ludwlg. Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS Lyric. it Majestic. Oliver. TYPEWRITERS 4t Lincoln Typewriter change. ' Underwood Typewriter Co. 4t PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS- OUR ADVERTISERS 5 J A lyi lWWilWMifaiwnfflartfMtirrii