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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1909)
uMEKonnn -f .MM i- NEBRASKA '?- - i m OLIVER THEATRE TMay Mat. 2S30. Tonight 1:15 Henry B. Harris Presents ' T(i Charming Arnerleatjf lay The Lion and the Mouse lijattiotf't 2&c. Ev& $1.60 to 60c. Tues., Wed., and Wed Mat, April 27-28 CHA8. B. HANFORD n $ Big Shakespearian Productions. MAXIM'8 MODEU8 Living Art Reproductions of tho World's Famous Paintings VALbON Lato of Egyptian Hall df Myatory, London CHARLOTTE PARRY AND CO. In "Tho Comslock Mystery" THE MI88E8 MILCH Tho American Virtuosos M'LLE. LA TINA Tho Physical Cultur6 Export Ban roby The Black Fade Lauder PHlfLLfcs ANO J0NE3 Comedy Milfilcal 'Entortalnora Moa 9MR fnvnfln Mnn. 15 A fic Night 8:15 Prices 16, 26, 35 & 50o i i ii Lincoln's Ideal Home Theatre Week 8tartlrig April 19, 1909 THE FULTON 8TOCK COMPANY Presenting "THE MARRIAGE OF WILLIAM A8HE" Next Week, April 26, "The Brixton Burglary" Best Seats 8 Cents Every Night at 8:30. Matinees Wed. and 8 at. 8:30. TIT ORCHESTRA for Concert or Dances G.F, Tbornburg, Rafph J. ReW, - - Director - - - PUrht Violin and Cornet instruction given at Studio, 416 So. 17th. Auto 5877. W1XLIAMS DANCING ACADEMY Successor to PitU Social Eienlng - - Friday Adiaiced Class MoMiy Eve. Class Evenings - Wld, & Sit. Private Lessons Given if Desired 1124 N STREET Auto 4019" Bell A-2621 HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing ' ' All makes routed with stand ' $3 Per Month. Bargains In Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE L Auto 115&-Bell 1181. 122 No. 11th THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all Btudonts. Bn ixiixno and Bilvor Letter B PIPHS Inlaid Work a B riruiJ aeociaitf. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 11B2 O 8troet 3- L.: J. HERZOG THE UMfVERSlff MAK'S TAILOR " ' - ' ' " Come in and get that $15.00 Suit ''. ' to, your ordet , laao o et. Lincoln 1 111 Campus Gleanings 0. H. Proy, florist 1138 O St. Harry Porter. Ho ass It 1123 O 8t Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thlr toenth. Delta Unsllpn hold an Informal party at tho chapter house laBt oven ing. Dr. Ohas. Yonniblut BtIst;-aoi Burr block. J. L. IUchoy, 1909, was a Judgo at a dobale hejd at tho Capital public Bchool, Friday afternoon. Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth 8l Tho annual formal party of tho Kappa Kappa Gamma will be held this evening at tho Lincoln hotel. The beat lunch in the city. Y. M. C. .A. Spa, 18 & P. Alpha Thota Chi and the ForeBt club will meet In a baseball game at the state firm this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Nqbr&skan will sol) a $60 whool for $25. Dd you want ltf Tho members of tho Faculty club will hoia a dinner next Tuesday dveh lng, April 27tb, at tho Lincoln hotel, nt 6:80 p. m. 4 One thousand pairs Oxfords on sale at $2.95. Hereford, 1216 O. Principal U. P. Graff of tho Omaha high school was a campus visitor yes terday and attended tho Canfleld me morial service. Now spring styles In footwear now on display. Becksaan Bros., 1107 O St. Professor Fry of the rhetoric de partment was unable to meet his classes Thursday and Friday on act count of illness. Why not take your bath at Chris' bah house, BleTenth and P streets? o All Uiobo who are Interested In forming a French clnb are requested i ooao3oao$ooooo$oooo$o6o$ooooooooo fi HrwM LI to" 8 IWeen flats $2.59 $3.50 $5.00 FULK, s 000C0090090k)090CCOCd0CO000000 to meet in tJ 301 at 11 6'clocK on Tuesday, April 27. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. Tfcer &' p3f Wh p sta" that new Shoo Store tor men, la mak ing quitd a sllr Among tho students, with the college shoe styles they aro Bhowlfig. .. If you want a Bieyele eR at ti Ne- broskan office. A $50 wheel for $2fc. Professor Barber of the Lathi de partment watf at PlatWnouth, Nobn, last evening5, wlior6 hd ayq n inter esting lecture before the high school of that city. Tho Lincoln Dancing Academy la the most select school to Lincoln. 1132 N. Auto 4477. , Kappa Sigma and Alpm Tan Omega will meet In one of the- baseball games In. the east ilyisloB el ther tateifrif ternity league this" afternoon at the Vine, street ball grounds. " ' We are showing the choice models of tho season in men's- oxferts.. Our $3.50 and $;4.0tf ,oxfords arS special values. Fred Scamldixi Bros". Op posite' City Hall. " J' The swoators' for tho basket bal toam havo arrived, and have beort dl trlbutcd to tho team. Thoy ar6 vor. protty, bdltog a cream Jersey coa sweater with a acarfot "N" 6n. Tho offlcdrs of tho Palladian litor iry society gavo a short program a tho meeting of tho society which wai held last night in tho Torriplo. Fol lowing tho program an onjoyablo so clal hour waB held. ' F. J. Clark, 1912, of Wahoo, is in tho hospital suffering from a sevorc attack of plourlBy. Clark was taken sick during spring vacation and will probably bo unable to loave his bod for several days yet. Dean Fordyco of tho Teachers' col logo and Professor Conatlt of the Law coliege, wore judges at tho Wahoo Blair high school dobato, which settled tho championship of tho Eas tern district of 'tho Nebraska high Bchool debating league. The members of tho clusses In po litical economy under tho Instruction or Proffcssor W. C. Wobstor will hnvo their final examinations oarly in May, on account of Professor Webster leaving school about this time. In rhetoric 1G Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock thero 1b to bo an Interest ing debate. Tho quoBtlon under dis cussion Is, "Should tho United States maintain tho Monroo doctrlno?" The negative will be supported by W. J. Bryan, Jr., and William Rlchoy, Jr., and the affirmative by G. W. Fostor and Searlo S. Davis. ' Tho membors of tho Delta Gamma sorority held thoir annual formal party last evening at the Lincoln hotel. About oighty-flvo couples were in attendance, among them being many alumni members and invited guests. B. G. Sinclair, instructor in the rhetoric department, and R. A. Van Orsdo, 1906, Law 1910, wore Judges at the Osceola- Geneva high school debate, which decided the champion ship In tho central district of tho Nebraska high school debating league. Professor W. C. Webster of tho de partment of political eebnomy has an nounced that he will not be at Ne braska next year. Professor J. E. Lo Rosalglonal of tho same department tendered his resignation,' which has 1-6 mtes. I can fit any head in college. 1325 O been accepted by the board of re gents. A meeting of the freshmon class was held In Memorial hall Friday evening at 5 p, m, An assessment of twenty-five cents per capita was levied to cover Xyy Day expenses; tho committee to collect this assessment to be announced later. The date of the freshman Informal was definitely announced aq May .fifteenth. Tickets, $1.25. On Thursday afternoon, while work ing In tho chemical laboratory, Ira von Forrofla senior medto, met iith a painfuf accident. Wir. Von' Forrell waB boiling a retort of hydrochloric acldWd b'enzlnoi and in some un known way ikoM liquid, exploded and flew into his face, badly burning one side. Tho burns were immediately treated, and It Is thought no perma nent injury will result Tho lnvehlor of basketball flays that the game in tno. west under tho collo glato rules is better from the specta tor's point of. view, than is the style of play used in tho east There Is more holding there, and. the courts are smal ler than hero, so that the game is not so open. Thero is more action in the western game. ' ' ' ' - i ' ' i i Tho track.trainlng tabe-has started ai Minnesota; with twenty-five men in tho Bejpratt ' ' Tr $ (? MEN'S BOOTERY 12th &P Streets BUnKKKKKinnKKIHUIBKKKKEKKBKnKKKIKKr BSSSBBSBSSIMBSSSaBBBaiBl Freshman May 15, 1909 H-O-P Fraternity trail $1.25 CHANGE ACCREDITING SYSTEM Smaller High 8'choofs Accredited for Current Year Only. At a meeting hold recently the faculty committee on accredited high schools adopted a new reg- ilntiAn vultTi tn(ilnAA n ffiA crvnillnc I of seconddry schools'. After this schools having lesft than four' teach ers engaged exclusively in high school teaching in addition ,te a superintendent will be acc'redltod In June for the- succeeding year. In this way the smaller schools of the state will stand squarely oA the merit 6t the Work done during the year of Inspection. They will bo In spected iri the spring and if their standard is sufficiently high their June graduates will be admitted to the university without examination. It Is expected that schools with a larger faculty aro not in danger of lowering their standard so quickly as is possible in small Institutions and for this reason they are accredited for the 'yeat subsequent to the in spection. Students in the small Schools must run the risk 6f finding their school non-accredited 'when tke time fdr graduation comes. YALE MEN ON WATER WAGONS 8enl0rs Vote for Water as Their Faybrlie Severafle. The prohibiten Wavd has hit the Yale sobior clarti aiid 1909 academic has announced fU vote for water as its fdvorlte drink. Beer has sided as1 tho traditional drink for Tale eenidr, except for erne year, when the- clasd played a jeke ea itself by voting Ut milk. Coffee maild A hoi rah with 19 votes, and 14 stood loyally for' milk. Of the class1, more than' half confess they bav'e' uiSed stimulants. It voted "CrosslnV th'S Bar", aalts fayorite pooiri. . Maudd Adams IS, air Ksual, ehoseri tho favorite actre, with 11 votes aga'inst fa toi Ethel Barrymorev with 51 votes agalnet -45-who llker Ike the atre, The class is overwhelmingly rd pu'bllcari, only" 201' saying that they belong' to- tho democi'atlc party 16 to Independent iiartietf 'arid dne to the prohibition! jiarty. Ndxc to Yale, Princeton is tho favorltd college, with 125 ydtes, aid Harvard, second', with 86 -votes. DePauw was represented In' the re cent Indiana State Oratorical Contest by Vieter Weatkafert whose- oration was e ."The Cesateg Freedom." The titudents . made great preparations for then contest, holding a mass meeting and practicing .SQipo- new yells5 andV songs tor yae occasion; - 1 Mfvtu. t 4 w Sde the now "Shoe IhiHi"' for -Men lit the "THOMPSON Mako" $3.50, $4.00 and "HANDononr" Make1 $b!oo 'DIFFERENT SHOES for your moro OLASS and STAYING quality. Will be ploasod to show you. AdK TO SEE THE PUNCH that College Shoe. SEE WINDOWS ALL, NEW I, t.4 Mrft THE FIRST TRUST - f & SAVINGS BANK uwsea l)T tot BtowueHwn , M VirttMO&l Beak -if a Interest Paid at 4 PsrCtnt Pkit NUonl Bk keeaul Teatk O tk CINCINNATI , Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Elsstrls Skst Risilr Fssftry Stes tv TIME-IND-MONEY 1220 O Strest ) III I i fi'll'i T lj INHVERSITY JEWELERfc IPTICIAH C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1423 ft STREET. YELLOW FIGHT f- teVr iatrou Sb'UdW SHalf Miom Glasses of Soda Water old arid drank from our 20th' CeatnTy'' Sanitary Soda Fountain .season l&tN8.r Agency, Haylern, Ganthora and' Lowi ys Chocolates and Bonbona. ' Tk Drug Cutter. T . 60 YEARS EXPERIENCC- Timmc Marks DcsetM' GoivniHrs Ac.' Anyoaa tmdlng tkfttcta and description aaar EilrnMruiln our opinion fre whether am Mjn probably pntaiWft.CH)mnnlc. ftiit free. Oldest Mrenoy for eeeartaapfctenu. . 1'atent uken tbrouah Mann Co. reeetv tftetot notice, wHhoat okarce, la tM - Sckniific junerkaii; AhutdsomelrlltMtrated wveklr. mlUXQfi or any Mentkla JnarnaL Terms. M mat i four month, 1L DViuiiyui aawsaejiienu.- MiitM.iMifYnrr Bt, WMfcwitwi. . O. ki am t'J -j-- -- - 4-atte-.J--jyi