The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1909, Image 2
THE, DAILY NEBRASKAN f -. (Ebe E)ailE IRebraoftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Linear Hf?'' IIUSIKI EYEAT 9AY fftCEF SHRT ! W BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. fttlititlM Hfks, 121 N. 14th St r """ " """ EDITORIAL STAFF. altar..... Herbert W. Potter fcanMfrlna Btfltor Vlcter 0. Smith l!WWW 'ilJfCS BU8INE88 STAFF. Manner W. A. Jones ttrettatar A. M. Hre Assistant C(rculatpr Leslie Hyde Editorial and Business Office: A8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. ttatoct, Sti)lon A. Llnealn. Ne. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PBR YEAR Payable In Advance stntie Cobles. 8 Genu Eaeh. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL. NPTIOES wlU be charged for at the rate of 10 oonta per Insertion far ctrery fifteen words or fraoUea thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will (ladly bo published free. Entered at the postofnoa at Lincoln, Nebraska, aa second-class mall matter tinder the Aot of Congress of March 8, 1IT9. 8ATpHDAY, APRIL 24, 1909. It is impossible that Nobraska have s very strong track team with so vory few fcen out as have boon at work etarlsf; the last fow days. Dr. Clapp has ttiUte it known that moro men are seeded, and this should bo sufllclont to eause tho squad to bo materially .ettaygei at onco. TUo final Bottlomont of tho disputed question of "Snoak Day'.' loaves both sides yfltB all that thov havo demand ed. Tho university authorities arc no longer put in tho position of having a class in tho university defy them, while the senior class is accorded tlio prrvllegjo of having a day that is dis tinctively its own which shall be kept a secret from undergraduates. This Is another illustration of tho fact that it is always possiblo to find a com mon meeting ground without resort ing to aa otfen struggle. CONVOCATION ---Tuesday, April 27 ' - 1 f HON. H. It WILSON "Misconceptions as to the Law" Memorial. Hall m if f III 1 I I " if Eleven A. M. body was ono of delight that somo roans of oBcapo from class had boon bffered without over a thought for tho man in whoso honor the classes bad been dismissed. It Ib Buch an event as tbla that loadB many to claim that as tv class B.tUdont8 aro th,q most ungrateful, tho m;ost Inconsiderate, tho moBt indiff erent body of people in tho world. Tho thought that tho sorvlcoB might bo tlresomo was sufllclont to keep a largo part of tho student body away. Think what it would moan for Ne braska, if, at such a tlmo, tho feeling could bo unanjmous that four years of sacrlflco for tho good of this school dosorved at loast one hour of sacri fice If such it might bo called, on tho part of evory sjudont fn remembrance of what had been accomplished for tho upbuilding of tho university Ono oxpects that tho groat mass of pcoplo which makes up tho world out&ldo of college will bo ungratotul and forget those who havo spent their tlmo and their onorgy in striving for it suplift It Beoms, howovor, that, whilo in college, the student who is reo from tho strugglo for existence and who is supposed to bo spending his tlmo in a study of tho higher sldo of life, might find time to ralso the lovol of practlco a little above that found oven among tho lowost classes. 80PHOMORE8 HOLD A MEETING JN6FATEFULNEB8 EVEN HERE. There aro times when ono Is lod to wondeVwhothor thp thoughtlessness and Indlffororico which 18 shown by BnieHts at tho University of Nebras- Elect Guy Feed aa Managing Editor ef Next Year's Book. The sophomore class hold a meeting at 5 o'clock yesterday ovonlng In tho chemistry lecture. Only twenty-six members of the class were present. Mr. Nye Morehouse called tho class t,o order and, after tho reports of vari ous committees wero disposed of, tho class proceeded to tho election of a managing editor for next year's "Cornhuelter.'' Thoro wero two candl- University Bulletin Saturday, zi English Club meets with Mis Joffrys, 1527 South Thir teenth St., 8:Q0 p; m. Senior Early Morning Barbeque. Cars at Tenth and O streets for Epworth Park at 7:00 a, m. Monday, 20. Baseball : University of Missouri vS. Nebraska. Tuesday, 27. "8qmo Popular Mis concoptlons as to tho Law and Its Administration," by Hon, H. H. Wilson, pon vocation. Me morial Hall, 1 a. m. Tuosday, 27. Basopall: University of Missouri vs. Nebraska. Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci entific Problems in Forest Planta tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at . 7:30 p. m. Friday, 30."SocIal Problems in Their Relation to Public Health." J.'rof Georgo E. Howard. Temple 5 p. m. May. Tuosday, XX Junior Program. Convo cation Momorlal Hall, 11:00 a. m. Tuesday, 11. Forestry lecture, State Problems in Wisconsin," A. G. Hamol; "Utilization in Wiscon sin," J. C. Kottridgo, N7 at 7:30 p. m. Saturday, May 16. Baseball: Drake Univorslty vs. Nebraska. Friday, 21 -Pan Hellenic Ball. Audi torium. Tuesday, 25. Forestry lecture: "For est TypoB In tho Philippines," "Bill" Pagaduan; "Forest Utiliza tion in tho Philippines," M. Lazo. Friday, 28. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. Saturday, 29. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. Tho girls at Michigan gave a vaude vlllo show on April 3 for the benefit of tho Women's Athletic association. Five 8tudont8 in tho University of Missouri recently walked tho thlrty flvo mllos to JofTorson City. While there they attended a session of tho state legislature. 114LO. TwoStofes !4iSt(X For the Toppy Fellow who wants classy merchandise should see my stuff. Arrived this week, about 25 doz en new stock ties, In alt colors. New Hats all $2.50. $2.50 and $3.50 8hoes. v ka 1b characteristic of college men and) women tho country over or waetaer such conditions must be ownedj as peculiar to Nebraska alone. There are tlmos when tho attitude of tho student body as a vrholo must be discouraging and humilitating to thoao who see deeply and feel deeply. Nqw and then an event occurs which must iake all the enthusiasm out of the 'work of those who aro giving their tlmo for the upbuilding of this Instl lutioB. Yesterday morning a special memorial service was hold in honor of the memory of tho late ex-Chan cellor Canflold. Ono of the best mu sical programs of tho year was ar ranged for whilo two of the most prominent professors in jthe univer sity, and tho Honorable Victor Rose water of Omaha gave short addresses. All claims wero excused so that thoro would bo nothing to prevent every student from attending, and yet as a maei? of f,act hardly one-fourth of tho student body was present. The service was in honor of Br. ' ' CaBfleld, a man to whom tho vory .(existence of the university as one of . -tho "largest, Institutions of tho West ie:due: s) man who ga.vo four of the 'sLtVeara'af life to hard .and earnest 'jJT'fi'jf $$ ttie uqivef'sity forward, rflft .i.HJtt V"H H""xv J!W ifeoling on tho part of tho sti$ant dates for this ofllco, neither of whom had 'stone; any campaigning to speak of. Mr. Guy Reed had announced his candidacy, some time during the morn lag and Mr. K, P. Frederiok only de cided to- mm ten minutes before the hour set for the voting. Mr. Reed wsjs. ejeccjd by a majority of, three, receiving fifteen votes tq Mr.- Fred erick's eleven. Mr. Reed is a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Tho mooting next proceeded to the election- at an assistant business man ager for next year's Cornhusker. Mr, Leslie. Hj(d,q being tho only candidate for thq. Dln.ce, tho cjasB votdd to make his election, unanimous. Only qnq candidate, Mr. Lynn Lloyd, was also announced for student mom bor of tho publication board, Mr. Lloyd's election was mado unanimous. Mr. Lloyd, who succeeds M. J. Law rence, will not occupy a place on the board until next year. Ho is a mem" bor of the Sigma Jhl fraternity. DINNER CLUB MEETS. The third dinner of tho university faculty men's dinner club will be glyen at tho Lincoln hotol Tuesday ovonlng, April 27th, at 6:30. All members aro earnestly urged to be prosent. . LAUftENQE FOSSLER, A. E. DaVlssdtf, Secretary, Happenings of the Past 8even Years Ago. Tho annual debate with Kansas was awarded to Nebraska by a unanimous decision of tho Judgwi. Minnesota basoball toam was de feated by Nebrasknr-?flth a scoro of 4 to 3. ' Six Yeara Ago. Nebraska baseball team defeated the Nebraska Indians by decisive scores in two gameB. . Five Years Ago. University was victorious over tho Lincoln high school in a track moqt by the scoro of 66 to 51. Four Years Ago. Spring football practice was com menced undor the leadership of' Cap tain Borg. Three Years Ago. Tho Associated Barbs mot In Me morial hall to nominate a non-fraternity ticket for tho athletic board. Elections to the athletic hoard bo came little more than barb-frat fights. One Year Ago. Gjloo club, loft Lincoln for a tWQ day's' trip through tho 'state, All Souls Church, Unitarian , Corner of H srjd Twelfth Streets ARTHUR L. WEATHpRLT, Minister. Settees SStOO. Sunrtiy School fOrOQ. All flt4et are cordially 'invite t attefte) Its services. ALL PEWS ARE FREE Sunday, April 2ermen Subject: "Endeavor, the Supreme Wert) In Life." Social Ethics Class. 12:15 Prof. Paul H. Grumann. Leader. Speaker; Mlii Eva Arn'dld. Subject' "The Probleiri of the Work ing Girl." Liberal Religious Union, 4:80 8ubject: "The Unitarian Attitude Toward the Bible." All 8tudents are especially Invjtcd. All Souls' Church is a froe fellowship for the Worship of God and the sorvico of Man. It Judges no man's character. It erectsHe barT rlorB of croed or doctrino. Its; pulpit is a free pulpit committod to the search after Truth. Our Spring - Suitintrs Have Arrived COME IN AND SEE THEM ELLIOTT BROS 142 So. 12th St. I&2- rfYfXt- &L Since Spring has nearly arrived tho Fountain will be ono of tho features of tho Folsom Bakery. Wo want you to Judgo our whole store by every thing we serve you in our Soda Water, ice Cream, Punches and Delicatessen Lunch Department. "We Make Our Own Candles!" 1307 O 8TREET. BELL 456. AUTO. 2214. COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at the . BEST PRICES Auto Phone 48 Ensign Omnibus & Trans fer Co. 221 S lltH. Auit 2303, Itll 303 We deliyer baggage for everybody anywhero. Don't overlook it,. The lineat carriages in tho city for parties. Always ready, night or day. L fv 1 V 11 Kv Bill ni SSI Mr Uft Fi L SUIr SawQS Bj iy& an tAs"bl WANTED-A RIDER AGENT uicycic lumunea or us. Uur at d approve of yi sit in advance, . sample Latest Model "Raniror" majunff money uit. iVrtt ftr full Particulars andt u unui you receive am MO MONEY REOIJlftK io anyunc, anrnnere in tne u allow TKN OAV8' VHUZ I H EACH T0WH and district to ride and elhi hit Our aeents even-vhere are at one. your bicycle. We shir i.hln S. Without a ttnl tktaittXn aiivatu-a. A f-'.lnH 5 WIKK. TKIA1, duilns which time you may ride the stevde' and eep the bicycle ship It back to us at our expense and you will not At outonlctnt. do bicycles it is possible to make I factory cost. You save Sio have tlio manufacturer's sua. tiny oh actor? FACTORY PRICES Wc furnlshi ,u,e h,'ohest rrade bicyi to i middlemen's toronu by buying direct of us and hai ulu a uiuuis ijv imvinir mvsv w m . .... . ? .bcL,ind your, bfcycle. 10 i(OX BUY a bicycle or a pair of tfies Tfrom mS, SJSEKtt SZ&fr our Unhearf ol YOI WILL IE ASTOIIISHEI ,!hSn yoa recelv? owbeautiul caulomie-and i j "Ifc tivrilnKSJ study our superb models at the wancUrfull at any trie prices and reman with Jt.oo profit above factory cost. fiiViiiV liw i & TJIr-r buimuwio t.oo protit above factory cost. 5I1rliffi&X 5vU.ttr bicyclM Under your own nan,ft ate ,! o double our 8KCONO UANO BIOX( ally have a number on hand llW e W4Aa mkhIhm kbbk Si . . n.Hi.HmiiuH u w oo or BW. JLJescrlDtlve banrain list msl A f. Binciu tvuoeis. imported roller chain ... r.,iat7 r:;r- iiiVi j ipment of, l kinds at half the usual 'retail pricis. ' '"' "" """ usua prompt COASTER-BRAKES, cqul 50 HEDGETHORN PUNCTURE-PROOF SELF-HEALING TIRES The rtzutar retail irice of these tires ii S3 JO ttrtair. but to introduce we will u(iyouosampupairiorftMfiasnuiunoraerjJ3), NO MOIETMIBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Tacks' or Glass will not let the air oat. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. DESCRIPTION! Made in all sizes. It Isllvely A SAMPLE PAIR TO WJrtaOUOE, ONLY Ml (BiHnBRaQl m B rousand which closes up small punctures without allow. tug theulr to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satis. ncucusiomersstaung mat ineir ures uaveotriy been pum uuulcui iwitc hi ii vvnuiq kuwu. x iicy wci an orainarv iirei me ounciure resisuntrauaimr lirin tr ii.n by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the ireaa. inereguiarpnceoi uiescuresispj.wperpair.butfor advertising purpose wc are making a special factory price to uicrmeroioniy 4.00 per pair. Aiiorai Iqu ndi and easy ridiug.veryduTable And lined Inside with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes w :tc vDcenpump : Ii no more than Kotloe the thick, rtibbor trnail "A" and uunature atrlna 11" and "1," also rim strip H" to prevent rim cutting:. Thin I tire Trill outlast any other tnake-SOFT. ULASTIO aud UASX BIOINO. era .shipped same day letter is received. We ship C. O. D. on nnnmvai. vnit net nnr mv n rem until iS&Si<SiSi nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at OUK expense If for any reason theV are r.""-V-1.'v.".r."r 'Ai,ii':f!LVi"'y,,.V nn? tt they wU ride easier, run faster. CzZL V.. .'.if ii 1 1 . -h tt":ii,JSn."n?. ure vou ""ve ever used or een at any price. We ,-"."?: r.:i.r.. S !. J" WWU MOW U4UI V4U ttbUlltC, IF YOU HEED TIRkJS X nence mis remarkable tire offer. dnd at any nrice until vou send for n rinlr of uncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at ouerawe. arenuuclng, It only costs a postal to learn everything Write It NOW. U J. L MEM CYCLE COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL mmmwmt TTT-rff s ... il.UTT SsWsWWWWWjWjWMMMWMaSSSSBSMa . I U X P V !