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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1909)
LF34!ff9 o !.. .V . -K' V TlffiDAILY - NEBBIASKAN p nnn wmm,mimji V A V - i OLIVER THEATRE SAT. MAT. and NIGJHT, APRIL 24. Hehry B. Harris Presents i The Charming American Play The Lion and the Mouse Mat. $1.0ft'to 25c. Eve. $1.50 to 50c. Tues., Wed., and Wed Mat, April 27-28 CHA8. B. HANFORD In 3 Big Shakespearian' Productions. mmmm MAXIM'S MODELS Living Art Reproductions of the World's Famous Paintings VALDON Late of Egyptian Hall of Mystery, London CHARLOTTE PARRY AND CO. In "The Comstock Mystery" THE.MIS8ES MILCH Tho American Virtuosos M'LLE. LA TINA Tho Physical Culture Expert DAN ROBY The Black Faco Louder PHILLIPS AND JONES Comedy Musical Entertainers Mats. 2:15 (except Mon.) 15 & 25c Night1 8:15-Mrices 15, 25, 35 & 50c ipnurc Lincoln's Ideal Home Theatre Week Starting April 19, 1909 THE FULTON STOCK COMPANY Presenting "THE MARRIAGE OF WILLIAM ASHE" Next Week, April 26, "The Brixton Burglary" Best 8eats 25 Cents Every Night at 8:30. Matinees Wed. and 8at. 3:30. ORCHBSTR tmmmmmmmtmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmwmmm for Concert or Dances G. F. Thornburgj Ralph J. Keid, - Director - - - Plasht Violin anrl Cnrnef Instruction pfven at Studio, 4)6 So. J7ib. Auto 5877. s WILLIAMS' DANCING ACADEMY Successor to Pitts Social Eienlng - - - Friday Advanced Glass - Monday Eve. Class Evenings - Wed. & Sat. Private Lessons Given if Desired 1124 N STREET Auto 4019 ' Bell A-2621 w ' . . mm i )i i mm, n i.i.i i i ; THE EVANS Do Your Washing a .mtPi't-.,. , - AM name's) renfiyl ftttlVjatui , S3 per Month. Bargains." lb Robuilt Machines." LIMCOLITYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 'Ailtd 115SiB0ini8irl22 No.11Ur ;j till VSWW . V lU, J, HEftZOG THE HHIVEiSITY MAN'S TAILOR Sm m mm Com iaasd get thtt-$J5.00 Suit :' . IIo.o st Lincoln TTifciTviVfrrZfc - w-t 3.50 pr MEAT 4 A specialty of College Shoes Ask to see the new ones: The PUNCH, The GUEGER, The HELLO BILL All New Men's Bootery 144 No. 12th See Window I Campus Gleanings 1 ' -T"' C. H. Frey, florist 1133 O St. Harry Porter. Ho lias It. 1123 O St. Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. Ex-Regent ('..!. Ernst, of Omaha, was a cnmpii8 visitor yesterday. The hest lunch in tho city. Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13 & P. Eddie Burnett, ex-1910, of Omaha, visited friends at the university, yes terday. Tho Nebraskan will soil a $50 wheel for $25. Do you want It? m One thousnnd pairs Oxfords 'on sale at $2.95. Hereford, 1215 O. Delta Upsilon fraternity will enter- values. "fcYcif Sc1imlitt& Broa.'Op- po?ito City Hall. 0 o Tlie iioon mooting of tho university Y. W. t A. for Frldny. April 23, wljl ho led by Mrs. O. M. LnmbertBon. Tho Hubject Will bo "A Modern Inter pretation of an Old Story." 9 O J. I.. Dor Kindcrn baa been re-oket-od by unanimous vote, to tho general socreturyphip of tho university Y. .M. ('. A. Mr. Dor Klndorn has boon gen eral secretary for tho past three years. . . o Tho members' of tho Delta Gamma sorority will hold their annunl formnl pnrty at tho Lincoln hotel this ovon lug. Many alumni and Invited guostn from Omaha, Beatrice, Fremont and Hastings will bo In attendance. Wednesday evening the mld-woelc meeting of the university Y. M. ('. A. was led by S. A. Mnhood, the nowly elected president ot tho association. The subject of the meeting was "Our Next Year's Outlook." A very in teresting meeting was held. . o Notice has been glvon to tho uni versity students that tho gymnasium, bath and lecker rooms will hereafter be open at the following hourB: Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 0:00 to 12: 00," and from 2:00 to C:00. Saturday from 1:00 to 4:30. O 0 Ex-Regent Ernst and Professor Fos slor of tho Gorman Dopartment wore seen taking advantage of Arbor Day yesterday by replacing tho Schiller Lindo on tho campus. This is tho third tree which has been planted on tho campus, the two rormcr trees having died. Professor Wallace of the depart ment of English literature, and 'Pro fessor Guerney Jones of the depart ment of American history, have boon granted a leave of nhHenco during tho last week of the current semester In order that thoy may sail for Europe about Juno 1st. o o Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock a baseball game will be held at tho state farm botwoeu Che flnanco com mittee and tho cabinet of tho universi ty Y. M. C. A. All members of tho finance committee are urged to bo present as your asslstanco will bo, needed. H. E. Dixon, manager. The members of the university cadet battalion In order to qualify for the rifle range at camp this year must score fifteen points In five shots out of a possible twenty-five, on the Bub target machine. This subtnrget ma chine Is a regular army rifle mounted on an electric contrivance which scores thq points made while shooting at a target some forty foot away. o J. A. Warren, superintendent of tho United States geological survey, for tho division embracing Nebraska and 8UrrOUndinK States ban Riilimmwl tlm 'thesis for his doctor's degroo in bot any nnu geograpny. Tho title Is, 'Agri cultural Geography of Nobrnska." Mr. Warren has been pursuing graduate ofrocoffieooeos INUNfc TOO EARLY To sco about Special Work for Graduation Pins, Fobs, Radges Tro plnos, Souvenirs, Etc. Better let us figure with yoii. Our work 'is su perior. Our prices are low. Est. 1871. HALLETT, Jeweler 1143 6 m " tain at ai Informal party at the chap ter house this evening, o o New spring styles In footwear now on display. Beckman Bros;, 1107 O St. ' Dr. J. R. Dayis, dentist, Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. 0 Kappa Kapiia Gamma sorority will hold its annual formal party at tho Lincoln hotol, Saturday evening, April 24. ' 1 If you-want a bicycle call at the Ne braskan office. A $50 wheel for $25. ' t Tho Lincoln Dancing Academy Is tho most selcot schbo.l in Lincoln. 1132 N. Auto 4477, J . Th.q for the freshman tra'cjt team'wU! meqt'ht the'gymhiasium Saturday-afternoon at iwdr bvcloclVib elect a captain for tho team. )ii - Those new shoe shapes shown in the windows of "Men's Boqtery," 1210 P St., are certainly a hit. j Tho party who took money from tho girls'., gym was 'seen,, and, will avoid troubldbyfiendiW it rto 225 South Twenty-ninth. , , Hugo Blrlmer, 191Q, Phi Delta Thotn, will loavo withlnn 'foy days; for' Alasj ka, whore ho'wlll Vnter th,o servico of the United States geological sur vey. A ' ' U" K' " irt- i2. Wo are showing-the, j cjiqlco. models of thd 'season in men's" Vxfords. Our r. nn.i . An nfnV. - .,ii j.oii 'Kwti5 S t'trbtfTitt ei-.lZ work in tho university for tho pnst throe years. TJio members of the Pershing Rifles hold their regular monthly spoil-down Inst night in tho armory. Tho medal was won by First Sergeant Mnhood ot Company B. This is tho second time Sergeant Mahood has won the medal, 'and if ho wins It n't tho next spell-down he will bo made tho pos sessor of tho medal. After the spoil down tho Persuings voted to buy a now flag for tho first battalion of uni versity cadets. This flag Is to bo a very beautiful silk fine- nt tun 'tions sizo' and Is to cost about'$100. i Thq State College of Washington won first place in tho Intercollogato championship rlflo meet. Columbia PSlYPISHy was second and Wisconsin tm .. z r-:.-tv7 By the, action of" the stato legis lature in ,n(U)ntlngTthe Harding Joint resolution concerning tho CarnogKo hfpundaUon for txo advancement of, KHiuiug inu - iuutcuourij in - iaoj uni versity of-Iowa wijlho allowed, to re-, celvo money 'from this fund." ' ' , 1 M Tholjulltilng'of a "dormitory for tho1' , .) ,, fvj y- ni? , ".H'FF"11 wf8 ino jr ouw in mo ruuuui. city eieciion at Law renco. Kan. Tho opposition candidate .for.maypivwaB being, supported, by tho tpnwsp'apers' yhlch', 'stated plainly that tho bulldinc of d'ddrmlinrv monnf I less,, money for tho townspeoi)Je, tr - MBMHMHHHIBHBK 11 1 ' JF WW They're Hummers Jist got in some hummers right off the bench. A lot of classy browns and graus with narrow pencil stripjpsgreaf for the fellow who wants the proper caper a little ahead of the times. They're Hand-tailored Suits and $15 buys one SPEIER & SIMON WE SAVE YOU MONEY Northeast Corner 10th and O Stra.ts J ! m9mmmmmwmmmmmm-'m.-mmmmmmpmm freshman May 15, 109 HOP fraternity Hall $1.25 h i-l wm. 4rA 1 'i VS -1 "i J ' m s-Mi ';. i . v.' lv MEN?S Vlf JC,I QF QUALITY d ri f . t i ma n Realizing It's not cost but value that Imparts' satisfaction 'to A ar- Uclof jrt tako every nrecautio in hp'lng'to procliVoWl? hhesf obV' thlnablo grades al)pai,orttiatla'iiuthoritatfvoly 'tho' best nntlii&ht 1A ' , workmanship and style, garments o( Jruo worth and fashion distinction? J This Is wbyKenslngton Clothes are, confldontlallyuBedas aguldo by men, largo or small, young or oldgay qr grave, who prize all that Is 'correct and nov and good lu. seasonable goods. '" There is Uhat corafor assdrajico thatovery stylo1 Vhowrf Is jr rlghti embodying all the season's stylc toucjres Jnfood tas Jonbu Jljt ?lth lliorfoct'tallorlng to give last satisfaction. "" " V . ' V fAf it&mi& tii ii", U-1 A A f i ', ' j44 iYMh ffi . . wr ftia'nbattan high .quality -Shirts, f'the-besfcwe know'of in a mostcom- Vf I . . t nlSt'le. color and price rangcy -. JT-v& thJ'P' 'joy'.to tho seasons headgear is '''embodied with per K foci???' l5 our "5P SnrlnK Stot, t t til ' ?. S k . rw, '- sons; ' .t ? . r sons ru j f $ . r i i - u 1. . 't, i jb.r.j,WW. V Magee and Deemer HOWE Of CUOTHItfOtAtlTyTHC KENtlNOTON. ,t It i iji - V 1. I ammmmmmmmmmammmmmm i 4. v -t4 """t ifcn, v , w -V f --f