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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1909)
lSttJa"4'i!.'jl,il.ialr'i-'"li. n' V N THE DAILY NEBRASKAN gbc iDatlt? Tfleinagftan TUB PUOrEItTY OP THE UNIVEHSITY OP NIDBRABKA. Lincoln, Nebraska- CONVOCATION-Fricky April 23 STETSON UBIISUEO EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUMY AND HDAY UY TI1D STUDENT PUB. pOARD. rabltcttlon Olflci, 128 No. 14th St. Memorial Service in Honor of Ex-Chancellor Can field and k EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Herbert W. Potter Maniiolna Editor Victor D. Smith Associate Editors Philip Frederick ' Carl J. Lord QU8INE83 8TAFF. Manaoar W. A. Jones Circulator ;-A. M. Hare Assistant Circulator ..Lesllo Hyde Editorial and Business Offlco: OASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 0 Cents Each. Telephones Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 ccnta por InBortlon for evory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Fnciilty notices and Unlvoralty bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. FRIDAY. APRIL 23, 1800. The work of tho Ncbrnslui High School Daunting Longuo Is or especial Iniliortnncc to tho university because It Ih tho trnlnlng school for university (lebutors. Its work means that men will no longer come to the university with tho peculiar Ideas of what con stitutes debating that havo so often In tho paBt been displayed by Hrst year men. Memorial Hall Eleven A. ML The announcement that no more Himill feeB can bo, collected by profes sors to pay for such things as mime ogniphlng and small toxt-books comos as a welcome rollef to the student body. Such demands havo not been so hoi Ions In the past In the way of a financial drain as they have been as annoyances. It Is certainly fitting that the university Itself should boar all such small expenses, or elso pro vide tunt they bo handled through the same channels that other expenses are. rhuncellor Strong of tho University of Kansas haB discovered as a re sult of his Investigations that at that will automatically grind out success. The most brllllunt intellect In tho word could not construct a sot of rules thnt would guarantee that the best and moBt roprcsentntlvo men In the uni versity would each year be elected to tho athletic board. Good rules are vory important and necessary, but something more Ib nlso necessary and this Is the taking of an active Interest In the matter by the whole student body. Without this no plan enn be a success. Tho rules provide that tho election shall take place on the second Mon day In May, and that all candidates must file written statements announc ing their candidacy with the socie tal y oT the athletic board at least one week before the date of the election. This moans that ir the best students are to become members or the athletic board they must be induced to f,lle KtatementH announcing their candi dacy. It Is of vital Importance for the good of the school and for the good of ath letics 'at Nebraska that the best abili ty of the student body bo represented on the athletic board. Not only must a large amount or money bo handled by tho board, but policies must be decided that are of the utmost. Im portance. Athletics can only bo kept In tho most nourishing condition with men In control who havo tho respoct and conildence or the student body. The student body should show their Interest In this mnUer by seeing that thoroughly representative men enter the race. It Ib likely that If nobody takes the initiative tho students at the last minute will ilnd that they have not made their choice among a list of men who nro in no way de sirable candidates. The only way to be sure of an able athletic board for noxt year is to act now and see that represontatlvo men go through tho formality of announcing their candi dacy before it is too late. University Bulletin APRIL Friday, 23. Junior class meeting, TI. 10G, at 5: 00 p. in. Sophomore class meeting, r:Q0 p. in. Chemical lecturo room. Freshman class meeting, Memorial' hall, 5:00 p. m. Friday, 23. Memorial Services in Honor of ex-Chancellor Cnnfiold. Memorial Hall 11a. m. Saturday, 24 English Club meets with Miss JoffryB, 1527 South Thir teenth St., 8:00 p. m. Senior Early Morning Darbeque. Cars at Tenth and, O streets for Epworth Park at 7:00 a. m. Monday, 2C. Baseball: University of Missouri vs. Nebraska. Tuesday, 27. "Some Popular Mis conceptions as to tho Law and Its Administration," by Hon. II. II. Wilson. Convocation. Me morial Hall, 1j a. m. Tuesday. 27. Basebnll: University of Missouri vs. Nebraska. Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci entific ProblomB In Forest Planta tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. Friday. 30. "Social Problems in Their Relation to Public Health." Prof Georgo E. Howard. Tomplo 5 p. in. May. Tuesday, 11 Junior Program. Convo cation Memorial Hail, 11:00 a. m. Tuesday, 11. ForoBtry lecture, State Problems In Wisconsin," A. G. Hamel; "Utilization in AVlscon 'sin," J. C. Kottridgo, N7 at 7:30 p. m. Saturday, May 15. Baseball: Drake University vs. Nebraska. ' Friday, 21 Pan Hellenic Ball. Audi torium. Tuesday, 25. Forestry lecture: "For est Types in tho Philippines," "Bill" Pagaduan; "Forest Utiliza tion In tho Philippines," M. Lazo. Friday, 28. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. Saturday, 29. Baseball: Kansas Uni versity vs. Nebraska. 3E V i H H' H H LLLLLLLLr ''iLLLLLLF LLLLLLLLV iLLLLLLLLr Special at my new store this week, $1.00 Plalde Shirts 55c H4l,tO. TwoSronks I4IS,0. $2.50 and $3.50 Shoes. $2.50 Hats. WHY PAY MORE? institution a largo number of mon aro earning their way through college. Tho attitude towards life that makes this possible Is peculiarly characteris tic of western men, and it is likely that similar conditions exist in moat Western schools. It is certainly true at Nebraska that a man loses nothing of his position either social or any other way because it is known that he is earning part of his expenses. NEW ELECTION SOON. Tho regulations governing the elec tion of student members of the ath letic bpard which were published Jn yesterday's issuo of tho Pally Nohrtfs kan came as tho result of one of tho biggest lights and most thorough up hevals that the University of NebrftB ka haye ever known. They were adopted in the hope that they wpuld provide a fair and thoroughly rppre Bentatlvo method of electing student members to tho board and they were llrst tested at a tlnio when all tho olt . ments, that had.. opposed jUipnt Xerji united to Injure thph effectiveness. They resulted Jitjho ejection of flvo men as ropresonrijUve, of the wholp university as any that could havp. been picked Jn tho whole school. The rulps therefore vindicated thonisolvea at the llrat trial. No rules can be so framed that thoy MU8IC IN THE'UNIVERSITY. A unlvoralty Bhould stress the emo tion that comes from a contempla tion of the beautiful. A life without the subtler Influences that como from tho arts is barren indeed. Life is some thing more than man can comprehend. There, are human facts which logic cannot fathom, and which aro not dreamt of in our philosophies. The most fundamental facts of personality aro emotional, and so any scheme of education should include In purposo and scope tho training of tho emo tions. The strength of music lies in its vastn.ess. It appeals directly to that olomental something in the soul called emotion. There are states of soul which other arts cannot doscrlbe, but which music expressos. Thus music Is a necessary complement to tho other arts. It deepens and purifies our emotions and holps guido tho courso of our Inner life. Musical culturoi can only come with familiarity with the best music. Tho greatest artists should be heard, and to hear more and better artists, more persons must ho interested. We must train our sense of hearing and, that' training Implies opportunity and repe tition. Wo must establish tho hab'it of hearing tho best and hearing it often. Dally Missourian. Happenings of the Past Seven Years Ago. Negotiations wore declared off for a football game between Iowa and Ne braska. Iowa was not satisfied with tho proposition presented by Manager Englo o'r Nebraska. 8ix Years Ago. All classes were dismissed from 11:30 to 2:00 while President Roosc volt was in tho city. Varsity defeated the Nebraska In dians by tho score of 14 to 2. Flvo Years Ago. Requirements for entrance to Phi Kappa were bo changed as to corres pond more nearly to tho studies taken by university students. Three Years Ago. Tennis season started with a rush and thjeo courts wore put in shape. It was planned to havo tennis tourna ments arranged with neighboring col Joges. ' One Year Ago. AH intercolloglate -' activities in ath letics by women' were forbidden by ac tion of the Board 'of Regents. A school of pharmacy was also established, Shoes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm1mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwt mmmWmmmW& UMMMMMtr The finesj: and most dependable shoes made. We show them in all the new toes, in Kan garoo, Vici., Dull Calf and Patent. The newest r shapes in Oxfords are shown in Brown Vici, Rus sian Calf, Tans and Browns. Drop in and see them Prices $5.00 and $6.00 Store Closes Saturday at Six P. M. JW&N s i4ffruiu..tA.... aie i MILLER PAINE LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 10 2M&rjik I W NEW MODEL NBI7 I I Here' U tho cheapest .good gun yet made. By the omission of thetale down feature we hare wm abl) to greatly reduce the cost of production and at the nme tune have kept the vm. up to the famous hich TtftrrJn standard of strength, safrty and durability. Notice the clean simplicity of thi. pun. Tre wotkmantlui) and finish aie perfect. The weight u only 7 pounds. The foil chole barrels are especially bored for smokeless as well as black powder and so chambered that 2 inch or V Li j l nuyi P ux- Sewal improvements in the operating parts make it the easiest, most relubleand best working gun 111 existence. We are glad to make it possible for every lover of guns and bird shooting to get this high gride repeating shot gun at so low a price. Have your dealer order it for you. Send for the Zffaifin Catalogue and Experience Book to-Jay. Free for 3 tlampt. ' 7Xe Tfc&f in firearms (J,42Wiiiow street. New Haven, a BHkfBf' "HaUHUi4MMflgfi awvlA AF&b"V .SBSylMr. SflIY&lgslC VAksm 1 W 111 bV 'Hffl i bii aouaic i -mn i saw. igajSjW WANTED- ample Latest Model "Ran making money last. Writtj w iuimui ubuuiiiuiJ unui you receive and approve of your bicycle: to anyone, anywhere In the U. fa. without a cttit detotit In advance, trt&iy frti aiiow -i-isn liars' irilEK .THIALduiinc which time you m.Vv ride the Mi IH EACH TOWN and district to ride ami exhibit a US. Our acrenta even here are via etffer at once. prove ot your bicycle; weBhip tent, and ut It to any test you wish, II you are ther. not perfectly aaiisiied or do not wL,!i to rn llin h rvrln thin fl hirV tn it .... n....a.. .:. J i " .tt . - . .- - - - mr -,.- . MWS V M Mt UUI VA1JCI1&C illlU A RIDER AGENT Kor-' bicycle tarnished toy' fr full particular! andtft BCI- -.- ...--,......., tMutiJui vAi'c.ibc una jrpM wit not 04 out one cent FACTORY PRICES 'urnlshlhe li:'ch?t " bicycles It U possible to mako , t m5i . rl. Se t014 l abo,re "c'"3 "ctory cost. You save- io . to $n middlemen's profits nir dlrectof anH hsv ti..m,n..rnr..r.:. lf. I nrofits hv tnilnfr antee bcHlrtoTyouFbicvele. 1MV Nrt-r itiV . wt-x:'.Vf-'.V"ViT'";"'" ZXTTll a Sr. .. iZi m2.ZL-ZLr ""' V. ""' ": iiuhi bjv'kc 3rtt&TiZZrwZ?35?iZZZtfm our un,,eara '" YOI WILL BE ASTONISHEI w.hSn rou rtcdv? our beautiful catalogue-and j TaI T JT' V ,wntl !fr study our auperb mode s at the wondtrfulr foutruetyre can make you this ytaf. Wei sell the highest irrade blcvclei for lei. h?one MmsiKib' J:.c are iUfiediJl,,t ,,,03 profit ve facrY COii- t HKOUNUIIANIUIOVOI.1LS. Wk An nnt rnil,rl V,-4I. ...J t-.-J Ut I.. L... tuually bTO,a number on hand taken In tradeby our Chlcaro retail stores. These wedfS out '-prompuy ai prices langiajr irera amino 'or lO. DescrinUve barjraln lists mailed free. " M HEWJETH0RM PUNCTURE SELF-HEALING TIRES, SSJOferpai VBSJtx fl ullyou NO kr Tfu ftxular rrfQtt fries otthttf tires is JJO 9t iaxt.bUt totntroduce w will sampupQirior$40fiashvrithorUrf4M), ES tr fi'rti .J- r- ST a fllaaMia-iii tn4 Wm- Of 4inS.SW BrJaM , JiSSSf IH STM4 uav W ! If at. StztY thousand pairs, sojd ast year. uvcriwo aunarcu inouaana pairs now m usi utmiitiriiumsviatiau) aureajtunvc PROOF $J 1? PAIR " " aSssvamBVamBVamsvamBVamBVamBVamBVamBVamsak . . r TTBIfT ABWBsBBasBBaasaBaBBVamVaBSBaBaBaBV ;-',' i.iLQgRHRssBlBHHiaii BaaBBaaBBaaBBaaBBaaBBaaBfjaBBaaBBa n M. JSSI.J 'JrJV.i limxf and sAsv ridlne.vervdtif WTCaiidiitfedlnsldewilir; i"? :.? r .t."'. 7W r : . i.. ' j. r ------1.- neeui niiniirv ni runner, wnicn never nemmM r r.. -. -. --- Tr r- ,.,....--- . -- ....-, 1 m .. iure witnout aiiow of letters from sat is? 'be- porous ana wuicn ioae up swaau punci IngthealrjtoejJcape. WehayeUundreds Med customers sutifiizthattneirtlresbaveoiil en pumped itaa jupbnceoctwtee in a whole eeasop., They weigh no more t an ordinary ure, me puncture vi.BMMAri..MM. flr.i.ih .tread. The regular price ol aavcniwns resisiingquamtes dciuk etven tpecially prepared fabric on the e regular price or these Urea is ia.50 per pair, but for KpurToawearetnaa;lngaBrecIal factory priccto ifpnly I4.80 per pair. All orders shipped aaracidoy I approval.' Vou do aot pay a cent until yoit h i --Im i., ML 31. . . aT .a . -i r wcTriaisOW cauai.HtaoaHtu. or 5 per ccnittnereDvniaiclnir end riLli lUAHU Wixil ukuieu and enclose this advcrtlstraent.' 'Wpwlliralso aend 6ue 11 tor any reason' tltey are Kotlet) the thlok rubbet tread A" nndvpaneture atointirtiu1.' una HjjJjsimortmatrln fil" to prevenTrlm outtihf . This tlref wUl ioutukfavny otkr maka-SOFT. CLASTIO mid KA8Y allDINa. iW tter is received. We ship C. O, D. on as represented, per fair) if jom' rovaU' vpu ao ot pay a cent unui yott nave examined, and fpuod tbein strictly as represented. BKingiiie pnee a.oa per pair) ti - ! . BUU CUUUfC SIM Bil Lsa band pump.-f Tires to be retnrned at p n .examination. We are perfectlyrcllable rder'a pair of .these tires, youwll find t idler, laat lonarer - !- t t t. r . - " aw t - now that ybUwill be so well ulcus uiaicu unui ui.iuwh. ' utj icsonica or. uuit expense not satlsxaelorwpn .examination. AVc are perfectly 'reliable and bahki'. ir'Vou'order'a palrof. these tires. touwUI find that ; longer aud loose finer than an ear be: now ti ft vraut ypM to cnd us a trial order at Biohcv sent' to ua ia db aafe as' Ittfri .. "... . . t r r :-i incy win riac easier, run taster. k finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at antirice. We) pleased that' Wliea' you want a bicycle ypu will give us your order. der fit once, hence this remarkable tire offer. IV 1 r MM? Vatlff MmFFMW TMBMFx """'4 "uy"Py.Kiuuai any price umu you send lor a pair or If W VMM flVaCSIsT MMMRm Hedgetborn; Piincture.Proofi'titesl'oh approval fcnditrlal at . MWIirWailiLTttB iuu numiqiui ciL Ti.t,!-.. .zii-z?zzr, ;",z?'v:.Z-';'jl xv.T"'.7 t "?' 1L HEAi CYCU COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL Csi V 1 1 1 u t i i .. i,it.i. -. 'M .