mf4i 4v ? AiLlf NEBKASKAN X . - W i wmmiiHi iiihwwmmwwMiI if' "I 1 iwi iiii V A V ffl!iyR THEATRE SAT. MAT. and NIGHT, APRIL 24. . t Henry B. Harris Presents The Charming American Play The Lion and the Mouse Mat. $1.00 to 25c. Eve. $1.50 to 50c. Tues., Wed., and Wed Mat., April 2728 CHA8. B. HANFORD In 3 Big 'Shakespearian, Productions. am pus Gleanings I wmm MAXIM'3 MODELS Living Art Reproductions of tho World's 'Famous Paintings VALDON La to otEgypHan Hall of Mystery, 4 London CHARLOTTE PARRY AND CO. In "Tho Comstock Mystery" THE MI88E8 MILCH Tho American Virtuosos M'LLE. LA TINA The Physical Culture Export DAN ROBY Tho Black Face Lauder PHILLIP8 AND JONES Comedy Musical Entertalnora Mats. 2:15 (except Mon.) 15 & 25c Night 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 35 & 50c C. II. Frey, florist 1133 O St. Harry Porter. Ho has It. 1123 O St. - Chnpin Bros., florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Miss Cozctto McManlgoli; 1910, Chi Omega, Is visiting friends at Kansas City, Mo. 0 Dr. Chas. Toungbjut, dontlst, 202 Burr block. Practice of the first act of tho sen ior play was held In the Temple- the ater on Wednesday cvoning. on his native country at a mooting of tho Woman's Missionary association of tho First Congregational church, in tho church pnrlors. v Notice. A riieotlng of tho froshman class will bo hold Friday afternoon at 5 p. m., In Momorlnl hall. Important buslnees relatlvo to the freshman pro gram on Ivy Day will bo dlsqussed. All members of tho class aro requested to bo present. i Ercshnjan , track men aro .urged to ge out. fo ptMtlco.'os soffii as pos sible. A' irtecrf JU ho- held with Wes ley university athl'otejj ono week from noxt Saturday and It is essen tial that tho freshmen got to work. Candidates for places should roport to Newman, Bates, Stanley or Swanson. Thomas Davis, M. E. 1906, now chief engineer of tho Cleveland Crano and fc Jx&r Jl t &? vwrj s r -QbA Since, Spring. has nearly arrived tho Fountain wlfl bo ono of tlio foaturog of the Folsom akery. Wo want you to Jitdgo our wliolo store by oyory thing wo scrVo you in our Soda Water. Tea Cream. ffiffl Punchos mid Delicatessen Lunch Dopnrtmonf. "We vi Make Our Own Candles!" ' 1307 O STREET. BELL 456. AUTO. 2214. Lincoln's Ideal Home Theatre Week Starting April 19, 1909 THE FULTON 8TOCK COMPANY-' Presenting "THE MARRIAGE OF WfLLIAM ASHE" Next Week, April 26, "The Brixton Burglary" Best Seats 25 Cents Every Night at 8:30. Matinees Wed. and Sat. 3130. ORCHESTRA for Concert or Dances Director Ptacht G. F. Tbornburg, - Ralph J. Refd, -" - - - Violin and Cornet Instruction given at Studio, 416 So. 17th. Auto 5877. -WILLIAMS' DANCING ACADEMY Successor to Pitts Social Etenlng " - ArlHannorl P.lacc ' - Friday Monday Eve. Klass EveRings - Wed, & Sat. Private Le&xoris Given if Desired 1124 N STREET Auto 4019 . Bell A-2621 Cameron's Lunch Counter, 123 So., Twelfth St. Dean Burnett of' tho state farm gave u reception to the graduating class of the farm In the Temple on Tuesday evening. O 0 Tho best lunch in tlo city. Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13 & P. No drill was held last night by the firm battalion on account of tho com petotive drill between tho Pershing and Worklzor ItifleB. t Tho Nebraskan will soil a $50 wheel for $25. Do your want it? Mrs. Sidney Silber, who came from the east Tuesday to Join her husband, is a piano instructor in the University Conservatory of Music. One thousand pairs Oxfords on sale at $2.95. Hereford, 1215. O. .Miss El8lo Ackerman of Lincoln, gave a ilnno recital In the Temple theater on Tuesday evening. A large audience was present. u Now spring styles in footwoar now on display. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. The new members of the Palladlan society practiced on Tuesday evening for the play which they are going to present in a short time. 0 0 Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. .Tamos A. Rodman, of Blair, Nob., ex- Engineering company, recently.. so-J " .... . . . cured for his company tne contract lor four large unloading cranos for use or tho Panama canal. Tho cranos hao grab-buckets wolghlng 9,000 pounda. Tho cranes have a lift of sixty-five foet and are guaranteed to make sixty live trips, an hour. The regular weokly mooting of tho Students' Debating club will bo hold Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock In U 106. After a short parliamentary scrap, the following question will be dobatod: Resolved, That party alle giance Is preferable to independent action in politics. Tho affirmative side of the discussion will bo held by R. R. Hill and II. S. Towor, and tho nega tive will bo supported by W. D. Eaton tpi1d J. P. Horn. . IMPORTANCE IS NOT SO GREAT. FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I II.. -! I... ! I III ! WH1TEBREA3T CO. 1106 O Street Auto.3228 Bell 234 University Professor Speaks of the Natural Sciences. In a lecture to ono pf his classou re cently, Professor Fling of tho Eu ropean history department expressed the opinion that the natural sciences will play a smaller part, in tho future, in forming tho basis of a liberal edu cation. The natural sciences, in his opinion, are valuable training, but that it .is impossible to expect a man to get a working knowledge of ull of the Bclences in an ordinary college course or general education. Their value, ho thought lies in their power to acquaint the student with the method by which truth Is established, but that m tho future their importance In a liberal education will diminish. That tho basis of a general education will bo subjects where more Intensive research Is re quired as history, economics and philosophy. Who's Your Tailor? OUR FASHION PLATE8 SHOW NOT ONLY THE MOST AU THORITATIVE IDEAS REGARDING. THE 8EA80N8 STYLES, BUT' DESIGNS OF UNUSUAL ATTRACTIVENE88. WHEN WE TAILOR ONfl OF THESE IDEA8 RIGHT INTO CLOTHES MADE EXPRESSLY FOR YOU, WITH ALL THE DIS TINCTIVENESS of your own Individuality, you obtain FIT AND 8HAPELINE88 NOT fOUND IN CLOTHING MADE FOR NO ONE IN PARTICULAR. 8INCE WE MAKE TAILORED-TO-ORDER CLOTHE8 OF SUR PASSING EXCELLENCE FOR '' - $15.00 l,M WHY 8HOULD YOU STORE CLOTHING? WE PAY MORE, OR WEAR ORDINARY CAN PLEASE YOU. Kfcfc ) jjF oocooc)cooocovscccooocoocioob NIGGERHEAD MAITLAND Lump $9.00 Nut $8:50 'V, t HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing CCCCCffiCCCCCOfiOOO00CCCOffiO00000 ttTP 1-6 siies. I can fit any S lWeeU ncllb head in college. $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 QUICK HOT LEAVES NO ASH GREGORY, The Goal Man LITTLE BUILDING ' BOTH PHONES 1044 0 STREET )QOZ)ZZ)bZ&&2 FULK, -: -- 1325 O OfflO0000OSO00000000000OOOOOBOOfflOfflOOO TYPEWRITERS AH makes -rontod vrlth. stand $3ler4Wlorith. rBargatns-Jn Rebuilt, Machine. -,,. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto llMr-Boll 1181, .123 No, 11th THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all Students. mnrp and Bllrpr Latter Fr, inlaw. wow a B B fl ,. M J' Specialty, UNI SMOKE HOUSE . 1183 O Street, L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR " Come In and get fhat $15.00 Suit ' to you order. 1236 O St. jUlpooln 1010, was a campus visitor yesterday. Mr. Rodman is engaged in the land business at Sidney, Neb. i It you want a bicycle, call at the Ne braalcan offlco. A $50 wheel -for $25. The members' of the senior class will meot this morning at 11:30 o'clock in Memorial hall. The matter of the Ivy Day program will be discussed. Tho Lincoln Dancing Academy is tho most select school in Lincoln. 1132 N. Auto 4477. ! Byron E. Yoder, 1008, who has been principal of the Fairmont high school, since January, has just boon elected superintendent of the, public schools at Ravenna, Nebraska. M. B. Cornelius, 1006, Law 1010, ox- major of the first battalion of tho uni versity cadets, has been appointed supervisor of the military department of tho Nebraska Military Academy. . ' Tho following men have been pledged to Sigma Alpha Epsllon fra ternity: C N. Kcsslor, 1012; A.R, KOBslor, 10J0- Joseph Pomorono, 1012, of Lincoln, and Gus Lofgren, 1012, of Ponca. , ' . . Mr. Dasu, a Hindoo student in the University, Bpoke today at three p. m., ' present PERSHING RIFLE8 WIN "COMPET." First Battalion Organization Defeats 8tate Farm Cadets. Yesterday afternoon at five o'clock at the Stato Farm, the Pershing Rifles and the Workizor Rifles met in a com petetivo drill in which tlio Pershing .Rifles were vIctorlous by a percent age of eighty-ono to seventy. Tho Per shing Rifles Is an organization com posed of the best drilled cadets in tho first battalion and wasv formed by Brigadier Genoral Pershing, who was .commandant several years ago. Tho Worklzor Rifles is a similar organiza tion comnosed of tho men of tho sec ond battalion v which VuJ' formed "by Captain worklzor last year. . - The members of tho two companies bono to make this comnototlvo drill an .annual affair; and it 1b highly probable uiui u ouiuiuiu uujLJiiy will uu unuiuuu ;the winner. Tho judges, of tho. drill - . i ' . .vp -- . - yesterday were Ex-Captain uutnrio, ,1008, and Ex-Major Frankfortor, 1008, ,and Syford, .1006. E, A. Froyd, cadet major or tne urn battalion, timo uoep- ,or. II I Mill! I I Senlor'Auditing Committee. ., The, senior auditing commlttoo con sists oCvtiiq followlrig members: .. I. F,. Baker, Verne Gittlngs, A. M. Candy, Marion Hart, Mary Williams, ;W. A. Robertson, Anna Rathko, R, B Murphy, Marion Horton, Loraino Henv , pel, Dwight Bell,. Lillian Chambers, Lucy, Hewitt, Earl, Wilson, A. B. Bon 'ton, C. A. RelmerB.v' ThiB committee will moot nt. flvo o'clock Friday in II iOO, It Is extreme ly important that ovory member bo freshman May 15, 1909 H fraternity Hall 0 i P f jbioia i'jhrtj&Sk 'Id:jh? $M1mJr' s.,i i i ' 4. LV M Jm. J Mr Jf Jm Jr' . SHIRTS '-'v4s$m$? - f r ' X" I Bfl '',' Well-r " dressed eflrecti; givea by, a ; Cluett Shirt is only; equalled by th& ease and comfort with which it is put on anil off "like acqat;; $1. 50 and mqr .", , " ' ' ... V. ' ''fWiw CLUETT', PEABODY St CO.;TroyV Ni?Y."1' ' aVcr r.t .Tfw Coljir m il i VI n v 0 i. K