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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
qfc.frMiiiMIIWiSMrtsSi MfcWBWP(F . ' I k. . . . i. A ' ' . - ' I WT,' JS5SiCT3? MIMWttiwi "M4AS3n54i ?janva ta u. woti hs ratm 1V2B. jh. jb .... ... ;Wv. . ., . y. V . 4. , (. , .-.,, , i "-.. - r, Yol'VIII. No. 129. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909. , , . ji, .... .. .. . ... Price 5 Cent. 1 V. . r IN SYSTEM CHAMPIONSHIP DEBATE 'VfcVn r . M&&P.AwmMm v -i ' ' .. --, --r ' mi u . -"... "-1 w ' '-im'irj!irlr"!r!' i $be 3afl$ LsrsHH mLIIB H J IB CHANGE tf. ALL-MONEY MUST 0 THROUGH TREASURER'S OFFICE. INSTRUCTORS CAN'T COLLECT Extra Janitor Service To Be Paid for by University and Not by In dlvlduals or Societies Re ceiving Such Service. By n regulation just announced uni- v(or8lty instructors are forbidden to huvo any financial relation whatsoever with tholr students save as may In ex ceptional cases be allowed by the head of the department. In all cases where store-keepers or other departmental ofrlclals receive money from the stu dents, the cash must bo turned in to the treasurer's ofllce and then again checked 'but for expenditures. Mimeographing Is to be paid for out of the departmental cash funds where over possible and In other cases t tho work Is Ho be done through tho uni versity purchasing agent and tho book Btore. Extra janitor service now paid for by Individual students or societies Is to be paid by the university In the future, save, In cases whore the work performod Is entlroly soparate from the uulverslty labors of the employee. Those are tho rules put in force by tho regents at their last meeting. They are Issued not because the board believes that there has been any mis use of the privileges now curtailed, but In order that unjust criticism may be entlrojy obviated and for the fur ther reason that It Is impossible to maintain an exact account of expen ditures unloss all recolpts and expen ditures, no matter what the purpose, go through the treasurer's hands. Books and Mimeographing. y In several classes it has been tho custom In tho paBt for tho instructor in charge to deal directly with his students in. tho matter of -providing them with minor text-books or mime ographed outlines and Instruction sheets. Under the now arrangement tho toxt-book business must be trans ferred to one of the book stores. Tho mimeographing has In tho past been furnished tho students In a var iety of ways. Each department Is al lowed a certain amount for such pur poses and where this sufficed tho stu dent haB been at ho oxponso. Where tho mimeograph work was substituted to a largo extent for a text, orwhoro a great amount or It was required for some other reason, tho departmental funds havo not been sufficient to pro vide for tho drain. In these cases tho Instructor haB again frequently dealt directly with tho Btudents, him self paying Tor and recolvlng pay for tho BheptB, , ' Now 'all this Arhlch .cannot bo paid for out of the department funds must go through the hands of the univer sity purchasing agent. The sheets will bo'preparea; and soid at tho regents book store as In the case of toxt-bpokB. Th8 practlco Is already followed by several departments and tho change will not" cause any serious Inconven ience. , The Janitor Question, 9 1 It 1b frequently the case that stu dent organizations wishing to.tiso some of the buildings on the campus after rogu)ar hours have paid- tho janitors un extra amount to open the building and close It afterward. Othor things of like nature "havo boon necessitated by -the fact that tho rogonta made no provision for .such contingencies,. Now those expenses,' whore allowable, will ho paid for by tho university and jani tors lifnd employes willjhdt bo allowed to receive") any pay from otlior-sourceS for such work,'J ! 'u . 'The 'attitude of the regents In abol- .'h 1 UStrb S - S? X " ' Diamond , 'X 7 ; ,f . ! ""II I 3. ' I Track 1 "1 ' ' According to present plans the now athletic field will be located directly north of the campiiB. It will In clude the whole of the block Included between Tenth and Eleventh and "T" und "U" streets. Two lots will also bo required in the next block to tho cast to give tho roqulred length to tho now field. Eleventh street will bo closed and used as a part of tho field, but no attempt will bo made to close "T" street. A cinder track will surround tho field. Temporary bleachers will be erected over tho track on the south side of tho gridiron. Ac cording to the plans, tennis courts will bo laid out directly cast of the grand stand. ishlng the old plans Is that the feo system 1b to bo limited as much as .possible rather than enlarged. Tho mimeographing charges and tho jani tor's extras constituted in fact special fees-and tho regont8T'bolIevolliatT.ho university as a whole ' Bhould stand the burden of these expenses. FORESTERS ARE TO BANQUET. Club Will Hold Annual Feed at Lin coln Hotel, May 7. At a meeting of tho Forestry Club held last evening plans for tho coming banquet of the club were discussed. The banquet will bo held at tho Lin coln hqtel on Hay 7, and it Ib expected that the affair will bo a big occasion by the students of tho forestry depart ment. A supintuous menu and a toast list of excellence will bo pro vided for tho entertainment 6t Ihp club members. THE GRADUATE CLUB TO -1- MEET. Banquet and Speeches to Be Features , of Last Session Tho last meeting of tho graduate club for tho year 1908-00 will bo held May 7 In the banquet hall of .? Temple. Tho club members will meet at C;00. p. m and onjoy the feast pro vided by tho committee on arrange ments. FollowJng tho dinner several membors of the club will speak on topics of Interest. Ono feature of tho evening will be a report by each de partment as to tho work q its gradu ate students, Those reports will show tho number ot such students whether thoy are majoring or mInorIng in the department, and what work thdy havb done, ' . ' Notice Seniors' prder caps qnd gowns' at Gflbort's book Store, )9y order of tho committee; " -,.., ' " , Baked bcmj, tee premises' and. served; sot with jlellolons brbwtf bread, 10c, .it The beton1' fcorich. SLAUGHTER OF AGGIES BUCK BELTZER AND HIS CREW PILE UP BIG 8CORE. VISITORS CAUSE GAY LAUGHTER Absolutely All to Bad From the 8 tart, Performing 80 Comically That Show. Was Worth Seeing at the Price. Nebraska 14: Manhattan 3, Captain Buck Boltzcr and his Corn huskers opened tholr1 homo reason- by pummollng the vaunted .Manhattan Aggies in a seven-inning gamo at An tolopo park yesterday afternoon by a score of 14 to !1. Tho slaughter fest was1 allowed to go but seven Innings, much to tho olation of tho shivering fnris, in order to permit tho visitors to make their. get:away frpm tho day light cjty 'before tho fatal hour. Tho Aggies went up in tho initial, round and hovered overhead during tho rest of the contest. Several at tempts at decending wore, made, but the Jayhawker ( trlbo only continued With each of these to ' make higher elevations. They were mlghtjr pleased when the nmiable Davy Davidson sliced the tlckor Into his pocket and hit off the held, ' , ' ' i 1 It was tough luck that pursued tho' earth workers' for their string of fit- toon victories, made boforo they Jjoft old Manhattan (iiot In New York) In- .dicales that, they are tho goods. Yes terday, however, wfis tholr off (day and they madb tho error column look like, a muBS of standard oil flgures. Er rors, were accumulated rapidly by soy- eral of, the men especially the llttlo lad who tried to play second both with his clinch Instruments and his food inlet Play Fine Old Ball. Captain Beltzor's -nion, on tho other rhand, were working in grand old stylo .nnd mado light work of the Aggies. Hit the ball? Thoy did and many times, with extra baseB often secured, too. An error In loft garden was tho only offense of tho discouraging kind. .Ward was on tlnTBlab for tho Corn huskers and kept the hits placed. .For tho Aggies two men wore alldwed to work on the rubber. Stack, who ran for two rounds, wbb so easy that ho willingly retired in favor of Stowle, whom tho Cornhuskers found nearly as great a Jay. Ward was the featured wonder In more ways than ono yesterday, too. In the second session ho' canio to tho bat, stepping gently to tho side of the plate and whiffed tho sphere deftly over tho right Hold foncofor the only home run of tho game. When ho smashed the four baggor there wus a gay cry -from the rootors and the big side wheeler was handed the smiling languugo when be majestically touched the homo pan and pattered along to the resting placo of tho other members of his conquering band.. Against Leaguers Today. Today the Cornhuskers will, try their luck with tho Lincoln leaguorsfor tho third tlnio this season. The game is to begin at 3: 30 o'clock with Fleming probably on the mound for the col legians. NbJcl; Monday and Tuesday the. team from our neighbors ' ' tho "show-mo" Btato will bo, the gup'sts ,at 'Antelope S1 Captain Beltrorand "Dog' Eager, , Remombep Missouri next weok. Results of ypstcrlflay's bnt-fost; Nebraska, 2 1 3 3 214 Manhattan, Q 0 0 3 0 0 3 Homo rjins, Ward. Two baso hits, BeUzor; Greensllt. Three base hit, Car- Iroll. Struck out. B;y Ward, 2; by Stack, 1; by Stowio, ,2. Batteries, "Ward; and Carroll; Stack, Stowlb, and Spoer. Umpire, Davidson. 8TATE HIGH 8CHOOL CONTEST IN MEMORIAL HALL. WILL BE HELD ON FETE DAY To Be the Biggest Affair of its Kind Ever Held In Nebraska and Will Be Viewed With Interest By the University, The state championship debate of tho Nebraska High School Debating Leaguo will bo held In Memorial hull on tho evonlng of May 14, or High School Fete Pay. In this contest tho participants will be tho representa tives of tho various district debating leagues, of which there are oloven, In to which the statu Is divided. ThoKo districts aro: tho northorn, north control, onstorn, ooBt control southeastern, southern, control west central, Houthwostern and northwest-; orn and western. There aro almost, llfty schools altogothor In . tho .state jeaguo and this Is divided Into these smaller loagues according to conven ience. Contests Already Held. The championship contests have been held In sovoral of tho districts and the candidates wblch aro to ro resent them here, chosen. Atchlnson Is the champion or tho northern divi sion with C. A. Mohrnmn, 1904, as su perintendent; In tho east central dis trict, University Place ranks first with ('has. E. Teach, 1003, as superintend 'V ent; In tho southern division, Hebron ' urrtti irlt-h Isiam..!. 1 TC..11 1AAO -4 i-t- superintendent; and In tho southwost ' ern district, Boavor City hoias tho hon ors, with W. F. Davis, 1899, as supm--intendent. i'wo of the district 'championship wll be decided tomorrow night. Wahoo and Blair meet nt Wahoo to decldo tho chanipionshlix-of-tho-east' orn district, nnd Geneva onU Oscqola debuto at Osceola for tho central dis trict championship. Tho final debate for tho southeastern district, league, which Is tho largest leaguo in' tile Btato, will be between Auburn, and Wymoro on April 30, The subjectdiscussed In all of these dobatcs was 011 tho compulsoVy arbl tratlon of railroad strikes. There were over thirty dobatcs all together. In the contests tho schools pair off in each district and by tho process of elimination decldo ,upon the winner ,( to represent thorn, here on High School t Feto. Day. ' '" ' , " ' ' , "M, To Be Large Affair. This Contest will bo tho largest ' affair of Its kind over hold in tho state , " f 1 - ',1 " '.1 of Nebraska; Tho university has shown' consfdofobio Interest In this 'tato de- batlngMepgue. Professor' M, M. Fogg of trio doriarlment of rhetoric is' at .tho'jiead 6t the 'leaguo and many ot tho university pfofessors liavo he9n. acting as1 judges at tho various de bates' over the state.' Tbb debater Lwhn'nnntnBt nn Fntn DftVaro of nar - v 1 ; , ...-W ...-. . , tlcular; Interest to ho, university pub- , lie because, th'oy represent tho j)est . product of aHhorough sifting process : ' in, high school (lobatlngv work and b'e ' V cause thoy represent, to a great d,e- ' greo,.tho.mntQral whlcirwijl Somo day .;? take part In university debating. VjEl'. ,Alpha Thsta Chl .Wins. , $: . A.lph Theta. Chi defeated Dplta VP'V. ., sllon- In a warnjly contested, game at. tho Vino, street lot yesterday aftojs nK noon .'by a score of 9 to 3. , ;, Hi' Score by Innings: $ n 'Alpha Thota Ohl 1 0 4 11 2 9 Delta TJpsHon 0 1 0 0 1 0 13 y BattoHesj Alpha Thota Chi, E. Buoi" ' . ..... Vi.i- vt.ji at.i;ii.:'t ana u. anuiu, uoiw uiibhuu, ovumiui nnd D. Russell. t.,4 1 s V. I t i . r . s