The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 21, 1909, Image 1

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The Nety Ground May Include Football
Field, Running Track, Baseball
Diamond, Tennis Courts
. and Two 8tands.
Tho board of regonts have reached
an unofficial decision to secure the
ground requisite for the now athlotic
Held aid drill ground. Tho ground to
.be secured is the west blocks of the
two immediately north of tho campus,
and tho lotB In tho east blocks which
adjoin Eleventh street. This, with the
subsequent closing of Eleventh street
will sufflco for the p.urposo.
-. Immediate action has bpen taken to
"ward gottlng tho proporty and Regent
Coupland has already secured options
on many of tho lots in the west blocks.
No BorloiiB difficulty 1b anticipated in
' securing tho remainder.
Several Plans.
As to exactly what will be done, In
the woy of nrranglng the field and
truck after the property 1b Becured,
scvoralittanB have been diBCUBBed.
The only feasible plan at present ap
pears to bo. to locate the football field
running east "and vest. TIjIb field will
bo Burroun'ded by a cinder track which
each end will be fifty-two feet from
Up item, as mo west diock is ,juu
feet in width, Eleventh street is 120
feet and tho lot on the caBt block is
50 feotj It will make a total of 470 feot
In length for the entlro flold or tho dlB-
' tance from, end to end of the track.
This is tho least possible space Into
Which the track Including within it the
football field can be put as tho football
Held Itself la 330 feet long.
iJTho track on either side will ap
proach within ten feet of tho gridiron.
Directly north of tho Hold and track
a permanent grandstand will bo placed
and in the northwest corner of tho
gridiron boforo tho stand, the base
ball diamond will bo located. On tho
right of the stand, in the northeast
corner of tho entlro field, Ihore will be
ample room for tennis courts. On tho
south, opposite the grand stand, inov
ablp bleachers, will be located. Owing
to the slight lack of room it will bo
necessary to placo tho bleachers over
the cinder path. In the southwest
and southeast corners of tho Held on
trances with pdrmanont houses and
" good turn stiles will bo provided.
Little Grading Required.
Some grading down of tho northeast
corner of, tho field "will be necessary.
Tho northwest corner is tho only low
part of tho flold, but as this is not re
quired for any purpose, a retaining
wall will probably bo placed the length
of tho field north of tho (rack, behind
which the grandstand can be located
without any special grading
Another plan which has boon dis
cussed but discarded aB Impracticable,
was' to run (he flold north and, south.
Th"ls of course would only necessitate
ttio securing of tho west block., Jt was
Pannod to run the field from this
hlock across "T" strept to the, noth
orn edge of tho present, campus, which
. could be accomplished by closing "T"
street between the present campus
and tho new block, t
Project Not' Feasible.
It was discovered that it would be
practically .impossible, however, to
close "T" street between these blocks
as objections would arlBo from per
sons occupying the east block, but, by
k, but,:by
securing the west block and .property
facing Elovcnth on the kiaBt block,
Eleventh can be closed wlthbut In
conveniencing anyone, nB "T" stroet
will still admit of a frco (passagcby
residents on the cast byoclr.
Another objection to this plan was
the fact that "T" street
is only
feet wide and, aB tho new engineering
building runs nearly to the ndrthern
edgo of the campus, sufficient room
would not be obtained for the cinder
path to surround the gridiron, whereas
Eleventh street 1b 120 feet wide which
makes possible such a track.
The plan as as present, drawn up,
will give Nebraska a field such, as she
has never had boforo, and will placo
athletics at. Nebraska on a par with
those at some of the other schools.
She will at least not be hampered by
lack of training facilities as has been
the case In the past. Tho only ques
tion remaining In connection with the
new field 1b one of finances. Manager
Eager has several planB for raising
tho money which he believes Bhouid
meet with approval. One is to have
the students show their loyalty to Ne-
braska by donations and also to "se- '
cure subscriptions from various busi
ness houses of the city.
Musical Numbers. Arouse a Great Deal
of Applause.
Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock tho
senior class gave its annual convoca
tion program .in Momorinl hall. Tho
program was exclusively musical In
its nature and was .intended to show
the talent thnt the class has among Its
Mr. Hugh Robertson, chairman of
the senior convocation committee pre
sided. One of tho largest crowds of'
tho year was preaent and by their ap
plause showed that they appreciated
tho different numbers. Tho program
which was given was as follows:
Tenor boIo John Ketrldge.
Trombone solo S. S. Davis.
Piano solo Miss Hilda Chowlns.
Soprano solo Miss Lorraine Hem
pel. Violin solo Miss Genevieve Fod
rea ontralta.Bolo Jdi8s. Doyo.
Tho Junior program wlH be given
May 11, in Memorial hall and will con
sist 'of a musical program similar to'
the one given by the seniors.
At the request of the convocation
committee both the juniors and sen
iors have decided to do aWay with the
freak stunts that have characterized
tho annual convocation in the past,
and havo decided to make them ser
ious in their nature and an oppor
tunity for the best musical talent in
the class to bo displayed.
tennis Entries by Saturday.
.Arrangements Being Made for
Spring Tournament.
Announcement has been made thnt
all thoso who expect to enter the uni
versity tennis tournament must make
their qntry notlater than Saturday
noon, April 2, as drawings will tako
place upon that date. All university
students who are members of tho ten
nis .association are eligible for the
tournament, but an ontrnnco fee of
twonty-flye cents will bo charged. The
purpoBo of thla fee 1b to provide a
fund for the purpose of purchasing a
suitable prize for the winner of the
unlvqrslty singles championship.
Tho squad from which the tennis
team will bp chosen will consist of
twelye. men who will be selected as
the players do(ng the jjept work in
the tournament, 'When ohosen, tha
squad will be formed Into six teams,
and each team, will play tlip other five,
tho team winning .the highest percen
tage' being tho doubles, champions.
The tennis manager will uo on tho
courts west of Library hall, Saturday
morning for the purpose of receiving
Ithcnentries p 5; fK
Annual Track Games Will Be Held at
the State Fair Grounds Com
mercial. Club Comes in
With Assistance.
For tho first time within two soaBoiiB
tho Cornhuskcr baseball team will UiIb
afternoon meet a forolgn foe in Lin
coln, being scheduled for a nlnc-in-
ning go with tho Kansas Aggies of
.Manhattan, at 4 o'clock at Antelope
park. The southern nine Is making a
trip in this Btnte and Iowa and Is
due to reach here this morning. Yes
terday thoy played at Ames. Monday
the met Highland Park at Dos Moines,
suffering tho first defeat of sixteen
games, tho score being i to 2.
The Aggies have one of the fastest
.baseball aggregations in the west and
are doped to put up a hot game
against tho pupils of Coach Fox this
afternoon. Ail studentB holding sea
Bon athletic tickets will be admitted
to the game free.
Aqnouncement of Election.
Tho nnnual election of Btudent mem
bers of the Nebraska athletic board
will be held on May 10. Candidates
for places on the board must file ap
plications with Dr. Olapp berore
May 3.
Alpha Theta Chi and Delta Upsllon
will play baseball at tho Vine street
lot at 12:30 this afternoon. This Is
one of tho regular .games on tho
schedulo of tho west division tonms.
High School Meet In Lincoln.
The committed of tho Nebraska
Teachers association having in charge
the locating of the annual Nobraska
interscholastlc meet, decided this week
on Lincoln as the place for holding
this big contest, again and set May 14
as the date for it. Owing to. the fail
ure of the university board of regents
to appropriate money to make up tUo
deficit of last spring, Lincoln and tho
university nearly lost the meet for
this season. Tho Lincoln commercial
club came to tho rescue of Dr. Clapp
at tho right time, offering a good guar
antee for the contest, and saved tho
big meet for this city. Tho action of
the local commercial club assures Lin
coln the meeting as a permanent an
nual Institution.
For many years the interscholastlc
meet has been held in Lincoln under
the supervision .of the university' au
thorities and tho oxponsos of advertis
ing it have been paid by the board of
regents. Last spring, however, upon
the recommendation of Chancellor An
drews, the regents refused to appro
priate $G0 that had been spent in ad
vertising tho meet. So this year tho
committee In control of the' contest
considered taking it away from Lin
coln bocauso It felt that the'unlversl
ty did not desire to havo tho meet held
here any more. Kearney made a good
offer -for It and tho committee was
thinking of locating It there, when Dr.
Clapp, and , several other University
men became busy and aroused, tho
commercial club to tako" tho action
.that resulted in securing tho meet for
this city,
Games at Falf Grounds.
As In past years, tho local arrange
ments 'for tho meeting .this spring will
bq In charge of Dr.: Clapp, physical di
rector at tho university, Ho plans to
havo tho. same list of events that were
run off last season and to hold' the'
games at the state fair grounds, Thoso
events will be' as follows; One hundred-yard
dash, half-mile run, 120-yard
Lhurdlos, 220-yard hurdles, -0-yard
run, one-mile run, 220-yard dash,, half-
mile relay race, polo vault, twelve1
pound shot put, running high jump,
twelve-pound hammer . throw, discus
thrdw, running high Jump nnd running
broad. Jump,
Dr. Clapp believes tho meet this
year will bo another record breaker,
surpassing oven InBt spring's banner
gomes in the number of entries and
in attendnnco. Inst spring twonty-Blx
I schools with 130 different athletes took
part In tho moot. This waB tho largest
number of schools that had ever
placed men in tho gamoB. The at
tendance exceeded 1.200 which was
vastly greater than on any former oc
casion. This year each school will bo per
mitted to enter ton. men in tho 'games,
only two men from .each schobl be
ing allowed to enter oach event. The
same arrangements for awarding med
als that wore adopted last snrlng will
obtain this year. Silver and bronzo
medals will bo presented to winners
of first and second placos in each
event and a silk badgo will be glvon
to the winner or third plnco. A gold
medal will be awarded to tho winner
or the greatest number or Individual
Fourth Year Class to Have
Morning Breakfast.
Next Saturday morning tho last sen
ior breakrast of tho year will be given
at Epworth Park. Tho committee In
chnrgo of tho matter has been quietly
working It up for sonio time and de
clares that the breakrast is going to
be the most enjoynble affair of the
kind that the class has ever given.
A number or unusual stunts havo
been prepared, but the ono that will
t ho the most spectacular will be a boat
race between the different colleges
represented in the senior class. Cap
tains will bo appointed for each col
lege and the different tennis will then
bo chosen. A big roast pig will bo
tho feature or breakrast if the plans of
Tho party will tako special carB
at Tonth and O streots at seven
o'clock and will return shortly boforo
noon. As this will bo the last break
fast of tho cla8s,-arrangoments havo
been mado to tako care of a largo
crowd. .
Tickets wore placed on sale yester-.
day morning at thlrty-flvo cents apiece.
These nfny be obtained at the Corn
huskcr office or from any or tho mem
bers of tho committee. The commit
tee is composed of the following atu
donts: It. Harrison, George Humpiel,
H. Weller, Vera Fink, Margaret Burke,
Ituth Castor, Fanchion Hooper, Cam
Hie Evans, Amos Thomas, S. B. Coons,
and G. W. Peters,
"Handsome Conductors" ' and
nlng Guides"- foV Trip.
On May flrst, tho Y. V. C. A. is to
tako a "Tally Rack" excursion to tho
homo of 'MIbb Qraco Hartley (at Grand
VIow Park.
Tho party will bo mado up or all tho
membors of the association, the plan
bolng that all of tho old members who
can shall Invito a new member nnd
furnish refreshments for tho two. If
going unaccompanied, .each momber
Will furnish her own refreshment.
The party will leayo the. Temple
in hay-racks for Grand Ylow Park, re
main there for lunch and return to
tho Temple by evening. A glorious
frolic has bepn planned with, all sorts
of istunts" during the ridd out and
back. ' At the park a mystery called
".Malta's sister Jenny," will bo dis
closed. Various attractions such as
"handsome conductors," "beautiful
scenery," "stunning guides," and
"scrumptous eats," are hilled for the
occasion. A slight charge, of. fifteen
conts will be mado -to defray expenses.
Your car far womli nay for & siu
luBok at Tae .Botto Lica. Way I
io aoaia? . -
Price 5 Cent.
Highly Improbable That Any Further
Change Will Be Made by Unl
. verslty Senate Location
at Ashland Satisfactory. -
Tho announcement In yoBtorday's
Dally Nobraskan that tho annual cadet
oncampmont would be hold nt Ashland
the week nftor examinations was the
cause or considerable discussion oh the
campus yesterday. Studonts wore hl
moBt univorsnlly gratified' at tho nows
that tho camp would not bo hold near
Lincoln nnd that they would conse
quently have four days outing entire-'
ly unhothercd with studies. The prop
osition that the camp be held after
the closo of tho finnl semester toBtB
did not moot with so warm a welcome-,
however, nnd the concensus of opinion
seemed to bo Btrongly ngalnst this
change In the customary arrange
ments. By the action of tho sennto Monday,
camp will bo hold at tho govornmont
rifle rnngo on the PIntto river three
miles from ABhland, Tho camping
ground Is located about ono mllo from
tho rnllroud and three miles from tho
town. There Is no communication
with tho town Bnvo by rond. Tho alto
to bo used by tho cadots Is the samo
one usod by various other military do-
tachmentB during tho year. A section
of reglarH , t,ncami)(J(1 t,Joro ftt tho
,., ,. I ... it. 1,
state militia will be thofo and other
detachments of the regular army will
probably spend some timo In tho field.
As to the Date.
Although pleased with the site tho ,
students generally, do not like- the
dates. The senate decided .Monday '
that ,camp should begin on Iho Friday '
following examinations and .conlln'uo
until tho' next Friday, this belngTtho
usdal length of time, spoilt in ream l i
each yoar. This arrangement will pro
vont seniors who drill' from attending:
baccalaureate or class day exercises
Thoy will bo back In tlrao for com
mencement. Although -few seniors
drill, those who do arojafgely promi
nent In class affairs aridHno camping
proposition will Inconvenience 'theni
considerably. " ''', '.i''
Tho greatest objection arises, how- .'
ever, from studentB who havo planned
to work during the summer., A num-
ber of thoso claim to havo entered
Into contract' to go to work the flrst
week In Juno. Others have planned to
do so, If they have not made definite
arrangements to that effect. On these
mon the camping expedition will'mil '.
doubtedly work a hardship in tho opinio 4
Ion of many of the-student ,hpdy. ' W '
Good In It, Too. , ... 'A
Many of tho kickers are, however,
objecting merely because they do not
want to spend the extra four days in.
work,, although they may not have ar-r
ranged to begin their summer work at
that time, Thoso men see that the
new regulation moans a pracltal ad
dition of Ave days to the university;
school year and they don't like it.
There are a number of students wher
declare, that the recognized advan
tages of having encampment aftor ox-
anilnatlons make up for tho inconveh- -lences.
These men say that they had
rather stay in Lincoln a week later v
and have less chance of failure on ex-'
(Catim4 em Ff i)
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