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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1909)
SI trtimr lii MMiliMMMI Ji' J FFHfclHTY-NBBR&SBftaE c i ii i - -aS as: MtyAftfht ' M-v-i i-Jr 1 i y V (iiivtft : TRl 1 TUESDAY MAT. & NIGHT, APR. 20 Burns-Johnson Fight PICTURES MAXIM'S MODELS hiving Art Reproductions of the World's Famous Paintings VALDON Late of Egyptian Ilnll of Mystery, London CHARLOTTE PARRY AND CO. In "The ConiBtock Mystery" THE MISSES MILCH Tho American Virtuosos M'LLE. LA TINA The Physical Culture Expert DAN ROBY Tho Black Faco Lauder PHILLIPS AND JONES Comedy Musical Entortalnors MatB 2:15 (except Mon.) 15 & 25c Night 8:15 Prices 15, 25, 35 & 50c man Lincoln's Ideal Home Theatre Week Starting April 19, 1909 THE FULTON STOCK COMPANY Presenting "THE MARRIAGE OF WILLIAM ASHE" Next Week, April 26, "The Brixton Burglary" Best Seats 25 Cents Every Night at 8:30. Matinees Wed. and Sat. 3:30. Q R C H EgTRA for Concert or Dances G. F. Tbornburg, - - - Director Ralph J. Rcid, Pianht Violin and Cornet instruction given at Studio, 416 So. 17th. Auto 5877. WILLIAMS' DANCING ACADEMY Succesior to Pitts Social Evening Advanced Class - Friday Monday Eve. Wed. & Sat. I Class Evenings Private Lessons Given if Desired " " 1124 N STREET Auto 4019 Bell A-2621 HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing TYPEWRITERS All makes rontod with atnnd $3 Per Month. Bargains In Robullt Machines. LINCOLN TyPEWRITER EXCHANGE- Auto HKHRell 1181. 1& No. Uth THE ONI SMOKE HOUSE "Welcomes nil Studonta. o q tmim-C ancLSilvor Lpttor B B P1)HS Inlaid Work a B rilUJ Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 11512 O Stroot L. J. HERZOG M.. f t Ht M f t Mt. M THE UNIVERSITY MAK'S TAILOR Come In and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 o 6t. Lincoln - Campus Gleanings j& C II. troy. ItorlBt. 1133 O St. Hurry Porter. Ho has it. 1123 O St. o Walter 1 .omnia, 15)12. spent Sunday in Omaha. Clupln Bros, ilorlsts, 127 So. Thir teenth. William Uurleight spoilt Sunday in Fnirburj, Neb. o o t Dr. Chas. Toungblut, donttat, 202 Burr block. Miss Huth IleacoccK. 1011. visited in Omaha on Sunday, o o Cnmeron's Lunch Counter, 123 So. Twelfth St. Miss Ruth Rlnehart, 1910, Bpent a fov days at her home in Omaha, Neb. 0 The best lunch in tho city. Y. M. C. A. Spa, 13 & P. .Miss Margaret Guthrie. 1909, vislt od at her home In Omaha on Satur day and Sunday. The Ncbraskah will soil a $50 wheel for ?2f. Do you want It? Allan McDonald, 1912, spent the latter part of the pasl week visiting liis parents in Omaha. e One thousand pairs Oxfords on salo at $2.95. Hereford, 1215 O. Frank Dickinson. 1911, visited over Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives at Schuyler. o New spring stylos In footwear now on display. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St. ' Mr. Henley, a Beta Theta PI, from Iowa City, has been visiting the local chapter of that traternlty for'the past few days . Dr. J. R Davis, dentist. Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. o The membeiH of the clashes ,in geology f and (, will go on an ev cursiou to the Platte at the clohe of the ptesent week. If you want a bicycle call at the No- biaskun ofllco. A $50 wheel for $25. Webster Mills, ox-HMO, who is em plojed in tho real estate business at Central City, visited Sunday at the Sigma Alpha Epsllon house. Tho Lincoln Dancing Academy Is the most select school in Lincoln. 1132 N. Auto 4177. Dean Richards of the engineering college announces that he has a call for a draftsman tor mehanical and C?00OCKK505Q "Tween Hats' p $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 FUIK, -V- T" 13256 t A 6 !30000OSQS0300:W3 O & O 000(00G0Q000OfflO structural work. Applications for tho position should be inado at once. The "Men's Doote'ry'- at 12th & P Sts., is Bhowing the very snappiest Spring Shoes for men. a o W. G. Jenkins, 1907, who has beon in Cuba for tho past two years, has recently accopted a position as en gineer on the government Irrigation project In the San Luis Valley, Colo rado. Ralph Wilson of Creston, Iowa; P. T. Robinson or Waterloo, Neb.; Wright Newman of York, Neb., and William Ritchie, Jr., were Initiated into tho Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Fri day evening. 0 Tho annual formal party of tho Alpha X)mlcron PI sorority was hold Saturday evening at the Lincoln ho tel. Aboit eighty couples were In attendance, among them being many alumni nnd invited guests. V. C. Hascall, 1911, has left school for the rest of this year. It is -reported that lie has accopted a posi tion as one or tho manngors -of. Green's Nebraska Indians, on their trip to tho Atlantic coast. Tho 'members of the Phi Gamma Dolta fraternity gave an Informal dancing party Saturday evening in honor of thq Kappa t Alpha Theta so rorlty, at tho Phi Gamma chapter house. About thirty couples wore In attendance, , MIbb Esther Hunter, px-1910, who, nas ueon spending tno winter witn ox-Governor and Mrs, Sheldon at Wayside, Mississippi, has returned to Lincoln and has visited for tho past few days at tho Dolta Delta Delta sorority house. J. A. Sargent, 1903, was a campus visitor jesterday. Slnco leaving school Mr. Sargent has been engaged In railroad work In Cuba. I lo has been interfered with In his work theio on account of the withdrawal of the American provisional govern ment, but will return I3nst In a few days. 0 0 0 A man representing hinuelf to bo a member of. a fraternity represented at the university has been attempting for Fovoral days to get money from business men and university students on the basis of his fraternity ufll na tions. He Is not a fraternity man and is simply using tills as a grounds to misappropriate money. 0 Owing to the fact that the senior convocation Is to be held at Havo lock today the meeting of the Ivy day committee of the senior class and those committees from tho other class for tlia ovcnlng program, will be held at 1 o'clock In V. 10G. Every member should be present for the final arrangements for Ivy Day will be mnde. J. F. Coupe, Chnlrinnn. 0 0 0 C. A. Plerson, who has" charge of the foundry, has. been con lined to his home for the past week on account of an accident In which his foot was severely burned by molten iron. Ills foot became so inflamed at one time during the week, thnt it was feared amputation was necessary. The dan ger Is now past and Mr. PlorBon is now 'able tb be about to a certain extent. 0 0 0 The work oil getting the skeleton of the dlnohyiiVt giant hog) rendy for exhibition In the museum Is pro gressing nicely. The" remains of thlB iiuge animal is the second of Its kind that has ever been found. The other one at present Is in the Carnegie mu seum at Pittsburg. Pa. The specimen now held by the university Is said to be larger than the one at PlttBhurg nnd when mounted will bo. a valuable addition to tho collection already in the possession of the institution and one ol 'which Nebraska may 'A'el proud of 'owning. 0 0 0 The mombtrs of the Students' Ag ricultural club held thier tegular boml-monthh meeting Saturda even ing In the faculty room at the Tem ple A large number of the members weie present. The meeting was given over to a debate on the follow ing question, "Resolved. That milk ing-machines will solve problems of dairymen." jitive was upheld by V. 1910. and V. II. Doubt, the labor Tho afllrm- S. Culver. 1911, main- tallied the negative The decision of the of the question. Judges declared tho negative winner. The club de cided to organize a baseball team and Currier was appointed manager and I lay ward captain. The neMt meeting of the club will be held Sat urday evening, May 1st. OO O 0G0OSWQSOSeMiO ? 1-6 sizes. I can fit any head in college. ft IN MEMORY OF DR. CANFIELD Special Convocation in Honor of Late ex-Chancellor. In honor of tho late Dr. Canfleld, formerly chancellor of tho Univorsity of Nebraska, a special memorial serv ice has been arranged for next Friday morning. All eleven o'clock classes will be dismissed and a program con sisting of music and addresses will be given in Memorial hall. The pro gram is as follows: Largo Ildndel String Quartet und Organ. "But the Lord Is Mindful of Ills Own" Mendelssohn "Tho University Chorus. Responsive Reading Chnncollor Avery. Addresses: Professor H. W. Cald-' well, Professor F. M.. Fling,. Hon. Victor RoseVater. Hymn. Resolution of Regents nnd Sen ute Hon. Charles S. Alton, President Board of Regents. Largo . , Handel String Quartet and Organ. Benediction and Response. NOTICE. Tho Latin club will meet with Pro fessor Barbor Tuesday ovonlng o,t his homo, 1230 L street. Dr. McConnoll. tho now nrnHldont of DePnuw, has beou chosen unlvor-. siiy prencner at Harvard. j i lTho Houso of Rlmmon" was pre sented by tlfo Dramatic club' of unf vorslty of Cnllfornla on April 3. I ft ll V , ) IMKvTw iwAfc? HhuSjj 24fi WOV S7rO 96 OMlM 'TONE 'irKrRV,Kc 9M PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTI8ER8I George Bros. Printing Eneravine Fltio Ltno Pound mul Hox Stationery Embossing '""SSfWSfi THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Ownod by tho Stockholders of tho First National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Bank Looms, Tenth A O UNIVEftSITYJEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker S. S- Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited I r" Hot Drinks are now In season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Vl.U 14th &o ISJtCnen S.W.Corner CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Electrlo.Shoi Repair Factory Saves You TIME -AND -MONEY 1220 O Street PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! r Get your Punches, Sherbets, and Ice Cream from COLLINS Special attention giyen to Student Affairs. Bowls,. Spoons and Glass es furnished free. Collins Bros. Ice Cream Co. Seventh "and L Streets Bell 428 PHONES Auto 1228 I Businm Directory Evary Loyal University Student Is urged to patronize these Ne braokandvertlserBj and to rnen tlon the paper while doing so. BANK8 Qontrnl National. First Trust and Savings Fannorn & MorchantB. BAKERIES Folsoin, BATH HOUSE Chris', Klovonth and P Sts BOOK 8TORE8 Co-Op. Porter's. Utilvorslly. CQAR8 Colo & McKonna. CLOTHING ; Fnrqulmr. Magoo & Doemor. Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Speloi; & Simon. Corf Clothing Co. COAL GfQgory. WhitobreaBt. ,CONFECTIONERY-- H Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMIES Lincoln. Williams. DENTI8T8 J. R. Davlfl. . Yungblut. ' DRY GOODS Herpolsuelmor. Millor & Palno. DRUGGISTS Rlggo. ENGRAVERS Corholl. FLORI8T8 Chapln Bros, O. H. Proy. FURNI8HING8 Budd. Corf Cintlilng Co. Fulk. H Magco & Doemor. Mayor Bros. Palaco Clothing Co. Spolcr & Simon. Fred Schmidt & Bros. GROCERIES Nebraska Grocory & Moat K' 1.0. HATTERS Budd. Fulk. Unland. : CcrC Clothing Co. ICE CREAM' ijitt-W Cameron's. , Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWEUER8 Halletl. Tucker. y LUNCHEONETTES Fol8om. LAUNDRIES Evans. Merchnntn. v OPTICIAN8 Shean. ORCHESTRA Q. P. Thornborg. PHOTOGRAPHERS Townsond. PRINTER8 Georgo Bros. Simmons. Young & Van Tyne. 8HEET MU8IC B. J, Walt. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch. Cameron's. )K SHOES v v 6 K Cerf Clothing Co. Beckman Bros. fc Brantyalte. Budd. 4t Cincinnati Shoe Store. Sandersons. Rogers & Perkins, fc, Potty. - -. ,- , , Horoford. . fl SklRTS . . u ThotSkirt Stroo, . TAILORS i. ' i( - Elliott Bros. K . Horzog, v. ' LudwlB... ,. , College Tailors. Scotch Woolen .Mills. , Gregory. THEATERS-- Lyric. i Majestic. v " Oiivor " , ,f rW2" TYPEWRITERS f Llncola Typowrlter : Ex- change. -, ', Undorwood Typewrltr Co. ' s PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS---OUR f- t 5 ' ? il